Info .EXE .DLL .misc DIR COM


File Name / Variants Description
_setup.dll (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) 32-bit Setup Launcher Resource.
8f-26e7-43a9-aa7d-2b616b672dde_eventlogservice.dll ApiSet Schema Extension DLL.
fb-4177-9ae8-42e8b3529933_RuntimeDeviceInstall.dll ApiSet Schema Extension DLL.
7z.dll 7z Plugin.
7-zip.dll 7-Zip Shell Extension.
7-zip32.dll 7-Zip Shell Extension.
aadauthhelper.dll (2) Microsoft AAD Auth Helper.
aadcloudap.dll AAD Cloud AP Plugin.
aadjcsp.dll AADJCSP.
aadtb.dll (2) AAD Token Broker Helper Library.
aadWamExtension.dll (2) AAD WAM extension DLL.
AarSvc.dll (2) Agent Activation Runtime Service.
AboutSettingsHandlers.dll System Settings About Handlers Implementation.
AboveLockAppHost.dll (2) AboveLockAppHost.
AccCheck.dll (2) (3) (4) .
Accessibility.dll .NET Framework. Flavor=Retail
accessibilitycpl.dll (2) Ease of access control panel.
ACCOLK.DLL Access Outlook Data Collection Addin.
ACCOLKI.DLL Access Outlook Data Collection Addin International Resources.
accountaccessor.dll (2) Sync data model to access accounts.
AccountsRt.dll (2) Accounts RT utilities for mail, contacts, calendar.
AccountsTab.dll AccountsTab.
ACCWIZ.DLL Microsoft Access Wizard Controls.
ACECORE.DLL Microsoft Access database engine DLL.
ACEDAO.DLL Microsoft Access database engine Data Access Object Library.
ACEERR.DLL Microsoft Access database engine Error DLL.
ACEES.DLL Microsoft Access database engine Expression Service.
ACEEXCH.DLL Microsoft Access database engine Exchange ISAM.
ACEEXCL.DLL Microsoft Access database engine Excel ISAM.
ACEINTL.DLL Microsoft Access database engine International DLL.
ACEODBC.DLL Microsoft Access database engine ODBC International DLL.
ACEODBCI.DLL Microsoft Access database engine ODBC International DLL.
ACEODDBS.DLL Microsoft Access database engine FoxPro IISAM ODBC setup DLL.
ACEODEXL.DLL Microsoft Access database engine FoxPro IISAM ODBC setup DLL.
ACEODTXT.DLL Microsoft Access database engine FoxPro IISAM ODBC setup DLL.
ACEOLEDB.DLL Microsoft Access database engine OLE DB Provider.
ACETXT.DLL Microsoft Access database engine Text ISAM.
ACEWDAT.DLL Microsoft Access database engine Sort Tables DLL.
ACEWSS.DLL Microsoft Access database engine SharePoint ISAM.
ACEWSTR.DLL Microsoft Access database engine Sort DLL.
ACEXBE.DLL Microsoft Access database engine xBASE ISAM.
AcGenral.dll (2) Windows Compatibility DLL.
ackutil.dll Application Certification Kit Utility.
AcLayers.dll (2) Windows Compatibility DLL.
acledit.dll (2) Access Control List Editor.
aclui.dll (2) Security Descriptor Editor.
acmigration.dll Compatibility Upgrade Migration Host.
ACPBackgroundManagerPolicy.dll d ACP Background Manager Policy DLL.
acpikd.dll (2) (3) (4) ACPI debugger extensions.
acppage.dll (2) Compatibility Tab Shell Extension Library.
acproxy.dll Autochk Proxy DLL.
AcSpecfc.dll (2) Windows Compatibility DLL.
ActionCenter.dll (2) Security and Maintenance.
ActionCenterCPL.dll (2) Security and Maintenance Control Panel.
ActionQueue.dll Unattend Action Queue Generator / Executor.
ActivationClient.dll (2) Activation Client.
ActivationManager.dll (2) Activation Manager.
activeds.dll (2) ADs Router Layer DLL.
ActiveSyncCsp.dll ActiveSync CSP DLL.
ActiveSyncProvider.dll (2) The engine that syncs ActiveSync accounts.
actxprxy.dll (2) ActiveX Interface Marshaling Library.
AcWinRT.dll (2) Windows Compatibility DLL.
ACWIZRC.DLL Microsoft Access Wizard International DLL.
acwow64.dll Windows Compatibility for 32bit Apps on Win64.
AcXtrnal.dll (2) Windows Compatibility DLL.
ADAL.DLL (2) (3) (4) ADAL.Native.
adammigrate.dll (2) Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services migration plugin.
AdaptiveCards.dll (2) Windows Adaptive Cards API Server.
AddressParser.dll (2) ADDRESSPARSER.
AdeModule.dll Access Database Engine Text Extraction Module. Service Pack 20
adhapi.dll AD harvest sites and subnets API.
adhsvc.dll AD Harvest Sites and Subnets Service.
AdmTmpl.dll (2) Administrative Templates Extension.
adodb.dll .
adplusext.dll (2) (3) (4) Adplus Extension.
adprovider.dll (2) adprovider DLL.
adrclient.dll (2) Microsoft Access Denied Remediation Client.
adsldp.dll (2) ADs LDAP Provider DLL.
adsldpc.dll (2) ADs LDAP Provider C DLL.
adsmsext.dll (2) ADs LDAP Provider DLL.
adsnt.dll (2) ADs Windows NT Provider DLL.
adtschema.dll (2) Security Audit Schema DLL.
AdvancedEmojiDS.dll “AdvancedEmojiDS.DYNLINK”.
advapi32.dll (2) Advanced Windows 32 Base API.
advapi32res.dll (2) Advanced Windows 32 Base API.
advpack.dll (2) ADVPACK.
adwsmigrate.dll (2) Active Directory Web Services migration plugin.
aeevts.dll (2) Application Experience Event Resources.
aeinv.dll (2) Application Inventory Component.
aepic.dll (2) Application Experience Program Cache.
aeplugin.dll AEPlugin Event Library.
agentactivationruntime.dll (2) Agent Activation Runtime Common DLL.
agentactivationruntimewindows.dll (2) Agent Activation Runtime Windows DLL.
AJRouter.dll AllJoyn Router Service DLL.
altspace.dll (2) .
amazonredshiftodbc_sb32.dll Simba Amazon Redshift ODBC Driver.
amsi.dll (2) Anti-Malware Scan Interface.
amsiproxy.dll Anti-Malware Scan Interface proxy.
amstream.dll (2) DirectShow Runtime..
Analog.Shell.Broker.dll Analog.Shell.Broker DLL.
AnalogCommonProxyStub.dll (2) Analog Common Proxy Stub.
apds.dll (2) Microsoft Help Data Services Module.
APHostClient.dll (2) Accounts Host Service RPC Client .
APHostRes.dll Accounts Host Resources.
APHostService.dll Accounts Host Service.
ApiClient.dll Microsoft Office API Client Library.
api-ms-win-base-util-l1-1-0.dll (2) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-core-com-l1-1-0.dll (2) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-core-comm-l1-1-0.dll (2) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-core-console-l1-1-0.dll (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-core-console-l1-2-0.dll (2) (3) (4) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-core-datetime-l1-1-0.dll (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-core-datetime-l1-1-1.dll (2) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-core-debug-l1-1-0.dll (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-core-debug-l1-1-1.dll (2) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-core-delayload-l1-1-0.dll (2) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-core-errorhandling-l1-1-0.dll (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-core-errorhandling-l1-1-1.dll (2) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-0.dll (2) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1.dll (2) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-core-file-l1-1-0.dll (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-core-file-l1-2-0.dll (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-core-file-l1-2-1.dll (2) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-core-file-l2-1-0.dll (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) ApiSet Stub DLL.
API-MS-Win-core-file-l2-1-1.dll (2) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-core-handle-l1-1-0.dll (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-core-heap-l1-1-0.dll (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) ApiSet Stub DLL.
API-MS-Win-Core-Heap-Obsolete-L1-1-0.dll (2) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-core-interlocked-l1-1-0.dll (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-core-io-l1-1-0.dll (2) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-core-io-l1-1-1.dll (2) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-core-kernel32-legacy-l1-1-0.dll (2) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-core-kernel32-legacy-l1-1-1.dll (2) ApiSet Stub DLL.
API-MS-Win-Core-Kernel32-Private-L1-1-0.dll (2) ApiSet Stub DLL.
API-MS-Win-Core-Kernel32-Private-L1-1-1.dll (2) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-core-libraryloader-l1-1-0.dll (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-core-libraryloader-l1-1-1.dll (2) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-0.dll (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-1.dll (2) ApiSet Stub DLL.
API-MS-Win-core-localization-obsolete-l1-2-0.dll (2) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-core-memory-l1-1-0.dll (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-core-memory-l1-1-1.dll (2) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-core-memory-l1-1-2.dll (2) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-core-namedpipe-l1-1-0.dll (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-core-privateprofile-l1-1-0.dll (2) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-core-privateprofile-l1-1-1.dll (2) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-core-processenvironment-l1-1-0.dll (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-core-processenvironment-l1-2-0.dll (2) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-core-processthreads-l1-1-0.dll (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-core-processthreads-l1-1-1.dll (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-core-processthreads-l1-1-2.dll (2) ApiSet Stub DLL.
pi-ms-win-core-processtopology-obsolete-l1-1-0.dll (2) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-core-profile-l1-1-0.dll (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-core-realtime-l1-1-0.dll (2) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-core-registry-l1-1-0.dll (2) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-core-registry-l2-1-0.dll (2) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-core-rtlsupport-l1-1-0.dll (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-core-shlwapi-legacy-l1-1-0.dll (2) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-core-shlwapi-obsolete-l1-1-0.dll (2) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-core-shutdown-l1-1-0.dll (2) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-core-stringansi-l1-1-0.dll (2) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-core-string-l1-1-0.dll (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) ApiSet Stub DLL.
API-MS-Win-core-string-l2-1-0.dll (2) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-core-stringloader-l1-1-1.dll (2) ApiSet Stub DLL.
API-MS-Win-core-string-obsolete-l1-1-0.dll (2) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-1-0.dll (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0.dll (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-core-sysinfo-l1-1-0.dll (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-core-sysinfo-l1-2-0.dll (2) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-core-sysinfo-l1-2-1.dll (2) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-core-threadpool-l1-2-0.dll (2) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-core-threadpool-legacy-l1-1-0.dll (2) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-core-threadpool-private-l1-1-0.dll (2) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-core-timezone-l1-1-0.dll (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-core-url-l1-1-0.dll (2) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-core-util-l1-1-0.dll (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-core-version-l1-1-0.dll (2) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-core-wow64-l1-1-0.dll (2) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-core-xstate-l1-1-0.dll (2) ApiSet Stub DLL.
API-MS-Win-core-xstate-l2-1-0.dll (2) (3) (4) (5) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-crt-conio-l1-1-0.dll (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-crt-convert-l1-1-0.dll (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-crt-environment-l1-1-0.dll (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-crt-filesystem-l1-1-0.dll (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-crt-heap-l1-1-0.dll (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-crt-locale-l1-1-0.dll (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-crt-math-l1-1-0.dll (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-crt-multibyte-l1-1-0.dll (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-crt-private-l1-1-0.dll (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-crt-process-l1-1-0.dll (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-crt-stdio-l1-1-0.dll (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-crt-string-l1-1-0.dll (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-crt-time-l1-1-0.dll (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-crt-utility-l1-1-0.dll (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) ApiSet Stub DLL.
API-MS-Win-devices-config-L1-1-0.dll (2) ApiSet Stub DLL.
API-MS-Win-devices-config-L1-1-1.dll (2) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-downlevel-kernel32-l2-1-0.dll (2) ApiSet Stub DLL.
API-MS-Win-Eventing-ClassicProvider-L1-1-0.dll (2) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-eventing-consumer-l1-1-0.dll (2) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-eventing-controller-l1-1-0.dll (2) (3) ApiSet Stub DLL.
API-MS-Win-Eventing-Legacy-L1-1-0.dll (2) ApiSet Stub DLL.
API-MS-Win-Eventing-Provider-L1-1-0.dll (2) (3) (4) (5) ApiSet Stub DLL.
API-MS-Win-EventLog-Legacy-L1-1-0.dll (2) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-security-base-l1-1-0.dll (2) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-security-cryptoapi-l1-1-0.dll (2) ApiSet Stub DLL.
API-MS-Win-Security-Lsalookup-L2-1-0.dll (2) ApiSet Stub DLL.
API-MS-Win-Security-Lsalookup-L2-1-1.dll (2) ApiSet Stub DLL.
API-MS-Win-security-lsapolicy-l1-1-0.dll (2) ApiSet Stub DLL.
API-MS-Win-security-provider-L1-1-0.dll (2) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-security-sddl-l1-1-0.dll (2) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-service-core-l1-1-0.dll (2) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-service-core-l1-1-1.dll (2) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-service-management-l1-1-0.dll (2) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-service-management-l2-1-0.dll (2) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-service-private-l1-1-0.dll (2) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-service-private-l1-1-1.dll (2) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-service-winsvc-l1-1-0.dll (2) ApiSet Stub DLL.
api-ms-win-shcore-stream-l1-1-0.dll (2) ApiSet Stub DLL.
apisampling.dll API Sampling.
ApiSetHost.AppExecutionAlias.dll (2) ApiSetHost.AppExecutionAlias.
apisetschema.dll ApiSet Schema DLL.
APMon.dll Adaptive Port Monitor.
APMonPortMig.dll APMon Ports Migration Plugin.
appbackgroundtask.dll App Background Task Manager.
appcert.resources.dll (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) .
appcertui.resources.dll (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) .
AppContainerCheck.dll AppContainerCheck.
AppContracts.dll (2) Windows AppContracts API Server.
AppearancesTab.dll .
AppExtension.dll (2) AppExtension API.
apphelp.dll (2) Application Compatibility Client Library.
Apphlpdm.dll (2) Application Compatibility Help Module.
appidapi.dll (2) Application Identity APIs Dll.
AppIdPolicyEngineApi.dll (2) AppId Policy Engine API Module.
appidsvc.dll Application Identity Service.
appinfo.dll Application Information Service.
appinfoext.dll appinfoext.
AppInstallerPrompt.Desktop.dll (2) AppInstaller Prompt Desktop.
ApplicationControlCSP.dll ApplicationControl Configuration Service Provider.
ApplicationFrame.dll Application Frame.
AppLockerCSP.dll (2) AppLockerCSP.
AppManagementConfiguration.dll (2) Application Management Configuration.
AppManager.dll Sennheiser SDK.
AppManMigrationPlugin.dll TODO: File description .
appmgmts.dll (2) Software installation Service.
appmgr.dll (2) Software Installation Snapin Extenstion.
AppMon.dll App Printer.
AppointmentActivation.dll (2) DLL for AppointmentActivation.
AppointmentApis.dll (2) DLL for CalendarRT.
appprelaunchlib.dll AppPrelaunch Automation Library.
appraiser.dll Compatibility Appraiser.
AppReadiness.dll AppReadiness.
apprepapi.dll (2) Application Reputation APIs Dll.
AppResolver.dll (2) App Resolver.
AppSharingChromeHook64.dll Skype for Business.
appsruprov.dll Application System Resource Usage Monitor (SRUM) provider.
AppVCatalog.dll (2) AppVCatalog.
AppvClientEventLog.dll Microsoft Application Virtualization Client Log Message Dll.
AppVClientPS.dll (2) Microsoft Application Virtualization Client API Proxy Stub.
AppVEntStreamingManager.dll Microsoft Application Virtualization Client Streaming Manager Component.
AppVEntSubsystemController.dll Microsoft Application Virtualization Client Subsystem Controller.
AppVEntSubsystems32.dll Client Virtualization Subsystems.
AppVEntSubsystems64.dll Client Virtualization Subsystems.
AppVEntVirtualization.dll Microsoft Application Virtualization Client Virtualization Manager Component.
appvetwclientres.dll Microsoft Application Virtualization Client ETW Provider Resources.
appvetwsharedperformance.dll Microsoft Application Virtualization Shared Performance ETW Provider Resources.
appvetwstreamingux.dll Microsoft Application Virtualization Client Streaming UX ETW Provider Resources.
AppVFileSystemMetadata.dll (2) Microsoft Application Virtualization File System Metadata Dll.
AppVIntegration.dll (2) AppVIntegration.
AppVIsvApi.dll AppVIsvApi.
AppVIsvStreamingManager.dll AppVOfficeStreamingManager.
AppVIsvSubsystemController.dll AppVIsvSubsystemController.
AppvIsvSubsystems32.dll AppVIsvSubsystems32.
AppvIsvSubsystems64.dll AppVIsvSubsystems64.
AppVIsvVirtualization.dll AppVIsvVirtualization.
AppVManifest.dll (2) AppVManifest.
AppVOrchestration.dll (2) Microsoft Application Virtualization Client Orchestration.
AppVPolicy.dll (2) Microsoft Application Virtualization Policy Library.
AppVPublishing.dll Microsoft Application Virtualization Client Publishing.
AppVReporting.dll Microsoft Application Virtualization Client Reporting.
AppVScripting.dll (2) Microsoft Application Virtualization AppV Client Scripting.
AppVSentinel.dll (2) Microsoft Application Virtualization Client Sentinel DLL.
AppVStreamingUX.dll Microsoft Application Virtualization Client StreamingUX Component.
AppVStreamingUX.resources.dll .
AppVStreamMap.dll Microsoft Application Virtualization StreamMap Dll.
AppVTerminator.dll (2) Microsoft Application Virtualization Terminator.
AppxAllUserStore.dll (2) AppX All User Store DLL.
AppXApplicabilityBlob.dll Appx Applicability Blob DLL.
AppxApplicabilityEngine.dll (2) AppX Applicability Engine.
AppXDeploymentClient.dll (2) AppX Deployment Client DLL.
AppXDeploymentExtensions.desktop.dll AppX Deployment Extensions Desktop DLL.
AppXDeploymentExtensions.onecore.dll AppX Deployment Extensions OneCore DLL.
AppXDeploymentServer.dll AppX Deployment Server DLL.
appxman.dll AppX Manager Helper Library.
AppxPackaging.dll (2) (3) (4) (5) Native Code Appx Packaging Library.
AppxProvider.dll (2) DISM App Package (.appx) Provider.
appxsip.dll (2) (3) (4) (5) Appx Subject Interface Package.
AppxStreamingDataSourcePS.dll APPX Streaming Data Source COM Proxy/Stub DLL.
AppxSysprep.dll AppX Sysprep Provider.
AppxUpgradeMigrationPlugin.dll Appx Upgrade Migration Plugin.
archiveint.dll (2) Windows-internal libarchive library.
ariawebverification.dll (2) (3) (4) .
asferror.dll (2) ASF Error Definitions.
aspnet_counters.dll (2) Microsoft ASP.NET Performance Counter Shim DLL. Flavor=Retail
AssignedAccessCsp.dll .
AssignedAccessManager.dll AssignedAccessManager.
assignedaccessmanagersvc.dll AssignedAccessManagerSvc.
assignedaccessproviderevents.dll Windows Assigned Access Provider Events DLL.
AssignedAccessRuntime.dll (2) AssignedAccessRuntime.
AssignedAccessShellProxy.dll AssignedAccessShellProxy.
AssocProvider.dll (2) DISM Assoc Provider.
asycfilt.dll (2) ASYCFILT.DLL.
at_dll.dll at_dll Dynamic Link Library.
atl.dll (2) ATL Module for Windows XP (Unicode).
atl100.dll ATL Module for Windows.
atl110.dll ATL Module for Windows.
atlthunk.dll (2) atlthunk.dll.
atmlib.dll (2) Windows NT OpenType/Type 1 API Library..
audiodev.dll Portable Media Devices Shell Extension.
AudioEndpointBuilder.dll Windows Audio Endpoint Builder.
AudioEng.dll (2) Audio Engine.
AudioHandlers.dll Audio Settings Handlers Implementation.
AUDIOKSE.dll (2) Audio Ks Endpoint.
audioresourceregistrar.dll AudioResourceRegistrar DLL.
AUDIOSEARCHLTS.DLL Microsoft OneNote Audio Search East Asian Phonetic Parser.
AUDIOSEARCHMAIN.DLL Microsoft OneNote Audio Search.
AUDIOSEARCHSAPIFE.DLL Microsoft OneNote Audio Search API Front End.
AudioSes.dll (2) Audio Session.
audiosrv.dll Windows Audio Service.
AudioSrvPolicyManager.dll Windows Audio Service Policy Manager.
AudioVideoTabPlugin.dll AudioVideoTab.
auditcse.dll Windows Audit Settings CSE.
AuditNativeSnapIn.dll (2) Audit Policy Group Policy Editor Extension.
auditpolcore.dll (2) Audit Policy Program.
AuditPolicyGPInterop.dll (2) Audit Policy GP Module.
auditpolmsg.dll (2) Audit Policy MMC SnapIn Messages.
AuditSettingsProvider.dll .
audmigplugin.dll (2) (3) Offline Files Migration Plugin.
AuthBroker.dll (2) Web Authentication WinRT API.
AuthBrokerUI.dll (2) AuthBroker UI.
authentication.dll Authentication.
AuthExt.dll (2) Authentication Extensions.
authfwcfg.dll (2) Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security Configuration Helper.
AuthFWGP.dll (2) Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security Group Policy Editor Extension.
AuthFWSnapin.dll (2) Microsoft.WindowsFirewall.SnapIn. Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security Snap-in
AuthFWSnapIn.Resources.dll (2) .
AuthFWWizFwk.dll (2) Wizard Framework.
AuthFWWizFwk.Resources.dll (2) .
AuthHostProxy.dll Web Authentication Host Proxy.
authui.dll (2) Windows Authentication UI.
authz.dll (2) Authorization Framework.
autopilot.dll AutoPilot.
autopilotdiag.dll ETW for Autopilot Diagnostics.
autoplay.dll (2) AutoPlay Control Panel.
autotimesvc.dll AutoTime Service.
AvayaEquinoxAdapter.dll AvayaEquinoxAdapter dll file.
avicap32.dll (2) AVI Capture window class.
avifil32.dll (2) Microsoft AVI File support library.
avrt.dll (2) Multimedia Realtime Runtime.
axeonoffhelper.dll Microsoft Assessment Execution Engine On/Off Helper Library.
AxInstSv.dll ActiveX Installer Service.
azroles.dll (2) azroles Module.
azroleui.dll (2) Authorization Manager.
AzSqlExt.dll (2) AzMan Sql Audit Extended Stored Procedures Dll.
AzureSettingSyncProvider.dll (2) Azure Setting Sync Provider.
BackgroundMediaPolicy.dll (2) d Background Media Policy DLL.
BamSettingsClient.dll (2) Background Activity Moderator Settings Client.
BarcodeProvisioningPlugin.dll Barcode Provisioning Plugin.
BarcodeScannerProtocolProvider.dll BarcodeScanner Protocol Provider.
basecsp.dll (2) Microsoft Base Smart Card Crypto Provider.
basesrv.dll Windows NT BASE API Server DLL.
batchparser.dll BatchParser. SQL
batmeter.dll (2) Battery Meter Helper DLL.
bcastdvr.proxy.dll (2) Broadcast DVR Proxy.
BcastDVRBroker.dll (2) Windows Runtime BcastDVRBroker DLL.
BcastDVRClient.dll (2) Windows Runtime BcastDVRClient DLL.
BcastDVRCommon.dll (2) Windows Runtime BcastDVRCommon DLL.
bcastdvruserservice.dll Broadcast DVR User Service.
bcd.dll (2) BCD DLL.
bcdprov.dll Boot Configuration Data WMI Provider.
bcdsrv.dll Boot Configuration Data COM Server.
BCP47Langs.dll (2) BCP47 Language Classes.
BCP47mrm.dll (2) BCP47 Language Classes for Resource Management.
bcrypt.dll (2) Windows Cryptographic Primitives Library (Wow64).
bcryptprimitives.dll (2) Windows Cryptographic Primitives Library.
BCSRuntimeRes.dll Microsoft Office component.
BdeHdCfgLib.dll Windows BitLocker Drive Preparation Tool.
bderepair.dll BitLocker Drive Encryption: Drive Repair Tool.
bdesvc.dll BDE Service.
BdeSysprep.dll BdeSysprep.
bdeui.dll Windows BitLocker Drive Encryption User Interface.
BFE.DLL Base Filtering Engine.
BHOINTL.DLL (2) URL Redirector Pluggable UI.
bi.dll Background Broker Infrastructure Client Library.
bidispl.dll (2) Bidispl DLL.
binaryinfo.dll Binary Information Automation Library.
bindfltapi.dll BindFlt user mode API.
BingASDS.dll Microsoft Bing Auto Suggestion Datasource Dll.
BingFilterDS.dll “BingFilterDS.DYNLINK”.
BingMaps.dll (2) Bing Map Control.
BingOnlineServices.dll (2) Bing online services.
BinScopeLib.dll BinScopeLib.
BioCredProv.dll (2) WinBio Credential Provider.
BIPLAT.DLL Microsoft Office BI Platform.
bisrv.dll Background Tasks Infrastructure Service.
BitLockerCsp.dll (2) BitLockerCSP.
bitsigd.dll Background Intelligent Transfer Service IGD Support.
bitsperf.dll (2) Perfmon Counter Access.
BitsProxy.dll (2) Background Intelligent Transfer Service Proxy.
biwinrt.dll (2) Windows Background Broker Infrastructure.
blb_ps.dll Microsoft Block Level Backup proxy/stub.
BlbEvents.dll Blb Publisher.
blbres.dll Microsoft Block Level Backup Engine Service Resources.
BluetoothApis.dll (2) Bluetooth Usermode Api host.
BluetoothDesktopHandlers.dll Bluetooth Desktop Handlers.
bnmanager.dll Battery Notification Manager.
BootMenuUX.dll BootMenuUX.
bootstr.dll Boot String Resource Library.
bootux.dll bootux.
BOOTVID.DLL (2) VGA Boot Driver.
BRANDING.DLL MS Office Branding Companion.
bridgemigplugin.dll Offline Files Migration Plugin.
bridgeres.dll Bridge Resources.
BroadSoftAdapter.dll BroadSoftAdapter dll file.
BrokerLib.dll Broker Base Library.
brotlicommon.dll .
brotlidec.dll .
browcli.dll (2) Browser Service Client DLL.
browserbroker.dll BrowserBroker.
BrowserPlugin.dll Cisco Jabber.
BrowserSettingSync.dll (2) Browser Setting Synchronization.
browseui.dll (2) Shell Browser UI Library.
BTAGService.dll (2) Bluetooth Audio Gateway Service.
BthAvctpSvc.dll Bluetooth AVCTP Service DLL.
BthAvrcp.dll Bluetooth AVRCP Service DLL.
BthAvrcpAppSvc.dll Bluetooth AVRCP Application Bridge Service DLL.
bthci.dll Bluetooth Class Installer.
bthkd.dll (2) (3) (4) Microsoft Kernel Debugger Extensions (Bluetooth).
bthmigplugin.dll (2) (3) Offline Files Migration Plugin.
BthMtpContextHandler.dll Bluetooth MTP Context Menu Handler.
bthpanapi.dll bthpanapi.
BthpanContextHandler.dll Bthpan Context Handler.
BthRadioMedia.dll Bluetooth Radio Media Provider.
bthserv.dll Bluetooth Support Service.
BthTelemetry.dll (2) Bluetooth Telemetry Agent.
btpanui.dll (2) Bluetooth PAN User Interface.
BWContextHandler.dll (2) ContextH Application.
C_G18030.DLL (2) GB18030 DBCS-Unicode Conversion DLL.
c_GSM7.DLL (2) GSM 7bit Code Page Translation DLL for SMS.
C_IS2022.DLL (2) ISO-2022 Code Page Translation DLL.
C_ISCII.DLL (2) ISCII Code Page Translation DLL.
C2R32.dll Microsoft Office component.
C2R64.dll Microsoft Office component. Microsoft Office. Microsoft Office.
C2RINTL.cs-cz.dll Microsoft Office.
C2RINTL.da-dk.dll Microsoft Office. Microsoft Office.
C2RINTL.el-gr.dll Microsoft Office.
C2RINTL.en-us.dll Microsoft Office. Microsoft Office. Microsoft Office. Microsoft Office. Microsoft Office.
C2RINTL.he-il.dll Microsoft Office.
C2RINTL.hi-in.dll Microsoft Office. Microsoft Office. Microsoft Office. Microsoft Office. Microsoft Office.
C2RINTL.ja-jp.dll Microsoft Office.
C2RINTL.kk-kz.dll Microsoft Office.
C2RINTL.ko-kr.dll Microsoft Office. Microsoft Office. Microsoft Office. Microsoft Office.
C2RINTL.nb-no.dll Microsoft Office. Microsoft Office. Microsoft Office. Microsoft Office. Microsoft Office. Microsoft Office. Microsoft Office. Microsoft Office. Microsoft Office. Microsoft Office. Microsoft Office. Microsoft Office. Microsoft Office. Microsoft Office. Microsoft Office.
C2RINTL.zh-cn.dll Microsoft Office.
C2RINTL.zh-tw.dll Microsoft Office.
C2RUI.dll Microsoft Office Click-to-Run.
cabapi.dll (2) Mobile Cabinet Library.
cabinet.dll (2) Microsoft Cabinet File API.
cabview.dll (2) Cabinet File Viewer Shell Extension.
Cal.dll Cal.
CallButtons.dll (2) Windows Runtime CallButtonsServer DLL.
CallButtons.ProxyStub.dll (2) Windows Runtime CallButtonsServer ProxyStub DLL.
CallHistoryClient.dll (2) Client DLL for accessing CallHistory information.
CallHistoryPlugin.dll Call History Jabber Plugin.
CallsTab.dll .
CameraCaptureUI.dll (2) .
