
  • File Path: C:\Windows\system32\kernel32.dll
  • Description: Windows NT BASE API Client DLL


Type Hash
MD5 3F7DE1EBEC982B762839C8C192F4D4B1
SHA1 F6526B1313B335F4954A2BFCE54A81037125D4E8
SHA256 D60F9EAA4F62F0EE84531D9AA633C5BB390EA0056953E58D80B9A62277DBE5C5
SHA384 496B87835D969CA4877074FEB20B50B6D386F346BB5F79B9763F67DC13A1DDC3F9B95FFB860DEA6F88C5FBC805A7833C
SHA512 47670E2B1E63541080DEF438752B344C553399DB70B02FAA13CCBDFBB51A859B6125216046ADA5032C77A7D59F8FA33F05779AD2F8E102438038CE340D37C402
SSDEEP 12288:XqnWY0FkshGbngdMbfklK6mCM6rXoLjvTkjYLo4P6HDgIrHYDP58/SaSbmz6F:XeWYy3dMbEnmCLTAjvgm8jbrHYF8/SaW
IMP AE2AFF1212E7E94D362256016BC93328
PESHA1 C28962255D6292D465F749A502B0A9850A427B54
PE256 F49022962E25A9C30AFDFCF03E3C32D22F10148819396173D67898B63ACC33C8

DLL Exports:

Function Name Ordinal Type
PackageIdFromFullName 1058 Exported Function
PackageNameAndPublisherIdFromFamilyName 1059 Exported Function
ParseApplicationUserModelId 1060 Exported Function
PackageFamilyNameFromFullName 1055 Exported Function
PackageFamilyNameFromId 1056 Exported Function
PackageFullNameFromId 1057 Exported Function
PostQueuedCompletionStatus 1064 Exported Function
PowerClearRequest 1065 Exported Function
PowerCreateRequest 1066 Exported Function
PeekConsoleInputA 1061 Exported Function
PeekConsoleInputW 1062 Exported Function
PeekNamedPipe 1063 Exported Function
OutputDebugStringW 1054 Exported Function
OpenSemaphoreA 1045 Exported Function
OpenSemaphoreW 1046 Exported Function
OpenState 1047 Exported Function
OpenProcess 1042 Exported Function
OpenProcessToken 1043 Exported Function
OpenProfileUserMapping 1044 Exported Function
OpenWaitableTimerA 1051 Exported Function
OpenWaitableTimerW 1052 Exported Function
OutputDebugStringA 1053 Exported Function
OpenStateExplicit 1048 Exported Function
OpenThread 1049 Exported Function
OpenThreadToken 1050 Exported Function
PssWalkMarkerGetPosition 1083 Exported Function
PssWalkMarkerRewind 1084 Exported Function
PssWalkMarkerSeek 1085 Exported Function
PssQuerySnapshot 1080 Exported Function
PssWalkMarkerCreate 1081 Exported Function
PssWalkMarkerFree 1082 Exported Function
PssWalkSnapshot 1089 Exported Function
PulseEvent 1090 Exported Function
PurgeComm 1091 Exported Function
PssWalkMarkerSeekToBeginning 1086 Exported Function
PssWalkMarkerSetPosition 1087 Exported Function
PssWalkMarkerTell 1088 Exported Function
PssFreeSnapshot 1079 Exported Function
PrivCopyFileExW 1070 Exported Function
PrivMoveFileIdentityW 1071 Exported Function
Process32First 1072 Exported Function
PowerSetRequest 1067 Exported Function
PrefetchVirtualMemory 1068 Exported Function
PrepareTape 1069 Exported Function
ProcessIdToSessionId 1076 Exported Function
PssCaptureSnapshot 1077 Exported Function
PssDuplicateSnapshot 1078 Exported Function
Process32FirstW 1073 Exported Function
Process32Next 1074 Exported Function
Process32NextW 1075 Exported Function
OpenPrivateNamespaceW 1041 Exported Function
MoveFileExW 1007 Exported Function
MoveFileTransactedA 1008 Exported Function
MoveFileTransactedW 1009 Exported Function
Module32NextW 1004 Exported Function
MoveFileA 1005 Exported Function
MoveFileExA 1006 Exported Function
MulDiv 1013 Exported Function
MultiByteToWideChar 1014 Exported Function
NeedCurrentDirectoryForExePathA 1015 Exported Function
MoveFileW 1010 Exported Function
MoveFileWithProgressA 1011 Exported Function
MoveFileWithProgressW 1012 Exported Function
Module32Next 1003 Exported Function
LZStart 963 Exported Function
MapUserPhysicalPages 995 Exported Function
MapUserPhysicalPagesScatter 996 Exported Function
LZOpenFileW 960 Exported Function
LZRead 961 Exported Function
LZSeek 962 Exported Function
MapViewOfFileFromApp 1000 Exported Function
Module32First 1001 Exported Function
Module32FirstW 1002 Exported Function
MapViewOfFile 997 Exported Function
MapViewOfFileEx 998 Exported Function
MapViewOfFileExNuma 999 Exported Function
OpenFileById 1032 Exported Function
OpenFileMappingA 1033 Exported Function
OpenFileMappingW 1034 Exported Function
OpenEventA 1029 Exported Function
OpenEventW 1030 Exported Function
OpenFile 1031 Exported Function
OpenMutexW 1038 Exported Function
OpenPackageInfoByFullName 1039 Exported Function
OpenPrivateNamespaceA 1040 Exported Function
OpenJobObjectA 1035 Exported Function
OpenJobObjectW 1036 Exported Function
OpenMutexA 1037 Exported Function
OpenConsoleWStub 1028 Exported Function
NlsUpdateLocale 1019 Exported Function
NlsUpdateSystemLocale 1020 Exported Function
NormalizeString 1021 Exported Function
NeedCurrentDirectoryForExePathW 1016 Exported Function
NlsCheckPolicy 1017 Exported Function
NlsGetCacheUpdateCount 1018 Exported Function
OfferVirtualMemory 1026 Exported Function
OOBEComplete 1025 Exported Function
OpenConsoleW 1027 Exported Function
NotifyMountMgr 1022 Exported Function
NotifyUILanguageChange 1023 Exported Function
NtVdm64CreateProcessInternalW 1024 Exported Function
QueryActCtxSettingsW 1092 Exported Function
RegDisablePredefinedCacheEx 1161 Exported Function
RegEnumKeyExA 1162 Exported Function
RegEnumKeyExW 1163 Exported Function
RegDeleteTreeW 1158 Exported Function
RegDeleteValueA 1159 Exported Function
RegDeleteValueW 1160 Exported Function
RegGetKeySecurity 1167 Exported Function
RegGetValueA 1168 Exported Function
RegGetValueW 1169 Exported Function
RegEnumValueA 1164 Exported Function
RegEnumValueW 1165 Exported Function
RegFlushKey 1166 Exported Function
RegDeleteTreeA 1157 Exported Function
ReadProcessMemory 1148 Exported Function
ReadThreadProfilingData 1149 Exported Function
ReclaimVirtualMemory 1150 Exported Function
ReadFile 1145 Exported Function
ReadFileEx 1146 Exported Function
ReadFileScatter 1147 Exported Function
RegCreateKeyExW 1154 Exported Function
RegDeleteKeyExA 1155 Exported Function
RegDeleteKeyExW 1156 Exported Function
RegCloseKey 1151 Exported Function
RegCopyTreeW 1152 Exported Function
RegCreateKeyExA 1153 Exported Function
RegNotifyChangeKeyValue 1174 Exported Function
RegOpenCurrentUser 1175 Exported Function
RegOpenKeyExA 1176 Exported Function
RegLoadKeyW 1171 Exported Function
RegLoadMUIStringA 1172 Exported Function
RegLoadMUIStringW 1173 Exported Function
RegQueryInfoKeyW 1180 Exported Function
RegQueryValueExA 1181 Exported Function
RegQueryValueExW 1182 Exported Function
RegOpenKeyExW 1177 Exported Function
RegOpenUserClassesRoot 1178 Exported Function
RegQueryInfoKeyA 1179 Exported Function
RegLoadKeyA 1170 Exported Function
RegisterConsoleIME 1195 Exported Function
RegisterConsoleOS2 1196 Exported Function
RegisterConsoleVDM 1197 Exported Function
RegisterApplicationRecoveryCallback 1192 Exported Function
RegisterApplicationRestart 1193 Exported Function
RegisterBadMemoryNotification 1194 Exported Function
RegisterWaitUntilOOBECompleted 1201 Exported Function
RegisterWowBaseHandlers 1202 Exported Function
RegisterWowExec 1203 Exported Function
RegisterWaitForInputIdle 1198 Exported Function
RegisterWaitForSingleObject 1199 Exported Function
RegisterWaitForSingleObjectEx 1200 Exported Function
ReadDirectoryChangesW 1144 Exported Function
QueryProcessCycleTime 1109 Exported Function
QueryProtectedPolicy 1110 Exported Function
QueryThreadCycleTime 1111 Exported Function
QueryPerformanceCounter 1106 Exported Function
QueryPerformanceFrequency 1107 Exported Function
QueryProcessAffinityUpdateMode 1108 Exported Function
QueryUnbiasedInterruptTime 1115 Exported Function
QueueUserAPC 1116 Exported Function
QueueUserWorkItem 1117 Exported Function
QueryThreadpoolStackInformation 1113 Exported Function
QueryThreadProfiling 1112 Exported Function
QueryUmsThreadInformation 1114 Exported Function
QueryMemoryResourceNotification 1105 Exported Function
QueryDepthSList 1096 Exported Function
QueryDosDeviceA 1097 Exported Function
QueryDosDeviceW 1098 Exported Function
QueryActCtxSettingsWWorker 1093 Exported Function
QueryActCtxW 1094 Exported Function
QueryActCtxWWorker 1095 Exported Function
QueryIdleProcessorCycleTimeEx 1102 Exported Function
QueryInformationJobObject 1103 Exported Function
QueryIoRateControlInformationJobObject 1104 Exported Function
QueryFullProcessImageNameA 1099 Exported Function
QueryFullProcessImageNameW 1100 Exported Function
QueryIdleProcessorCycleTime 1101 Exported Function
ReadConsoleInputExW 1135 Exported Function
ReadConsoleInputW 1136 Exported Function
ReadConsoleOutputA 1137 Exported Function
ReadConsoleA 1132 Exported Function
ReadConsoleInputA 1133 Exported Function
ReadConsoleInputExA 1134 Exported Function
ReadConsoleOutputW 1141 Exported Function
ReadConsoleW 1142 Exported Function
ReadDirectoryChangesExW 1143 Exported Function
ReadConsoleOutputAttribute 1138 Exported Function
ReadConsoleOutputCharacterA 1139 Exported Function
ReadConsoleOutputCharacterW 1140 Exported Function
RaiseInvalid16BitExeError 1130 Exported Function
QuirkIsEnabled3Worker 1121 Exported Function
QuirkIsEnabledForPackage2Worker 1122 Exported Function
QuirkIsEnabledForPackage3Worker 1123 Exported Function
QuirkGetData2Worker 1118 Exported Function
QuirkGetDataWorker 1119 Exported Function
QuirkIsEnabled2Worker 1120 Exported Function
QuirkIsEnabledWorker 1127 Exported Function
RaiseException 1128 Exported Function
RaiseFailFastException 1129 Exported Function
QuirkIsEnabledForPackage4Worker 1124 Exported Function
QuirkIsEnabledForPackageWorker 1125 Exported Function
QuirkIsEnabledForProcessWorker 1126 Exported Function
LZOpenFileA 959 Exported Function
InitializeCriticalSectionEx 876 Exported Function
InitializeEnclave 877 Exported Function
InitializeProcThreadAttributeList 878 Exported Function
InitializeContext2 873 Exported Function
InitializeCriticalSection 874 Exported Function
InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount 875 Exported Function
InitOnceBeginInitialize 867 Exported Function
InitOnceComplete 868 Exported Function
InitOnceExecuteOnce 869 Exported Function
InitializeSListHead 879 Exported Function
InitializeSRWLock 880 Exported Function
InitializeSynchronizationBarrier 881 Exported Function
InitializeContext 872 Exported Function
HeapSummary 859 Exported Function
HeapUnlock 860 Exported Function
HeapValidate 861 Exported Function
HeapReAlloc 856 Exported Function
HeapSetInformation 857 Exported Function
HeapSize 858 Exported Function