CapabilityAccessHandlers.dll Capability Access Manager - Handlers’ Shared DLL.
CapabilityAccessManager.dll Capability Access Manager Service.
CapabilityAccessManagerClient.dll (2) Capability Access Manager Client.
capauthz.dll (2) Capability Authorization APIs.
capiprovider.dll (2) capiprovider DLL.
capisp.dll (2) Sysprep cleanup dll for CAPI.
CaptureService.dll Microsoft Windows Capture User Service.
cares.dll .
CashDrawerProtocolProvider.dll CashDrawer Protocol Provider.
CastingShellExt.dll (2) Casting Shell Extensions.
CastLaunch.dll Casting protocol app manager and launcher.
catsrv.dll (2) COM+ Configuration Catalog Server.
catsrvps.dll (2) COM+ Configuration Catalog Server Proxy/Stub.
catsrvut.dll (2) COM+ Configuration Catalog Server Utilities.
CBDHSvc.dll Microsoft (R) Clipboard History.
CbsProvider.dll (2) DISM Package Provider.
cca.dll (2) CCA DirectShow Filter..
cdd.dll Canonical Display Driver.
CDMWrapper.dll .
cdosys.dll (2) Microsoft CDO for Windows Library.
cdp.dll (2) Microsoft (R) CDP Client API.
cdprt.dll (2) Microsoft (R) CDP Client WinRT API.
cdpsvc.dll Microsoft (R) CDP Service.
cdpusersvc.dll Microsoft (R) CDP User Components.
CEB.dll .
cefwrapper.dll .
CellularAPI.dll Windows Cellular Platform COM APIs.
cellulardatacapabilityhandler.dll Windows cellularData Capability Handler.
cemapi.dll (2) CEMAPI.
certca.dll (2) Microsoft Active Directory Certificate Services CA.
certcli.dll (2) Microsoft Active Directory Certificate Services Client.
certcom.dll Certificate Helper Library.
certCredProvider.dll (2) Cert Credential Provider.
certenc.dll (2) Active Directory Certificate Services Encoding.
CertEnroll.dll (2) Microsoft Active Directory Certificate Services Enrollment Client.
CertEnrollUI.dll (2) X509 Certificate Enrollment UI.
CERTINTL.DLL Create a self-signed digital certificate.
certmgr.dll (2) Certificates snap-in.
CertPKICmdlet.dll (2) Microsoft PKI Client Cmdlets.
CertPolEng.dll (2) Certificate Policy Engine.
certprop.dll Microsoft Smartcard Certificate Propagation Service.
cewmdm.dll (2) Windows CE WMDM Service Provider.
cfgbkend.dll (2) Configuration Backend Interface.
cfgmgr32.dll (2) Configuration Manager DLL.
CfgSPCellular.dll Configuration Service Provider CMCellularEntries.
CfgSPPolicy.dll Configuration Service Provider CMPolicy.
cflapi.dll CXH from LogonUI API.
cfmifs.dll (2) FmIfs Engine.
cfmifsproxy.dll (2) Microsoft FmIfs Proxy Library.
Chakra.dll (2) Microsoft Chakra (Private).
ChakraCore.Debugger.dll .
CHAKRACORE.DLL (2) (3) (4) Microsoft Chakra Core.
Chakradiag.dll (2) Microsoft Chakra Diagnostics (Private).
Chakrathunk.dll (2) chakrathunk.dll.
CHART.DLL Microsoft Office Charting.
chartv.dll (2) Chart View.
ChatApis.dll (2) DLL for ChatRT.
chkwudrv.dll Search Windows Update for Drivers.
chrome_elf.dll Chromium.
ChsAdvancedDS.dll “ChsAdvancedDS.DYNLINK”.
ChsEM.dll Microsoft IME.
ChsIFEComp.dll (2) Microsoft IME.
ChsPinyinDS.dll Microsoft Chs Pinyin DS Dll.
ChsRoaming.DLL Microsoft IME.
ChsStrokeDS.dll “ChsStrokeDS.DYNLINK”.
ChsWubiDS.dll Microsoft Chs Wubi DS Dll.
ChtAdvancedDS.dll “ChtAdvancedDS.DYNLINK”.
ChtBopomofoDS.dll “ChtBopomofoDS.DYNLINK”.
ChtCangjieDS.dll “ChtCangjieDS.DYNLINK”.
ChtChangjieDS.DLL Microsoft IME.
ChtHkStrokeDS.dll “ChtHkStrokeDS.DYNLINK”.
ChtQuickDS.dll (2) Microsoft IME.
ChxAdvancedDS.DLL Microsoft IME.
ChxDecoder.dll “ChxDecoder.DYNLINK”.
ChxEM.DLL Microsoft IME.
chxinputrouter.dll “ChxInputRouter.DYNLINK”.
chxmig.dll (2) Microsoft IME.
chxranker.dll “ChxRanker.DYNLINK”.
CHxReadingStringIME.dll (2) CHxReadingStringIME.
ChxUserDictDS.DLL Microsoft IME.
ci.dll Code Integrity Module.
cic.dll (2) CIC - MMC controls for Taskpad.
cimfs.dll CimFS user mode API.
cimwin32.dll WMI Win32 Provider.
CIRCoInst.dll USB Consumer IR Driver coinstaller for eHome.
CiscoHIDPlugin.dll Cisco Headset Plugin.
CiscoSparkClientFramework.dll .
CIWmi.dll (2) WMIv2 Provider for CI Policy Management.
clb.dll (2) Column List Box.
clbcatq.dll (2) COM+ Configuration Catalog.
cldapi.dll (2) Cloud API user mode API.
CleanPCCSP.dll CleanPCCSP.
clfsw32.dll (2) Common Log Marshalling Win32 DLL.
Click2XPlugin.dll Click2X Jabber Plugin.
cliconfg.dll (2) SQL Client Configuration Utility DLL.
ClipboardServer.dll (2) Modern Clipboard API Server.
Clipc.dll (2) Client Licensing Platform Client.
ClipMigPlugin.dll Clip Migration Plugin.
ClipSVC.dll Client License Service.
clipwinrt.dll ClipWinRT.
cloudAP.dll Cloud AP Security Package.
CloudDomainJoinAUG.dll CloudDomainJoinAuthenticUserGesture.
CloudDomainJoinDataModelServer.dll CloudDomainJoinDataModelServer.
CloudExperienceHost.dll CloudExperienceHost.
CloudExperienceHostBroker.dll CloudExperienceHostBroker.
CloudExperienceHostCommon.dll (2) CloudExperienceHostCommon.
CloudExperienceHostUser.dll (2) CloudExperienceHost User Operations.
CloudStorageTab.dll .
clrhost.dll (2) In Proc server for managed servers in the Windows Runtime.
clusapi.dll (2) Cluster API Library.
CLVWINTL.DLL Microsoft Office Help Viewer International Resources.
cmcfg32.dll (2) Microsoft Connection Manager Configuration Dll.
cmcrypto.dll .
cmdext.dll (2) cmd.exe Extension DLL.
cmdial32.dll (2) Microsoft Connection Manager.
cmgrcspps.dll (2) cmgrcspps.
cmi2migxml.dll CMI To MigXML Translation.
cmifw.dll (2) Windows Defender Firewall rule configuration plug-in.
cmintegrator.dll (2) cmintegrator.dll.
cmisetup.dll (2) Windows Component Configuration.
cmiv2.dll (2) CMI Configuration Management API.
cmlua.dll (2) Connection Manager Admin API Helper.
cmmigr.dll (2) Microsoft Connection Manager Migration Lib.
cmpbk32.dll (2) Microsoft Connection Manager Phonebook.
cmstplua.dll (2) Connection Manager Admin API Helper for Setup.
cmutil.dll (2) Microsoft Connection Manager Utility Lib.
cngcredui.dll (2) Microsoft CNG CredUI Provider.
cngprovider.dll (2) cngprovider DLL.
CntrtextMig.dll (2) Microsoft Performance Counter Migration Lib.
cnvfat.dll (2) FAT File System Conversion Utility DLL.
cofiredm.dll Corrupted File Recovery Diagnostic Module.
colbact.dll (2) COM+.
ColleagueImport.dll Microsoft Office component.
coloradapterclient.dll (2) Microsoft Color Adapter Client.
COLORCNV.DLL (2) Windows Media Color Conversion.
colorui.dll (2) Microsoft Color Control Panel.
comadmin.dll (2) COM+ Administration SDK.
combase.dll (2) Microsoft COM for Windows.
comcat.dll (2) Microsoft Component Category Manager Library.
comctl32.dll (2) User Experience Controls Library.
comdlg32.dll (2) Common Dialogs DLL.
comerr32.dll COM_ERR - Common Error Handler for MIT Kerberos for Windows.
comerr64.dll COM_ERR - Common Error Handler for MIT Kerberos for Windows.
coml2.dll (2) Microsoft COM for Windows.
commig.dll (2) COM+ Migration.
common_MD.dll Cisco Enhanced Call Control Library.
CommonChecks.dll CommonChecks.
CommonHead.dll .
CommonInterface.dll CommonUtility dll file.
commonsession.dll .
CommunicationHistoryService.dll .
CommunicationsDeviceManager.dll .
compobj.dll Windows Win16 Application Launcher.
ComposableShellProxyStub.dll (2) Composable Shell Shared Proxy Stub.
ComposerFramework.dll Composer framework for Composable Shell.
CompPkgSup.dll (2) Component Package Support DLL.
compresslib.dll Compression Automation Library.
compstui.dll (2) Common Property Sheet User Interface DLL.
computecore.dll Hyper-V Host Compute Service Core Client Library.
computelibeventlog.dll Hyper-V Host Compute Service Client Library Event Log Resource Dll.
computenetwork.dll Hyper-V Host Networking Service Client Library.
computestorage.dll Hyper-V Host Compute Service Storage Client Library.
comrepl.dll (2) COM+.
comres.dll (2) COM+ Resources.
comsetup.dll (2) COM+ Setup.
comsnap.dll (2) COM+ Explorer MMC Snapin.
comsvcs.dll (2) COM+ Services.
comuid.dll (2) COM+ Explorer UI.
concrt140.dll (2) (3) (4) Microsoft Concurrency Runtime Library.
conduit.apiwrapper.container.dll ABI stable wrapper around container APIs used by Conduit.Broker.dll.
Conduit.ApiWrapper.User.dll Conduit.ApiWrapper.User [v10.43].
Conduit.Broker.dll Conduit.Broker [v10.43].
Conduit.Environment.dll Conduit.Environment [v10.43].
ConfigInfo.dll .
configmanager2.dll ConfigManager.
ConfigService.dll Config Service.
ConfigureExpandedStorage.dll (2) ConfigureExpandedStorage.
conhelp.dll .
ConhostV1.dll Console Window Host.
conhttp.dll .
connect.dll (2) Get Connected Wizards.
ConnectedAccountState.dll (2) ConnectedAccountState.dll.
ConOI.dll ConOI.
ConsentExperienceCommon.dll In-Proc WinRT server for Windows.Internal.PlatformExtensions.ConsentExperienceCommon.
ConsentUX.dll Device Broker Consent Prompt.
ConsentUxClient.dll Implementation of client-side Consent UX API.
console.dll (2) Control Panel Console Applet.
ConsoleLogon.dll (2) Console Logon User Experience.
ConstraintIndex.Search.dll Constraint Index Search.
CONTAB32.DLL Outlook Address Book Service.
ContactActivation.dll (2) DLL for ContactActivation.
ContactApis.dll (2) DLL for ContactsRT.
ContactHarvesterDS.dll Microsoft Contact Harvester Datasource Dll.
ContactService.dll Contact Services.
ContactsSearchPlugin.dll Contact Search Plugin.
container.dll (2) Windows Containers.
containerdevicemanagement.dll .
ContentDeliveryManager.Utilities.dll (2) ContentDeliveryManager.Utilities.
contrace.dll .
ConversationService.dll ConversationService.
ConversationWindowPlugin.dll TODO: File description .
coreaudiopolicymanagerext.dll “coreaudiopolicymanagerext.DYNLINK”.
coredpus.dll coredpus.
coreglobconfig.dll (2) Core Globalization Configuration.
CoreLibrary.dll Core Library.
CoreMas.dll (2) .
CoreMessaging.dll (2) Microsoft CoreMessaging Dll.
CoreMmRes.dll (2) General Core Multimedia Resources.
CoreShell.dll CoreShell.
CoreShellAPI.dll (2) CoreShellAPI.
CoreShellExtFramework.dll Core Shell SI Host Extension Framework for Composable Shell.
coretplugin.dll CoreTPlugin Event Library.
CoreUIComponents.dll (2) Microsoft Core UI Components Dll.
correngine.dll Correlation Engine.
CourtesyEngine.dll Microsoft Feedback Courtesy Engine DLL Server.
CPFilters.dll (2) PTFilter & Encypter/Decrypter Tagger Filters..
cpprestsdk.dll (2) A Microsoft project for cloud-based client-server communication in native code using a modern asynchronous C++ API design.
cpve.dll CPVE Dynamic Link Library.
CredDialogBroker.dll Credential Dialog Broker.
CredentialEnrollmentManagerForUser.dll Credential Enrollment Manager ForUser API.
CredProv2faHelper.dll (2) Credential Provider 2FA Helper.
CredProvDataModel.dll (2) Cred Prov Data Model.
CredProvHelper.dll (2) Credential Provider Helper.
credprovhost.dll (2) Credential Provider Framework Host.
credprovs.dll (2) Credential Providers.
credprovslegacy.dll (2) Credential Providers Legacy.
credssp.dll (2) Credential Delegation Security Package.
credui.dll (2) Credential Manager User Interface.
crtdll.dll Microsoft C Runtime Library.
crypt32.dll (2) Crypto API32.
cryptbase.dll (2) Base cryptographic API DLL.
cryptcatsvc.dll Cryptographic Catalog Services.
cryptdlg.dll (2) Microsoft Common Certificate Dialogs.
cryptdll.dll (2) Cryptography Manager.
cryptext.dll (2) Crypto Shell Extensions.
cryptnet.dll (2) Crypto Network Related API.
cryptngc.dll (2) Microsoft Passport API.
CryptoWinRT.dll (2) Crypto WinRT Library.
cryptsp.dll (2) Cryptographic Service Provider API.
cryptsvc.dll Cryptographic Services.
crypttpmeksvc.dll (2) Cryptographic TPM Endorsement Key Services.
cryptui.dll (2) Microsoft Trust UI Provider.
cryptuiwizard.dll (2) Microsoft Trust UI Provider.
cryptxml.dll (2) XML DigSig API.
csamsp.dll Microsoft CSA MSP.
cscapi.dll (2) Offline Files Win32 API.
cscdll.dll (2) Offline Files Temporary Shim.
CscMig.dll (2) Microsoft Offline Files Migration Plugin.
cscobj.dll (2) In-proc COM object used by clients of CSC API.
cscsvc.dll CSC Service DLL.
cscui.dll Client Side Caching UI.
csfcommunicationhistory.dll .
csfdiagnostics.dll .
csflogger.dll .
csfnetutils.dll .
csfstorage.dll .
Csi.dll (2) Microsoft Office Document Cache.
csiagent.dll CSI Agent.
CSIRESOURCES.DLL Office Document Cache Intl Pluggable UI.
CspCellularSettings.dll Configuration Service Provider CellSettings.
csplte.dll Configuration Service Provider LTE.
CspProxy.dll CM_ProxyEntries Configuration Service Provider.
csrsrv.dll Client Server Runtime Process.
CSS7DATA0009.DLL Microsoft ENGLISH Natural Language Server Data and Code.
CSS7DATA000A.DLL Microsoft SPANISH Natural Language Server Data and Code.
CSS7DATA000C.DLL Microsoft FRENCH Natural Language Server Data and Code.
CSystemEventsBrokerClient.dll Classic System Events Broker Client Library.
ctl3d32.dll Ctl3D 3D Windows Controls.
CUCExtensionProvider.dll TODO: File description .
CUCMessenger.dll Cisco Unified Communications Windows Messenger.
CupSoapC.dll .
CustomMarshalers.dll Microsoft .NET Framework Custom Marshalers. Flavor=Retail
cxcredprov.dll Cloud Experience Credential Provider.
CXHProvisioningServer.dll CXHProvisioningServer.
d2d1.dll (2) Microsoft D2D Library.
d3d10.dll (2) Direct3D 10 Runtime.
d3d10_1.dll (2) Direct3D 10.1 Runtime.
d3d10_1core.dll (2) Direct3D 10.1 Runtime.
d3d10core.dll (2) Direct3D 10 Runtime.
d3d10level9.dll (2) Direct3D 10 to Direct3D9 Translation Runtime.
d3d10warp.dll (2) Direct3D Rasterizer.
d3d11.dll (2) Direct3D 11 Runtime.
d3d11on12.dll (2) Direct3D 11On12 Runtime.
D3D12.dll (2) Direct3D 12 Runtime.
d3d8.dll Microsoft Direct3D.
d3d8thk.dll (2) Microsoft Direct3D OS Thunk Layer.
d3d9.dll (2) Direct3D 9 Runtime.
d3d9on12.dll (2) Direct3D9 DDI to Direct3D12 API Mapping Layer.
d3dcompiler_43.dll Direct3D HLSL Compiler.
D3DCompiler_47.dll (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) Direct3D HLSL Compiler for Redistribution.
d3dcsx_47.dll (2) (3) (4) Direct3D 11 Compute Shader Extensions.
d3dcsxd_47.dll (2) Direct3D 11 Compute Shader Extensions.
d3dim.dll Microsoft Direct3D.
d3dim700.dll Microsoft Direct3D.
d3dramp.dll Microsoft Direct3D.
D3DSCache.dll (2) Microsoft (R) D3D Shader Caching Library.
d3dxof.dll DirectX Files DLL.
dab.dll Desktop Activity Broker DLL.
dabapi.dll (2) Desktop Activity Broker API.
DAConn.dll Direct Access Connection Flows.
dafAspInfraProvider.dll Windows AspInfra DAF Plugin.
dafBth.dll Bluetooth Device Association Framework Provider.
DafDnsSd.dll DAF DnsSd Provider.
dafDockingProvider.dll Windows Wireless Docking DAF Plugin.
DafGip.dll DAF GIP Provider.
DAFIoT.dll DAF IoT Provider.
DAFIPP.dll IPP DAF Provider.
DAFMCP.dll MCP DAF Provider.
dafmigplugin.dll Device Association Framework Migration Plugin.
dafpos.dll Point Of Service DAF Provider.
DafPrintProvider.dll (2) DAF Print Provider DLL.
dafupnp.dll DAF UPnP Provider.
dafWCN.dll Windows Connect Now DAF Plugin.
dafWfdProvider.dll Windows Wi-Fi Direct DAF Plugin.
DAFWiProv.dll DAF Printer WiFi Provisioning Provider.
DAFWSD.dll DAF WSD Provider.
DAMediaManager.dll Windows DA Media Manager DLL.
DAMM.dll DirectAccess Media Manager.
dao360.dll Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library.
DaOtpCredentialProvider.dll (2) DirectAccess One-Time Password Credential Provider.
das.dll Device Association Service.
dataclen.dll (2) Disk Space Cleaner for Windows.
DataExchange.dll (2) Data exchange.
datamarketsvc.dll Data Marketplace Service.
DataStreamerLibrary.dll DataStreamerLibrary. Stream and visualize live data from physical computing devices in Excel
DataUsageHandlers.dll Data Usage Handlers.
datusage.dll Network Data Usage Helper.
davclnt.dll (2) Web DAV Client DLL.
davhlpr.dll (2) DAV Helper DLL.
DavSyncProvider.dll (2) DAV sync engine for contacts, calendar.
daxexec.dll (2) daxexec.
dbgcore.dll (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) Windows Core Debugging Helpers.
dbgeng.dll (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Windows Symbolic Debugger Engine.
dbghelp.dll (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) Windows Image Helper.
DbgModel.dll (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Windows Debugger Data Model.
DbgModelApiXtn.dll (2) (3) (4) Data Model API Extension Library.
dbnetlib.dll (2) Winsock Oriented Net DLL for SQL Clients.
dbnmpntw.dll (2) Named Pipes Net DLL for SQL Clients.
DBWrapper.dll .
dciman32.dll (2) DCI Manager.
dcntel.dll dcntel.
dcomp.dll (2) Microsoft DirectComposition Library.
DDACLSys.dll (2) SysPrep module for Resetting Data Drive ACL .
DdcAntiTheftApi.dll DdcAntiTheftApi.
DdcClaimsApi.dll DdcClaimsApi.
DdcComImplementationsDesktop.dll DdcComImplementationsDesktop.
DDDS.dll Microsoft Dynamic Datasource Dll.
ddisplay.dll (2) DirectDisplay.
DDOIProxy.dll (2) DDOI Interface Proxy.
DDORes.dll (2) Device Category information and resources.
ddp_ps.dll Microsoft Data Deduplication Service proxy/stub.
ddpchunk.dll Microsoft Data Deduplication Chunking Library.
ddptrace.dll Microsoft File Server Resource Management Tracing Library.
ddputils.dll Microsoft Data Deduplication Common Library.
ddraw.dll (2) Microsoft DirectDraw.
ddrawex.dll (2) Direct Draw Ex.
DebugInfo.dll DebugInfo.
DefaultDeviceManager.dll (2) Default Device Manager.
DefaultPrinterProvider.dll (2) Microsoft Windows Default Printer Provider.
defragproxy.dll Microsoft Drive Optimizer Proxy Library.
defragres.dll Microsoft\Drive Optimizer Resources.
defragsvc.dll Microsoft\Drive Optimizer.
delegatorprovider.dll (2) WMI PassThru Provider for Storage Management.
deploymentcsps.dll Deployment CSP DLL.
deskadp.dll Advanced display adapter properties.
deskmon.dll Advanced display monitor properties.
DesktopShareService.dll DesktopShareService.
DesktopShellAppStateContract.dll (2) Desktop Switcher Data Model.
DesktopShellExt.dll DesktopHost Extensions.
DesktopSwitcherDataModel.dll Desktop Switcher Data Model.
DesktopView.Internal.Broker.dll DesktopView.Internal.Broker.
DesktopView.Internal.Broker.ProxyStub.dll DesktopView Broker Proxy Stub.
DevDispItemProvider.dll (2) DeviceItem inproc devquery subsystem.
DeveloperOptionsSettingsHandlers.dll DeveloperOptions Handlers Implementation.
devenum.dll (2) Device enumeration..
deviceaccess.dll (2) Device Broker And Policy COM Server.
deviceassociation.dll (2) Device Association Client DLL.
DeviceCenter.dll (2) Device Center.
DeviceCredential.dll (2) Microsoft Companion Authenticator Client.
DeviceDirectoryClient.dll DeviceDirectoryClient Task.
DeviceDisplayStatusManager.dll (2) Device Display Status Manager.
DeviceDriverRetrievalClient.dll Device Driver Retrieval Client.
DeviceElementSource.dll DeviceElementSource.
DeviceFlows.DataModel.dll (2) DeviceFlows DataModel.
DeviceMetadataRetrievalClient.dll Windows MRC.
devicengccredprov.dll (2) Microsoft Companion Authenticator Credential Provider.
DevicePairing.dll (2) Shell extensions for Device Pairing.
DevicePairingExperienceMEM.dll Device Pairing Experience contract implementation.
DevicePairingFolder.dll (2) Device Pairing Folder.
DevicePairingProxy.dll (2) Device Pairing Proxy Dll.
DeviceReactivation.dll (2) DeviceReactivation.
deviceregistration.dll Device Registration DLL.
DeviceSetupManager.dll Device Setup Manager.
DeviceSetupManagerAPI.dll Device Setup Manager Client API.
DeviceSetupStatusProvider.dll (2) Device Setup Status Provider Dll.
DevicesFlowBroker.dll DevicesFlow Broker.
DeviceSoftwareInstallationClient.dll Device Software Installation Client.
DeviceUpdateAgent.dll Device Update Agent.
DeviceUpdateCenterCsp.dll .
DeviceUxRes.dll (2) Windows Device User Experience Resource File.
devinv.dll Device Inventory Library.
devmgr.dll (2) Device Manager MMC Snapin.
devobj.dll (2) Device Information Set DLL.
DevPropMgr.dll Microsoft Windows Device Property Manager.
DevQueryBroker.dll DevQuery Background Discovery Broker.
devrtl.dll (2) Device Management Run Time Library.
dfdts.dll Windows Disk Failure Diagnostic Module.
dfscli.dll (2) Windows NT Distributed File System Client DLL.
dfshim.dll (2) ClickOnce Application Deployment Support Library.
DfsShlEx.dll (2) Distributed File System shell extension.
dggpext.dll Device Guard Group Policy CSE.
dgsslib.dll (2) (3) (4) Authenticode (R) - Digest Signing Library.
dhcpcmonitor.dll (2) DHCP Client Monitor Dll.
dhcpcore.dll (2) DHCP Client Service.
dhcpcore6.dll (2) DHCPv6 Client.
dhcpcsvc.dll (2) DHCP Client Service.
dhcpcsvc6.dll (2) DHCPv6 Client.
dhcpsapi.dll (2) DHCP Server API Stub DLL.
DHolographicDisplay.dll DHolographicDisplay.
dia2lib.dll .
DiagCpl.dll Troubleshooting Control Panel.
diagER.dll Diagnostic ER Module.
diagnostic.dll Diagnostic Module.
diagnosticdataquery.dll (2) Microsoft Windows Diagnostic data Helper API.
DiagnosticInvoker.dll (2) Microsoft Windows operating system..
DiagnosticLogCSP.dll DiagnosticLogCSP.
DiagnosticsHub.DataWarehouse.dll (2) Microsoft (R) Diagnostics Hub DataWarehouse.
DiagnosticsHub.Packaging.dll Microsoft (R) Diagnostics Hub Packaging API.
DiagnosticsHub.ScriptedSandboxPlugin.dll (2) Microsoft (R) Diagnostics Hub Scripted Sandbox Plugin.
DiagnosticsHub.StandardCollector.Proxy.dll (2) Microsoft (R) Diagnostics Hub Standard Collector COM Proxy.
DiagnosticsHub.StandardCollector.Runtime.dll Microsoft (R) Diagnostics Hub Standard Collector Runtime.
DiagnosticsHub.StandardCollector.ServiceRes.dll Microsoft (R) Diagnostics Hub Standard Collector Resources.
DiagnosticsHub_is.dll (2) Diagnostics Hub InfoSources.
DiagnosticsPlugin.dll Cisco Jabber.
DiagnosticsTap.dll (2) F12 Developer Tools Diagnostics TAP.
DiagnosticsToolPlugin.dll .
DiagnosticsToolService.dll .
diagperf.dll Microsoft Performance Diagnostics.
DiagSvc.dll Microsoft Windows operating system.
diagtrack.dll Microsoft Windows Diagnostics Tracking.
dialclient.dll (2) DIAL DLL.
dialserver.dll DIAL Server DLL.
DictationManager.dll (2) Dictation Manager.
difxapi.dll (2) Driver Install Frameworks for API library module.
dimsjob.dll (2) DIMS Job DLL.
dimsroam.dll (2) Key Roaming DIMS Provider DLL.
dinput.dll (2) Microsoft DirectInput.
dinput8.dll (2) Microsoft DirectInput.
Direct2DDesktop.dll (2) Microsoft Direct2D Desktop Components.
directmanipulation.dll (2) Microsoft Direct Manipulation Component.
directml.dll (2) DirectML Library.
discan.dll Data Integrity Scan Task.
DismApi.dll (2) DISM API Framework.
DismCore.dll (2) DISM Core Framework.
DismCorePS.dll (2) DismCore Proxy Stub.
DismProv.dll (2) DISM Provider Store.
DispBroker.Desktop.dll Desktop Display Broker.
DispBroker.dll (2) Display Broker API.
dispex.dll (2) Microsoft DispEx.
Display.dll (2) Display Control Panel.
DisplayManager.dll (2) DisplayManager.
DLGSETP.DLL Delegate Access Extension.
dlnashext.dll (2) DLNA Namespace DLL.
DMAlertListener.ProxyStub.dll (2) ProxyStub for DeviceManagment Alert.
DmApiSetExtImplDesktop.dll DmApiSetExtImplDesktop.
DMAppsRes.dll (2) DMAppsRes.
dmband.dll Microsoft DirectMusic Band.
dmcfgutils.dll (2) dmcfgutils.
dmcmnutils.dll (2) dmcmnutils.
dmcommandlineutils.dll (2) dmcommandlineutils.
dmcompos.dll Microsoft DirectMusic Composer.
dmcsps.dll dmcsps.
dmdlgs.dll (2) Disk Management Snap-in Dialogs.
dmdskmgr.dll (2) Disk Management Snap-in Support Library.
dmdskres.dll (2) Disk Management Snap-in Resources.
dmdskres2.dll (2) Disk Management Snap-in Resources.
dmenrollengine.dll (2) Enroll Engine DLL.
dmenterprisediagnostics.dll ETW for MDM Enterprise Diagnostics.
dmime.dll Microsoft DirectMusic Interactive Engine.
dmintf.dll (2) Disk Management DCOM Interface Stub.
DmiProvider.dll (2) DISM Driver Provider.
dmiso8601utils.dll (2) dmiso8601utils.
dmloader.dll (2) Microsoft DirectMusic Loader.
dmocx.dll (2) TreeView OCX.
dmoleaututils.dll (2) dmoleaututils.
dmprocessxmlfiltered.dll (2) dmprocessxmlfiltered.
dmpushproxy.dll (2) dmpushproxy.
DMPushRouterCore.dll MDM Pushrouter.
DMRCDecoder.dll (2) Digimarc Decoder 11/8/2017 6:30 AM [TGNP4W2UT0BB8JC].