IdnToUnicode 865 Exported Function
InitAtomTable 866 Exported Function
InitializeConditionVariable 871 Exported Function
HeapWalk 862 Exported Function
IdnToAscii 863 Exported Function
IdnToNameprepUnicode 864 Exported Function
IsCalendarLeapMonth 897 Exported Function
IsCalendarLeapYear 898 Exported Function
IsDBCSLeadByte 899 Exported Function
IsBadStringPtrW 894 Exported Function
IsBadWritePtr 895 Exported Function
IsCalendarLeapDay 896 Exported Function
IsNativeVhdBoot 904 Exported Function
IsNLSDefinedString 903 Exported Function
IsNormalizedString 905 Exported Function
IsDBCSLeadByteEx 900 Exported Function
IsDebuggerPresent 901 Exported Function
IsEnclaveTypeSupported 902 Exported Function
IsBadStringPtrA 893 Exported Function
InterlockedPopEntrySList 884 Exported Function
InterlockedPushEntrySList 885 Exported Function
InterlockedPushListSList 886 Exported Function
InitOnceInitialize 870 Exported Function
InstallELAMCertificateInfo 882 Exported Function
InterlockedFlushSList 883 Exported Function
IsBadHugeReadPtr 890 Exported Function
IsBadHugeWritePtr 891 Exported Function
IsBadReadPtr 892 Exported Function
InterlockedPushListSListEx 887 Exported Function
InvalidateConsoleDIBits 888 Exported Function
IsBadCodePtr 889 Exported Function
HeapQueryInformation 855 Exported Function
GlobalAddAtomA 821 Exported Function
GlobalAddAtomExA 822 Exported Function
GlobalAddAtomExW 823 Exported Function
GetWindowsDirectoryW 818 Exported Function
GetWriteWatch 819 Exported Function
GetXStateFeaturesMask 820 Exported Function
GlobalDeleteAtom 827 Exported Function
GlobalFindAtomA 828 Exported Function
GlobalFindAtomW 829 Exported Function
GlobalAddAtomW 824 Exported Function
GlobalAlloc 825 Exported Function
GlobalCompact 826 Exported Function
GetWindowsDirectoryA 817 Exported Function
GetVolumeInformationA 808 Exported Function
GetVolumeInformationByHandleW 809 Exported Function
GetVolumeInformationW 810 Exported Function
GetVersion 805 Exported Function
GetVersionExA 806 Exported Function
GetVersionExW 807 Exported Function
GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeNameA 815 Exported Function
GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeNameW 816 Exported Function
GetVolumePathNameW 814 Exported Function
GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointA 811 Exported Function
GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointW 812 Exported Function
GetVolumePathNameA 813 Exported Function
Heap32ListFirst 846 Exported Function
Heap32ListNext 847 Exported Function
Heap32Next 848 Exported Function
GlobalUnWire 841 Exported Function
GlobalWire 844 Exported Function
Heap32First 845 Exported Function
HeapDestroy 852 Exported Function
HeapFree 853 Exported Function
HeapLock 854 Exported Function
HeapAlloc 849 Exported Function
HeapCompact 850 Exported Function
HeapCreate 851 Exported Function
GlobalUnlock 843 Exported Function
GlobalGetAtomNameA 833 Exported Function
GlobalGetAtomNameW 834 Exported Function
GlobalHandle 835 Exported Function
GlobalFix 830 Exported Function
GlobalFlags 831 Exported Function
GlobalFree 832 Exported Function
GlobalReAlloc 839 Exported Function
GlobalSize 840 Exported Function
GlobalUnfix 842 Exported Function
GlobalLock 836 Exported Function
GlobalMemoryStatus 837 Exported Function
GlobalMemoryStatusEx 838 Exported Function
IsProcessCritical 906 Exported Function
LocalLock 984 Exported Function
LocalReAlloc 985 Exported Function
LocalShrink 986 Exported Function
LocalFlags 981 Exported Function
LocalFree 982 Exported Function
LocalHandle 983 Exported Function
LocateXStateFeature 991 Exported Function
LockFile 992 Exported Function
LockFileEx 993 Exported Function
LocalSize 987 Exported Function
LocalSystemTimeToLocalFileTime 988 Exported Function
LocalUnlock 989 Exported Function
LocalFileTimeToLocalSystemTime 980 Exported Function
LoadModule 972 Exported Function
LoadPackagedLibrary 973 Exported Function
LoadResource 974 Exported Function
LoadLibraryExA 969 Exported Function
LoadLibraryExW 970 Exported Function
LoadLibraryW 971 Exported Function
LocalCompact 978 Exported Function
LocaleNameToLCID 990 Exported Function
LocalFileTimeToFileTime 979 Exported Function
LoadStringBaseExW 975 Exported Function
LoadStringBaseW 976 Exported Function
LocalAlloc 977 Exported Function
lstrlen 1616 Exported Function
lstrlenA 1617 Exported Function
lstrlenW 1618 Exported Function
lstrcpynA 1614 Exported Function
lstrcpynW 1615 Exported Function
lstrcpyW 1612 Exported Function
LZCreateFileW 956 Exported Function
LZDone 957 Exported Function
LZInit 958 Exported Function
LZClose 953 Exported Function
LZCloseFile 954 Exported Function
LZCopy 955 Exported Function
lstrcpyn 1613 Exported Function
lstrcatW 1603 Exported Function
lstrcmp 1604 Exported Function
lstrcmpA 1605 Exported Function
LockResource 994 Exported Function
lstrcat 1601 Exported Function
lstrcatA 1602 Exported Function
lstrcmpW 1606 Exported Function
lstrcpy 1610 Exported Function
lstrcpyA 1611 Exported Function
lstrcmpi 1607 Exported Function
lstrcmpiA 1608 Exported Function
lstrcmpiW 1609 Exported Function
LoadLibraryA 968 Exported Function