DMRServer.dll Digital Media Receiver DLL.
dmscript.dll Microsoft DirectMusic Scripting.
dmstyle.dll Microsoft DirectMusic Style Engline.
dmsynth.dll (2) Microsoft DirectMusic Software Synthesizer.
dmusic.dll (2) Microsoft DirectMusic Core Services.
dmutil.dll (2) Logical Disk Manager Utility Library.
dmvdsitf.dll (2) Disk Management Snap-in Support Library.
dmwappushsvc.dll dmwappushsvc.
DMWmiBridgeProv.dll DM WMI Bridge Provider.
DMWmiBridgeProv1.dll DM WMI Bridge Provider.
dmwmicsp.dll dmwmicsp.
dmxmlhelputils.dll (2) dmxmlhelputils.
dnsapi.dll (2) DNS Client API DLL.
dnsclientcim.dll Network Management Value Objects.
dnsclientpsprovider.dll DNS Client WMIv2 Provider.
dnscmmc.dll (2) DNS Client MMC Snap-in DLL.
dnsext.dll DNS extension DLL.
dnshc.dll DNS Helper Class.
dnslookup.dll (2) .
dnsrslvr.dll DNS Caching Resolver Service.
dnsutils.dll .
Docking.VirtualInput.dll Docking.VirtualInput.
DockInterface.ProxyStub.dll Windows Wireless Docking DockInterface Proxy/Stub DLL.
docprop.dll (2) OLE DocFile Property Page.
DocumentFormat.OpenXml.dll .
DocumentPerformanceEvents.dll Documents and Printing Performance Events.
DolbyDecMFT.dll (2) Media Foundation Dolby Digital Atmos Decoders.
domgmt.dll Delivery Optimization Management.
dosettings.dll Delivery Optimization Settings.
dosvc.dll Delivery Optimization.
dot3api.dll (2) 802.3 Autoconfiguration API.
dot3cfg.dll (2) 802.3 Netsh Helper.
Dot3Conn.dll Wired Network Connection Flows.
dot3dlg.dll (2) 802.3 UI Helper.
dot3gpclnt.dll (2) 802.3 Group Policy Client.
dot3gpui.dll (2) 802.3 Network Policy Management Snap-in.
dot3hc.dll (2) Dot3 Helper Class.
dot3mm.dll Wired Network Media Manager.
dot3msm.dll (2) 802.3 Media Specific Module.
dot3svc.dll Wired AutoConfig Service.
dot3ui.dll (2) 802.3 Advanced UI.
dpapi.dll (2) Data Protection API.
dpapiprovider.dll (2) dpapiprovider DLL.
dpapisrv.dll DPAPI Server.
dplayx.dll DirectPlay Stub.
dpmodemx.dll DirectPlay Stub.
dpnaddr.dll (2) DirectPlay Stub.
dpnathlp.dll (2) DirectPlay Stub.
dpnet.dll (2) DirectPlay Stub.
dpnhpast.dll (2) DirectPlay Stub.
dpnhupnp.dll (2) DirectPlay Stub.
dpnlobby.dll (2) DirectPlay Stub.
dps.dll WDI Diagnostic Policy Service.
dpwsockx.dll DirectPlay Stub.
dpx.dll (2) Microsoft(R) Delta Package Expander.
DragDropExperienceCommon.dll (2) In-Proc WinRT server for Windows.Internal.PlatformExtensions.DragDropExperienceCommon.
DragDropExperienceDataExchangeDelegated.dll (2) In-Proc WinRT server for Windows.Internal.PlatformExtensions.DragDropExperienceDataExchangeDelegated.
drprov.dll (2) Microsoft Remote Desktop Session Host Server Network Provider.
drt.dll (2) Distributed Routing Table.
drtprov.dll (2) Distributed Routing Table Providers.
drttransport.dll (2) Distributed Routing Table Transport Provider.
drvsetup.dll (2) Microsoft (R) Driver Setup.
drvstore.dll (2) Driver Store API.
dsauth.dll (2) DS Authorization for Services.
DscCore.dll DSC.
DscCoreConfProv.dll (2) DSC.
DscCoreR.dll DSC.
dsclient.dll (2) Data Sharing Service Client DLL.
dscproxy.dll dscproxy.
Dscpspluginwkr.dll DSCPSPLUGINWKR.DLL.
DscTimer.dll DscTimer.
dsdmo.dll (2) DirectSound Effects.
dsengine.dll C++ Application Development Framework.
dskquota.dll (2) Windows Shell Disk Quota Support DLL.
dskquoui.dll (2) Windows Shell Disk Quota UI DLL.
dsound.dll (2) DirectSound.
dsparse.dll (2) Active Directory Domain Services API.
dsprop.dll (2) Windows Active Directory Property Pages.
dsprov.dll WMI DS Provider.
dsquery.dll (2) Directory Service Find.
dsreg.dll (2) AD/AAD User Device Registration.
dsregtask.dll (2) DSREG task handler.
dsrole.dll (2) DS Setup Client DLL.
dssec.dll (2) Directory Service Security UI.
dssenh.dll (2) Microsoft Enhanced DSS and Diffie-Hellman Cryptographic Provider.
dssvc.dll Data Sharing Service NT Service DLL.
Dsui.dll (2) Device Setup UI Pages.
dsuiext.dll (2) Directory Service Common UI.
dswave.dll (2) Microsoft DirectMusic Wave.
dtsh.dll (2) Detection and Sharing Status API.
DTUHandlerPS.dll DTUHandlerPS.
dual_engine_adapter_x64.dll Internet Explorer Mode Adapter.
DuCsps.dll DuCSPs.
dui70.dll (2) Windows DirectUI Engine.
duser.dll (2) Windows DirectUser Engine.
dusmapi.dll (2) Data Usage API.
dusmsvc.dll Data Usage Service.
dwmapi.dll (2) Microsoft Desktop Window Manager API.
dwmcore.dll Microsoft DWM Core Library.
dwmghost.dll DWMGhost.
dwminit.dll DWMInit.
dwmplugin.dll DWMPlugin Event Library.
dwmredir.dll Microsoft Desktop Window Manager Redirection Component.
dwmscene.dll .
DWrite.dll (2) Microsoft DirectX Typography Services.
dxcompiler.dll (2) (3) (4) Direct3D Compiler DLL for Redistribution.
DXCore.dll (2) DXCore.
dxdiagn.dll (2) Microsoft DirectX Diagnostic Tool.
DxEtw.dll DxgKernel Event Library.
dxgi.dll (2) DirectX Graphics Infrastructure.
dxgkplugin.dll DxgkPlugin Event Library.
dxgwdi.dll Microsoft DirectX Graphics WDI Handler.
dxil.dll (2) (3) (4) DirectX IL for Redistribution.
dxilconv.dll (2) DirectX IL Converter DLL.
dxmasf.dll (2) Microsoft Windows Media Component Removal File..
DXP.dll Device Stage Shell Extension.
dxplugin.dll DxPlugin Event Library.
dxpps.dll Device Experience Platform Proxy\Stub DLL.
DxpTaskSync.dll (2) Microsoft Windows DXP Sync..
dxtmsft.dll (2) DirectX Media – Image DirectX Transforms.
dxtrans.dll (2) DirectX Media – DirectX Transform Core.
dxva2.dll (2) DirectX Video Acceleration 2.0 DLL.
dynamoapi.dll dynamoapi.
EAMProgressHandler.dll EAMProgressHandler.
eapp3hst.dll (2) Microsoft ThirdPartyEapDispatcher.
eappcfg.dll (2) Eap Peer Config.
eappcfgui.dll Eap Peer Config UI.
eappgnui.dll (2) EAP Generic UI.
eapphost.dll (2) Microsoft EAPHost Peer service.
eappprxy.dll (2) Microsoft EAPHost Peer Client DLL.
eapprovp.dll (2) EAP extension DLL.
eapputil.dll (2) EAP Private Utility DLL.
eapsimextdesktop.dll (2) EAP SIM EXT config dll.
eapsvc.dll Microsoft EAPHost service.
EapTeapAuth.dll EAP Teap Runtime DLL.
EapTeapConfig.dll (2) EAP Teap Config DLL.
EapTeapExt.dll (2) EAP Teap Desktop Extension DLL.
easconsent.dll EASConsent.
easinvoker.proxystub.dll Exchange ActiveSync Invoker Proxy Stub.
EasPolicyManagerBrokerPS.dll COM Proxy Dll for the Exchange Active Sync Policy Manager Broker.
easwrt.dll (2) Exchange ActiveSync Windows Runtime DLL.
ecosystem.core.dll . .
edgeangle.dll Microsoft Edge Angle.
EdgeContent.dll Microsoft Edge Content.
edgehtml.dll (2) Microsoft Edge Web Platform.
edgeIso.dll (2) Isolation Library for edgehtml hosts.
EdgeManager.dll (2) Microsoft Edge Manager.
EditBufferTestHook.dll (2) “EditBufferTestHook.DYNLINK”.
EditionUpgradeHelper.dll (2) EDITIONUPGRADEHELPER.DLL.
EditionUpgradeManagerObj.dll (2) Get your Windows license.
edpauditapi.dll (2) EDP Audit API.
edpcsp.dll EnterpriseDataProtectionCSP.
edptask.dll EdpTask Task.
edputil.dll (2) EDP util.
EEINTL.DLL Microsoft Equation Editor Int’l DLL.
eeprov.dll Energy Estimator SRUM provider.
eeutil.dll Energy Estimator Utility.
efsadu.dll (2) File Encryption Utility.
efscore.dll EFS Core Library.
efsext.dll (2) EFSEXT.DLL.
efslsaext.dll LSA extension for EFS.
efssvc.dll EFS Service.
efsutil.dll (2) EFS Utility Library.
efswrt.dll (2) Storage Protection Windows Runtime DLL.
EhStorAPI.dll (2) Windows Enhanced Storage API.
EhStorPwdDrv.dll Enhanced Storage Password Authentication Driver.
EhStorPwdMgr.dll (2) Microsoft Enhanced Storage Password Manager.
EhStorShell.dll Windows Enhanced Storage Shell Extension DLL.
els.dll (2) Event Viewer Snapin.
ELSCore.dll (2) Els Core Platform DLL.
elshyph.dll (2) ELS Hyphenation Service.
elslad.dll (2) ELS Language Detection.
elsTrans.dll (2) ELS Transliteration Service.
EMABLT32.DLL Outlook LDAP Address Book Provider.
EmailApis.dll (2) DLL for EmailRT.
EmbeddedBrowser.dll CEB.
EmbeddedBrowserWebView.dll (2) Microsoft Edge Embedded Browser WebView Client.
EmbeddedLockdownWmi.dll Embedded Lockdown Settings.
embeddedmodesvc.dll Debug Register Service.
embeddedmodesvcapi.dll (2) Embedded Mode Service Client DLL.
EmojiDS.dll “EmojiDS.DYNLINK”.
EMSMDB32.DLL Microsoft Office component.
encapi.dll (2) Encoder API.
energy.dll Power Efficiency Diagnostics.
energyprov.dll Energy System Resource Usage Monitor (SRUM) provider.
energytask.dll Power Efficiency Diagnostics Task.
enhanced-callcontrol_MD.dll Cisco Enhanced Call Control Library.
enrollmentapi.dll (2) Legacy Phone Enrollment API BackCompat Shim.
EnterpriseAPNCsp.dll EnterpriseAPN Configuration Service Provider.
EnterpriseAppMgmtClient.dll (2) EnterpriseAppMgmtClient.dll.
EnterpriseAppMgmtSvc.dll Enterprise server dll.
EnterpriseAppVMgmtCSP.dll Implements settings for AppV..
enterprisecsps.dll API for MDM Enrollment DLL.
EnterpriseDesktopAppMgmtCSP.dll EnterpriseDesktopAppManagementCSP.
enterpriseetw.dll d DLL.
EnterpriseModernAppMgmtCSP.dll EnterpriseModernAppMgmtCSP.
enterpriseresourcemanager.dll (2) enterpriseresourcemanager DLL.
EntityDataHandler.dll Microsoft Office component.
EntityPicker.dll Microsoft Office component.
EntityPickerIntl.dll Microsoft External Item Picker Control.
ENVELOPE.DLL Microsoft Outlook Envelope Control.
ENVELOPR.DLL Microsoft Outlook Envelope Resources.
eqossnap.dll (2) EQoS Snapin extension.
ErrorDetails.dll (2) Microsoft Windows operating system..
ErrorDetailsCore.dll (2) Microsoft Windows operating system..
es.dll (2) COM+.
EsdSip.dll (2) Crypto SIP provider for signing and verifying .esd Electronic Software Distribution files.
esent.dll (2) Extensible Storage Engine for Microsoft(R) Windows(R).
esentprf.dll (2) Extensible Storage Engine Performance Monitoring Library for Microsoft(R) Windows(R).
esevss.dll (2) Microsoft(R) ESENT shadow utilities.
eShims.dll Microsoft Edge Compatibility Shims.
espui.dll (2) (3) Microsoft Windows(TM) Economical Service Provider Configuration.
esscli.dll (2) WMI.
ethercat.dll ethercat dissector. Built with Visual Studio 16 2019
EthernetMediaManager.dll Windows Ethernet Media Manager DLL.
ETWCoreUIComponentsResources.dll (2) Microsoft CoreComponents UI ETW manifest Dll.
ETWESEProviderResources.dll (2) Microsoft ESE ETW.
EtwProcessor.dll Library for processing ETW events [v10.43k].
EtwProcessor.Managed.dll EtwProcessor.Managed.dll.
EtwRundown.dll (2) Etw Rundown Helper Library.
event.dll (2) (3) (4) Active Accessibility Event Tester Event Hook (32-bit UNICODE Release).
EventAggregation.dll Event Aggregation User Mode Library.
eventcls.dll (2) Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service event class.
eventlog_provider.dll Microsoft Edge.
EventSource.dll .
EventTracingManagement.dll WMI Provider for ETW.
evr.dll (2) Enhanced Video Renderer DLL.
excelcnvpxy.dll Microsoft Excel File Format Converter Proxy.
EXCELPLUGINCORE.DLL Microsoft.Data.Visualization.Client.Excel. Microsoft.Data.Visualization.Client.Excel
EXCELPLUGINDATAPROVIDER.DLL Microsoft.Data.Visualization.Client.Excel.DataProvider. Microsoft.Data.Visualization.Client.Excel.DataProvider
EXCELPLUGINSHELL.DLL Microsoft Office component.
ExchangeService.dll Exchange Service.
ExecModelClient.dll (2) ExecModelClient.
execmodelproxy.dll (2) ExecModelProxy.
EXP_PDF.DLL Microsoft Office PDF Export.
EXP_XPS.DLL Microsoft Office Xps Export.
ExpatWrapper.dll .
ExplorerFrame.dll (2) ExplorerFrame.
expsrv.dll (2) Visual Basic for Applications Runtime - Expression Service.
EXPTOOWS.DLL Export Excel List to SharePoint.
EXSEC32.DLL digsig32.
ExSMime.dll (2) LExsmime.
ext.dll (2) (3) (4) Debugger Extensions.
extensibility.dll Extensibility.dll.
ExtrasXmlParser.dll (2) Extras XML parser used to extract extension information from XML.
exts.dll (2) (3) (4) Debugger Extensions.
F12App.dll (2) F12 Developer Tools App.
F12AppFrame.dll (2) F12 App Frame.
F12AppFrame2.dll (2) F12 App Frame.
F12Platform.dll (2) F12 Developer Tools.
F12Platform2.dll (2) Microsoft Edge DevTools.
F12Script.dll (2) F12 Developer Tools.
F12Tab.dll (2) F12 Tab.
f3ahvoas.dll (2) JP Japanese Keyboard Layout for Fujitsu FMV oyayubi-shift keyboard.
FaceBootstrapAdapter.dll .
facecredentialprovider.dll Face Credential Provider.
FaceDetectorResources.dll VpnSohDesktop.dll.
FaceProcessor.dll .
FaceProcessorCore.dll .
FaceRecognitionEngineAdapter.dll Face Recognition Engine Adapter.
FaceRecognitionEngineAdapterResources_v4.dll FaceRecognitionEngineAdapterResources_v4.dll.
FaceRecognitionEngineAdapterResourcesCore.dll FaceRecognitionEngineAdapterResourcesCore.dll.
FaceRecognitionEngineAdapterResourcesSecure.dll FaceRecognitionEngineAdapterResourcesSecure.dll.
FaceRecognitionSensorAdapter.dll Face Recognition Sensor Adapter.
FaceRecognitionSensorAdapterResources.dll VpnSohDesktop.dll.
FaceRecognitionSensorAdapterVsm.dll Face Recognition Sensor Adapter.
FaceRecognitionSensorAdapterVsmSecure.dll Face Recognition Sensor Adapter.
FaceTrackerInternal.dll .
Facilitator.dll Facilitator.
Family.Authentication.dll Family.Authentication DLL.
Family.Cache.dll Family.Cache DLL.
Family.Client.dll Family.Client DLL.
Family.SyncEngine.dll Family.SyncEngine DLL.
FamilySafetyExt.dll (2) FamilySafety ChildAccount Extensions.
fastprox.dll (2) WMI Custom Marshaller.
Faultrep.dll (2) Windows User Mode Crash Reporting DLL.
FaxPrinterInstaller.dll Fax Printer Installer.
FBIBLIO.DLL Microsoft Office component.
fcon.dll Feature Configuration.
FDATE.DLL Microsoft Office component.
fdBth.dll (2) Function Discovery Bluetooth Provider Dll.
fdBthProxy.dll (2) Bluetooth Provider Proxy Dll.
FdDevQuery.dll (2) Microsoft Windows Device Query Helper.
fde.dll (2) Folder Redirection Snapin Extension.
fdeploy.dll (2) Folder Redirection Group Policy Extension.
fdPHost.dll Function Discovery Provider host service.
fdPnp.dll (2) Pnp Provider Dll.
fdprint.dll (2) Function Discovery Print Provider Dll.
fdProxy.dll (2) Function Discovery Proxy Dll.
FDResPub.dll Function Discovery Resource Publication Service.
fdSSDP.dll (2) Function Discovery SSDP Provider Dll.
fdWCN.dll (2) Windows Connect Now - Config Function Discovery Provider DLL.
fdWNet.dll (2) Function Discovery WNet Provider Dll.
fdWSD.dll (2) Function Discovery WS Discovery Provider Dll.
feclient.dll (2) Windows NT File Encryption Client Interfaces.
ffbroker.dll (2) Force Feedback Broker And Policy COM Server.
FfuProvider.dll (2) DISM Ffu Provider.
fhcat.dll File History Catalog Library.
fhcfg.dll File History Configuration Manager.
fhcleanup.dll File History Disk Cleanup Handler.
fhcpl.dll File History Control Panel.
fhengine.dll File History Engine.
fhevents.dll File History Event Listener Library.
fhlisten.dll File History HomeGroup Listener.
fhsettingsprovider.dll File History Backup & Restore Settings Provider.
fhshl.dll File History Custom Shell Library.
fhsrchapi.dll File History Search API.
fhsrchph.dll File History Search Protocol Handler.
fhsvc.dll File History Service.
fhsvcctl.dll File History Service Control Library.
fhtask.dll File History Task Handler.
fhuxadapter.dll File History Data Adapter.
fhuxapi.dll File History API.
fhuxcommon.dll File History Common Library.
fhuxgraphics.dll File History Graphics.
fhuxpresentation.dll File History Presentation.
fhuxpresentation.Resources.dll .
fidocredprov.dll (2) FIDO Credential Provider.
FileAppxStreamingDataSource.dll File AppX Streaming Data Source Library.
filemgmt.dll (2) Services and Shared Folders.
filetrace.dll File Tracing Automation Library.
FilterDS.dll Microsoft Filter Data Source Datasource Dll.
FilterModule.dll IFilter Text Extraction Module. Service Pack 20
findnetprinters.dll (2) Find Network Printers COM Component.
fingerprintcredential.dll (2) WinBio Fingerprint Credential.
FirewallAPI.dll (2) Windows Defender Firewall API.
FirewallControlPanel.dll (2) Windows Defender Firewall Control Panel.
FlashUtil_ActiveX.dll (2) Adobe Flash Player Helper 32.0 r0.
FlightSettings.dll (2) Flight Settings.
flogvwrc.dll (2) Microsoft .Net Framework Assembly Binding Log Viewer. Flavor=Retail
fltkd.dll (2) (3) (4) FsFilter debugger extensions.
fltLib.dll (2) Filter Library.
FluencyDS.dll “FluencyDS.DYNLINK”.
FM20.DLL Microsoft Forms DLL.
FM20ENU.DLL Microsoft Forms International DLL.
fmapi.dll File Management API.
fmifs.dll (2) FM IFS Utility DLL.
fms.dll (2) Font Management Services.
FntCache.dll Windows Font Cache Service.
FolderProvider.dll (2) DISM Folder Image Provider.
fontext.dll (2) Windows Font Folder.
FontGlyphAnimator.dll (2) Font Glyph Animator.
fontgroupsoverride.dll fontgroupsoverride.dll.
FontProvider.dll Windows Font Provider Library.
fontsub.dll (2) Font Subsetting DLL.
FPERSON.DLL Microsoft Office component.
fphc.dll (2) Filtering Platform Helper Class.
FPLACE.DLL Microsoft Office component.
FPSRVUTL.DLL Shared Web Utilities Component.
FPWEC.DLL Microsoft Office FrontPage Client Library.
framedyn.dll (2) WMI SDK Provider Framework.
framedynos.dll (2) WMI SDK Provider Framework.
FrameServer.dll Windows Camera Frame Server DLL.
FrameServerClient.dll (2) Frame Server Client DLL.
frprov.dll (2) Folder Redirection WMI Provider.
FsNVSDeviceSource.dll .
FSTOCK.DLL Microsoft Office component.
fsutilext.dll (2) FS Utility Extension DLL.
fthsvc.dll Microsoft Windows Fault Tolerant Heap Diagnostic Module.
fundisc.dll (2) Function Discovery Dll.
FusionV2.dll Sensor Fusion V2 Driver.
fveapi.dll (2) Windows BitLocker Drive Encryption API.
fveapibase.dll (2) Windows BitLocker Drive Encryption Base API.
fvecerts.dll (2) BitLocker Certificates Library.
fvecpl.dll BitLocker Drive Encryption control panel.
fveskybackup.dll Windows BitLocker Drive Encryption OneDrive Backup.
fveui.dll BitLocker Drive Encryption UI.
fvewiz.dll BitLocker Drive Encryption Wizard.
fwbase.dll (2) Firewall Base DLL.
fwcfg.dll (2) Windows Defender Firewall Configuration Helper.
fwmdmcsp.dll FWMDMCSP.
fwplugin.dll FWPlugin Event Library.
fwpolicyiomgr.dll (2) FwPolicyIoMgr DLL.
FwRemoteSvr.dll (2) Windows Defender Firewall Remote APIs Server.
FXSAPI.dll (2) (3) Microsoft Fax API Support DLL.
FXSCOM.dll (2) Microsoft Fax Server COM Client Interface.
FXSCOMEX.dll (2) Microsoft Fax Server Extended COM Client Interface.
FXSCOMPOSE.dll Compose Form.
FXSCOMPOSERES.dll Fax Compose.
FXSDRV.DLL Microsoft Fax Printer Driver.
FXSEVENT.dll Microsoft Fax EventLog Support DLL.
FXSEXT32.dll Microsoft Fax Exchange Command Extension.
FXSMON.dll Microsoft Fax Print Monitor.
FXSOCM.dll Microsoft Fax Optional Component Installer.
FXSRES.DLL Microsoft Fax Resource DLL.
FXSRESM.dll (2) Microsoft Fax Resource DLL.
FXSROUTE.dll Microsoft Fax Routing DLL.
FXSST.dll Fax Service.
FXST30.dll Microsoft Fax T30 Protocol Service Provider.
FXSTIFF.dll (2) Microsoft Fax TIFF library.
FXSUI.DLL Microsoft Fax Printer Driver UI.
FXSUTILITY.dll Fax Utility DLL.
FXSWZRD.DLL Microsoft Fax Wizard UI.
FXSXP32.dll Microsoft Fax Transport Provider.
g711.dll g711 dissector. Built with Visual Studio 16 2019
g722.dll g722 dissector. Built with Visual Studio 16 2019
g726.dll g726 dissector. Built with Visual Studio 16 2019
g729.dll g729 dissector. Built with Visual Studio 16 2019
gacutlrc.dll (2) Microsoft (R) .NET Framework Global Assembly Cache Utility. Flavor=Retail
GameBarPresenceWriter.proxy.dll (2) GameBar Presence Writer Proxy.
GameChatOverlayExt.dll (2) GameChat Overlay Extension.
GameChatTranscription.dll (2) GameChatTranscription.
GameInput.dll (2) GameInput API.
gamemode.dll (2) Game Mode Client.
GamePanelExternalHook.dll (2) GamePanelExternalHook.dll.
gamestreamingext.dll Xbox Game Streaming Extension.
gameux.dll (2) Games Explorer.
gamingtcui.dll (2) Windows Gaming Internal CallableUI dll.
gcdef.dll (2) Game Controllers Default Sheets.
gdi32.dll (2) GDI Client DLL.
gdi32full.dll (2) GDI Client DLL.
GdiPlus.dll (2) Microsoft GDI+.
GeneralTab.dll GeneralTab.
generaltel.dll General Telemetry.
GenericProvider.dll (2) DISM Generic Provider.
GenXBF.dll (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) GenXbf.
Geocommon.dll (2) Geocommon.
Geolocation.dll (2) Geolocation Runtime DLL.
getuname.dll (2) Unicode name Dll for UCE.
gflagsui.dll (2) (3) (4) Microsoft NT Global Flags Manipulator.
GFX.DLL Microsoft Office Graphics.
GKExcel.dll Microsoft Office component.
GKPowerPoint.dll Microsoft Office component.
GKWord.dll Microsoft Office component.
glib-2.dll .
glmf32.dll (2) OpenGL Metafiling DLL.
globinputhost.dll (2) Windows Globalization Extension API for Input.
glu32.dll (2) OpenGL Utility Library DLL.
gmodule-2.dll .
gmsaclient.dll (2) “gmsaclient.DYNLINK”.
gns.dll Guest Network Service.
gnsdk_fp.dll Gracenote SDK component.
gpapi.dll (2) Group Policy Client API.
GPCSEWrapperCsp.dll GPCSEWrapperCsp.
gpedit.dll (2) GPEdit.
gpiokd.dll (2) (3) GPIO Debug Extensions.
gpprefcl.dll (2) Group Policy Preference Client.
gpprnext.dll (2) Group Policy Printer Extension.
gpscript.dll (2) Script Client Side Extension.
gpsvc.dll Group Policy Client.
gptext.dll (2) GPTExt.
GraphicsCapture.dll (2) Microsoft Windows Graphics Capture Api.
GraphicsPerfSvc.dll GraphicsPerfSvc.
GRINTL32.DLL Microsoft Office component.
GRLEX.DLL Microsoft Office component.
GROOVEEX.DLL Microsoft OneDrive for Business Extensions.
GrooveIntlResource.dll .
Groupinghc.dll Grouping Helper Class.
gryphon.dll gryphon dissector. Built with Visual Studio 16 2019
gssapi32.dll GSSAPI - GSS API implementation for Kerberos 5 mechanism.
gthread-2.dll .
hal.dll Hardware Abstraction Layer DLL.
HalExtIntcLpioDMA.dll HAL Extension for Intel(R) Low Power Subsystem DMA Controller.
HalExtPL080.dll HAL Extension for PL080 DMA Controller.
hascsp.dll HealthAttestationCSP.
hbaapi.dll (2) HBA API data interface dll for HBA_API_Rev_2-18_2002MAR1.doc.
hcproviders.dll (2) Security and Maintenance Providers.
HdcpHandler.dll (2) Hdcp Handler DLL.
HeatCore.dll (2) .
HelloFace.dll .
HelpPaneProxy.dll (2) Microsoft Help Proxy.
hgcpl.dll (2) HomeGroup Control Panel.
hgprint.dll HomeGroup Printing Support.
hhsetup.dll (2) Microsoft HTML Help.
hid.dll (2) Hid User Library.
HidCfu.dll hidCfu Device.
hidkd.dll (2) (3) (4) HID Debug Extension.
hidscanner.dll WUDF: hidscanner.
hidserv.dll (2) Human Interface Device Service.
HidTelephony.dll HID Telephony Driver.
hlink.dll (2) Microsoft Office 2000 component.
hmkd.dll (2) Windows HMAC Key Derivation API.
hmmapi.dll (2) Microsoft HTTP Mail Simple MAPI.
hnetcfg.dll (2) Home Networking Configuration Manager.
HNetCfgClient.dll (2) Home Networking Configuration API Client.
hnetmon.dll (2) Home Networking Monitor DLL.
HologramCompositor.dll Hologram Compositor.
HologramWorld.dll Hydrogen Component.
HolographicExtensions.dll HolographicExtensions.
HolographicRuntimes.dll “HolographicRuntimes.DYNLINK”.
HoloShellRuntime.dll (2) Hologram Shell Runtime.
HoloSHExtensions.dll Holographic Shell Host Extensions.
HoloSI.PCShell.dll Windows Holographic Shell Infrastructure for PC.
hotplug.dll Safely Remove Hardware applet.
HrtfApo.dll (2) HrtfApo.dll.
HSCommunicationAPI.dll HSInterface dll file.
httpapi.dll (2) HTTP Protocol Stack API.
HttpDownloader.dll .
httpprxc.dll Proxy Manager Provider RPC interface.
httpprxm.dll Proxy Manager.
httpprxp.dll Proxy Manager Provider RPC interface.
HttpsDataSource.dll Https Data Source Library.
htui.dll (2) Common halftone Color Adjustment Dialogs.
HubWindowPlugin.dll Hub Window Plugin.
HuntGroupCallPickupPlugin.dll Hunt Group Call Pickup Jabber Plugin.
hvhostsvc.dll Microsoft Hypervisor Host Service.
hvloader.dll Hv Loader Library.
hvsigpext.dll Microsoft Defender Application Guard Policy Evaluator.
HvsiMachinePolicies.dll .
HvsiManagementApi.dll (2) .
HvsiSettingsProvider.dll Microsoft Defender Application Guard HvsiSettingsProvider.dll.
HvSocket.dll .
hwvidmigplugin.dll (2) (3) Hardware Video Migration Plugin.
hxds.dll Microsoft Help Data Services Module.
Hydrogen.dll Hydrogen Component.
IA2ComProxy.dll (2) IAccessible2 COM Proxy Stub DLL.
IACOM2.DLL Tablet PC Ink Analysis library for COM.
ias.dll (2) Network Policy Server.
iasacct.dll (2) NPS Accounting Provider.
iasads.dll (2) NPS Active Directory Data Store.
iasdatastore.dll (2) NPS Datastore server.
iashlpr.dll (2) NPS Surrogate Component.
IasMigPlugin.dll (2) NPS Migration DLL.
iasnap.dll (2) NPS NAP Provider.
iaspolcy.dll (2) NPS Pipeline.
iasrad.dll (2) NPS RADIUS Protocol Component.
iasrecst.dll (2) NPS XML Datastore Access.
iassam.dll (2) NPS NT SAM Provider.
iassdo.dll (2) NPS SDO Component.
iassvcs.dll (2) NPS Services Component.
IBSProvider.dll (2) DISM IBS Provider.
iccvid.dll Cinepak Codec.
icfupgd.dll Windows Firewal ICF Settings Upgrade.
icm32.dll (2) Microsoft Color Management Module (CMM).
icmp.dll (2) ICMP DLL.
icmui.dll (2) Microsoft Color Matching System User Interface DLL.
IconCodecService.dll (2) Converts a PNG part of the icon to a legacy bmp icon.
icsigd.dll (2) Internet Gateway Device properties.
icsvc.dll Virtual Machine Integration Component Service.
icsvcext.dll Virtual Machine Integration Component Service.
icu.dll (2) ICU Combined Library.
icudt56.dll ICU Data DLL.
icuin.dll (2) ICU I18N Forwarder DLL.
icuin56.dll ICU I18N DLL.
icuuc.dll (2) ICU Common Forwarder DLL.
icuuc56.dll ICU Common DLL.
IdCtrls.dll (2) Identity Controls.
IddCx.dll Indirect Displays Class Extension driver.
IdListen.dll Identity Listener.
idndl.dll (2) Downlevel DLL.
IDStore.dll (2) Identity Store.
idtsec.dll IdtechHidMsr.
IE.Interop.MSHTML.dll (2) (3) (4) IE.Interop.MsHtml.
ie_to_edge_bho.dll IEToEdge BHO.
ie_to_edge_bho_64.dll IEToEdge BHO.
IEAdvpack.dll (2) ADVPACK.
ieapfltr.dll (2) Microsoft SmartScreen Filter.
IEAWSDC.DLL (2) Microsoft Office component.
iedkcs32.dll (2) IEAK branding.
ieframe.dll (2) Internet Browser.
iemigplugin.dll (2) IE Migration Plugin.
iepeers.dll (2) Internet Explorer Peer Objects.
ieproxy.dll (2) IE ActiveX Interface Marshaling Library.
iernonce.dll (2) Extended RunOnce processing with UI.
iertutil.dll (2) Run time utility for Internet Explorer.
iesetup.dll (2) IOD Version Map.
IEShims.dll (2) Internet Explorer Compatibility Shims.
iesysprep.dll (2) IE Sysprep Provider.
IETAG.DLL Microsoft Office component.
ieui.dll (2) Internet Explorer UI Engine.
IFDPINTL.DLL Microsoft PDF Reflow.
ifmon.dll (2) IF Monitor DLL.
ifsutil.dll (2) IFS Utility DLL.
ifsutilx.dll (2) IFS Utility Extension DLL.
igdDiag.dll IGD Helper Class.
IGX.DLL Microsoft Igx.
IHDS.DLL (2) .
ihvrilproxy.dll Windows Cellular RIL Proxy.
iismig.dll IIS Migration Plugin.
IKEEXT.DLL IKE extension.
IlDasmrc.dll (2) Microsoft .NET Framework IL disassembler. Flavor=Retail
imagehlp.dll (2) Windows NT Image Helper.
imageres.dll (2) Windows Image Resource.
imagesp1.dll (2) Windows SP1 Image Resource.
ImagingProvider.dll (2) DISM Generic Imaging Provider.
imapi.dll (2) Image Mastering API.
imapi2.dll (2) Image Mastering API v2.
imapi2fs.dll (2) Image Mastering File System Imaging API v2.
IMCONTACT.DLL Microsoft Office component.
IMEAPIS.DLL (2) Microsoft IME.
ImeBrokerps.dll (2) Microsoft IME.
imecfm.dll (2) Microsoft IME.
imecfmps.dll (2) Microsoft IME.
IMEFILES.DLL (2) Microsoft IME.
IMELM.DLL (2) Microsoft IME.
IMEPADSM.DLL (2) Microsoft IME.
IMESEARCHDLL.DLL (2) IME search module.
ImeSystrayMenu.dll “ImeSystrayMenu.DYNLINK”.
IMETIP.DLL (2) Microsoft IME.
imgutil.dll (2) IE plugin image decoder support DLL.
IMJKAPI.DLL (2) Microsoft IME.
IMJPAPI.DLL (2) Microsoft IME.
IMJPCAC.DLL (2) Microsoft IME.
IMJPCD.DLL (2) Microsoft IME.
IMJPCLST.DLL (2) Microsoft IME.
IMJPCMLD.DLL (2) Microsoft IME.
imjpcus.dll (2) Microsoft IME.
IMJPDAPI.DLL (2) Microsoft IME.
IMJPDCTP.DLL (2) Microsoft IME.
IMJPKDIC.DLL (2) Microsoft IME.
IMJPLMP.DLL (2) Microsoft IME.
imjpmig.dll (2) (3) Microsoft IME.
IMJPPRED.DLL (2) Microsoft IME.
IMJPRANKER.DLL Microsoft IME JPN Ranker Dll.
imjpskey.DLL (2) Microsoft IME.
IMJPSKF.DLL (2) Microsoft IME.
IMJPTIP.DLL (2) Microsoft IME.
imjputyc.dll (2) Microsoft IME.
imkrapi.dll (2) Microsoft IME.
imkrcac.dll (2) Microsoft IME.
imkrhjd.dll (2) Microsoft IME.
imkrmig.dll (2) (3) Microsoft IME.
imkrotip.dll (2) Microsoft IME.
imkrskf.dll (2) Microsoft IME.
imkrtip.dll (2) Microsoft IME.
imkrudt.dll (2) Microsoft IME.
imm32.dll (2) Multi-User Windows IMM32 API Client DLL.
ImplatSetup.dll NdisImPlatform Network Setup Plugin.
IMPresenceServices.dll Services.
IMTCCAC.dll (2) imtccac.dll.
IMTCCFG.DLL (2) ImTcCfg.dll.
IMTCCORE.DLL (2) ImTcCore.dll.
IMTCDIC.dll (2) imtcdic.dll.
IMTCSKF.dll (2) imtcskf.dll.
IMTCTIP.dll (2) ImTCTip.dll.
IndexedDbLegacy.dll (2) “IndexedDbLegacy.DYNLINK”.
inetcomm.dll (2) Microsoft Internet Messaging API Resources.
inetmib1.dll (2) Microsoft MIB-II subagent.
inetpp.dll Internet Print Provider DLL.
inetppui.dll Internet Print Client DLL.
INETRES.dll (2) Microsoft Internet Messaging API Resources.
InkDiv.dll (2) Microsoft Tablet PC Ink Divider Platform Component.
InkEd.dll (2) Microsoft Tablet PC InkEdit Control.
InkObj.dll (2) Microsoft Tablet PC Ink Platform Component.
InkObjCore.dll (2) Microsoft Tablet PC Ink Platform Component.
InprocLogger.dll In-proc Private Event Trace Logger.
input.dll (2) InputSetting DLL.
InputCloudStore.dll Windows Input Cloud Store Task Handlers.
InputController.dll Windows Perception Simulation Input Controller.
InputHost.dll (2) InputHost.
InputInjectionBroker.dll (2) Broker for WinRT input injection..
InputLocaleManager.dll “InputLocaleManager.DYNLINK”.
InputService.dll Microsoft Text InputService Dll.
InputSwitch.dll (2) Microsoft Windows Input Switcher.
inseng.dll (2) Install engine.
InstallService.dll (2) InstallService.
InstallServiceTasks.dll (2) InstallService Tasks.
instant-message.dll Cisco Jabber.
IntelWifiIhv04.dll .
IntelWifiIhv06.dll .
IntelWifiIhv08.dll Intel Wireless Wifi IHV support DLL.
Interceptor.dll (2) Microsoft Office Just-In-Time Virtualization Interceptor.
internetmail.dll InternetMail sync engine for contacts, calendar.
InternetMailCsp.dll Internet Mail CSP DLL.
Interop.MSDASC.dll .
interop.searchapi.dll (2) (3) (4) .
interop.taskscheduler.dll (2) (3) (4) .
Interop.UIAutomationClient.dll (2) (3) (4) .
INTLDATE.DLL Microsoft Office component.
IntlProvider.dll (2) DISM International Provider.
invagent.dll Inventory Agent.
iologmsg.dll (2) IO Logging DLL.
IoTAssignedAccessLockFramework.dll Windows Runtime Assigned Access Management DLL.
ipcsecproc.dll Microsoft Active Directory Rights Management Services Desktop Security Processor.
IPELoggingDictationHelper.dll (2) IPE Logging Library Helper.
iphlpsvc.dll Service that offers IPv6 connectivity over an IPv4 network..
ipmiprr.dll (2) IPMI Provider Resource.
ipmiprv.dll (2) WMI IPMI PROVIDER.
ipnathlp.dll Microsoft NAT Helper Components.
IpNatHlpClient.dll (2) IP NAT Helper Client.
ipps90lgc.dll ipps90lgc.dll is the legacy ippSP dynamic library. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Legacy Signal Processing.
ippsc90lgc.dll ippsc90lgc.dll is the legacy ippSC dynamic library. Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Legacy Speech Codecs.
iprop.dll OLE PropertySet Implementation.
iprtprio.dll (2) IP Routing Protocol Priority DLL.
iprtrmgr.dll (2) IP Router Manager.
ipsecsnp.dll (2) IP Security Policy Management Snap-in.
IPSECSVC.DLL Windows IPsec SPD Server DLL.
IpsMigrationPlugin.dll Input Personalization Settings Migration Plugin.
ipsmsnap.dll (2) IP Security Monitor Snap-in.
IpsPlugin.dll Input Personalization Search Plugin.
ipxlatcfg.dll IP Translation Configuration Service.
IQueryString.dll (2) (3) (4) .
ir32_32.dll IR32_32 WRAPPER DLL.
ir32_32original.dll .
ir41_32original.dll Intel Indeo Video 4.5.
ir41_qc.dll IR41_QC WRAPPER DLL.
ir41_qcoriginal.dll Intel Indeo Video Interactive Quick Compressor.
ir41_qcx.dll IR41_QCX WRAPPER DLL.
ir41_qcxoriginal.dll Intel Indeo Video Interactive Quick Compressor.
ir50_32.dll IR50_32 WRAPPER DLL.
ir50_32original.dll Intel Indeo video 5.10.
ir50_qc.dll IR50_QC WRAPPER DLL.
ir50_qcoriginal.dll Intel Indeo video 5.10 Quick Compressor. Intel Indeo video 5.10 Quick Compressor
ir50_qcx.dll IR50_QCX WRAPPER DLL.
ir50_qcxoriginal.dll Intel Indeo video 5.10 Quick Compressor. Intel Indeo video 5.10 Quick Compressor
irda.dll irda dissector. Built with Visual Studio 16 2019
iri.dll (2) iri.
iscsicpl.dll (2) iSCSI Initiator Control Panel Applet.
iscsidsc.dll (2) iSCSI Discovery api.
iscsied.dll (2) iSCSI Extension DLL.
iscsiexe.dll iSCSI Discovery service.
iscsilog.dll iSCSI Event Log DLL.
iscsium.dll (2) iSCSI Discovery api.
iscsiwmi.dll (2) MS iSCSI Initiator WMI Provider.
iscsiwmiv2.dll (2) WMI Provider for iSCSI.
ISM.dll ISM.
IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentUtils.dll (2) .
isxpshlp.dll (2) (3) isXPShlp.
ISymWrapper.dll Microsoft .NET Runtime Managed Symbol Wrappers. Flavor=Retail
itircl.dll (2) Microsoft InfoTech IR Local DLL.
itircl55.dll Microsoft InfoTech IR Local DLL.
itss.dll (2) Microsoft InfoTech Storage System Library.
iuilp.dll iuilp.
iumbase.dll IUM Layer Secure Win32 DLL.
iumcrypt.dll IUM Crypto Support Routines.
iumdll.dll IUM Layer DLL.
IumSdk.dll IumSdk DLL.
iviewers.dll (2) (3) (4) OLE/COM Object Interface Viewer.
IVY.DLL Microsoft Ivy.
iyuv_32.dll (2) Intel Indeo(R) Video YUV Codec.
J2TMigration.dll .
Jabber2TeamsMigrationPlugin.dll .
JabberCoreUiPlugin.dll Cisco Jabber.
JabberMeeting.dll JabberMe Dynamic Link Library.
JabberMeetingPlugin.dll MeetingT.
JabberUpgradePlugin.dll .
JabberUtils.dll Jabber Utils.
JabberWerxCPP.dll .
JabraJabberPlugin.dll Jabra plug-in for Cisco Jabber.
JavaScriptCollectionAgent.dll (2) JavaScript Performance Collection Agent.
JCFCoreUtils.dll .
JitV.dll (2) .
joinproviderol.dll (2) Online Join Provider DLL.
joinutil.dll (2) Join Utility DLL.
JpMapControl.dll (2) Jupiter Map Control.
jpndecoder.dll “JpnDecoder.DYNLINK”.
jpninputrouter.dll “JpnInputRouter.DYNLINK”.
JpnKorRoaming.dll Microsoft IME.
jpnranker.dll “JpnRanker.DYNLINK”.
JpnServiceDS.dll “JpnServiceDS.DYNLINK”.
jscript.dll (2) Microsoft JScript.
jscript9.dll (2) Microsoft JScript.
jscript9diag.dll (2) Microsoft JScript Diagnostics.
jscript9diagdump.dll (2) (3) (4) Microsoft JScript Diagnostics Helper.
JsProvider.dll (2) (3) JavaScript Script Provider Extension.
jsproxy.dll (2) JScript Proxy Auto-Configuration.
k5sprt32.dll Kerberos v5 support - internal support code for MIT Kerberos for Windows.
k5sprt64.dll Kerberos v5 support - internal support code for MIT Kerberos for Windows.
kbd101.dll (2) JP Japanese Keyboard Layout for 101.
kbd101a.dll (2) KO Hangeul Keyboard Layout for 101 (Type A).
kbd101b.DLL (2) KO Hangeul Keyboard Layout for 101(Type B).
kbd101c.DLL (2) KO Hangeul Keyboard Layout for 101(Type C).
kbd103.DLL (2) KO Hangeul Keyboard Layout for 103.
kbd106.dll (2) JP Japanese Keyboard Layout for 106.
kbd106n.dll (2) JP Japanese Keyboard Layout for 106.
KBDA1.DLL (2) Arabic_English_101 Keyboard Layout.
KBDA2.DLL (2) Arabic_2 Keyboard Layout.
KBDA3.DLL (2) Arabic_French_102 Keyboard Layout.
KBDADLM.DLL (2) Adlam Keyboard Layout.
KBDAL.DLL (2) Albania Keyboard Layout.
KBDARME.DLL (2) Eastern Armenian Keyboard Layout.
kbdarmph.dll (2) Armenian Phonetic Keyboard Layout.
kbdarmty.dll (2) Armenian Typewriter Keyboard Layout.
KBDARMW.DLL (2) Western Armenian Keyboard Layout.
kbdax2.dll (2) JP Japanese Keyboard Layout for AX2.
KBDAZE.DLL (2) Azerbaijan_Cyrillic Keyboard Layout.
KBDAZEL.DLL (2) Azeri-Latin Keyboard Layout.
KBDAZST.DLL (2) Azerbaijani (Standard) Keyboard Layout.
KBDBASH.DLL (2) Bashkir Keyboard Layout.
KBDBE.DLL (2) Belgian Keyboard Layout.
KBDBENE.DLL (2) Belgian Dutch Keyboard Layout.
KBDBGPH.DLL (2) Bulgarian Phonetic Keyboard Layout.
KBDBGPH1.DLL (2) Bulgarian (Phonetic Traditional) Keyboard Layout.
KBDBHC.DLL (2) Bosnian (Cyrillic) Keyboard Layout.
KBDBLR.DLL (2) Belarusian Keyboard Layout.
KBDBR.DLL (2) Brazilian Keyboard Layout.
KBDBU.DLL (2) Bulgarian (Typewriter) Keyboard Layout.
KBDBUG.DLL (2) Buginese Keyboard Layout.
KBDBULG.DLL (2) Bulgarian Keyboard Layout.
KBDCA.DLL (2) Canadian Multilingual Keyboard Layout.
KBDCAN.DLL (2) Canadian Multilingual Standard Keyboard Layout.
KBDCHER.DLL (2) Cherokee Nation Keyboard Layout.
KBDCHERP.DLL (2) Cherokee Phonetic Keyboard Layout.
KBDCR.DLL (2) Croatian/Slovenian Keyboard Layout.
KBDCZ.DLL (2) Czech Keyboard Layout.
KBDCZ1.DLL (2) Czech_101 Keyboard Layout.
KBDCZ2.DLL (2) Czech_Programmer’s Keyboard Layout.
KBDDA.DLL (2) Danish Keyboard Layout.
KBDDIV1.DLL (2) Divehi Phonetic Keyboard Layout.
KBDDIV2.DLL (2) Divehi Typewriter Keyboard Layout.
KBDDV.DLL (2) Dvorak US English Keyboard Layout.
KBDDZO.DLL (2) Dzongkha Keyboard Layout.
KBDES.DLL (2) Spanish Alernate Keyboard Layout.
KBDEST.DLL (2) Estonia Keyboard Layout.
KBDFA.DLL (2) Persian Keyboard Layout.
kbdfar.dll (2) Persian Standard Keyboard Layout.
KBDFC.DLL (2) Canadian French Keyboard Layout.
KBDFI.DLL (2) Finnish Keyboard Layout.
KBDFI1.DLL (2) Finnish-Swedish with Sami Keyboard Layout.
KBDFO.DLL (2) Froese Keyboard Layout.
KBDFR.DLL (2) French Keyboard Layout.
KBDFTHRK.DLL (2) Futhark Keyboard Layout.
KBDGAE.DLL (2) Scottish Gaelic (United Kingdom) Keyboard Layout.
KBDGEO.DLL (2) Georgian Keyboard Layout.
kbdgeoer.dll (2) Georgian (Ergonomic) Keyboard Layout.
kbdgeome.dll (2) Georgian (MES) Keyboard Layout.
kbdgeooa.dll (2) Georgian (Old Alphabets) Keyboard Layout.
kbdgeoqw.dll (2) Georgian (QWERTY) Keyboard Layout.
KBDGKL.DLL (2) Greek_Latin Keyboard Layout.
KBDGN.DLL (2) Guarani Keyboard Layout.
KBDGR.DLL (2) German Keyboard Layout.
KBDGR1.DLL (2) German_IBM Keyboard Layout.
KBDGRLND.DLL (2) Greenlandic Keyboard Layout.
KBDGTHC.DLL (2) Gothic Keyboard Layout.
KBDHAU.DLL (2) Hausa Keyboard Layout.
KBDHAW.DLL (2) Hawaiian Keyboard Layout.
KBDHE.DLL (2) Greek Keyboard Layout.
KBDHE220.DLL (2) Greek IBM 220 Keyboard Layout.
KBDHE319.DLL (2) Greek IBM 319 Keyboard Layout.
KBDHEB.DLL (2) KBDHEB Keyboard Layout.
kbdhebl3.dll (2) Hebrew Standard Keyboard Layout.
KBDHELA2.DLL (2) Greek IBM 220 Latin Keyboard Layout.
KBDHELA3.DLL (2) Greek IBM 319 Latin Keyboard Layout.
KBDHEPT.DLL (2) Greek_Polytonic Keyboard Layout.
KBDHU.DLL (2) Hungarian Keyboard Layout.
KBDHU1.DLL (2) Hungarian 101-key Keyboard Layout.
kbdibm02.dll (2) JP Japanese Keyboard Layout for IBM 5576-002/003.
KBDIBO.DLL (2) Igbo Keyboard Layout.
KBDIC.DLL (2) Icelandic Keyboard Layout.
KBDINASA.DLL (2) Assamese (Inscript) Keyboard Layout.
KBDINBE1.DLL (2) Bengali - Inscript (Legacy) Keyboard Layout.
KBDINBE2.DLL (2) Bengali (Inscript) Keyboard Layout.
KBDINBEN.DLL (2) Bengali Keyboard Layout.
KBDINDEV.DLL (2) Devanagari Keyboard Layout.
KBDINEN.DLL (2) English (India) Keyboard Layout.
KBDINGUJ.DLL (2) Gujarati Keyboard Layout.
KBDINHIN.DLL (2) Hindi Keyboard Layout.
KBDINKAN.DLL (2) Kannada Keyboard Layout.
KBDINMAL.DLL (2) Malayalam Keyboard Layout Keyboard Layout.
KBDINMAR.DLL (2) Marathi Keyboard Layout.
KBDINORI.DLL (2) Odia Keyboard Layout.
KBDINPUN.DLL (2) Punjabi/Gurmukhi Keyboard Layout.
KBDINTAM.DLL (2) Tamil Keyboard Layout.
KBDINTEL.DLL (2) Telugu Keyboard Layout.
KBDINUK2.DLL (2) Inuktitut Naqittaut Keyboard Layout.
KBDIR.DLL (2) Irish Keyboard Layout.
KBDIT.DLL (2) Italian Keyboard Layout.
KBDIT142.DLL (2) Italian 142 Keyboard Layout.
KBDIULAT.DLL (2) Inuktitut Latin Keyboard Layout.
KBDJAV.DLL (2) Javanese Keyboard Layout.
KBDJPN.DLL (2) JP Japanese Keyboard Layout Stub driver.
KBDKAZ.DLL (2) Kazak_Cyrillic Keyboard Layout.
KBDKHMR.DLL (2) Cambodian Standard Keyboard Layout.
KBDKNI.DLL (2) Khmer (NIDA) Keyboard Layout.
KBDKOR.DLL (2) KO Hangeul Keyboard Layout Stub driver.
KBDKURD.DLL (2) Central Kurdish Keyboard Layout.
KBDKYR.DLL (2) Kyrgyz Keyboard Layout.
KBDLA.DLL (2) Latin-American Spanish Keyboard Layout.
KBDLAO.DLL (2) Lao Standard Keyboard Layout.
kbdlisub.dll (2) Lisu Basic Keyboard Layout.
kbdlisus.dll (2) Lisu Standard Keyboard Layout.
kbdlk41a.dll (2) DEC LK411-AJ Keyboard Layout.
KBDLT.DLL (2) Lithuania Keyboard Layout.
KBDLT1.DLL (2) Lithuanian Keyboard Layout.
KBDLT2.DLL (2) Lithuanian Standard Keyboard Layout.
KBDLV.DLL (2) Latvia Keyboard Layout.
KBDLV1.DLL (2) Latvia-QWERTY Keyboard Layout.
KBDLVST.DLL (2) Latvian (Standard) Keyboard Layout.
KBDMAC.DLL (2) Macedonian (North Macedonia) Keyboard Layout.
KBDMACST.DLL (2) Macedonian (North Macedonia) - Standard Keyboard Layout.
KBDMAORI.DLL (2) Maori Keyboard Layout.
KBDMLT47.DLL (2) Maltese 47-key Keyboard Layout.
KBDMLT48.DLL (2) Maltese 48-key Keyboard Layout.
KBDMON.DLL (2) Mongolian Keyboard Layout.
KBDMONMO.DLL (2) Mongolian (Mongolian Script) Keyboard Layout.
KBDMONST.DLL (2) Traditional Mongolian (Standard) Keyboard Layout.
KBDMYAN.DLL (2) Myanmar Keyboard Layout.
KBDNE.DLL (2) Dutch Keyboard Layout.
kbdnec.DLL (2) JP Japanese Keyboard Layout for (NEC PC-9800).
kbdnec95.dll (2) JP Japanese Keyboard Layout for (NEC PC-9800 Windows 95).
kbdnecat.DLL (2) JP Japanese Keyboard Layout for (NEC PC-9800 on PC98-NX).
kbdnecnt.DLL (2) JP Japanese NEC PC-9800 Keyboard Layout.
KBDNEPR.DLL (2) Nepali Keyboard Layout.
kbdnko.dll (2) N’Ko Keyboard Layout.
KBDNO.DLL (2) Norwegian Keyboard Layout.
KBDNO1.DLL (2) Norwegian with Sami Keyboard Layout.
KBDNSO.DLL (2) Sesotho sa Leboa Keyboard Layout.
KBDNTL.DLL (2) New Tai Leu Keyboard Layout.
KBDOGHAM.DLL (2) Ogham Keyboard Layout.
KBDOLCH.DLL (2) Ol Chiki Keyboard Layout.
KBDOLDIT.DLL (2) Old Italic Keyboard Layout.
KBDOSA.DLL (2) Osage Keyboard Layout.
KBDOSM.DLL (2) Osmanya Keyboard Layout.
KBDPASH.DLL (2) Pashto (Afghanistan) Keyboard Layout.
kbdphags.dll (2) Phags-pa Keyboard Layout.
KBDPL.DLL (2) Polish Keyboard Layout.
KBDPL1.DLL (2) Polish Programmer’s Keyboard Layout.
KBDPO.DLL (2) Portuguese Keyboard Layout.
KBDRO.DLL (2) Romanian (Legacy) Keyboard Layout.
KBDROPR.DLL (2) Romanian (Programmers) Keyboard Layout.
KBDROST.DLL (2) Romanian (Standard) Keyboard Layout.
KBDRU.DLL (2) Russian Keyboard Layout.
KBDRU1.DLL (2) Russia(Typewriter) Keyboard Layout.
KBDRUM.DLL (2) Russian - Mnemonic Keyboard Layout.
KBDSF.DLL (2) Swiss French Keyboard Layout.
KBDSG.DLL (2) Swiss German Keyboard Layout.
KBDSL.DLL (2) Slovak Keyboard Layout.
KBDSL1.DLL (2) Slovak(QWERTY) Keyboard Layout.
KBDSMSFI.DLL (2) Sami Extended Finland-Sweden Keyboard Layout.
KBDSMSNO.DLL (2) Sami Extended Norway Keyboard Layout.
KBDSN1.DLL (2) Sinhala Keyboard Layout.
KBDSORA.DLL (2) Sora Keyboard Layout.
KBDSOREX.DLL (2) Sorbian Extended Keyboard Layout.
KBDSORS1.DLL (2) Sorbian Standard Keyboard Layout.
KBDSORST.DLL (2) Sorbian Standard (Legacy) Keyboard Layout.
KBDSP.DLL (2) Spanish Keyboard Layout.
KBDSW.DLL (2) Swedish Keyboard Layout.
KBDSW09.DLL (2) Sinhala - Wij 9 Keyboard Layout.
KBDSYR1.DLL (2) Syriac Standard Keyboard Layout.
KBDSYR2.DLL (2) Syriac Phoenetic Keyboard Layout.
KBDTAILE.DLL (2) Tai Le Keyboard Layout.
KBDTAJIK.DLL (2) Tajik Keyboard Layout.
KBDTAM99.DLL Tamil99Keyboard Keyboard Layout.
KBDTAT.DLL (2) Tatar (Legacy) Keyboard Layout.
KBDTH0.DLL (2) Thai Kedmanee Keyboard Layout.
KBDTH1.DLL (2) Thai Pattachote Keyboard Layout.
KBDTH2.DLL (2) Thai Kedmanee (non-ShiftLock) Keyboard Layout.
KBDTH3.DLL (2) Thai Pattachote (non-ShiftLock) Keyboard Layout.
KBDTIFI.DLL (2) Tifinagh (Basic) Keyboard Layout.
KBDTIFI2.DLL (2) Tifinagh (Extended) Keyboard Layout.
KBDTIPRC.DLL (2) Tibetan (PRC) Keyboard Layout.
KBDTIPRD.DLL (2) Tibetan (PRC) - Updated Keyboard Layout.
KBDTT102.DLL (2) Tatar Keyboard Layout.
KBDTUF.DLL (2) Turkish F Keyboard Layout.
KBDTUQ.DLL (2) Turkish Q Keyboard Layout.
KBDTURME.DLL (2) Turkmen Keyboard Layout.
KBDTZM.DLL (2) Central Atlas Tamazight Keyboard Layout.
KBDUGHR.DLL (2) Uyghur (Legacy) Keyboard Layout.
KBDUGHR1.DLL (2) Uyghur Keyboard Layout.
KBDUK.DLL (2) United Kingdom Keyboard Layout.
KBDUKX.DLL (2) United Kingdom Extended Keyboard Layout.
KBDUR.DLL (2) Ukrainian Keyboard Layout.
KBDUR1.DLL (2) Ukrainian (Enhanced) Keyboard Layout.
KBDURDU.DLL (2) Urdu Keyboard Layout.
KBDUS.DLL (2) United States Keyboard Layout.
KBDUSA.DLL (2) US IBM Arabic 238_L Keyboard Layout.
KBDUSL.DLL (2) Dvorak Left-Hand US English Keyboard Layout.
KBDUSR.DLL (2) Dvorak Right-Hand US English Keyboard Layout.