K32EnumDeviceDrivers 923 Exported Function
K32EnumPageFilesA 924 Exported Function
K32EnumPageFilesW 925 Exported Function
IsWow64Process 920 Exported Function
IsWow64Process2 921 Exported Function
K32EmptyWorkingSet 922 Exported Function
K32GetDeviceDriverBaseNameA 929 Exported Function
K32GetDeviceDriverBaseNameW 930 Exported Function
K32GetDeviceDriverFileNameA 931 Exported Function
K32EnumProcesses 928 Exported Function
K32EnumProcessModules 926 Exported Function
K32EnumProcessModulesEx 927 Exported Function
IsWow64GuestMachineSupported 919 Exported Function
IsThreadAFiber 910 Exported Function
IsThreadpoolTimerSet 911 Exported Function
IsUserCetAvailableInEnvironment 912 Exported Function
IsProcessInJob 907 Exported Function
IsProcessorFeaturePresent 908 Exported Function
IsSystemResumeAutomatic 909 Exported Function
IsValidLocale 916 Exported Function
IsValidLocaleName 917 Exported Function
IsValidNLSVersion 918 Exported Function
IsValidCalDateTime 913 Exported Function
IsValidCodePage 914 Exported Function
IsValidLanguageGroup 915 Exported Function
K32QueryWorkingSetEx 948 Exported Function
LCIDToLocaleName 949 Exported Function
LCMapStringA 950 Exported Function
K32GetWsChangesEx 945 Exported Function
K32InitializeProcessForWsWatch 946 Exported Function
K32QueryWorkingSet 947 Exported Function
LeaveCriticalSectionWhenCallbackReturns 965 Exported Function
LoadAppInitDlls 966 Exported Function
LoadEnclaveData 967 Exported Function
LCMapStringEx 951 Exported Function
LCMapStringW 952 Exported Function
LeaveCriticalSection 964 Exported Function
K32GetWsChanges 944 Exported Function
K32GetModuleBaseNameA 935 Exported Function
K32GetModuleBaseNameW 936 Exported Function
K32GetModuleFileNameExA 937 Exported Function
K32GetDeviceDriverFileNameW 932 Exported Function
K32GetMappedFileNameA 933 Exported Function
K32GetMappedFileNameW 934 Exported Function
K32GetProcessImageFileNameA 941 Exported Function
K32GetProcessImageFileNameW 942 Exported Function
K32GetProcessMemoryInfo 943 Exported Function
K32GetModuleFileNameExW 938 Exported Function
K32GetModuleInformation 939 Exported Function
K32GetPerformanceInfo 940 Exported Function
RegRestoreKeyA 1183 Exported Function
TransmitCommChar 1461 Exported Function
TryAcquireSRWLockExclusive 1462 Exported Function
TryAcquireSRWLockShared 1463 Exported Function
TlsSetValue 1458 Exported Function
Toolhelp32ReadProcessMemory 1459 Exported Function
TransactNamedPipe 1460 Exported Function
TzSpecificLocalTimeToSystemTimeEx 1467 Exported Function
uaw_lstrcmpiW 1625 Exported Function
uaw_lstrcmpW 1624 Exported Function
TryEnterCriticalSection 1464 Exported Function
TrySubmitThreadpoolCallback 1465 Exported Function
TzSpecificLocalTimeToSystemTime 1466 Exported Function
TlsGetValue 1457 Exported Function
Thread32First 1453 Exported Function
Thread32Next 1454 Exported Function
timeBeginPeriod 1619 Exported Function
TermsrvSetKeySecurity 1450 Exported Function
TermsrvSetValueKey 1451 Exported Function
TermsrvSyncUserIniFileExt 1452 Exported Function
timeGetTime 1623 Exported Function
TlsAlloc 1455 Exported Function
TlsFree 1456 Exported Function
timeEndPeriod 1620 Exported Function
timeGetDevCaps 1621 Exported Function
timeGetSystemTime 1622 Exported Function
UnregisterWait 1480 Exported Function
UnregisterWaitEx 1481 Exported Function
UnregisterWaitUntilOOBECompleted 1482 Exported Function
UnregisterApplicationRestart 1477 Exported Function
UnregisterBadMemoryNotification 1478 Exported Function
UnregisterConsoleIME 1479 Exported Function
UpdateResourceW 1486 Exported Function
UTRegister 1468 Exported Function
UTUnRegister 1469 Exported Function
UpdateCalendarDayOfWeek 1483 Exported Function
UpdateProcThreadAttribute 1484 Exported Function
UpdateResourceA 1485 Exported Function
UnregisterApplicationRecoveryCallback 1476 Exported Function
uaw_wcsicmp 1629 Exported Function
uaw_wcslen 1630 Exported Function
uaw_wcsrchr 1631 Exported Function
uaw_lstrlenW 1626 Exported Function
uaw_wcschr 1627 Exported Function
uaw_wcscpy 1628 Exported Function
UnlockFileEx 1473 Exported Function
UnmapViewOfFile 1474 Exported Function
UnmapViewOfFileEx 1475 Exported Function
UmsThreadYield 1470 Exported Function
UnhandledExceptionFilter 1471 Exported Function
UnlockFile 1472 Exported Function
TermsrvRestoreKey 1449 Exported Function
SetVolumeMountPointWStub 1414 Exported Function
SetWaitableTimer 1415 Exported Function
SetWaitableTimerEx 1416 Exported Function
SetVolumeLabelW 1411 Exported Function
SetVolumeMountPointA 1412 Exported Function
SetVolumeMountPointW 1413 Exported Function
SizeofResource 1421 Exported Function
Sleep 1422 Exported Function
SleepConditionVariableCS 1423 Exported Function
SetXStateFeaturesMask 1417 Exported Function
ShowConsoleCursor 1419 Exported Function
SignalObjectAndWait 1420 Exported Function
SetVolumeLabelA 1410 Exported Function
SetThreadUILanguage 1395 Exported Function
SetTimerQueueTimer 1404 Exported Function
SetTimeZoneInformation 1403 Exported Function
SetThreadSelectedCpuSets 1392 Exported Function
SetThreadStackGuarantee 1393 Exported Function
SetThreadToken 1394 Exported Function