KBDUSX.DLL (2) US Multinational Keyboard Layout.
KBDUZB.DLL (2) Uzbek_Cyrillic Keyboard Layout.
KBDVNTC.DLL (2) Vietnamese Keyboard Layout.
KBDWOL.DLL (2) Wolof Keyboard Layout.
KBDYAK.DLL (2) Sakha - Russia Keyboard Layout.
KBDYBA.DLL (2) Yoruba Keyboard Layout.
KBDYCC.DLL (2) Serbian (Cyrillic) Keyboard Layout.
KBDYCL.DLL (2) Serbian (Latin) Keyboard Layout.
kd.dll Local Kernel Debugger.
kd_02_10df.dll Emulex Network Kernel Debug Extensibility Module.
kd_02_10ec.dll Realtek Network Kernel Debug Extensibility Module.
kd_02_1137.dll Cisco Vic Network Kernel Debug Extensibility Module.
kd_02_14e4.dll Broadcom Network Kernel Debug Extensibility Module.
kd_02_15b3.dll Mellanox ConnectX Network Kernel Debug Extensibility Module.
kd_02_1969.dll Qualcomm Atheros Network Kernel Debug Extensibility Module.
kd_02_19a2.dll Emulex Network Kernel Debug Extensibility Module.
kd_02_1af4.dll VirtIO Network Kernel Debug Extensibility Module.
kd_02_8086.dll Intel Network Kernel Debug Extensibility Module.
kd_07_1415.dll Network Kernel Debug Serial Extensibility Module.
kd_0C_8086.dll Intel USB Network Kernel Debug Extensibility Module.
kdcom.dll Serial Kernel Debugger.
kdcpw.dll KDCPW.
kdexts.dll (2) (3) (4) Microsoft Kernel Debugger Extensions.
kdhvcom.dll Enlightened Kernel Serial Debugger Extension DLL.
kdnet.dll Network Kernel Debugger.
kdnet_uart16550.dll Network Kernel Debug Serial Extensibility Module.
KdsCli.dll Microsoft Key Distribution Service Provider.
kdstub.dll Network Kernel Debug Extensibility Stubs.
kdusb.dll (2) (3) USB 2.0 Kernel Debugger.
keepaliveprovider.dll Keep alive provider API.
KerbClientShared.dll (2) Kerberos Client Shared Functionality.
kerberos.dll (2) Kerberos Security Package.
kernel.appcore.dll (2) AppModel API Host.
kernel32.dll (2) Windows NT BASE API Client DLL.
KernelBase.dll (2) Windows NT BASE API Client DLL.
KernelTraceControl.dll (2) (3) (4) Performance Analyzer Kernel Tracing Control Library.
kext.dll (2) (3) (4) Debugger Extensions.
KeyCredMgr.dll (2) Microsoft Key Credential Manager.
keyiso.dll (2) CNG Key Isolation Service.
keymgr.dll (2) Stored User Names and Passwords.
KeywordDetectorMsftSidAdapter.dll Microsoft keyword detector adapter for speaker id.
kfwlogon.dll Kerberos Network Provider - MIT Kerberos for Windows.
KnobsCore.dll Knobs Core Library.
KnobsCsp.dll Knobs CSP.
krb5_32.dll Kerberos v5 - MIT Kerberos for Windows.
krb5_64.dll Kerberos v5 - MIT Kerberos for Windows.
krbcc32.dll Kerberos Credentials Cache DLL.
KrnlProv.dll WMI.
ks.dll (2) (3) (4) Kernel Streaming Debugger Extensions.
ksuser.dll (2) User CSA Library.
ktmw32.dll (2) Windows KTM Win32 Client DLL.
l16mono.dll l16mono dissector. Built with Visual Studio 16 2019
l2gpstore.dll (2) Policy Storage dll.
l2nacp.dll (2) Windows Onex Credential Provider.
L2SecHC.dll (2) Layer 2 Security Diagnostics Helper Classes.
LangCleanupSysprepAction.dll Language cleanup Sysprep action.
LanguageComponentsInstaller.dll LanguageComponentsInstaller Task.
LanguageOverlayServer.dll Provides infrastructure support for deploying and configuring localized Windows resources..
LanguageOverlayUtil.dll (2) Provides helper APIs for managing overlaid localized Windows resources..
LanguagePackDiskCleanup.dll Language Pack Disk Cleanup.
LAPRXY.DLL (2) Windows Media Logagent Proxy.
lcppn.dll .
learning_tools.dll Microsoft Edge.
leashw32.dll Leash Helper API - MIT Kerberos for Windows.
LegacyNetUX.dll Legacy Net UX DLL.
LegacySystemSettings.dll Legacy System Settings Extension Point.
lfsvc.dll Geolocation Service.
libaudiopairing.dll .
libbcg729.dll .
libcef.dll Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF) Dynamic Link Library.
libcharset.dll .
libcrypto.dll .
libcrypto-1_1.dll (2) OpenSSL library.
libcurl.dll (2) libcurl Shared Library.
libcxybase.dll .
libcxypme.dll .
libcxypmp.dll .
libcxytaf.dll .
libeay32.dll (2) (3) OpenSSL Shared Library.
libEGL.dll (2) (3) (4) (5) ANGLE libEGL Dynamic Link Library. Build Date: 2020-08-17 20:59:09 +0000
libexpatw.dll .
libffi-6.dll .
libgcc_s_seh-1.dll .
libgcrypt-20.dll Libgcrypt - The GNU Crypto Library. Provided under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPLv2.1+).
libgio-2.0-0.dll Gio.
libGLESv2.dll (2) (3) (4) (5) SwiftShader libGLESv2 32-bit Dynamic Link Library.
libglib-2.0-0.dll GLib.
libgmodule-2.0-0.dll GModule.
libgmp-10.dll .
libgnutls-30.dll .
libgobject-2.0-0.dll GObject.
libgpg-error-0.dll libgpg-error - Common error codes. Provided under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License.
libgstalaw.dll .
libgstapp-0.10-0.dll .
libgstaudio-0.10-0.dll .
libgstaudioconvert.dll .
libgstaudiorate.dll .
libgstaudioresample.dll .
libgstaudiotestsrc.dll .
libgstbase-0.10-0.dll .
libgstcontroller-0.10-0.dll .
libgstcoreelements.dll .
libgstdirectdraw.dll .
libgstdssrc.dll TAA_RC_PROJECT_NAME.
libgstdtmf.dll .
libgstffmpegcolorspace.dll .
libgsth264parse.dll .
libgstinterfaces-0.10-0.dll .
libgstjpeg.dll .
libgstlevel.dll .
libgstliveadder.dll .
libgstmulaw.dll .
libgstnetbuffer-0.10-0.dll .
libgstopus.dll .
libgstpbutils-0.10-0.dll .
libgstreamer-0.10-0.dll .
libgstriff-0.10-0.dll .
libgstrtp.dll .
libgstrtp-0.10-0.dll .
libgstrtpmanager.dll .
libgstrtpmux.dll .
libgsttag-0.10-0.dll .
libgstudp.dll .
libgstvideo-0.10-0.dll .
libgstvideobox.dll .
libgstvideofit.dll TAA_RC_PROJECT_NAME.
libgstvideorate.dll .
libgstvideoscale.dll .
libgstvideosignal.dll .
libgstvideotestsrc.dll .
libgstvolume.dll .
libgstwavparse.dll .
libgstwinscreencap.dll .
libgthread-2.0-0.dll GThread.
libhogweed-4.dll .
libhunspell.dll libhunspell. Hunspell ( by Lszl Nmeth
libiconv.dll .
libintl.dll .
libmari.dll .
libmaxminddb-0.dll .
libnettle-6.dll .
libp11-kit-0.dll .
libpme.dll .
librzss.dll .
libsasl.dll CMU SASL API v2.
libsbc-1.dll .
libsmartscreen.dll SmartScreen Dynamic Link Library.
libsmi-2.dll .
libsnappy-1.dll .
libspandsp-2.dll .
libssh.dll .
libssl-1_1.dll (2) OpenSSL library.
libtaah264codecbase.dll .
libtaf.dll .
libtasn1-6.dll .
libwinpthread-1.dll POSIX WinThreads for Windows.
libwireshark.dll Wireshark dissector library.
libwiretap.dll Wireshark capture file library.
libwsutil.dll Wireshark utility library.
libxml2.dll (2) .
LicenseManager.dll (2) LicenseManager.
LicenseManagerApi.dll (2) “LicenseManagerApi.DYNLINK”.
LicenseManagerSvc.dll LicenseManagerSvc.
LicensingCSP.dll LicensingCSP.
LicensingDiagSpp.dll (2) Licensing Diagnostics SPP Plugin.
LicensingWinRT.dll (2) LicensingWinRuntime.
licmgr10.dll (2) Microsoft License Manager DLL.
linkinfo.dll (2) Windows Volume Tracking.
ListSvc.dll Windows HomeGroup.
lltdapi.dll Link-Layer Topology Mapper API.
lltdres.dll Link-Layer Topology Discovery Resources.
lltdsvc.dll Link-Layer Topology Mapper Service.
lmhsvc.dll TCPIP NetBios Transport Services DLL.
loadperf.dll (2) Load & Unload Performance Counters.
LOCALDV.DLL import/export translator resources.
localsec.dll (2) Local Users and Groups MMC Snapin.
localspl.dll Local Spooler DLL.
localui.dll Local Monitor UI DLL.
Localytics.dll .
LocationApi.dll (2) Microsoft Windows Location API.
LocationFramework.dll Windows Geolocation Framework.
LocationFrameworkInternalPS.dll (2) Windows Geolocation Framework Internal PS.
LocationFrameworkPS.dll (2) Windows Geolocation Framework PS.
LocationWinPalMisc.dll Windows Location Platform Abstraction Layer.
LockAppBroker.dll (2) Windows Lock App Broker DLL.
LockController.dll LockController.
LockHostingFramework.dll LockHostingFramework.
LockScreenContent.dll Windows Lock Screen Content.
LockScreenContentHost.dll LockScreenContent Host.
LockScreenData.dll (2) Windows Lock Screen Data DLL.
logexts.dll (2) .
LoggerService.dll .
loghours.dll (2) Schedule Dialog.
LoginMgr.dll .
logoncli.dll (2) Net Logon Client DLL.
LogonController.dll Logon UX Controller.
LogProvider.dll (2) DISM Logging Provider.
LogUtility.dll LogManager dll file.
lpasvc.dll Local Profile Assistant Service.
lpk.dll (2) Language Pack.
lpksetupproxyserv.dll COM proxy server for lpksetup.exe.
lsasrv.dll LSA Server DLL.
LSCSHostPolicy.dll Microsoft Remote Desktop Virtual Graphics Session Licensing Host Policy.
lsm.dll Local Session Manager Service.
lsmproxy.dll (2) LSM interfaces proxy Dll.
lstelemetry.dll Microsoft emote Desktop Licensing Telemetry.
lua52.dll .
luainstall.dll (2) Lua manifest install.
lucpcisco.dll Logi UC Plugin for Cisco.
luiapi.dll (2) LUI API.
lz32.dll (2) LZ Expand/Compress API DLL.
lz4.dll .
lzma.dll .
Magnification.dll (2) Microsoft Magnification API.
MaintenanceUI.dll Maintenance Settings Control Panel.
ManageCI.dll Code Integrity Management Interface.
ManagedCollector.dll Managed Collector.
ManagedMD.dll ManagedMD. Managed assembly metadata reader library
MapConfiguration.dll (2) MapConfiguration.
MapControlCore.dll (2) Map Control Core.
MapControlStringsRes.dll (2) Map control resource strings.
MapGeocoder.dll (2) Maps Geocoder.
mapi32.dll (2) Extended MAPI 1.0 for Windows NT.
MAPIPH.DLL Microsoft Outlook Search MAPI Protocol Handler.
MAPIR.DLL ExOlk Intl Pluggable UI.
MAPISHELL.DLL (2) Microsoft Office Outlook - Windows Explorer Shell Folder and Previewer.
MAPISHELLR.DLL (2) Microsoft Outlook - Windows Explorer Shell Folder and Previewer Resources.
mapistub.dll (2) Extended MAPI 1.0 for Windows NT.
MapRouter.dll (2) Maps Router.
MapsBtSvc.dll (2) Maps Background Transfer Service.
MapsBtSvcProxy.dll Maps Background Transfer Service proxy.
MapsCSP.dll MapsCSP.
MapsMigPlugin.dll (2) Maps Migration Plugin.
MapsStore.dll Maps Store Dll.
mapstoasttask.dll MapsToastTask Task.
mapsupdatetask.dll MapsUpdateTask Task.
mashupcompression.dll .
mate.dll mate dissector. Built with Visual Studio 16 2019
MbaeApi.dll (2) Mobile Broadband Account Experience API.
MbaeApiPublic.dll (2) Mobile Broadband Account API.
MbaeXmlParser.dll Mobile Broadband Account Experience Parser.
MBMediaManager.dll Windows MB Media Manager DLL.
mbsmsapi.dll (2) Microsoft Windows Mobile Broadband SMS API.
mbussdapi.dll (2) Microsoft Windows Mobile Broadband USSD API.
MCCSEngineShared.dll (2) Utilies shared among OneSync engines.
MCCSPal.dll Platform abstraction layer dll for MCCS.
mce.dll (2) Classification Engine Implementation. Service Pack 20
mciavi32.dll (2) Video For Windows MCI driver.
mcicda.dll (2) MCI driver for cdaudio devices.
mciqtz32.dll (2) DirectShow MCI Driver.
mciseq.dll (2) MCI driver for MIDI sequencer.
mciwave.dll (2) MCI driver for waveform audio.
Mconhelp.dll conhelp.
Mcontrace.dll wbxtrace. Unified Trace Module
MCRecvSrc.dll (2) Miracast Media Foundation Source DLL.
mcupdate_AuthenticAMD.dll AMD Microcode Update Library.
mcupdate_GenuineIntel.dll Intel Microcode Update Library.
MDMAppProv.dll MDM Application Provider.
MdmCommon.dll MdmCommon.
MdmDiagnostics.dll MdmDiagnostics.
mdminst.dll (2) Modem Class Installer.
mdmlocalmanagement.dll (2) MDM Local Management DLL.
mdmmigrator.dll Device Management Update Migrator DLL.
mdmpostprocessevaluator.dll MDM PostProcessing Configuration Dependency Evaluator.
mdmregistration.dll (2) MDM Registration DLL.
MDMSettingsProv.dll MDM Settings Provider.
MediaDeviceService.dll .
MediaFoundation.DefaultPerceptionProvider.dll MediaFoundation Default Perception Provider.
MediaPlayerManager.dll MediaPlayerManager dll file.
MeetingJoinAxOC.dll Skype for Business.
MemoryAnalyzer.dll (2) MemoryAnalyzer Extension.
MemoryDiagnostic.dll Microsoft Windows Memory Diagnostic Task Handler.
mergemod.dll (2) (3) (4) MSM Merge Tool COM Server.
MessagingDataModel2.dll (2) MessagingDataModel2.
MessagingService.dll Messaging Service.
METCONV.DLL Microsoft Office component.
MExpatWrapper.dll Expat Dynamic Link Library.
mf.dll (2) Media Foundation DLL.
mf3216.dll (2) 32-bit to 16-bit Metafile Conversion DLL.
mfAACEnc.dll (2) Media Foundation AAC Encoder.
mfasfsrcsnk.dll (2) Media Foundation ASF Source and Sink DLL.
mfaudiocnv.dll (2) Media Foundation Audio Converter DLL.
mfc140.dll (2) MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version.
mfc140enu.dll (2) MFC Language Specific Resources.
mfc140u.dll (2) MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version.
mfc40.dll MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version.
mfc40u.dll MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version.
mfc42.dll (2) MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version.
mfc42u.dll (2) MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version.
MFCaptureEngine.dll (2) Media Foundation CaptureEngine DLL.
mfcm140u.dll (2) MFC Managed Library - Retail Version.
mfcore.dll (2) Media Foundation Core DLL.
mfcsubs.dll (2) COM+.
mfdetours.dll (2) (3) (4) Media Foundation Detours Tracing DLL.
mfds.dll (2) Media Foundation Direct Show wrapper DLL.
mfdvdec.dll (2) Media Foundation DV Decoder.
mferror.dll (2) Media Foundation Error DLL.
mfh263enc.dll (2) Media Foundation h263 Encoder.
mfh264enc.dll (2) Media Foundation H264 Encoder.
mfksproxy.dll (2) Dshow MF Bridge DLL DLL.
MFMediaEngine.dll (2) Media Foundation Media Engine DLL.
mfmjpegdec.dll (2) Media Foundation MJPEG Decoder.
mfmkvsrcsnk.dll (2) Media Foundation MKV Media Source and Sink DLL .
mfmp4srcsnk.dll (2) Media Foundation MPEG4 Source and Sink DLL.
mfmpeg2srcsnk.dll (2) Media Foundation MPEG2 Source and Sink DLL.
mfnetcore.dll (2) Media Foundation Net Core DLL.
mfnetsrc.dll (2) Media Foundation Net Source DLL.
mfperfhelper.dll (2) MFPerf DLL.
mfplat.dll (2) Media Foundation Platform DLL.
MFPlay.dll (2) Media Foundation Playback API DLL.
mfplugin.dll MFPlugin Event Library.
mfps.dll (2) Media Foundation Proxy DLL.
mfreadwrite.dll (2) Media Foundation ReadWrite DLL.
mfsensorgroup.dll (2) Media Foundation Sensor Group DLL.
mfsrcsnk.dll (2) Media Foundation Source and Sink DLL.
mfsvr.dll (2) Media Foundation Simple Video Renderer DLL.
mftranscode.dll (2) Media Foundation Transcode DLL.
mfvdsp.dll (2) Windows Media Foundation Video DSP Components.
mfvfw.dll (2) MF VFW MFT.
MFWMAAEC.DLL (2) Windows Media Audio AEC for Media Foundation.
mgmtapi.dll (2) Microsoft SNMP Manager API (uses WinSNMP).
mgmtrefreshcredprov.dll Autopilot Reset Credential Provider.
mgtdyn.dll MagtekHidMsr.
mi.dll (2) Management Infrastructure.
mibincodec.dll (2) Management Infrastructure binary codec component.
micaut.dll (2) Math Input Control.
Microsoft.Activities.Build.dll Microsoft.Activities.Build.dll. Microsoft.Activities.Build.dll .
Microsoft.AE.Windows.dll .
Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AzureClient.dll . SSAS
Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Common.dll Common.
Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Common.Wizard.dll .
Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Excel.BackEnd.dll BackEnd.
.AnalysisServices.Excel.BackEnd.XmlSerializers.dll .
crosoft.AnalysisServices.Excel.Common.FrontEnd.dll FrontEnd.
sServices.Excel.Common.FrontEnd.XmlSerializers.dll .
Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Layout.dll Layout.
Microsoft.AnalysisServices.SPClient.Interfaces.DLL .
Microsoft.AnalysisServices.XLHost.Modeler.dll Modeler.
Microsoft.AppV.AppvClientComConsumer.dll (2) Microsoft Application Virtualization Client COM Consumer.
Microsoft.AppV.AppvClientComConsumer.resources.dll (2) .
Microsoft.AppV.AppVClientPowerShell.dll (2) .
Microsoft.AppV.AppVClientPowerShell.resources.dll (2) .
Microsoft.AppV.AppVClientWmi.dll (2) .
Microsoft.AppV.AppVClientWmi.resources.dll (2) .
Microsoft.AppV.ClientProgrammability.Eventing.dll (2) .
microsoft.assessments.administration.dll Microsoft Assessments Administration.
rosoft.assessments.administration.presentation.dll .
microsoft.assessments.dll (2) Microsoft Assessments.
Microsoft.Azure.KeyVault.Core.dll Microsoft Azure Key Vault Core Library. Provides IKey and IKeyResolver interfaces for locating keys from identifiers and performing operations with keys.
ckgroundIntelligentTransfer.Management.Interop.dll (2) Microsoft Windows BITS Managed Library.
Microsoft.BitLocker.Structures.dll (2) Microsoft.BitLocker.Structures.
Microsoft.Bluetooth.Profiles.HidOverGatt.dll Bluetooth Low Energy GATT compliant UMDF HID driver.
Microsoft.Bluetooth.Proxy.dll (2) Microsoft Bluetooth COM Proxy DLL.
Microsoft.Bluetooth.Service.dll Microsoft.Bluetooth.Service DLL.
Microsoft.Bluetooth.UserService.dll Bluetooth User Support Service.
Microsoft.Build.Conversion.v4.0.dll Microsoft.Build.Conversion.v4.0.dll. Flavor=Retail
Microsoft.Build.dll Microsoft.Build.dll. Flavor=Retail
Microsoft.Build.Engine.dll Microsoft.Build.Engine.dll. Flavor=Retail
Microsoft.Build.Framework.dll Microsoft.Build.Framework.dll. Flavor=Retail
Microsoft.Build.Tasks.v4.0.dll Microsoft.Build.Tasks.v4.0.dll. Flavor=Retail
Microsoft.Build.Utilities.v4.0.dll Microsoft.Build.Utilities.v4.0.dll. Flavor=Retail
Microsoft.BusinessData.dll Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Business Data. Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Business Data
Microsoft.ComparePackage.Lib.dll (2) .
Microsoft.CSharp.dll Microsoft.CSharp.dll. Microsoft.CSharp.dll
Microsoft.Dallas.OAuthClient.dll .
Microsoft.Data.ConnectionUI.Dialog.dll Microsoft Data Connection UI Dialog.
Microsoft.Data.ConnectionUI.dll Microsoft Data Connection UI.
Microsoft.Data.DataFeedClient.dll Microsoft.Data.DataFeedClient.dll.
Microsoft.Data.Edm.dll (2) Microsoft.Data.Edm.dll.
Microsoft.Data.Edm.NetFX35.dll Microsoft.Data.Edm.NetFX35.dll. Microsoft.Data.Edm.NetFX35.dll
Microsoft.Data.Odata.dll (2) Microsoft.Data.OData.dll. Microsoft.Data.OData.dll
Microsoft.Data.OData.NetFX35.dll Microsoft.Data.OData.NetFX35.dll. Microsoft.Data.OData.NetFX35.dll
Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.NetFX35.dll Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.NetFX35.dll. Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.NetFX35.dll
Microsoft.Data.Recommendation.Client.Core.dll (2) Client.Core.
Microsoft.Data.Recommendation.Client.Picasso.dll .
oft.Data.Recommendation.Client.Picasso.Sampler.dll .
Microsoft.Data.Recommendation.Common.dll (2) .
Microsoft.Data.SapClient.dll .
Microsoft.Data.Services.Client.dll Microsoft.Data.Services.Client.dll. Microsoft.Data.Services.Client.dll
Microsoft.DataIntegration.FuzzyMatching.dll Microsoft.DataIntegration.FuzzyMatching.
Microsoft.DataIntegration.FuzzyMatchingCommon.dll Microsoft.DataIntegration.FuzzyMatchCommon.
crosoft.DataIntegration.TransformDataByExample.dll Composition.
Microsoft.DataStreamer.Excel.dll Microsoft.DataStreamer.Excel. Stream and visualize live data from physical computing devices in Excel
Microsoft.DataWarehouse.DLL Microsoft.DataWarehouse. Core components for Microsoft Analysis Services and Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services
Microsoft.DataWarehouse.Interfaces.DLL Microsoft.DataWarehouse.Interfaces. External Interfaces for Microsoft Data Warehouse Designer
Microsoft.Deployment.Compression.Cab.dll . Managed libraries for cabinet archive packing and unpacking
Microsoft.Deployment.Compression.dll . Abstract base libraries for archive packing and unpacking
Microsoft.Diagnostics.AppAnalysis.dll (2) (3) (4) “Microsoft.Diagnostics.AppAnalysis.dll”.
Microsoft.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource.dll (2) (3) (4) Microsoft.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource. This assembly enables defining a strongly typed specification of an ETW provider.
Microsoft.Dism.PowerShell.dll (2) DismCmdlets.
Microsoft.Dism.Powershell.Resources.dll (2) .
Microsoft.Dtc.PowerShell.Resources.dll (2) .
Microsoft.Excel.AdomdClient.dll Microsoft Excel ADOMD.NET. ADOMD.NET
Microsoft.Excel.Amo.Core.dll Microsoft Excel AMO Core. Microsoft Excel AMO Core
Microsoft.Excel.Amo.dll Microsoft Excel AMO. Microsoft Excel AMO
Microsoft.Excel.AnalysisServices.AdomdClientUI.dll AdomdClientUI [Excel].
Microsoft.Excel.DataWarehouse.dll Microsoft.DataWarehouse [Excel]. Core components for Microsoft Analysis Services and Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services [Excel]
Microsoft.Excel.MDXQueryGenerator.dll .
crosoft.Excel.ReportingServices.DataExtensions.dll Microsoft Reporting Services Data Extensions [Excel]. Microsoft Reporting Services Data Extensions [Excel]
crosoft.Excel.ReportingServices.QueryDesigners.dll Reporting Services Query Designer [Excel]. Reporting Services Query Designer [Excel]
el.ReportingServices.QueryDesigners.Extensions.dll Reporting Services Query Designer Extensions. Reporting Services Query Designer Extensions
Microsoft.Excel.SPClient.Interfaces.dll .
Microsoft.Excel.Tabular.dll Microsoft Excel TOM. Microsoft Excel TOM
Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.dll . Service Pack 0
Microsoft.Extensions.CommandLineUtils.dll . Command-line parsing API. Commonly used types: Microsoft.Extensions.CommandLineUtils.CommandLineApplication Microsoft.Extensions.CommandLineUtils.CommandOption
oft.Graphics.Display.DisplayEnhancementService.dll Microsoft.Graphics.Display.DisplayEnhancementService DLL.
Microsoft.HostIntegration.Connectors.dll .
icrosoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.dll Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.
IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.Platform.dll Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.Platform.
Microsoft.Ingestion.Shared.Metrics.dll Microsoft.Ingestion.Shared.Metrics. Package Description
Microsoft.Ingestion.Shared.WebApi.Client.dll Microsoft.Ingestion.Shared.WebApi.Client. Package Description
Microsoft.Ink.dll (2) Microsoft Tablet PC API. Tablet and Ink Services and Controls
Microsoft.JScript.dll Microsoft.JScript.dll.
Microsoft.LocalUserImageProvider.dll Local User Image Provider.
Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.dll .
oft.Management.Infrastructure.Native.Unmanaged.dll (2) Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.Native.Unmanaged.dll.
Microsoft.Management.OData.dll .
Microsoft.Mashup.Client.AddinTelemetry.dll .
Microsoft.Mashup.Client.Excel.dll .
Microsoft.Mashup.Client.Excel.EditorRibbon.dll .
Microsoft.Mashup.Client.Excel.Extensions.dll .
Microsoft.Mashup.Client.Excel.Themes.dll .
Microsoft.Mashup.Client.Initialization.dll .
Microsoft.Mashup.Client.Models.dll .
Microsoft.Mashup.Client.Packaging.dll .
Microsoft.Mashup.Client.UI.dll .
Microsoft.Mashup.Client.Windows.dll .
Microsoft.Mashup.Document.dll .
Microsoft.Mashup.Document.XmlSerializers.dll .
Microsoft.Mashup.DocumentServices.dll .
Microsoft.Mashup.EventSource.dll .
Microsoft.Mashup.OAuth.dll .
Microsoft.Mashup.OleDbInterop.dll .
Microsoft.Mashup.OleDbProvider.dll .
Microsoft.Mashup.ProviderShared.dll .
Microsoft.Mashup.SapBwProvider.dll .
Microsoft.Mashup.ScriptDom.dll .
Microsoft.Mashup.Shims.dll .
Microsoft.Mashup.Storage.XmlSerializers.dll .
Microsoft.MashupEngine.dll .
microsoft.mbn.dll (2) (3) (4) .
Microsoft.mshtml.dll .
Microsoft.OData.Core.NetFX35.dll Microsoft.OData.Core.NetFX35.dll. Microsoft.OData.Core.NetFX35.dll
Microsoft.OData.Core.NetFX35.V7.dll Microsoft.OData.Core.NetFX35.V7.dll. Microsoft.OData.Core.NetFX35.V7.dll
Microsoft.OData.Edm.NetFX35.dll Microsoft.OData.Edm.NetFX35.dll. Microsoft.OData.Edm.NetFX35.dll
Microsoft.OData.Edm.NetFX35.V7.dll Microsoft.OData.Edm.NetFX35.V7.dll. Microsoft.OData.Edm.NetFX35.V7.dll
Microsoft.Office.Access.BusinessDataCatalog.DLL Microsoft Office Access Business Data Catalog Interop. (2) Microsoft Office component. Microsoft Office component Microsoft Office component. Microsoft Office component Microsoft Office component.
Microsoft.Office.Excel.DataModel.dll .
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.dll (2) Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.dll Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.
crosoft.Office.Interop.Visio.WorkflowAuthoring.dll Microsoft.Office.Interop.Visio.WorkflowAuthoring. Microsoft.Office.Interop.Visio.WorkflowAuthoring
Microsoft.Office.PolicyTips.dll Contains all functions necessary for the use of the Policy Tips feature in Microsoft Office endpoints.
Microsoft.Office.PowerPivot.ExcelAddIn.dll Analysis Services Excel Add-in. Microsoft SQL Server PowerPivot for Microsoft Excel
Microsoft.Office.Tools.Common.dll Microsoft.Office.Tools.Common.dll. Microsoft.Office.Tools.Common.dll
Microsoft.Office.Tools.Common.v4.0.Utilities.dll Microsoft.Office.Tools.Common.v4.0.Utilities.dll. Microsoft.Office.Tools.Common.v4.0.Utilities.dll
Microsoft.Office.Tools.dll Microsoft.Office.Tools.dll. Microsoft.Office.Tools.dll
Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel.dll Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel.dll. Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel.dll
Microsoft.Office.Tools.v9.0.dll Microsoft.Office.Tools.v9.0.dll. Microsoft.Office.Tools.v9.0.dll .