SetUserGeoID 1407 Exported Function
SetUserGeoName 1408 Exported Function
SetVDMCurrentDirectories 1409 Exported Function
SetUmsThreadInformation 1405 Exported Function
SetUnhandledExceptionFilter 1406 Exported Function
SetupComm 1418 Exported Function
TermsrvConvertSysRootToUserDir 1440 Exported Function
TermsrvCreateRegEntry 1441 Exported Function
TermsrvDeleteKey 1442 Exported Function
TerminateProcess 1437 Exported Function
TerminateThread 1438 Exported Function
TermsrvAppInstallMode 1439 Exported Function
TermsrvGetWindowsDirectoryW 1446 Exported Function
TermsrvOpenRegEntry 1447 Exported Function
TermsrvOpenUserClasses 1448 Exported Function
TermsrvDeleteValue 1443 Exported Function
TermsrvGetPreSetValue 1444 Exported Function
TermsrvGetWindowsDirectoryA 1445 Exported Function
TerminateJobObject 1436 Exported Function
SortGetHandle 1427 Exported Function
StartThreadpoolIo 1428 Exported Function
SubmitThreadpoolWork 1429 Exported Function
SleepConditionVariableSRW 1424 Exported Function
SleepEx 1425 Exported Function
SortCloseHandle 1426 Exported Function
SystemTimeToFileTime 1433 Exported Function
SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime 1434 Exported Function
SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTimeEx 1435 Exported Function
SuspendThread 1430 Exported Function
SwitchToFiber 1431 Exported Function
SwitchToThread 1432 Exported Function
VDMConsoleOperation 1487 Exported Function
Wow64GetThreadContext 1556 Exported Function
Wow64GetThreadSelectorEntry 1557 Exported Function
Wow64RevertWow64FsRedirection 1558 Exported Function
WinExec 1553 Exported Function
Wow64DisableWow64FsRedirection 1554 Exported Function
Wow64EnableWow64FsRedirection 1555 Exported Function
WriteConsoleInputA 1562 Exported Function
WriteConsoleInputVDMA 1563 Exported Function
WriteConsoleInputVDMW 1564 Exported Function
Wow64SetThreadContext 1559 Exported Function
Wow64SuspendThread 1560 Exported Function
WriteConsoleA 1561 Exported Function
WideCharToMultiByte 1552 Exported Function
WerUnregisterAppLocalDump 1538 Exported Function
WerUnregisterCustomMetadata 1539 Exported Function
WerUnregisterExcludedMemoryBlock 1540 Exported Function
WerSetFlags 1535 Exported Function
WerSetFlagsWorker 1536 Exported Function
WerUnregisterAdditionalProcess 1537 Exported Function
WerUnregisterMemoryBlockWorker 1544 Exported Function
WerUnregisterRuntimeExceptionModule 1545 Exported Function
WerUnregisterRuntimeExceptionModuleWorker 1546 Exported Function
WerUnregisterFile 1541 Exported Function
WerUnregisterFileWorker 1542 Exported Function
WerUnregisterMemoryBlock 1543 Exported Function
WriteProcessMemory 1581 Exported Function
WriteProfileSectionA 1582 Exported Function
WriteProfileSectionW 1583 Exported Function
WritePrivateProfileStringW 1578 Exported Function
WritePrivateProfileStructA 1579 Exported Function
WritePrivateProfileStructW 1580 Exported Function
WTSGetActiveConsoleSessionId 1507 Exported Function
ZombifyActCtx 1587 Exported Function
ZombifyActCtxWorker 1588 Exported Function
WriteProfileStringA 1584 Exported Function
WriteProfileStringW 1585 Exported Function
WriteTapemark 1586 Exported Function
WritePrivateProfileStringA 1577 Exported Function
WriteConsoleOutputCharacterA 1568 Exported Function
WriteConsoleOutputCharacterW 1569 Exported Function
WriteConsoleOutputW 1570 Exported Function
WriteConsoleInputW 1565 Exported Function
WriteConsoleOutputA 1566 Exported Function
WriteConsoleOutputAttribute 1567 Exported Function
WriteFileGather 1574 Exported Function
WritePrivateProfileSectionA 1575 Exported Function
WritePrivateProfileSectionW 1576 Exported Function
WriteConsoleW 1571 Exported Function
WriteFile 1572 Exported Function
WriteFileEx 1573 Exported Function
WerRegisterRuntimeExceptionModuleWorker 1534 Exported Function
VirtualQuery 1504 Exported Function
VirtualQueryEx 1505 Exported Function
VirtualUnlock 1506 Exported Function
VirtualLock 1501 Exported Function
VirtualProtect 1502 Exported Function
VirtualProtectEx 1503 Exported Function
WaitForMultipleObjects 1511 Exported Function
WaitForMultipleObjectsEx 1512 Exported Function
WaitForSingleObject 1513 Exported Function
WaitCommEvent 1508 Exported Function
WaitForDebugEvent 1509 Exported Function
WaitForDebugEventEx 1510 Exported Function
VirtualFreeEx 1500 Exported Function
VerifyVersionInfoA 1494 Exported Function
VerifyVersionInfoW 1495 Exported Function
VerLanguageNameA 1489 Exported Function
VDMOperationStarted 1488 Exported Function
VerifyConsoleIoHandle 1492 Exported Function
VerifyScripts 1493 Exported Function
VirtualAllocEx 1497 Exported Function
VirtualAllocExNuma 1498 Exported Function
VirtualFree 1499 Exported Function
VerLanguageNameW 1490 Exported Function
VerSetConditionMask 1491 Exported Function
VirtualAlloc 1496 Exported Function
WerRegisterAdditionalProcess 1525 Exported Function
WerRegisterAppLocalDump 1526 Exported Function
WerRegisterCustomMetadata 1527 Exported Function
WerpLaunchAeDebug 1549 Exported Function
WerpNotifyLoadStringResourceWorker 1550 Exported Function
WerpNotifyUseStringResourceWorker 1551 Exported Function
WerRegisterMemoryBlock 1531 Exported Function
WerRegisterMemoryBlockWorker 1532 Exported Function
WerRegisterRuntimeExceptionModule 1533 Exported Function
WerRegisterExcludedMemoryBlock 1528 Exported Function
WerRegisterFile 1529 Exported Function
WerRegisterFileWorker 1530 Exported Function
WerpInitiateRemoteRecovery 1548 Exported Function
WaitForThreadpoolWaitCallbacks 1517 Exported Function
WaitForThreadpoolWorkCallbacks 1518 Exported Function
WaitNamedPipeA 1519 Exported Function
WaitForSingleObjectEx 1514 Exported Function
WaitForThreadpoolIoCallbacks 1515 Exported Function
WaitForThreadpoolTimerCallbacks 1516 Exported Function
WerGetFlags 1523 Exported Function
WerGetFlagsWorker 1524 Exported Function
WerpGetDebugger 1547 Exported Function
WaitNamedPipeW 1520 Exported Function
WakeAllConditionVariable 1521 Exported Function
WakeConditionVariable 1522 Exported Function
SetThreadPriorityBoost 1391 Exported Function
SetCommMask 1263 Exported Function
SetCommState 1264 Exported Function
SetCommTimeouts 1265 Exported Function
SetCalendarInfoW 1259 Exported Function
SetCommBreak 1261 Exported Function
SetCommConfig 1262 Exported Function
SetComputerNameExA 1268 Exported Function
SetComputerNameExW 1269 Exported Function
SetComputerNameW 1270 Exported Function
SetComPlusPackageInstallStatus 1260 Exported Function
SetComputerNameA 1266 Exported Function
SetComputerNameEx2W 1267 Exported Function
SetCalendarInfoA 1258 Exported Function
RtlUnwind 1249 Exported Function
RtlUnwindEx 1250 Exported Function
RtlVirtualUnwind 1251 Exported Function
RtlPcToFileHeader 1246 Exported Function
RtlRaiseException 1247 Exported Function
RtlRestoreContext 1248 Exported Function
SearchPathA 1255 Exported Function
SearchPathW 1256 Exported Function
SetCachedSigningLevel 1257 Exported Function
RtlZeroMemory 1252 Exported Function
ScrollConsoleScreenBufferA 1253 Exported Function
ScrollConsoleScreenBufferW 1254 Exported Function
SetConsoleMaximumWindowSize 1287 Exported Function
SetConsoleMenuClose 1288 Exported Function
SetConsoleMode 1289 Exported Function
SetConsoleInputExeNameW 1284 Exported Function
SetConsoleKeyShortcuts 1285 Exported Function
SetConsoleLocalEUDC 1286 Exported Function
SetConsoleOS2OemFormat 1293 Exported Function
SetConsoleOutputCP 1294 Exported Function
SetConsolePalette 1295 Exported Function
SetConsoleNlsMode 1290 Exported Function
SetConsoleNumberOfCommandsA 1291 Exported Function
SetConsoleNumberOfCommandsW 1292 Exported Function
SetConsoleInputExeNameA 1283 Exported Function
SetConsoleCursor 1274 Exported Function
SetConsoleCursorInfo 1275 Exported Function
SetConsoleCursorMode 1276 Exported Function
SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer 1271 Exported Function
SetConsoleCP 1272 Exported Function
SetConsoleCtrlHandler 1273 Exported Function
SetConsoleHardwareState 1280 Exported Function
SetConsoleHistoryInfo 1281 Exported Function
SetConsoleIcon 1282 Exported Function
SetConsoleCursorPosition 1277 Exported Function
SetConsoleDisplayMode 1278 Exported Function
SetConsoleFont 1279 Exported Function
RtlMoveMemory 1245 Exported Function
RemoveDirectoryA 1212 Exported Function
RemoveDirectoryTransactedA 1213 Exported Function
RemoveDirectoryTransactedW 1214 Exported Function
ReleaseSemaphoreWhenCallbackReturns 1211 Exported Function
ReleaseSRWLockExclusive 1208 Exported Function
ReleaseSRWLockShared 1209 Exported Function
RemoveLocalAlternateComputerNameW 1218 Exported Function
RemoveSecureMemoryCacheCallback 1219 Exported Function
RemoveVectoredContinueHandler 1220 Exported Function
RemoveDirectoryW 1215 Exported Function
RemoveDllDirectory 1216 Exported Function
RemoveLocalAlternateComputerNameA 1217 Exported Function
ReleaseSemaphore 1210 Exported Function
RegSetKeySecurity 1187 Exported Function
RegSetValueExA 1188 Exported Function
RegSetValueExW 1189 Exported Function
RegRestoreKeyW 1184 Exported Function
RegSaveKeyExA 1185 Exported Function
RegSaveKeyExW 1186 Exported Function
ReleaseActCtxWorker 1205 Exported Function
ReleaseMutex 1206 Exported Function
ReleaseMutexWhenCallbackReturns 1207 Exported Function
RegUnLoadKeyA 1190 Exported Function
RegUnLoadKeyW 1191 Exported Function
ReleaseActCtx 1204 Exported Function
RtlAddFunctionTable 1236 Exported Function
RtlCaptureContext 1237 Exported Function
RtlCaptureStackBackTrace 1238 Exported Function
ResolveLocaleName 1233 Exported Function
RestoreLastError 1234 Exported Function
ResumeThread 1235 Exported Function
RtlFillMemory 1242 Exported Function
RtlInstallFunctionTableCallback 1243 Exported Function
RtlLookupFunctionEntry 1244 Exported Function
RtlCompareMemory 1239 Exported Function
RtlCopyMemory 1240 Exported Function
RtlDeleteFunctionTable 1241 Exported Function
ResolveDelayLoadsFromDll 1232 Exported Function
ReplaceFileA 1223 Exported Function
ReplaceFileW 1224 Exported Function
ReplacePartitionUnit 1225 Exported Function
RemoveVectoredExceptionHandler 1221 Exported Function
ReOpenFile 1131 Exported Function
ReplaceFile 1222 Exported Function
ResetWriteWatch 1229 Exported Function
ResizePseudoConsole 1230 Exported Function
ResolveDelayLoadedAPI 1231 Exported Function