Microsoft.PackageEditor.Lib.dll (2) .
Microsoft.PackageManagement.ArchiverProviders.dll (2) .
.PackageManagement.ArchiverProviders.resources.dll (2) .
Microsoft.PackageManagement.CoreProviders.dll (2) .
soft.PackageManagement.CoreProviders.resources.dll (2) .
Microsoft.PackageManagement.dll (2) .
soft.PackageManagement.MetaProvider.PowerShell.dll (2) .
geManagement.MetaProvider.PowerShell.resources.dll (2) .
Microsoft.PackageManagement.MsiProvider.dll (2) .
rosoft.PackageManagement.MsiProvider.resources.dll (2) .
Microsoft.PackageManagement.MsuProvider.dll (2) .
rosoft.PackageManagement.MsuProvider.resources.dll (2) .
Microsoft.PackageManagement.resources.dll (2) .
Microsoft.Packaging.SDKUtils.dll Microsoft.Packaging.SDKUtils.dll.
microsoft.performance.base.dll Microsoft.Performance.Base.
microsoft.performance.core4.interop.dll Windows Performance Analyzer Core4 Interop. Windows Performance Analyzer Data Support.
microsoft.performance.dataengine.dll Windows Performance Analyzer Data Engine.
microsoft.performance.managed.interop.dll .
microsoft.performance.nt.dll Windows Performance Analyzer NT Add-In. Windows Performance Analyzer NT Shell Add-In. Windows Performance Analyzer Shell Add-In Model. . Windows Performance Analyzer Shell.
microsoft.performance.ui.dataengine.dll Windows Performance Analyzer UI Data Engine.
microsoft.performance.ui.dll Windows Performance Analyzer UI Elements. Windows Performance Analyzer Windows.
Microsoft.PowerBI.AdomdClient.dll Microsoft PowerBI ADOMD.NET. ADOMD.NET
Microsoft.PowerShell.Activities.dll .
Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Management.dll .
Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Utility.dll .
Microsoft.PowerShell.ConsoleHost.dll .
Microsoft.PowerShell.Core.Activities.dll .
Microsoft.PowerShell.Diagnostics.Activities.dll .
Microsoft.PowerShell.DSC.FileDownloadManager.dll .
t.PowerShell.DSC.FileDownloadManager.Resources.dll .
Microsoft.PowerShell.LocalAccounts.dll LocalAccounts. PowerShell cmdlet for local accounts.
Microsoft.PowerShell.LocalAccounts.Resources.dll .
Microsoft.PowerShell.Management.Activities.dll .
Microsoft.PowerShell.PackageManagement.dll (2) .
crosoft.PowerShell.PackageManagement.resources.dll (2) .
Microsoft.PowerShell.PSReadline.dll .
Microsoft.PowerShell.PSReadline.Resources.dll .
Microsoft.PowerShell.ScheduledJob.dll .
Microsoft.PowerShell.Security.Activities.dll .
Microsoft.PowerShell.Security.dll .
Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility.Activities.dll .
Microsoft.PowerShell.Workflow.ServiceCore.dll .
Microsoft.Practices.Unity.dll Microsoft.Practices.Unity. Unity Dependency Injection Framework
Microsoft.ProcessMitigations.Commands.dll Process Mitigations.
Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.dll Reporting Services Diagnostics. Reporting Services Diagnostics
Microsoft.ReportingServices.Interfaces.dll Reporting Services Interfaces. Reporting Services Interfaces
icrosoft.ReportingServices.ReportDesign.Common.dll Microsoft Reporting Services Common. Microsoft Reporting Services Common
Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportDesign.Forms.dll Microsoft Reporting Services Forms. Microsoft Reporting Services Forms
Microsoft.ReportingServices.RsClient.dll Microsoft Reporting Services ADO.NET Provider. Microsoft Reporting Services ADO.NET Provider
Microsoft.reportviewer.common.dll Microsoft.ReportViewer.Common.dll. Microsoft.ReportViewer.Common.dll
Microsoft.reportviewer.winforms.dll Microsoft.ReportViewer.WinForms.dll. Microsoft.ReportViewer.WinForms.dll
microsoft.sharepoint.workflowactions.proxy.dll .
Microsoft.Spatial.NetFX35.dll Microsoft.Spatial.NetFX35.dll. Microsoft.Spatial.NetFX35.dll
Microsoft.Spatial.NetFX35.V7.dll Microsoft.Spatial.NetFX35.V7.dll. Microsoft.Spatial.NetFX35.V7.dll
Microsoft.SqlServer.Configuration.SString.dll SQL Server Secure String Package.
Microsoft.SqlServer.Types.dll SQL Server Spatial Types Assembly. SQL
Microsoft.stdformat.dll .
t.Storage.PersistentMemory.Management.Commands.dll .
PersistentMemory.Management.Commands.Resources.dll .
Microsoft.StoreUploader.Lib.dll (2) .
Microsoft.Tools.Connectivity.dll .
Microsoft.Tools.Deploy.dll .
Microsoft.Tools.Deploy.resources.dll .
Microsoft.Uev.AgentDriverEvents.dll UEV Agent Driver Events.
Microsoft.Uev.AgentWmi.dll (2) Microsoft.Uev.AgentWmi DLL.
Microsoft.Uev.AppAgent.dll (2) Microsoft.Uev.AppAgent DLL.
Microsoft.Uev.CabUtil.dll .
Microsoft.Uev.CmUtil.dll .
Microsoft.Uev.Commands.dll (2) .
Microsoft.Uev.Common.dll . Microsoft UE-V Common Managed Code
Microsoft.Uev.Common.WinRT.dll . Microsoft UE-V Common Managed Code for WinRT
Microsoft.Uev.CommonBridge.dll Microsoft.Uev.CommonBridge DLL.
Microsoft.Uev.ConfigWrapper.dll Microsoft.Uev.ConfigWrapper DLL.
Microsoft.Uev.EventLogMessages.dll UEV Event Log Messages.
Microsoft.Uev.LocalSyncProvider.dll .
Microsoft.Uev.ManagedEventLogging.dll . Microsoft UE-V Managed Event Logging
Microsoft.Uev.Management.dll . Microsoft User Experience Virtualization Management
Microsoft.Uev.Management.WmiAccess.dll .
Microsoft.Uev.ModernAppAgent.dll ModernAppAgent DLL.
Microsoft.Uev.ModernAppCore.dll .
Microsoft.Uev.ModernAppData.WinRT.dll .
Microsoft.Uev.ModernSync.dll .
Microsoft.Uev.MonitorSyncProvider.dll .
Microsoft.Uev.Office2010CustomActions.dll (2) Microsoft.Uev.Office2010CustomActions DLL.
Microsoft.Uev.Office2013CustomActions.dll (2) Microsoft.Uev.Office2013CustomActions DLL.
Microsoft.Uev.PrinterCustomActions.dll Microsoft.Uev.PrinterCustomActions DLL.
Microsoft.Uev.SmbSyncProvider.dll .
Microsoft.Uev.SyncCommon.dll .
Microsoft.Uev.SyncConditions.dll .
Microsoft.UIAutomationClient.Interop.dll (2) (3) (4) .
crosoft.UniversalStore.Ingestion.Upload.Client.dll Microsoft.UniversalStore.Ingestion.Upload.Client. Enables developers to interact with ingestion upload service and upload packages
ersalStore.Ingestion.Upload.UploadApiContracts.dll Microsoft.UniversalStore.Ingestion.Upload.UploadApiContracts. Package Description
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility.Data.dll Visual Basic Compatibility Runtime Library. Flavor=Retail
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility.dll Visual Basic Compatibility Runtime Library. Flavor=Retail
Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll Visual Basic Runtime Library. Flavor=Retail
Microsoft.VisualC.dll Microsoft Visual C++ Metadata.
Microsoft.VisualC.STLCLR.dll Microsoft C Runtime Library.
Microsoft.VisualStudio.OLE.Interop.dll .
alStudio.Tools.Applications.AddInAdapter.v10.0.dll Microsoft.VisualStudio.Tools.Applications.AddInAdapter.v10.0.dll. Microsoft.VisualStudio.Tools.Applications.AddInAdapter.v10.0.dll
ualStudio.Tools.Applications.AddInAdapter.v9.0.dll Microsoft.VisualStudio.Tools.Applications.AddInAdapter.v9.0.dll. Microsoft.VisualStudio.Tools.Applications.AddInAdapter.v9.0.dll
VisualStudio.Tools.Applications.Contract.v10.0.dll Microsoft.VisualStudio.Tools.Applications.Contract.v10.0.dll. Microsoft.VisualStudio.Tools.Applications.Contract.v10.0.dll
.VisualStudio.Tools.Applications.Contract.v9.0.dll Microsoft.VisualStudio.Tools.Applications.Contract.v9.0.dll. Microsoft.VisualStudio.Tools.Applications.Contract.v9.0.dll
ualStudio.Tools.Applications.HostAdapter.v10.0.dll Microsoft.VisualStudio.Tools.Applications.HostAdapter.v10.0.dll. Microsoft.VisualStudio.Tools.Applications.HostAdapter.v10.0.dll
rosoft.VisualStudio.Tools.Applications.Runtime.dll Microsoft.VisualStudio.Tools.Applications.Runtime.dll. Microsoft.VisualStudio.Tools.Applications.Runtime.dll
.VisualStudio.Tools.Applications.Runtime.v10.0.dll Microsoft.VisualStudio.Tools.Applications.Runtime.v10.0.dll. Microsoft.VisualStudio.Tools.Applications.Runtime.v10.0.dll
t.VisualStudio.Tools.Applications.Runtime.v9.0.dll Microsoft.VisualStudio.Tools.Applications.Runtime.v9.0.dll. Microsoft.VisualStudio.Tools.Applications.Runtime.v9.0.dll
ft.VisualStudio.Tools.Office.AddInAdapter.v9.0.dll Microsoft.VisualStudio.Tools.Office.AddInAdapter.v9.0.dll. Microsoft.VisualStudio.Tools.Office.AddInAdapter.v9.0.dll
VisualStudio.Tools.Office.AppInfoDocument.v9.0.dll Microsoft.VisualStudio.Tools.Office.AppInfoDocument.v9.0.dll. Microsoft.VisualStudio.Tools.Office.AppInfoDocument.v9.0.dll
osoft.VisualStudio.Tools.Office.Contract.v10.0.dll Microsoft.VisualStudio.Tools.Office.Contract.v10.0.dll. Microsoft.VisualStudio.Tools.Office.Contract.v10.0.dll
rosoft.VisualStudio.Tools.Office.Contract.v9.0.dll Microsoft.VisualStudio.Tools.Office.Contract.v9.0.dll. Microsoft.VisualStudio.Tools.Office.Contract.v9.0.dll
ualStudio.Tools.Office.Excel.AddInAdapter.v9.0.dll Microsoft.VisualStudio.Tools.Office.Excel.AddInAdapter.v9.0.dll. Microsoft.VisualStudio.Tools.Office.Excel.AddInAdapter.v9.0.dll
ualStudio.Tools.Office.Excel.HostAdapter.v10.0.dll Microsoft.VisualStudio.Tools.Office.Excel.HostAdapter.v10.0.dll. Microsoft.VisualStudio.Tools.Office.Excel.HostAdapter.v10.0.dll
ft.VisualStudio.Tools.Office.HostAdapter.v10.0.dll Microsoft.VisualStudio.Tools.Office.HostAdapter.v10.0.dll. Microsoft.VisualStudio.Tools.Office.HostAdapter.v10.0.dll
lStudio.Tools.Office.Outlook.HostAdapter.v10.0.dll Microsoft.VisualStudio.Tools.Office.Outlook.HostAdapter.v10.0.dll. Microsoft.VisualStudio.Tools.Office.Outlook.HostAdapter.v10.0.dll
sualStudio.Tools.Office.Word.AddInAdapter.v9.0.dll Microsoft.VisualStudio.Tools.Office.Word.AddInAdapter.v9.0.dll. Microsoft.VisualStudio.Tools.Office.Word.AddInAdapter.v9.0.dll
sualStudio.Tools.Office.Word.HostAdapter.v10.0.dll Microsoft.VisualStudio.Tools.Office.Word.HostAdapter.v10.0.dll. Microsoft.VisualStudio.Tools.Office.Word.HostAdapter.v10.0.dll
Microsoft.Win32.Primitives.dll Microsoft.Win32.Primitives. Microsoft.Win32.Primitives (2) (3) (4) Microsoft.Win32.Search.Query.
Microsoft.Windows.AppBackgroundTask.Commands.dll (2) AppBackgroundTaskCmdlets. AppBackgroundTaskCmdlets
oft.Windows.DeliveryOptimization.AdminCommands.dll (2) Delivery Optimization Admin commands. PowerShell cmdlets for Admins to monitor Delivery Optimization activity . . . .
Microsoft.Windows.Firewall.Commands.dll (2) NetworkSecurityCmdlets. NetworkSecurityCmdlets
Microsoft.Windows.Firewall.Commands.Resources.dll (2) . . . .
warelogo.appxmanifestresourcesvalidation.tests.dll MRT Test Content Library. Attack Surface Analyzer Test. Attack Surface Analyzer Tests . Binary Analyzer Test. Binary Analyzer Tests
rosoft.Windows.SoftwareLogo.Binscope.resources.dll (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) . . Certificate Info. Certificate Info . Tailored Application D3D Feature Level Support Certification Tests. Execution Driver. Execution Driver
Windows.SoftwareLogo.ExecutionDriver.resources.dll (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) . .
.windows.softwarelogo.metadatavalidation.tests.dll Microsoft Windows Runtime Metadata Validation Tool. Binary Analyzer Test. Binary Analyzer Tests
osoft.Windows.SoftwareLogo.ModernCop.resources.dll (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) . WACK Ngen Tests. WACK Ngen Tests
Microsoft.Windows.SoftwareLogo.Ngen.resources.dll (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) .
ows.softwarelogo.partner.windowsphoneapp.tests.dll WindowsTestApp Tests. WindowsTestApp Tests
reLogo.Partner.WindowsPhoneApp.Tests.resources.dll (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) . Shared Component. Shared Component
icrosoft.Windows.SoftwareLogo.Shared.resources.dll (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) . Task Execution Component. Task Execution Component
Microsoft.Windows.SoftwareLogo.Tasks.resources.dll (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) . .
windows.softwarelogo.tests.browserextensionapp.dll .
ftwareLogo.Tests.BrowserExtensionApp.resources.dll (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) . Test Execution Component. Test Execution Component
Microsoft.Windows.SoftwareLogo.Tests.resources.dll (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) . User Interface Common Library. User Interface Common Library
ws.SoftwareLogo.UserInterface.Common.resources.dll (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) . User Interface Workflow Library. User Interface Workflow Library
SoftwareLogo.UserInterface.Workflows.resources.dll (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) .
Microsoft.Windows.UI.Xaml.Build.Tasks.dll Microsoft.Windows.UI.Xaml.Build.Tasks.
Microsoft.Windows.Whea.WheaMemoryPolicy.dll .
Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Configuration.dll Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Configuration. Configuration API for Windows Azure services.
Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.DataMovement.dll Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.DataMovement.dll.
Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.dll Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.dll. Azure Storage SDK for Windows
Microsoft.WindowsAzure.StorageClient.dll .
Microsoft.WindowsErrorReporting.PowerShell.dll (2) WerCmdlets.
Microsoft.WindowsSearch.Commands.dll .
Microsoft.WindowsSearch.Commands.Resources.dll .
Microsoft.WSMan.Management.Activities.dll .
Microsoft.WTT.Log.dll (2) WTTLogger_URT20_GitEnlistment(winpbld).
microsoft_apis.dll Microsoft Edge.
microsoft_shell_integration.dll Microsoft Edge.
MicrosoftAccountCloudAP.dll MicrosoftAccount Cloud AP Plugin.
MicrosoftAccountExtension.dll Microsoft Account Extension DLL.
MicrosoftAccountTokenProvider.dll (2) Microsoft Account Token Provider.
MicrosoftAccountWAMExtension.dll (2) Microsoft Account WAM Extension DLL.
MicrosoftDataStreamerforExcel.dll Microsoft Data Streamer for Excel. Stream and visualize live data from physical computing devices in Excel
Microsoft-Windows-AppModelExecEvents.dll AppModel Execution Provider.
microsoft-windows-battery-events.dll Microsoft-Windows-Battery-Events Resources.
microsoft-windows-hal-events.dll Microsoft-Windows-HAL-Events Resources.
oft-Windows-Internal-Shell-NearShareExperience.dll NearByShareExperience.
microsoft-windows-kernel-pnp-events.dll Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Pnp-Events Resources.
microsoft-windows-kernel-power-events.dll Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Power-Events Resources.
icrosoft-windows-kernel-processor-power-events.dll Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Processor-Power-Events Resources.
Microsoft-Windows-MapControls.dll Map Event Resources.
Microsoft-Windows-MosHost.dll MosHost Event Resources.
microsoft-windows-pdc.dll Microsoft-Windows-Pdc Resources.
Microsoft-WindowsPhone-SEManagementProvider.dll Microsoft-WindowsPhone-SEManagementProvider.
microsoft-windows-power-cad-events.dll Microsoft-Windows-Power-CAD-Events Resources.
microsoft-windows-processor-aggregator-events.dll Microsoft-Windows-Processor-Aggregator-Events Resources.
microsoft-windows-sleepstudy-events.dll Microsoft-Windows-SleepStudy-Events Resources.
microsoft-windows-storage-tiering-events.dll Microsoft-Windows-Storage-Tiering-Events Resources.
microsoft-windows-system-events.dll Microsoft-Windows-System-Events Resources.
midimap.dll (2) Microsoft MIDI Mapper.
midlrtmd.dll (2) (3) Microsoft MetaData Library. Flavor=Retail
migcore.dll Migration Engine Core.
migisol.dll (2) Migration System Isolation Layer.
migres.dll Migration Resources DLL.
migstore.dll Migration Engine Store.
miguiresource.dll (2) MIG wini32 resources.
MIMEDIR.DLL Microsoft Office component.
mimefilt.dll (2) MIME Filter.
mimofcodec.dll (2) Management Infrastructure mof codec component.
minipkd.dll (2) (3) (4) AIC78xx miniport debugger extensions.
MINSBPROXY.DLL Microsoft Office component.
MINSBROAMINGPROXY.DLL Microsoft Office component.
MinstoreEvents.dll (2) Minstore Event Resource.
mip_clienttelemetry.dll Microsoft Events SDK.
mip_core.dll (2) MIP SDK.
mip_protection_sdk.dll MIP Protection SDK Library.
mip_telemetry.dll MIP SDK.
mip_upe_sdk.dll MIP SDK.
MiracastInputMgr.dll Miracast Input Manager DLL.
MiracastReceiver.dll (2) Miracast Receiver API.
MiracastReceiverExt.dll (2) Miracast Receiver Extensions.
MiraDisp.dll UMDF Miracast display port driver.
MirrorDrvCompat.dll (2) Mirror Driver Compatibility Helper.
mispace.dll (2) Storage Management Provider for Spaces.
MitigationClient.dll MitigationClient.
MitigationConfiguration.dll (2) Exploit Guard Configuration Helper.
miutils.dll (2) Management Infrastructure.
MixedReality.Broker.dll MixedReality.Broker DLL.
MixedRealityCapture.Pipeline.dll MixedRealityCapture Pipeline DLL.
MixedRealityRuntime.dll (2) MixedRealityRuntime DLL.
mlang.dll (2) Multi Language Support DLL.
mmcbase.dll (2) MMC Base DLL.
mmcndmgr.dll (2) MMC Node Manager DLL.
mmcshext.dll (2) MMC Shell Extension DLL.
MMDevAPI.dll (2) MMDevice API.
MMFUtil.dll WMI Snapin Helpers.
mmgaclient.dll (2) MMGA.
mmgaproxystub.dll (2) MMGA.
mmres.dll (2) General Audio Resources.
mobilenetworking.dll (2) “MobileNetworking.DYNLINK”.
modemmigplugin.dll (2) Offline Files Migration Plugin.
modemui.dll (2) Windows Modem Properties.
modernexecserver.dll Modern Execution Server.
mofd.dll (2) WMI.
mofinstall.dll Installers for for MOF files.
MOFL.DLL Microsoft Office component.
MoIME_ps.dll Microsoft IME.
mojo_core.dll .
MOR6INT.DLL Microsoft Publisher.
moricons.dll (2) Windows NT Setup Icon Resources Library.
MORPH9.DLL Microsoft Publisher Morph Engine Back End.
moshost.dll Downloaded Maps Manager.
MosHostClient.dll (2) MosHostClient.
moshostcore.dll Downloaded Maps Manager Core.
MosStorage.dll (2) MosStorage.
MP3DMOD.DLL (2) Microsoft MP3 Decoder DMO.
MP43DECD.DLL (2) Windows Media MPEG-4 Video Decoder.
MP4SDECD.DLL (2) Windows Media MPEG-4 S Video Decoder.
mpeval.dll Monitoring Platform Evaluator.
MPG4DECD.DLL (2) Windows Media MPEG-4 Video Decoder.
mpr.dll (2) Multiple Provider Router DLL.
mprapi.dll (2) Windows NT MP Router Administration DLL.
mprddm.dll (2) Demand Dial Manager Supervisor.
mprdim.dll (2) Dynamic Interface Manager.
mprext.dll (2) Multiple Provider Router Extension DLL.
mprmsg.dll (2) Multi-Protocol Router Service Messages DLL.
MPSSVC.dll Microsoft Protection Service.
mpunits.dll Monitoring Platform Built-In Composable Units.
mpvis.DLL (2) Windows Media Player Visualization.
mqmigplugin.dll Message Queue Migration plugin DLL.
mraut.dll (2) Math Recognizer.
MrmCoreR.dll (2) Microsoft Windows MRM.
MrmDeploy.dll (2) Microsoft Windows MRM Deployment.
MrmIndexer.dll (2) Microsoft Windows MRM.
mrmsupport.dll (2) (3) Microsoft MRM Support.
mrt_map.dll (2) Microsoft .NET Native Error Reporting Helper. Flavor=Retail
mrt100.dll (2) Microsoft .NET Native Runtime. Flavor=Retail
ms3dthumbnailprovider.dll (2) 3D Builder.
msaatext.dll (2) Active Accessibility text support.
MSAC3ENC.DLL (2) Microsoft AC-3 Encoder.
msacm32.dll (2) Microsoft ACM Audio Filter.
msadce.dll (2) OLE DB Cursor Engine.
msadcer.dll (2) OLE DB Cursor Engine Resources.
msadco.dll (2) Remote Data Services Data Control.
msadcor.dll (2) Remote Data Services Data Control Resources.
msadds.dll (2) OLE DB Data Shape Provider.
msaddsr.dll (2) OLE DB Data Shape Provider Resources.
msader15.dll (2) ActiveX Data Objects Resources.
msado15.dll (2) ActiveX Data Objects.
msadomd.dll (2) ActiveX Data Objects (Multi-Dimensional).
msador15.dll (2) Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects Recordset.
msadox.dll (2) ActiveX Data Objects Extensions.
msadrh15.dll (2) ActiveX Data Objects Rowset Helper.
MSAEXP30.DLL Microsoft Access Expression Builder.
msafd.dll (2) Microsoft Windows Sockets 2.0 Service Provider.
MSAIN.DLL Microsoft Access International DLL.
MSAJApi.dll (2) AllJoyn API Library.
MSAlacDecoder.dll (2) Media Foundation ALAC Decoder.
MSAlacEncoder.dll (2) Media Foundation ALAC Encoder.
MSAMRNBDecoder.dll (2) AMR Narrowband Decoder DLL.
MSAMRNBEncoder.dll (2) AMR Narrowband Encoder DLL.
MSAMRNBSink.dll (2) AMR Narrowband Sink DLL.
MSAMRNBSource.dll (2) AMR Narrowband Source DLL.
MsApoFxProxy.dll MsApoFxProxy.
MSAProfileNotificationHandler.dll MSA Profile Notification Handler.
msasn1.dll (2) ASN.1 Runtime APIs.
MSAudDecMFT.dll (2) Media Foundation Audio Decoders.
msaudite.dll (2) Security Audit Events DLL.
msauserext.dll (2) MSA USER Extension DLL.
MSB1CORE.DLL Microsoft Office Translation Dictionaries.
MSB1ESEN.DLL Microsoft Office Translation Dictionaries.
MSB1FREN.DLL Microsoft Office Translation Dictionaries.
MSB1XTOR.DLL Microsoft Office Translation Dictionaries.
MSBARCODE.DLL Microsoft Office Barcode Rendering Library.
MSCAND20.DLL (2) Microsoft IME.
mscandui.dll (2) MSCANDUI Server DLL.
mscat32.dll (2) MSCAT32 Forwarder DLL.
MSCDM.DLL Microsot Office System 2007 Client Data Manager.
msclmd.dll (2) Microsoft Class Mini-driver.
mscms.dll (2) Microsoft Color Matching System DLL.
mscoree.dll (2) Microsoft .NET Runtime Execution Engine.
mscorees.dll (2) Microsoft .NET Runtime Execution Engine.
mscorier.dll (2) Microsoft .NET Runtime IE resources.
mscories.dll (2) Microsoft .NET IE SECURITY REGISTRATION. Flavor=Retail
mscorlib.dll Microsoft Common Language Runtime Class Library. Flavor=Retail
mscpx32r.dLL ODBC Code Page Translator Resources.
mscpxl32.dLL ODBC Code Page Translator.
mscss7en.dll Natural Language Development Platform 7 - PRM.
mscss7es.dll Natural Language Development Platform 7 - PRM.
mscss7fr.dll Natural Language Development Platform 7 - PRM.
msctf.dll (2) MSCTF Server DLL.
msctfmig.dll (2) (3) (4) msctfmig Server DLL.
MsCtfMonitor.dll (2) MsCtfMonitor DLL.
msctfp.dll (2) MSCTFP Server DLL.
msctfui.dll (2) MSCTFUI Server DLL.
msctfuimanager.dll (2) Microsoft UIManager DLL.
msdadc.dll OLE DB Data Conversion Stub.
msdadiag.dll (2) Built-In Diagnostics.
msdaenum.dll OLE DB Root Enumerator Stub.
msdaer.dll OLE DB Error Collection Stub.
msdaora.dll OLE DB Provider for Oracle.
msdaorar.dll OLE DB Provider for Oracle Resources.
msdaosp.dll (2) OLE DB Simple Provider.
msdaprsr.dll (2) OLE DB Persistence Services Resources.
msdaprst.dll (2) OLE DB Persistence Services.
msdaps.dll (2) OLE DB Interface Proxies/Stubs.
msdarem.dll (2) OLE DB Remote Provider.
msdaremr.dll (2) OLE DB Remote Provider Resources.
msdart.dll (2) OLE DB Runtime Routines.
msdasc.dll OLE DB Service Components Stub.
msdasql.dll (2) OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers.
msdasqlr.dll (2) OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers Resources.
msdatasrc.dll .
msdatl3.dll (2) OLE DB Implementation Support Routines.
msdatt.dll OLE DB Temporary Table Services.
msdaurl.dll OLE DB RootBinder Stub.
msdbg2.dll (2) Microsoft Visual Studio 7.0 Debugging Proxy/Stub.
msdelta.dll (2) Microsoft Patch Engine.
msdfmap.dll (2) Data Factory Handler.
msdia120.dll Microsoft Debug Information Accessor.
msdia140.dll Microsoft Debug Information Accessor.
msdmo.dll (2) DMO Runtime.
msdrm.dll (2) Windows Rights Management client.
msdtckrm.dll Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator OLE Transactions KTM Resource Manager DLL.
msdtclog.dll Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator Log Manager DLL.
msdtcprx.dll (2) Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator OLE Transactions Interface Proxy DLL.
msdtcspoffln.dll (2) Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator SysPrep Specialize Offline DLL.
msdtcstp.dll (2) Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator Migration DLL.
msdtctm.dll Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator Transaction Manager DLL.
msdtcuiu.dll (2) Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator Administrative DLL.
msdtcVSp1res.dll (2) Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator Resources for Vista SP1.
msdtcwmi.dll (2) DTC WMIv2 Provider.
msedge.dll Microsoft Edge.
msedge_elf.dll Microsoft Edge.
msedgeupdate.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_af.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_am.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_ar.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_as.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_az.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_bg.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_bn.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_bn-IN.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_bs.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_ca.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_ca-Es-VALENCIA.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_cs.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_cy.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_da.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_de.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_el.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_en.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_en-GB.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_es.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_es-419.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_et.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_eu.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_fa.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_fi.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_fil.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_fr.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_fr-CA.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_ga.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_gd.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_gl.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_gu.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_hi.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_hr.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_hu.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_id.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_is.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_it.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_iw.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_ja.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_ka.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_kk.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_km.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_kn.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_ko.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_kok.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_lb.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_lo.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_lt.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_lv.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_mi.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_mk.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_ml.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_mr.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_ms.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_mt.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_nb.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_ne.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_nl.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_nn.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_or.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_pa.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_pl.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_pt-BR.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_pt-PT.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_quz.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_ro.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_ru.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_sk.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_sl.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_sq.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_sr.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_sr-Cyrl-BA.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_sr-Cyrl-RS.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_sr-Latn-RS.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_sv.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_ta.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_te.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_th.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_tr.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_tt.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_ug.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_uk.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_ur.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_vi.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_zh-CN.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
msedgeupdateres_zh-TW.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
mset7.dll Natural Language Keyphrase Analysis Engine Service.
mset7tk.dll Natural Language Tokenizing Service.
mset7tkjp.dll Natural Language Development Platform 7 - EAWB.
msexch40.dll Microsoft Jet Exchange Isam.