RequestDeviceWakeup 1226 Exported Function
RequestWakeupLatency 1227 Exported Function
ResetEvent 1228 Exported Function
SetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx 1296 Exported Function
SetProcessPriorityBoost 1364 Exported Function
SetProcessShutdownParameters 1365 Exported Function
SetProcessWorkingSetSize 1366 Exported Function
SetProcessInformation 1361 Exported Function
SetProcessMitigationPolicy 1362 Exported Function
SetProcessPreferredUILanguages 1363 Exported Function
SetStdHandle 1370 Exported Function
SetStdHandleEx 1371 Exported Function
SetSystemFileCacheSize 1372 Exported Function
SetProcessWorkingSetSizeEx 1367 Exported Function
SetProtectedPolicy 1368 Exported Function
SetSearchPathMode 1369 Exported Function
SetProcessDynamicEHContinuationTargets 1360 Exported Function
SetMailslotInfo 1351 Exported Function
SetMessageWaitingIndicator 1352 Exported Function
SetNamedPipeAttribute 1353 Exported Function
SetLocalPrimaryComputerNameA 1346 Exported Function
SetLocalPrimaryComputerNameW 1347 Exported Function
SetLocalTime 1348 Exported Function
SetProcessAffinityUpdateMode 1357 Exported Function
SetProcessDefaultCpuSets 1359 Exported Function
SetProcessDEPPolicy 1358 Exported Function
SetNamedPipeHandleState 1354 Exported Function
SetPriorityClass 1355 Exported Function
SetProcessAffinityMask 1356 Exported Function
SetThreadpoolStackInformation 1396 Exported Function
SetThreadpoolThreadMaximum 1397 Exported Function
SetThreadpoolThreadMinimum 1398 Exported Function
SetThreadIdealProcessorEx 1386 Exported Function
SetThreadInformation 1387 Exported Function
SetThreadLocale 1388 Exported Function
SetThreadpoolWaitEx 1402 Exported Function
SetThreadPreferredUILanguages 1389 Exported Function
SetThreadPriority 1390 Exported Function
SetThreadpoolTimer 1399 Exported Function
SetThreadpoolTimerEx 1400 Exported Function
SetThreadpoolWait 1401 Exported Function
SetThreadIdealProcessor 1385 Exported Function
SetTapeParameters 1376 Exported Function
SetTapePosition 1377 Exported Function
SetTermsrvAppInstallMode 1378 Exported Function
SetSystemPowerState 1373 Exported Function
SetSystemTime 1374 Exported Function
SetSystemTimeAdjustment 1375 Exported Function
SetThreadErrorMode 1382 Exported Function
SetThreadExecutionState 1383 Exported Function
SetThreadGroupAffinity 1384 Exported Function
SetThreadAffinityMask 1379 Exported Function
SetThreadContext 1380 Exported Function
SetThreadDescription 1381 Exported Function
SetLocaleInfoW 1350 Exported Function
SetEnvironmentStringsA 1313 Exported Function
SetEnvironmentStringsW 1314 Exported Function
SetEnvironmentVariableA 1315 Exported Function
SetDllDirectoryW 1310 Exported Function
SetDynamicTimeZoneInformation 1311 Exported Function
SetEndOfFile 1312 Exported Function
SetEventWhenCallbackReturns 1319 Exported Function
SetFileApisToANSI 1320 Exported Function
SetFileApisToOEM 1321 Exported Function
SetEnvironmentVariableW 1316 Exported Function
SetErrorMode 1317 Exported Function
SetEvent 1318 Exported Function
SetDllDirectoryA 1309 Exported Function
SetConsoleTitleW 1300 Exported Function
SetConsoleWindowInfo 1301 Exported Function
SetCriticalSectionSpinCount 1302 Exported Function
SetConsoleScreenBufferSize 1297 Exported Function
SetConsoleTextAttribute 1298 Exported Function
SetConsoleTitleA 1299 Exported Function
SetDefaultCommConfigA 1306 Exported Function
SetDefaultCommConfigW 1307 Exported Function
SetDefaultDllDirectories 1308 Exported Function
SetCurrentConsoleFontEx 1303 Exported Function
SetCurrentDirectoryA 1304 Exported Function
SetCurrentDirectoryW 1305 Exported Function
SetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableExW 1338 Exported Function
SetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableW 1339 Exported Function
SetHandleCount 1340 Exported Function
SetFileValidData 1335 Exported Function
SetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableA 1336 Exported Function
SetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableExA 1337 Exported Function
SetLastConsoleEventActive 1344 Exported Function
SetLastError 1345 Exported Function
SetLocaleInfoA 1349 Exported Function
SetHandleInformation 1341 Exported Function
SetInformationJobObject 1342 Exported Function
SetIoRateControlInformationJobObject 1343 Exported Function
SetFileTime 1334 Exported Function
SetFileAttributesW 1325 Exported Function
SetFileBandwidthReservation 1326 Exported Function
SetFileCompletionNotificationModes 1327 Exported Function
SetFileAttributesA 1322 Exported Function
SetFileAttributesTransactedA 1323 Exported Function
SetFileAttributesTransactedW 1324 Exported Function
SetFilePointerEx 1331 Exported Function
SetFileShortNameA 1332 Exported Function
SetFileShortNameW 1333 Exported Function
SetFileInformationByHandle 1328 Exported Function
SetFileIoOverlappedRange 1329 Exported Function
SetFilePointer 1330 Exported Function
GetVDMCurrentDirectories 804 Exported Function
CreateWaitableTimerW 260 Exported Function
CtrlRoutine 261 Exported Function
DeactivateActCtx 262 Exported Function
CreateWaitableTimerA 257 Exported Function