MsExchangeTab.dll MsExchangeTab.
msexcl40.dll Microsoft Jet Excel Isam.
msfad.dll Microsoft Office component.
msfeeds.dll (2) Microsoft Feeds Manager.
msfeedsbs.dll (2) Microsoft Feeds Background Sync.
MSFlacDecoder.dll (2) Media Foundation FLAC Decoder.
MSFlacEncoder.dll (2) Media Foundation FLAC Encoder.
msftedit.dll (2) Rich Text Edit Control, v8.5.
MsftOemDllIgneous.dll Microsoft OEM DLL for Igneous.
msgfilt.dll (2) Microsoft Msg IFilter.
msgloop.dll .
msgr3jp.dll JAPANESE Style Checker.
msgrammar8.dll Grammar Proofing Service.
mshtml.dll (2) Microsoft (R) HTML Viewer.
MshtmlDac.dll (2) DAC for Trident DOM.
mshtmled.dll (2) Microsoft HTML Editing Component.
mshtmler.dll (2) Microsoft HTML Editing Component’s Resource DLL.
mshwgst.dll (2) Microsoft Gesture Recognizer.
mshwLatin.dll (2) Microsoft Generic Latin Handwriting Recognizer.
MSHY7EN.DLL Natural Language Hyphenation Service.
MSHY7ES.DLL Natural Language Hyphenation Service.
MSHY7FR.DLL Natural Language Hyphenation Service.
msi.dll (2) Windows Installer.
MsiCofire.dll Corrupted MSI File Recovery Diagnostic Module.
msidcrl40.dll (2) Microsoft Account Dynamic Link Library.
msident.dll (2) Microsoft Identity Manager.
msidle.dll (2) User Idle Monitor.
msidntld.dll (2) Microsoft Identity Manager.
msieftp.dll (2) Microsoft Internet Explorer FTP Folder Shell Extension.
msihnd.dll (2) Windows installer.
msiltcfg.dll (2) Windows Installer Configuration API Stub.
msimg32.dll (2) GDIEXT Client DLL.
msimsg.dll (2) Windows Installer International Messages.
msimtf.dll (2) Active IMM Server DLL.
msipc.dll Microsoft Active Directory Rights Management Services Client.
msiprov.dll WMI MSI Provider.
MsiProvider.dll (2) DISM Msi Provider.
msisip.dll (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) MSI Signature SIP Provider.
msIso.dll (2) Isolation Library for Internet Explorer.
msitss55.dll Microsoft InfoTech Storage System Library.
msiwer.dll (2) MSI Windows Error Reporting.
msix.dll (2) .
msjet40.dll Microsoft Jet Engine Library.
msjetoledb40.dll Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Jet.
msjint40.dll Microsoft Jet Database Engine International DLL.
msjro.dll Jet and Replication Objects.
msjter40.dll Microsoft Jet Database Engine Error DLL.
msjtes40.dll Microsoft Jet Expression Service.
mskeyprotcli.dll (2) Windows Client Key Protection Provider.
mskeyprotect.dll (2) Microsoft Key Protection Provider.
MSLID.DLL Language Identification.
msls31.dll (2) Microsoft Line Services library file.
msltus40.dll Microsoft Jet Lotus 1-2-3 Isam.
MSMAPI32.DLL Extended MAPI 1.0 for Windows NT.
msmdlocal.dll . SSAS
msmdlocal_xl.dll . SQL
msmgdsrv.dll Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services Managed Module. SSAS
msmgdsrv_xl.dll Microsoft Excel Data Model Engine. SQL
msmpeg2adec.dll (2) Microsoft DTV-DVD Audio Decoder.
MSMPEG2ENC.DLL (2) Microsoft MPEG-2 Encoder.
msmpeg2vdec.dll (2) Microsoft DTV-DVD Video Decoder.
MSO.DLL Microsoft Office component.
MSO.FRAMEPROTOCOLWIN32.DLL Microsoft Office component.
MSO20SKYPEWIN32.DLL Microsoft Office 2016 component.
Mso20win32client.dll (2) Microsoft Office component.
Mso30win32client.dll (2) Microsoft Office component.
MSO40UIRES.DLL Microsoft Office component.
Mso40UIwin32client.dll (2) Microsoft Office component.
Mso50win32client.dll (2) Microsoft Office component.
Mso98win32client.dll (2) Microsoft Office component.
MSO99LRES.DLL Microsoft Office component.
MSOADFPS.DLL Microsoft Office component.
MSOARIA.DLL Microsoft Office component.
MSOARIACAPI.DLL Microsoft Office component.
MsoAriaCApiWrapper.dll MsoAriaCApiWrapper.
MSOARIANEXT.DLL Microsoft Office component.
msobjs.dll (2) System object audit names.
MSOCR.DLL Microsoft OCR Library.
msoert2.dll (2) Microsoft Windows Mail RT Lib.
msoetwres.dll Microsoft Office component.
MSOEURO.DLL Microsoft Office Euro Converter.
MSOHEV.DLL (2) Microsoft Office component.
MSOHEVI.DLL (2) Microsoft Office component.
MSOIDCLIL.DLL (2) Microsoft Online Services Dynamic Link Library.
MSOIDRES.DLL (2) Microsoft Online Services Dynamic Link Library.
MSOINTL.DLL Office International Resources.
msointl30.dll Office International Resources.
msolap.dll Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Analysis Services 15.0. SSAS
msolap_xl.dll Microsoft Excel MSOLAP. SQL
msolui.dll Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Analysis Services Connection Dialog 15.0. SSAS
msoobedui.dll MSOOBE DUI LIBRARY.
msoobeFirstLogonAnim.dll First Logon Animation.
msoobeplugins.dll msoobeplugins.
msoobewirelessplugin.dll msoobewirelessplugin.
MSOPRIV.DLL Microsoft Office component.
MSOpusDecoder.dll (2) Media Foundation Opus Decoder.
msorc32r.dll ODBC Driver for Oracle Resources.
msorcl32.dll ODBC Driver for Oracle.
MSORES.DLL Microsoft Office component.
MSOSB.DLL Microsoft Office component.
MSOSEC.DLL Custom membership condition. Custom membership condition
msoshext.dll (2) Microsoft Office Shell Extension Handlers.
MSOSPECTRE.DLL Microsoft Office 3D support.
MSOSTYLE.DLL Microsoft Office IME Shared property library.
MSOSVG.DLL Microsoft Office SVG support.
msotelemetry.dll Microsoft Office Telemetry Data.
msotelemetryintl.dll Microsoft Office Telemetry Data.
msowerrelief.dll .
MSOXEV.DLL (2) Office XML Handler.
MSOXMLMF.DLL (2) Microsoft Office XML MIME Filter.
mspatcha.dll (2) Microsoft File Patch Application API.
mspatchc.dll (2) Microsoft Patch Creation Engine.
mspbde40.dll Microsoft Jet Paradox Isam.
MSPhotography.dll (2) MS Photography DLL.
msports.dll (2) Ports Class Installer.
msprivs.dll Microsoft Privilege Translations.
msproof7.dll Proofing Services.
MSPST32.DLL Microsoft Office component.
MSPTLS.DLL Microsoft Office component.
msrahc.dll Remote Assistance Diagnostics Provider.
msrating.dll (2) “msrating.DYNLINK”.
MSRAWImage.dll (2) MS RAW Image Decoder DLL.
msrd2x40.dll Microsoft (R) Red ISAM.
msrd3x40.dll Microsoft (R) Red ISAM.
msrdc.dll (2) Remote Differential Compression COM server.
MsRdpWebAccess.dll (2) Microsoft Remote Desktop Services Web Access Control.
msrepl40.dll Microsoft Replication Library.
msrle32.dll (2) Microsoft RLE Compressor.
msscntrs.dll (2) PKM Perfmon Counter DLL.
mssecuser.dll Microsoft Security Events Component Library.
mssign32.dll (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Microsoft Trust Signing APIs.
mssip32.dll (2) MSSIP32 Forwarder DLL.
mssitlb.dll (2) mssitlb.
MSSOAP30.DLL Microsoft Office Soap SDK.
MSSOAPR3.DLL Microsoft Office Soap Resource DLL 3.0.
msspell7.dll Natural Language Spelling Service.
MsSpellCheckingFacility.dll (2) Microsoft Spell Checking Facility.
mssph.dll (2) Microsoft Search Protocol Handler.
mssprxy.dll (2) Microsoft Search Proxy.
mssrch.dll (2) Microsoft Embedded Search.
MSSRINTL.DLL Microsoft Office Screen Recorder.
mssvp.dll (2) MSSearch Vista Platform.
mstask.dll (2) Task Scheduler interface DLL.
mstext40.dll Microsoft Jet Text Isam.
msTextPrediction.dll Microsoft TextPrediction DLL.
msth8EN.DLL Natural Language Thesaurus Service.
msth8ES.DLL Natural Language Thesaurus Service.
msth8FR.DLL Natural Language Thesaurus Service.
mstscax.dll (2) Remote Desktop Services ActiveX Client.
MSTTSEngine.dll (2) Microsoft TTS Engine (Desktop).
MSTTSEngine_OneCore.dll (2) Microsoft TTS Engine.
MSTTSLoc.dll (2) Microsoft TTS Shared Locale Handler (Desktop).
MSTTSLoc_OneCore.dll (2) Microsoft TTS Shared Locale Handler.
msutb.dll (2) MSUTB Server DLL.
msv1_0.dll (2) Microsoft Authentication Package v1.0.
msvbvm60.dll Visual Basic Virtual Machine. March 5, 2009
msvcirt.dll (2) Windows NT IOStreams DLL.
msvcp_win.dll (2) Microsoft C Runtime Library.
msvcp100.dll Microsoft C Runtime Library.
msvcp110.dll (2) Microsoft C Runtime Library.
msvcp110_win.dll (2) Microsoft STL110 C++ Runtime Library.
msvcp120.dll (2) (3) (4) Microsoft C Runtime Library.
msvcp120_clr0400.dll (2) Microsoft C Runtime Library.
msvcp140.dll (2) (3) (4) (5) Microsoft C Runtime Library.
msvcp140_1.dll (2) Microsoft C Runtime Library _1.
MSVCP140_APP.DLL Microsoft C Runtime Library.
msvcp140_clr0400.dll (2) Microsoft C Runtime Library.
msvcp60.dll (2) Windows NT C++ Runtime Library DLL.
msvcr100.dll Microsoft C Runtime Library.
msvcr100_clr0400.dll (2) Microsoft .NET Framework.
msvcr110.dll (2) Microsoft C Runtime Library.
msvcr120.dll (2) (3) (4) Microsoft C Runtime Library.
msvcr120_clr0400.dll (2) Microsoft C Runtime Library.
MSVCR71.DLL Microsoft C Runtime Library.
msvcr90.dll Microsoft C Runtime Library.
msvcrt.dll (2) Windows NT CRT DLL.
msvcrt20.dll Microsoft C Runtime Library.
msvcrt40.dll VC 4.x CRT DLL (Forwarded to msvcrt.dll).
msvfw32.dll (2) Microsoft Video for Windows DLL.
msvidc32.dll (2) Microsoft Video 1 Compressor.
MSVidCtl.dll (2) ActiveX control for streaming video.
MSVideoDSP.dll (2) Video Stabilization MFT.
MSVP9DEC.dll (2) Windows VP9 Video Decoder.
msvproc.dll (2) Media Foundation Video Processor.
MSVPXENC.dll (2) Windows VPX Video Encoder.
MSWB7.dll (2) MSWB7 DLL.
mswdat10.dll Microsoft Jet Sort Tables.
MSWebp.dll (2) WEBP DLL.
mswmdm.dll (2) Windows Media Device Manager Core.
mswsock.dll (2) Microsoft Windows Sockets 2.0 Service Provider.
mswstr10.dll Microsoft Jet Sort Library.
msxactps.dll (2) OLE DB Transaction Proxies/Stubs.
msxbde40.dll Microsoft Jet xBASE Isam.
msxml3.dll (2) MSXML 3.0.
msxml3r.dll (2) XML Resources.
msxml6.dll (2) MSXML 6.0.
msxml6r.dll (2) XML Resources.
MSxpsPCL6.dll XPS to PCL6 Print Pipeline Filter.
MSxpsPS.dll XPS to PS Print Pipeline Filter.
MSYUBIN7.DLL Postal code and address conversion with Japanese.
msyuv.dll (2) Microsoft UYVY Video Decompressor.
MtcModel.dll MtcModel.
MTF.dll (2) “MTF.DYNLINK”.
MTFAppServiceDS.dll Microsoft AppService Datasource Dll.
MtfDecoder.dll “MtfDecoder.DYNLINK”.
MTFFuzzyDS.dll Microsoft Fuzzy Datasource Dll.
MTFServer.dll “MTFServer.DYNLINK”.
MTFSpellcheckDS.dll “MTFSpellcheckDS.DYNLINK”.
mtxclu.dll (2) Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator Failover Clustering Support DLL.
mtxdm.dll (2) COM+.
mtxex.dll (2) COM+.
mtxlegih.dll COM+.
mtxoci.dll (2) Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator Database Support DLL for Oracle.
muifontsetup.dll (2) MUI Callback for font registry settings.
MUILanguageCleanup.dll MUI Callback for Language pack cleanup.
MUOPTIN.DLL Microsoft Office 2013 Microsoft Update Opt-in Wizard.
MupMigPlugin.dll (2) Microsoft Network Provider Migration Plugin Dll.
musdialoghandlers.dll MusScnDialogHandlers.
MusUpdateHandlers.dll Modern Update Settings Handler Implementation.
MXDWDRV.DLL (2) Microsoft XPS Document Writer.
MXEAgent.dll MXE Agent.
mycomput.dll (2) Computer Management.
mydocs.dll (2) My Documents Folder UI.
NAME.DLL Name ActiveX Control.
NAMECONTROLPROXY.DLL Proxy Dll for Name ActiveX Control.
NAMEEXT.DLL Microsoft Office component.
NAPCRYPT.DLL (2) NAP Cryptographic API helper.
NapiNSP.dll (2) E-mail Naming Shim Provider.
NaturalAuth.dll Natural Authentication Service.
NaturalAuthClient.dll Natural Authentication Client Library.
NaturalLanguage6.dll (2) Natural Language Development Platform 6.
navshutdown.dll NAVShutdown.
NcaApi.dll (2) Microsoft Network Connectivity Assistant API.
NcaSvc.dll Microsoft Network Connectivity Assistant Service.
ncbservice.dll Network Connection Broker.
NcdAutoSetup.dll Network Connected Devices Auto-Setup service DLL.
NcdProp.dll (2) Advanced network device properties.
nci.dll (2) CoInstaller: NET.
ncobjapi.dll (2) .
NCProv.dll Non-COM WMI Event Provision APIs.
ncrypt.dll (2) Windows NCrypt Router.
ncryptprov.dll (2) Microsoft KSP.
ncryptsslp.dll (2) Microsoft SChannel Provider.
ncsi.dll Network Connectivity Status Indicator.
ncuprov.dll Network Connectivity Statistics Provider for System Resource Usage Monitor Service.
nddeapi.dll (2) Network DDE Share Management APIs.
ndfapi.dll (2) Network Diagnostic Framework Client API.
ndfetw.dll (2) Network Diagnostic Engine Event Interface.
ndfhcdiscovery.dll (2) Network Diagnostic Framework HC Discovery API.
ndishc.dll (2) NDIS Helper Classes.
ndisimplatcim.dll NDIS IM Platform WMI Provider.
ndiskd.dll (2) (3) (4) Kernel Debugger Extensions for Ndis.
ndproxystub.dll (2) Network Diagnostic Engine Proxy/Stub.
nduprov.dll Network Statistics Provider for System Resource Usage Monitor Service.
negoexts.dll (2) NegoExtender Security Package.
NetAdapterCim.dll Network Adapter WMI Provider.
netapi32.dll (2) Net Win32 API DLL.
netbios.dll (2) NetBIOS Interface Library.
NetCellcoreCellManagerProviderResources.dll Windows CellManager.
netcenter.dll (2) Network Center control panel.
netcfgx.dll (2) Network Configuration Objects.
netcorehc.dll (2) Networking Core Diagnostics Helper Classes.
netdacim.dll Microsoft Direct Access WMI Provider.
netdiagfx.dll (2) Network Diagnostic Framework.
NetDriverInstall.dll (2) Network Driver Installation.
netevent.dll (2) Net Event Handler.
NetEventPacketCapture.dll NetEvent Packet Capture Provider.
netfxperf.dll (2) Extensible Performance Counter Shim.
neth.dll (2) Net Help Messages DLL.
netid.dll (2) System Control Panel Applet; Network ID Page.
netiohlp.dll (2) Netio Helper DLL.
netiomig.dll (2) Netio Migration Plugin.
netjoin.dll (2) Domain Join DLL.
netlogon.dll (2) Net Logon Services DLL.
netman.dll Network Connections Manager.
netmsg.dll (2) Net Messages DLL.
netnccim.dll DA Network Connectivity WMI Provider.
NetPeerDistCim.dll BranchCache WMI Provider.
netplwiz.dll (2) Map Network Drives/Network Places Wizard.
netprofm.dll (2) Network List Manager.
netprofmsvc.dll Network Profile Service DLL.
netprovfw.dll (2) Provisioning Service Framework DLL.
netprovisionsp.dll (2) Provisioning Service Provider DLL.
NetSetupApi.dll (2) Network Configuration API.
NetSetupEngine.dll (2) Network Configuration Engine.
NetSetupShim.dll (2) Network Configuration API.
NetSetupSvc.dll Network Setup Service.
netshell.dll (2) Network Connections Shell.
netstandard.dll netstandard. netstandard
netswitchteamcim.dll VM Switch Teaming WMI Provider.
NetTCPIP.dll TCPIP WMI Provider.
nettrace.dll Network Trace Helper.
nettraceex.dll .
netttcim.dll Transition Technology WMI Objects.
netutils.dll (2) Net Win32 API Helpers DLL.
NetworkBindingEngineMigPlugin.dll Network Binding Engine Migration Plugin.
NetworkCollectionAgent.dll (2) Network Collection Agent.
NetworkDesktopSettings.dll System settings network desktop handlers group.
networkexplorer.dll (2) Network Explorer.
networkhelper.dll (2) Network utilities for mail, contacts, calendar.
NetworkIcon.dll In-Proc WinRT server for Windows.Internal.UX.NetworkUX.NetworkIcon.
networkitemfactory.dll (2) NetworkItem Factory.
NetworkMobileSettings.dll System settings network mobile handlers group.
NetworkMonitor.dll .
NetworkProxyCsp.dll NetworkProxyCSP.
NetworkQoSPolicyCSP.dll NetworkQoSPolicyCSP.
NetworkStatus.dll Network Status Interface.
NetworkUXBroker.dll NetworkUXBroker DLL.
newdev.dll (2) Add Hardware Device Library.
NewMeetingService.dll Meeting Service.
Newtonsoft.Json.dll Json.NET. Json.NET is a popular high-performance JSON framework for .NET
NfcCx.dll NFC Class Extension driver.
NFCProvisioningPlugin.dll NFC Provisioning Plugin.
NfcRadioMedia.dll NFC Radio Media Provider.
ngccredprov.dll (2) Microsoft Passport Credential Provider.
NgcCtnr.dll Microsoft Passport Container.
NgcCtnrGidsHandler.dll Microsoft Passport Container GIDS Handler.
NgcCtnrSvc.dll Microsoft Passport Container Service.
NgcIsoCtnr.dll Windows Hello Secure Container.
ngckeyenum.dll (2) Microsoft Passport Key Enumeration Manager.
ngcksp.dll (2) Microsoft Passport Key Storage Provider.
ngclocal.dll (2) NGC Local Account APIs.
NgcLocalAccountMigPlugin.dll Microsoft Passport Local Account Migration Plugin.
ngcpopkeysrv.dll Microsoft Passport Proof-of-possession Key Service.
NgcProCsp.dll Microsoft Passport CSP.
ngcrecovery.dll Windows Hello Recovery Helper.
ngcsvc.dll Microsoft Passport Service.
ngctasks.dll Microsoft Passport Tasks.
nghttp2.dll nghttp2; HTTP/2 C library.
ninput.dll (2) Microsoft Pen and Touch Input Component.
NL7Data0011.DLL Microsoft JAPANESE Natural Language Server Data and Code.
NL7Lexicons0011.DLL Microsoft Japanese Natural Language Server Data and Code.
NL7MODELS0009.dll Microsoft ENGLISH Natural Language Server Data and Code.
NL7MODELS000A.dll Microsoft SPANISH Natural Language Server Data and Code.
NL7MODELS000C.dll Microsoft FRENCH Natural Language Server Data and Code.
NL7Models0011.DLL Microsoft Japanese Natural Language Server Data and Code.
nlaapi.dll (2) Network Location Awareness 2.
nlahc.dll NLA Helper Classes.
nlasvc.dll Network Location Awareness 2.
nlhtml.dll (2) HTML filter.
nlmcim.dll Network Connection Profiles WMI Provider.
nlmgp.dll (2) Network List Manager Snapin.
nlmproxy.dll (2) Network List Manager Public Proxy.
nlmsprep.dll (2) Network List Manager Sysprep Module.
NLog.dll NLog for .NET Framework 4.5. NLog
nlsbres.dll (2) NLSBuild resource DLL.
NlsData0000.dll (2) Microsoft Neutral Natural Language Server Data and Code.
NlsData0009.dll (2) Microsoft English Natural Language Server Data and Code.
Nlsdl.dll (2) Nls Downlevel DLL.
NlsLexicons0009.dll Microsoft English Natural Language Server Data and Code.
NmaDirect.dll (2) Nma Direct.
normaliz.dll (2) Unicode Normalization DLL.
NotificationController.dll NotificationController.
NotificationControllerPS.dll NotificationController Proxy Stub.
notificationplatformcomponent.dll NotificationPlatformComponent.
npmproxy.dll (2) Network List Manager Proxy.
NPSM.dll (2) NPSM.
NPSMDesktopProvider.dll (2) d NPSM Desktop Local Provider DLL.
NPSPWRAP.DLL The plugin allows you to have a better experience with Microsoft SharePoint.
nrpsrv.dll Name Resolution Proxy (NRP) RPC interface.
nshhttp.dll (2) HTTP netsh DLL.
nshipsec.dll (2) Net Shell IP Security helper DLL.
nshwfp.dll (2) Windows Filtering Platform Netsh Helper.
nsi.dll (2) NSI User-mode interface DLL.
nsisvc.dll Network Store Interface RPC server.
ntasn1.dll (2) Microsoft ASN.1 API.
ntdll.dll (2) NT Layer DLL.
ntdsapi.dll (2) Active Directory Domain Services API.
ntevt.dll WMI Event Log Provider.
ntlanman.dll (2) Microsoft Lan Manager.
ntlanui2.dll (2) Network object shell UI.
NtlmShared.dll (2) NTLM Shared Functionality.
ntmarta.dll (2) Windows NT MARTA provider.
ntplugin.dll NTPlugin Event Library.
ntprint.dll (2) Spooler Setup DLL.
ntsdexts.dll (2) (3) (4) Symbolic Debugger Extensions.
ntshrui.dll (2) Shell extensions for sharing.
ntvdm64.dll (2) 16-bit Emulation on NT64.
NUIVoiceWBSAdapters.dll NUI Voice Biometric Service Adapters.
nvkd.dll (2) (3) Network Virtualization Kernel Debugger Extension.
OART.DLL Microsoft OfficeArt.
OARTODF.DLL Microsoft OfficeArt ODF.
objsel.dll (2) Object Picker Dialog.
occache.dll (2) Object Control Viewer.
OCHelper.dll Skype for Business.
OcHelperResource.dll Skype for Business.
OCLTINT.DLL Microsoft SharePoint Discussions Resources.
OCSCLIENTWIN32.DLL Microsoft Office component.
ocsetapi.dll (2) Windows Optional Component Setup API.
ODBC32.DLL (2) (3) ODBC Driver Manager.
odbcbcp.dll (2) BCP for ODBC.
odbcconf.dll (2) ODBC Driver Configuration Program.
odbccp32.dll (2) ODBC Installer.
odbccr32.dll (2) ODBC Cursor Library.
odbccu32.dll (2) ODBC Cursor Library.
odbcint.dll (2) ODBC Resources.
odbcji32.dll Microsoft ODBC Desktop Driver Pack 3.5.
odbcjt32.dll Microsoft ODBC Desktop Driver Pack 3.5.
ODBCTRAC.DLL (2) (3) ODBC Driver Manager Trace.
oddbse32.dll ODBC (3.0) driver for DBase.
odexl32.dll ODBC (3.0) driver for Excel.
odffilt.dll (2) Microsoft Filter for Open Document Format.
odfox32.dll ODBC (3.0) driver for FoxPro.
odpdx32.dll ODBC (3.0) driver for Paradox.
odtext32.dll ODBC (3.0) driver for text files.
OEMDefaultAssociations.dll OEMDefaultAssociations.
oemlicense.dll (2) Client Licensing Platform Client Provisioning.
offfilt.dll (2) OFFICE Filter.
offfiltx.dll (2) Microsoft Office Open XML Format Filter.
Office.dll (2) Microsoft.Office.Core.
OfficeC2RCom.dll Microsoft Office Click-to-Run COM Interface.
officecsp.dll Office CSP.
officestoragehost.dll Microsoft Office Document Cache Storage Server Interface.
offlinelsa.dll (2) Windows.
offlinesam.dll (2) Windows.
OfflineSetupProvider.dll (2) DISM OfflineSetup Provider.
offreg.dll (2) (3) Offline registry DLL.
OFFREL.DLL Microsoft Office Diagnostics.
OFFRHD.DLL Microsoft Office Remove Hidden Data Document Inspector Plug-In.
OIMG.DLL Microsoft OfficeArt Imaging.
ole2.dll Windows Win16 Application Launcher.
ole2disp.dll Windows Win16 Application Launcher.
ole2nls.dll Windows Win16 Application Launcher.
ole32.dll (2) Microsoft OLE for Windows.
oleacc.dll (2) Active Accessibility Core Component.
oleacchooks.dll (2) Active Accessibility Event Hooks Library.
oleaccrc.dll (2) Active Accessibility Resource DLL.
oleaut32.dll (2) OLEAUT32.DLL.
olecli32.dll Object Linking and Embedding Client Library.
oledb32.dll (2) OLE DB Core Services.
oledb32r.dll (2) OLE DB Core Services Resources.
oledlg.dll (2) OLE User Interface Support.
oleprn.dll (2) Oleprn DLL.
olepro32.dll OLEPRO32.DLL.
olesvr32.dll Object Linking and Embedding Server Library.
olethk32.dll Microsoft OLE for Windows.
OLKFSTUB.DLL (2) Outlook Shell Hook for Start/Find.
OLMAPI32.DLL Microsoft Office component.
OmaDmAgent.dll omadmagent.
omadmapi.dll (2) omadmapi.
OMICAUT.DLL Office Math Input Control.
OMSINTL.DLL Microsoft Outlook OMS Resources.
OMSXP32.DLL Microsoft Outlook Mobile Service Provider.
ONBttnIE.dll (2) Microsoft OneNote Internet Explorer Add-in.
ONBttnIELinkedNotes.dll (2) Microsoft OneNote Internet Explorer Add-in.
ONBttnOL.dll Microsoft OneNote Outlook Add-in.
ONBttnPPT.dll Microsoft OneNote PowerPoint Add-in.
ONBttnWD.dll Microsoft OneNote Word Add-in.
OnDemandBrokerClient.dll (2) OnDemandBrokerClient.
OnDemandConnRouteHelper.dll (2) On Demand Connctiond Route Helper.
oneauth.dll Microsoft OneAuth Authentication Library.
OneBackupHandler.dll Backup & Restore Handlers Implementation.
OneCoreCommonProxyStub.dll (2) OneCore Common Proxy Stub.
OneCoreUAPCommonProxyStub.dll (2) OneCoreUAP Common Proxy Stub.
OneDriveSettingSyncProvider.dll (2) OneDrive Setting Sync.
oneds.dll Microsoft Edge.
ONENOTEIMP.DLL Microsoft OneNote.
onex.dll (2) IEEE 802.1X supplicant library.
onexui.dll (2) IEEE 802.1X supplicant UI library.
ONFILTER.DLL (2) Microsoft OneNote Filter.
ONINTL.DLL Microsoft OneNote International Resources.
ONLNTCOMLIB.DLL (2) Microsoft OneNote Linked Note Taking COM Library.
ONMAIN.DLL Microsoft OneNote Main.
onnxruntime.dll (2) (3) ONNX Runtime.
ONNXRuntime-0.5.X.dll (2) Open Neural Network Exchange (ONNX) Runtime for the Microsoft Windows Operating System and Platform x86..
ONPPTAddin.dll Microsoft OneNote PowerPoint Add-in.
onramp.dll Microsoft Edge.
ONRES.DLL Microsoft OneNote Resources.
ONWordAddin.dll Microsoft OneNote Word Add-in.
oobecoreadapters.dll oobecoreadapters.
OpcServices.dll (2) (3) (4) (5) Native Code OPC Services Library.
opcua.dll opcua dissector. Built with Visual Studio 16 2019
opencl.dll OpenCL Client DLL.
opengl32.dll (2) OpenGL Client DLL.
opengl32sw.dll .
oposdrv.dll WUDF: opos driver.
OPTINPS.DLL Microsoft Office Microsoft Update COM Proxy/Stub.
OptionsTab.dll OptionsTab Dynamic Link Library.
OptionsWindow.dll OptionsWindow.
oregres.dll (2) Microsoft Office.
ORGCINTL.DLL Organization Chart Add-in for Microsoft Office programs.
ortcengine.dll (2) Microsoft Skype ORTC Engine.
osbaseln.dll (2) Service Reporting API.
OSF.DLL Microsoft Office component.
OSFINTL.DLL Microsoft Office component.
OSFPROXY.DLL Microsoft Office component.
OSFROAMINGPROXY.DLL Microsoft Office component.
OSFSHARED.DLL Microsoft Office component.
OsfTaskengine.dll Microsoft Office component.
OSFUI.DLL Microsoft Office component.
OskSupport.dll Microsoft On-Screen Keyboard Support Utilities.
ospintl.dll Office Document Cache Intl Pluggable UI.
OSPPC.DLL Office Software Licensing Client Dll.
OSPPCEXT.DLL Office Software Protection Platform Client Extension Dll.
OSPPOBJS.DLL Office Software Protection Platform Plugins.
OSPPWMI.DLL Software Protection Platform WMI provider.
OSProvider.dll (2) DISM OS Services Provider.
osuninst.dll (2) Uninstall Interface.
OTKLOADR.DLL Assembly loader.
OUTLFLTR.DLL Outlook Filter Library.
OUTLLIBR.DLL Outlook Intl Pluggable UI.
OUTLMIME.DLL Microsoft Office component.
outlook-recordsource-sink.dll .
OutlookServicing.DLL Microsoft Office component.
OutlookWebHost.dll Microsoft Outlook Web Host.
OUTLPH.DLL Outlook POP, FAX and MAPI Protocol Handlers.
OUTLVBA.DLL Outlook VBA Integration Add-In.
OUTLVBS.DLL Outlook VB Script Library.
OUTLWVW.DLL Outlook Web Views.
OWSCLT.DLL Microsoft SharePoint Extensions.
OWSSUPP.DLL Microsoft SharePoint Client Support.
P2P.dll (2) Peer-to-Peer Grouping.
P2PGraph.dll (2) Peer-to-Peer Graphing.
p2pnetsh.dll (2) Peer-to-Peer NetSh Helper.
p2psvc.dll Peer-to-Peer Services.
packager.dll (2) Object Packager2.
PackageStateChangeHandler.dll Package State Change Handler.
PackageStateRoaming.dll (2) Package State Roaming.
padrs404.dll (2) Microsoft IME.
padrs411.dll (2) Microsoft IME.
padrs412.dll (2) Microsoft IME.
padrs804.dll (2) Microsoft IME.
panmap.dll (2) PANOSE(tm) Font Mapper.
PasswordEnrollmentManager.dll In-Proc WinRT server for PasswordEnrollmentManager.
patchwiz.dll (2) (3) PatchWiz patch generation tool.
pautoenr.dll (2) Auto Enrollment DLL.
PayloadRestrictions.dll (2) Payload Restrictions Mitigation Provider.
PaymentMediatorServiceProxy.dll (2) Payment Mediator Service Proxy.
pbkmigr.dll (2) (3) Microsoft Connection Manager Migration Lib.
pcacli.dll (2) Program Compatibility Assistant Client Module.
pcadm.dll Program Compatibility Assistant Diagnostic Module.
pcaevts.dll Program Compatibility Assistant Event Resources.
pcasvc.dll Program Compatibility Assistant Service.
pcaui.dll (2) Program Compatibility Assistant User Interface Module.
PCL4RES.DLL (2) PCL4 driver.
PCL5ERES.DLL (2) PCL5e Printer Driver.
PCL5URES.DLL (2) PCL5e Printer Driver.
PCLmRenderFilter.dll PCLm Render Filter.
PCLXL.DLL (2) PCL-XL Printer Driver.
PCPKsp.dll (2) Microsoft Platform Key Storage Provider for Platform Crypto Provider.
pcre.dll .
PCShellCommonProxyStub.dll (2) PCShell Common Proxy Stub.
pcsvDevice.dll PCSV Proxy Provider for devices.
pcwum.dll (2) Performance Counters for Windows Native DLL.
pcwutl.dll Program Compatibility Troubleshooter Helper.
PDFRenderFilter.dll PDF Render Filter.
pdh.dll (2) Windows Performance Data Helper DLL.
pdhui.dll (2) PDH UI.
pdm.dll (2) Process Debug Manager.
pdmproxy100.dll (2) Microsoft Process Debug Manager Proxy/Stub v10.0.
PeerDist.dll (2) BranchCache Client Library.
PeerDistAD.dll BranchCache AD Interface.
PeerDistCacheProvider.dll BranchCache Export CacheMgr Provider.
PeerDistCleaner.dll BranchCache Cache Cleaner.
PeerDistHttpTrans.dll BranchCache HTTP Tansport.
PeerDistSh.dll (2) BranchCache Netshell Helper.
PeerDistSvc.dll BranchCache Service.
PeerDistWSDDiscoProv.dll BranchCache WSD Discovery Provider.
penchs.dll Microsoft Tablet PC Component.
pencht.dll Microsoft Tablet PC Component.
penjpn.dll Microsoft Tablet PC Component.
penkor.dll Microsoft Tablet PC Component.
penusa.dll Microsoft Tablet PC Component.
PeopleAPIs.dll (2) DLL for PeopleRT.
PeopleBand.dll People Desktop Band.
PEOPLEDATAHANDLER.DLL Microsoft Office People Data Handler for WSS/MOSS.
PerceptionDevice.dll (2) Perception Device.
PerceptionSimulation.ProxyStubs.dll (2) Windows Perception Simulation Proxy Stubs.
PerceptionSimulationExtensions.dll Windows Perception Simulation Extensions.
PerceptionSimulationHeadset.dll .
PerceptionSimulationInput.dll Mixed Reality Simulation Control.
PerceptionSimulationManager.dll Windows Perception Simulation Manager.
PerceptionSimulationSixDof.dll .
perf_delay.dll Performance Analyzer AddIn: Delays (GUI).
perf_dx.dll Performance Analyzer AddIn: DX.
perf_dynamic.dll Performance Analyzer AddIn: Dynamic Registration.
perf_e3.dll Performance Analyzer AddIn: Energy Estimation Engine.
perf_frames.dll Performance Analyzer AddIn: Frames.
perf_heap.dll (2) Performance Analyzer AddIn: Heap.
perf_heapsnapshot.dll Performance Analyzer AddIn: Heap Snapshot.
perf_lbr.dll Performance Analyzer AddIn: LBR.
perf_memory.dll (2) Performance Analyzer AddIn: Memory.
perf_msvcbuildinsights.dll Performance Analyzer AddIn: Microsoft(R) Visual C++(R) Build Insights.
perf_nt.dll (2) (3) Performance Analyzer AddIn: NT.
perf_nt_c.dll Performance Analyzer AddIn: NT (Command Line).
perf_nt_g.dll Performance Analyzer AddIn: NT (GUI).
perf_onoff.dll Performance Analyzer AddIn: On/Off.
perf_onoff_c.dll Performance Analyzer AddIn: On/Off (Command Line).
perf_onoff_g.dll Performance Analyzer AddIn: On/Off (GUI).
perf_pep.dll Performance Analyzer AddIn: PEP Power.
perf_pmc.dll Performance Analyzer AddIn: PMC.
perf_pofx.dll Performance Analyzer AddIn: Power Framework.
perf_pool.dll Performance Analyzer AddIn: Pool.
perf_ppm.dll Windows Performance Analyzer AddIn: Processor Power Management.
perf_regions.dll Performance Analyzer AddIn: Regions.
perf_sensors.dll Performance Analyzer AddIn: Sensors Performance.
perf_spinlock.dll XPerfCore AddIn: Spinlock.
perf_spt.dll Performance Analyzer AddIn: SPT.
perf_tcpip.dll Performance Analyzer AddIn: Tcpip.
perf_tdh.dll Performance Analyzer AddIn: TDH.
perf_umpo.dll Windows Performance Analyzer AddIn: UMPO.
perf_utc.dll Performance Analyzer AddIn: UTC Scenario.
perf_va.dll (2) XPerfCore AddIn: VirtualAlloc.
perf_wdf.dll Performance Analyzer AddIn: WDF driver Performance.
perf_wininet.dll Performance Analyzer AddIn: WinInet.
perf_wpp.dll Performance Analyzer AddIn: WPPTrace.
perf_wpr.dll Performance Analyzer AddIn: WPR.
perfcore.dll (2) (3) Performance Analyzer Analysis Core.
perfctrl.dll Performance Analyzer Tracing Control Library.
perfctrs.dll (2) Performance Counters.
perfdisk.dll (2) Windows Disk Performance Objects DLL.
perfg.dll Performance Analyzer AddIn: GUI Core.
perfnet.dll (2) Windows Network Service Performance Objects DLL.
perfos.dll (2) Windows System Performance Objects DLL.
perfproc.dll (2) Windows System Process Performance Objects DLL.
perftrack.dll Microsoft Performance PerfTrack.
perfts.dll (2) Windows Remote Desktop Services Performance Objects.
PersonalizationCSP.dll PersonalizationCSP.
pevrfyrc.dll (2) Microsoft .NET Framework PE, Metadata and IL Verification Tool. Flavor=Retail
PhoneCallHistoryApis.dll (2) DLL for PhoneCallHistoryRT.
PhoneOm.dll (2) Phone Object Model.
PhonePlatformAbstraction.dll (2) Phone Platform Abstraction.
PhoneProviders.dll Phone-specific Component Provider for Windows Telephony Stack..
PhoneService.dll The service used to manage phone calls and other telephony related functionality.
PhoneServiceRes.dll Resource DLL for the Phone Service.
Phoneutil.dll (2) Phone utilities.
PhoneutilRes.dll (2) Resource DLL for Phone utilities.
PhotoMetadataHandler.dll (2) Photo Metadata Handler.
photowiz.dll (2) Photo Printing Wizard.
PickerPlatform.dll (2) PickerPlatform.
pid.dll (2) Microsoft PID.
pidgenx.dll (2) (3) Office Pid Generation.
pifmgr.dll (2) Windows NT PIF Manager Icon Resources Library.
PimIndexMaintenance.dll Service responsible for contacts indexing and other user data related tasks.
PimIndexMaintenanceClient.dll (2) Client dll for Pim Index Maintenance.
Pimstore.dll (2) POOM.
PinEnrollmentHelper.dll PinEnrollmentHelper.
pipanel.dll Microsoft Tablet PC Component.
pipres.dll Microsoft Tablet PC Component.
PJLMON.DLL (2) PJL Language monitor.
pkeyhelper.dll Product Key Helper.
pku2u.dll (2) Pku2u Security Package.
pla.dll (2) Performance Logs & Alerts.
playlistfolder.dll (2) Playlist Folder.
playreadycdm.dll Microsoft Edge PlayReady CDM @FILE_DESCRIPTION@.
PlaySndSrv.dll (2) PlaySound Service.
PlayToDevice.dll (2) PLAYTODEVICE DLL.
PlayToManager.dll (2) Microsoft Windows PlayTo Manager.
playtomenu.dll (2) Cast to Device Menu DLL.
PlayToReceiver.dll (2) DLNA DMR DLL.
PlayToStatusProvider.dll (2) PlayTo Status Provider Dll.
ploptin.dll Prelaunch OptIn.
PLTJabberSA.dll Plantronics Jabber Plugin.
PluginResources.dll .
PluginRuntime.dll .
PluginUtils.dll Plugin Utils.
pmcsnap.dll pmcsnap dll.
pngfilt.dll (2) IE PNG plugin image decoder.
pnidui.dll Network System Icon.
pnpclean.dll Plug and Play Maintenance Task Library.
pnpibs.dll PnP IBS module.
pnpmig.dll Plug and Play Migration Plugin.
pnppolicy.dll pnppolicy Task.
pnpts.dll PlugPlay Troubleshooter.
pnpui.dll Plug and Play User Interface DLL.
PNPXAssoc.dll PNPX Association Dll.
PNPXAssocPrx.dll PNPX Association Dll.
pnrpauto.dll PNRP Auto Service Dll.
Pnrphc.dll PNRP Helper Class.
pnrpnsp.dll (2) PNRP Name Space Provider.
pnrpsvc.dll PNRP Service Dll.
PocoCrypto.dll This file is part of the POCO C++ Libraries..
PocoFoundation.dll This file is part of the POCO C++ Libraries..
PocoJSON.dll This file is part of the POCO C++ Libraries..
PocoNet.dll This file is part of the POCO C++ Libraries..
PocoNetSSL.dll This file is part of the POCO C++ Libraries..
PocoUtil.dll This file is part of the POCO C++ Libraries..
PocoXML.dll This file is part of the POCO C++ Libraries..
PolicMan.dll (2) .
policymanager.dll (2) Policy Manager DLL.
policymanagerprecheck.dll policymanagerprecheck.
polstore.dll (2) Policy Storage dll.
PortableDeviceApi.dll (2) Windows Portable Device API Components.
PortableDeviceClassExtension.dll (2) Windows Portable Device Class Extension Component.
PortableDeviceConnectApi.dll (2) Portable Device Connection API Components.
PortableDeviceStatus.dll (2) Microsoft Windows Portable Device Status Provider.
PortableDeviceSyncProvider.dll (2) Microsoft Windows Portable Device Provider..
PortableDeviceTypes.dll (2) Windows Portable Device (Parameter) Types Component.
PortableDeviceWiaCompat.dll (2) PortableDevice WIA Compatibility Driver.
PortalConnect.dll Microsoft Office SharePoint Server client library.
PortalConnectCore.dll Microsoft Office component.
PosCx.dll Pos Class Extension DLL.
posetup.dll Power Setup.
POSyncServices.dll (2) Change Tracking.
pots.dll (2) Power Troubleshooter.
powercpl.dll (2) Power Options Control Panel.
POWERMAPCLASSIFICATION.DLL Microsoft.Data.Recommendation.Client.PowerMap. Microsoft.Data.Recommendation.Client.PowerMap
PowerPivotExcelClientAddIn.dll PowerPivot for Excel. SQL
powershell_ise.resources.dll (2) .
powrprof.dll (2) Power Profile Helper DLL.
PPCORE.DLL Microsoft PowerPoint.
ppcsnap.dll ppcsnap DLL.
PPINTL.DLL Microsoft PowerPoint.
PPRESOURCES.DLL Microsoft PowerPoint.
PPSLAX.DLL Microsoft PowerPoint Slide Library Control.
prauthproviders.dll prauthproviders.
prchauto.dll Process Chain Helper Library.
PresenceAreaPlugin.dll .
PresenceConnectorPlugin.dll .
PresentationBuildTasks.dll PresentationBuildTasks.dll. Flavor=Retail
PresentationCore.dll PresentationCore.dll. Flavor=Retail
PresentationFramework.Aero.dll PresentationFramework.Aero.dll. Flavor=Retail
PresentationFramework.Aero2.dll PresentationFramework.Aero2.dll. Flavor=Retail
PresentationFramework.AeroLite.dll PresentationFramework.AeroLite.dll. Flavor=Retail
PresentationFramework.Classic.dll PresentationFramework.Classic.dll. Flavor=Retail
PresentationFramework.dll PresentationFramework.dll. PresentationFramework.dll
PresentationFramework.Luna.dll PresentationFramework.Luna.dll. Flavor=Retail
PresentationFramework.Royale.dll PresentationFramework.Royale.dll. Flavor=Retail
PresentationHostProxy.dll (2) Windows Presentation Foundation Host Proxy.
prflbmsg.dll (2) Perflib Event Messages.
Print.Workflow.Source.dll (2) Microsoft Windows Print Workflow Source App Library.
PrintBrmPs.dll Print Backup Recovery Migration Proxy.
PrintConfig.dll (2) PrintConfig User Interface.
PrinterProtocolProvider.dll Printer Protocol Provider.
printfilterpipelineprxy.dll Print Filter Pipeline Proxy.
PrintIsolationProxy.dll Print Sandbox COM Proxy Stub.
PrintManagementProvider.dll (2) Print WMI Provider.
PrintPlatformConfig.dll (2) Legacy Print Platform Adapter.
PrintRenderAPIHost.DLL PDF Writer.
printui.dll (2) Printer Settings User Interface.
PrintWorkflowProxy.dll (2) Microsoft Windows Print Workflow Proxy.
PrintWorkflowService.dll (2) Microsoft Windows Print Workflow Service Internal.
PrintWSDAHost.dll (2) PrintWSDAHost.
PrivacyTab.dll .
PRIVATE_ODBC32.dll ODBC Driver Manager.
prm0009.dll Microsoft English Natural Language Data and Code.
prncache.dll (2) Print UI Cache.
prnfldr.dll (2) prnfldr dll.
prnntfy.dll (2) prnntfy DLL.
prntvpt.dll (2) Print Ticket Services Module.
ProductEnumerator.dll Product Enumerator.
profapi.dll (2) User Profile Basic API.
profext.dll (2) profext.
profinet.dll profinet dissector. Built with Visual Studio 16 2019
profprov.dll User Profile WMI Provider.
profsvc.dll ProfSvc.
profsvcext.dll ProfSvcExt.
PromotionTab.dll promotionTab.
proppage.dll (2) (3) DirectShow SDK Property Pages.
propsys.dll (2) Microsoft Property System.
PROTOCOLHANDLERINTL.DLL Protocol Handler Intl Pluggable UI.
provcmdlets.dll (2) .
provcommon.dll (2) .
provcore.dll (2) Microsoft Wireless Provisioning Core.
provdatastore.dll Provisioning Engine Datastore Library.
provdiagnostics.dll ETW for Provisioning Diagnostics.
provengine.dll Provisioning Engine Library.
provhandlers.dll Provisioning Engine Handlers Library.
provisioningcommandscsp.dll (2) Provisioning package command configuration service provider.
provisioningcsp.dll Provisioning package configuration service provider.
ProvisioningHandlers.dll Provisioning Handlers Implementation.
provisioningtesthelper.dll (2) (3) (4) ProvisioningTestHelper.
provmigrate.dll (2) Provisioning Migration Handler.
provops.dll Provision Operations Library.
provpackageapi.dll (2) “ProvPackageAPI.DYNLINK”.
provpackageapidll.dll Provisioning package API DLL for STL encapsulation.
provplatformdesktop.dll (2) Provisioning platform for desktop editions.
ProvPluginEng.dll Provisioning plugin engine dll.
ProvProvider.dll (2) DISM Provisioning Provider.
provsvc.dll (2) Windows HomeGroup.
ProvSysprep.dll Sysprep provider for Provisioning.
provthrd.dll (2) WMI Provider Thread & Log Library.
ProximityCommon.dll (2) Proximity Common Implementation.
ProximityCommonPal.dll (2) Proximity Common PAL.
ProximityRtapiPal.dll (2) Proximity WinRT API PAL.
ProximityService.dll Proximity Service Implementation.
ProximityServicePal.dll Proximity Service PAL.
ProximityTab.dll ProximityTab.dll.
PRTF9.DLL Microsoft Publisher RTF Converter.
prvdmofcomp.dll (2) WMI.
PS5UI.DLL (2) PostScript Driver User Interface.
psapi.dll (2) Process Status Helper.
PSCRIPT5.DLL (2) PostScript Printer Driver.
PSDSCFileDownloadManagerEvents.dll DSC.
PSEvents.dll (2) Microsoft PowerShell Crimson log Message Dll.
PSHED.DLL (2) Platform Specific Hardware Error Driver.
psisdecd.dll (2) Microsoft SI/PSI parser for MPEG2 based networks..
psmachine.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
psmachine_64.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
psmachine_arm64.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
PSModuleDiscoveryProvider.dll (2) WMI.
PsmServiceExtHost.dll Resource Manager PSM Service Extension.
psmsrv.dll Process State Manager (PSM) Service.
pspluginwkr.dll (2) pspluginwkr.dll.
pstask.dll pstask Task.
pstorec.dll (2) Deprecated Protected Storage COM interfaces.
PSTPRX32.DLL Proxy Store Provider.
psuser.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
psuser_64.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
psuser_arm64.dll Microsoft Edge Update.
ptconform.dll (2) (3) PTConform DLL.
ptpprov.dll PTP Time Provider.
ptRes.dll PT Resource. WebEx PT Resource Module
ptSSO.dll ptSSO. WebEx PT Single Sign On Module
PTXT9.DLL Microsoft Publisher TXT Converter.
PUB6INTL.DLL Microsoft Publisher.
PUBCONV.DLL Microsoft Publisher Converter.
PUBTRAP.DLL Microsoft Publisher Trapping.
PUBWZINT.DLL Microsoft Publisher.
puiapi.dll (2) puiapi DLL.
puiobj.dll (2) PrintUI Objects DLL.
PushToInstall.dll PushToInstall.
pwahelper.dll PwaHelper shared library for Identity Proxy.
PWGRRenderFilter.dll PWGR Render Filter.
pwlauncher.dll Windows To Go Launcher.
pwrshmsg.dll (2) Microsoft PowerShell EventLog Message Dll.
pwrshplugin.dll (2) pwrshplugin.dll.
pwrshsip.dll (2) Crypto SIP provider for signing and verifying PowerShell script files (.ps1/.ps1xml).
pwsso.dll Windows To Go Shell Service Object.
qasf.dll (2) DirectShow ASF Support.
qcap.dll (2) DirectShow Runtime..
qdv.dll (2) DirectShow Runtime..
qdvd.dll (2) DirectShow DVD PlayBack Runtime..
qedit.dll (2) DirectShow Editing..
qedwipes.dll (2) DirectShow Editing SMPTE Wipes.
qgenericbearer.dll C++ Application Development Framework.
qgif.dll C++ Application Development Framework.
qicns.dll C++ Application Development Framework.
qico.dll C++ Application Development Framework.
qjpeg.dll C++ Application Development Framework.
qmgr.dll Background Intelligent Transfer Service.
qoswmi.dll Network QoS WMI Module.
QRYINT32.DLL Microsoft Query.
qsvg.dll C++ Application Development Framework.
qsvgicon.dll C++ Application Development Framework.
Qt5Core.dll C++ Application Development Framework.
Qt5Gui.dll C++ Application Development Framework.
Qt5Multimedia.dll C++ Application Development Framework.
Qt5Network.dll C++ Application Development Framework.
Qt5PrintSupport.dll C++ Application Development Framework.
Qt5Svg.dll C++ Application Development Framework.
Qt5Widgets.dll C++ Application Development Framework.
Qt5WinExtras.dll C++ Application Development Framework.
qtaudio_wasapi.dll C++ Application Development Framework.
qtaudio_windows.dll C++ Application Development Framework.
qtga.dll C++ Application Development Framework.
qtiff.dll C++ Application Development Framework.
qtmedia_audioengine.dll C++ Application Development Framework.
qtmultimedia_m3u.dll C++ Application Development Framework.
quartz.dll (2) DirectShow Runtime..
Query.dll (2) Content Index Utility DLL.
QuickActionsDataModel.dll QuickActionsDataModel.
QuietHours.dll QuietHours.
qwave.dll (2) Windows NT.
qwbmp.dll C++ Application Development Framework.
qwebp.dll C++ Application Development Framework.
qwindows.dll C++ Application Development Framework.
qwindowsvistastyle.dll C++ Application Development Framework.
RacEngn.dll (2) Reliability analysis metrics calculation engine.
racpldlg.dll (2) Remote Assistance Contact List.
RacWmiProv.dll (2) Reliability Metrics WMI Provider.
radardt.dll (2) Microsoft Windows Resource Exhaustion Detector.
radarrs.dll (2) Microsoft Windows Resource Exhaustion Resolver.
RADCUI.dll (2) RemoteApp and Desktop Connection UI Component.
rasadhlp.dll (2) Remote Access AutoDial Helper.
rasapi32.dll (2) Remote Access API.
rasauto.dll Remote Access AutoDial Manager.
raschap.dll (2) Remote Access PPP CHAP.
raschapext.dll (2) Windows Extension library for raschap.
rasctrs.dll (2) Windows NT Remote Access Perfmon Counter dll.
rascustom.dll Custom Protocol Engine.
rasdiag.dll (2) RAS Diagnostics Helper Classes.
rasdlg.dll (2) Remote Access Common Dialog API.
rasgcw.dll (2) RAS Wizard Pages.
rasman.dll (2) Remote Access Connection Manager.
rasmans.dll Remote Access Connection Manager.
rasmbmgr.dll Provides support for the switching of mobility enabled VPN connections if their underlying interface goes down..
RasMediaManager.dll Windows Ras Media Manager DLL.
RasMigPlugin.dll (2) (3) Microsoft RRAS Server Migration Lib.
RASMM.dll RAS Media Manager.
rasmontr.dll (2) RAS Monitor DLL.
rasplap.dll (2) RAS PLAP Credential Provider.
rasppp.dll (2) Remote Access PPP.
rastapi.dll (2) Remote Access TAPI Compliance Layer.
rastls.dll (2) Remote Access PPP EAP-TLS.
rastlsext.dll (2) Windows Extension library for rastls.
rcdll.dll (2) (3) Microsoft Windows Resource Compiler DLL.
rcdrkd.dll (2) (3) Microsoft Kernel Debugger Extensions.
rdbui.dll ReadyBoost UI.
RDCameraDriver.dll Remote Desktop Camera driver DLL.
RDCameraMediaSource.dll RD Camera Redirection Custom Media Source.
rdpbase.dll (2) Rdp OneCore Base Services.
rdpcfgex.dll Remote Desktop Session Host Server Connection Configuration Extension for the RDP protocol.
rdpcore.dll (2) RDP Core DLL.
rdpcorets.dll TS RDPCore DLL.
rdpencom.dll (2) RDPSRAPI COM Objects.
rdpendp.dll (2) RDP Audio Endpoint.
RdpIdd.dll Rdp Indirect Display.
rdpnano.dll RdpNano.dll.
RdpRelayTransport.dll RdpRelayTransport DLL.
RdpSaPs.dll (2) RDP Session Agent Proxy Stub.
rdpserverbase.dll (2) Rdp Server OneCore Base Services.
rdpsharercom.dll (2) RDPSRAPI Sharer COM Objects.
rdpudd.dll UMRDP Display Driver.
rdpviewerax.dll (2) RDPSRAPI Viewer COM Objects and ActiveX.
RDSAppXHelper.dll Remote Desktop AppX Scheduler Helper DLL.
rdsdwmdr.dll Microsoft Remote Desktop Services Desktop Composition Component.
rdsxvmaudio.dll .
rdvgocl32.dll Microsoft RemoteFX OpenCL ICD.
rdvgocl64.dll Microsoft RemoteFX OpenCL ICD.
rdvgogl32.dll Microsoft RemoteFX OpenGL.
rdvgogl64.dll Microsoft RemoteFX OpenGL.
rdvgu1132.dll Microsoft RemoteFX Virtual GPU.
rdvgu1164.dll Microsoft RemoteFX Virtual GPU.
rdvgumd32.dll Microsoft RemoteFX Virtual GPU.
rdvgumd64.dll Microsoft RemoteFX Virtual GPU.
rdvvmtransport.dll (2) RdvVmTransport EndPoints.
RDXService.dll RDXService.
RDXTaskFactory.dll RDXTaskFactory.
ReachFramework.dll ReachFramework.dll. Flavor=Retail
react-native-win32.dll React-Native-Windows.
ReAgent.dll (2) Microsoft Windows Recovery Agent DLL.
ReAgentTask.dll Microsoft Windows Recovery Agent Task Handler.
RECALL.DLL Outlook Message Recall.
recovery.dll Recovery Control Panel.
REFEDIT.DLL RefEdit Object.
regapi.dll (2) Registry Configuration APIs.
RegCtrl.dll (2) RegCtrl.
regidle.dll RegIdle Backup Task.
regsvc.dll Remote Registry Service.
reguwpapi.dll (2) UWP Registry API.
ReInfo.dll (2) Microsoft Windows Recovery Info DLL.
RemoteAppLifetimeManagerProxyStub.dll RALM.
remoteaudioendpoint.dll (2) Remote Audio Endpoint.
remotefxvgpudisablement.resources.dll .
remotepg.dll (2) Remote Sessions CPL Extension.
RemotePosDrv.dll WUDF: remoteposdrv.
RemoteWipeCSP.dll RemoteWipeCSP.
RemovableMediaProvisioningPlugin.dll Removable Media Provisioning Plugin.
RemoveDeviceContextHandler.dll (2) Devices & Printers Remove Device Context Menu Handler.
RemoveDeviceElevated.dll (2) RemoveDeviceElevated Proxy Dll.
repdrvfs.dll WMI Repository Driver.
RepoMan.dll ClickToRun Repository Manager.
ReportingCSP.dll ReportingCSP.
ReportingServicesNativeClient.dll Reporting Services Native Proxy. SQL
RESAMPLEDMO.DLL (2) Windows Media Resampler.
ResBParser.dll .
reseteng.dll Microsoft Windows Reset Engine.
ResetEngine.dll Push-Button Reset Engine.
ResetEngOnline.dll Reset Engine Online.
ResourceDll.dll Microsoft IME.
ResourceMapper.dll Provide information to identify string resources.
ResourcePolicyClient.dll (2) Resource Policy Client.
ResourcePolicyServer.dll Resource Policy RM Service Extension.
resutils.dll (2) Microsoft Cluster Resource Utility DLL.
rfxvmt.dll (2) Microsoft RemoteFX VM Transport.
rgb9rast.dll (2) .
riched20.dll (2) (3) Rich Text Edit Control, v3.1. Richedit Version 3.1
riched32.dll (2) Wrapper Dll for Richedit 1.0.
rilproxy.dll Windows Cellular RIL Proxy.
RjvClassicApp.dll Windows System Reset Platform Plugin for Classic App Migration.
RjvMDMConfig.dll Windows System Reset Platform Plugin for MDM Agent.
RjvPlatform.dll Windows Rejuvenation Platform.
RM.DLL Outlook Import/Export.
RMapi.dll Radio Manager API.
rmclient.dll (2) Resource Manager Client.
RMSRoamingSecurity.dll Roaming Security RMS implementation.
rnr20.dll (2) Windows Socket2 NameSpace DLL.
RoamingSecurity.dll Roaming Security implementation.
rometadata.dll (2) Microsoft MetaData Library. Flavor=Retail
RotMgr.dll Auto-Rotation Manager.
RpcEpMap.dll RPC Endpoint Mapper.
rpcexts.dll (2) (