CreateWaitableTimerExA 258 Exported Function
CreateWaitableTimerExW 259 Exported Function
DebugBreak 266 Exported Function
DebugBreakProcess 267 Exported Function
DebugSetProcessKillOnExit 268 Exported Function
DeactivateActCtxWorker 263 Exported Function
DebugActiveProcess 264 Exported Function
DebugActiveProcessStop 265 Exported Function
CreateUmsThreadContext 256 Exported Function
CreateThreadpoolCleanupGroup 247 Exported Function
CreateThreadpoolIo 248 Exported Function
CreateThreadpoolTimer 249 Exported Function
CreateTapePartition 244 Exported Function
CreateThread 245 Exported Function
CreateThreadpool 246 Exported Function
CreateTimerQueueTimer 253 Exported Function
CreateToolhelp32Snapshot 254 Exported Function
CreateUmsCompletionList 255 Exported Function
CreateThreadpoolWait 250 Exported Function
CreateThreadpoolWork 251 Exported Function
CreateTimerQueue 252 Exported Function
DeleteTimerQueueEx 285 Exported Function
DeleteTimerQueueTimer 286 Exported Function
DeleteUmsCompletionList 287 Exported Function
DeleteProcThreadAttributeList 282 Exported Function
DeleteSynchronizationBarrier 283 Exported Function
DeleteTimerQueue 284 Exported Function
DequeueUmsCompletionListItems 291 Exported Function
DeviceIoControl 292 Exported Function
DisableThreadLibraryCalls 293 Exported Function
DeleteUmsThreadContext 288 Exported Function
DeleteVolumeMountPointA 289 Exported Function
DeleteVolumeMountPointW 290 Exported Function
DeleteFileW 281 Exported Function
DefineDosDeviceW 272 Exported Function
DelayLoadFailureHook 273 Exported Function
DeleteAtom 274 Exported Function
DecodePointer 269 Exported Function
DecodeSystemPointer 270 Exported Function
DefineDosDeviceA 271 Exported Function
DeleteFileA 278 Exported Function
DeleteFileTransactedA 279 Exported Function
DeleteFileTransactedW 280 Exported Function
DeleteBoundaryDescriptor 275 Exported Function
DeleteCriticalSection 276 Exported Function
DeleteFiber 277 Exported Function
CreateSymbolicLinkW 243 Exported Function
CreateHardLinkTransactedW 209 Exported Function
CreateHardLinkW 210 Exported Function
CreateIoCompletionPort 211 Exported Function
CreateFileW 206 Exported Function
CreateHardLinkA 207 Exported Function
CreateHardLinkTransactedA 208 Exported Function
CreateMailslotA 215 Exported Function
CreateMailslotW 216 Exported Function
CreateMemoryResourceNotification 217 Exported Function
CreateJobObjectA 212 Exported Function
CreateJobObjectW 213 Exported Function
CreateJobSet 214 Exported Function
CreateFileTransactedW 205 Exported Function
CreateFiberEx 196 Exported Function
CreateFile2 197 Exported Function
CreateFileA 198 Exported Function
CreateEventExW 193 Exported Function
CreateEventW 194 Exported Function
CreateFiber 195 Exported Function
CreateFileMappingNumaW 202 Exported Function
CreateFileMappingW 203 Exported Function
CreateFileTransactedA 204 Exported Function
CreateFileMappingA 199 Exported Function
CreateFileMappingFromApp 200 Exported Function
CreateFileMappingNumaA 201 Exported Function
CreateRemoteThread 234 Exported Function
CreateRemoteThreadEx 235 Exported Function
CreateSemaphoreA 236 Exported Function
CreateProcessInternalW 231 Exported Function
CreateProcessW 232 Exported Function
CreatePseudoConsole 233 Exported Function
CreateSymbolicLinkA 240 Exported Function
CreateSymbolicLinkTransactedA 241 Exported Function
CreateSymbolicLinkTransactedW 242 Exported Function
CreateSemaphoreExA 237 Exported Function
CreateSemaphoreExW 238 Exported Function
CreateSemaphoreW 239 Exported Function
CreateProcessInternalA 230 Exported Function
CreateMutexW 221 Exported Function
CreateNamedPipeA 222 Exported Function
CreateNamedPipeW 223 Exported Function
CreateMutexA 218 Exported Function
CreateMutexExA 219 Exported Function
CreateMutexExW 220 Exported Function
CreateProcessA 227 Exported Function
CreateProcessAsUserA 228 Exported Function
CreateProcessAsUserW 229 Exported Function
CreatePipe 224 Exported Function
CreatePrivateNamespaceA 225 Exported Function
CreatePrivateNamespaceW 226 Exported Function
DisableThreadProfiling 294 Exported Function
ExpandEnvironmentStringsA 362 Exported Function
ExpandEnvironmentStringsW 363 Exported Function
ExpungeConsoleCommandHistoryA 364 Exported Function
ExitProcess 359 Exported Function
ExitThread 360 Exported Function
ExitVDM 361 Exported Function
FatalExit 368 Exported Function
FileTimeToDosDateTime 369 Exported Function
FileTimeToLocalFileTime 370 Exported Function
ExpungeConsoleCommandHistoryW 365 Exported Function
FatalAppExitA 366 Exported Function
FatalAppExitW 367 Exported Function
ExecuteUmsThread 358 Exported Function
EnumSystemLocalesEx 347 Exported Function
EnumSystemLocalesW 348 Exported Function
EnumTimeFormatsA 349 Exported Function
EnumSystemLanguageGroupsA 344 Exported Function
EnumSystemLanguageGroupsW 345 Exported Function
EnumSystemLocalesA 346 Exported Function
EnumUILanguagesW 353 Exported Function
EraseTape 356 Exported Function
EscapeCommFunction 357 Exported Function
EnumTimeFormatsEx 350 Exported Function
EnumTimeFormatsW 351 Exported Function
EnumUILanguagesA 352 Exported Function
FindFirstFileExA 387 Exported Function
FindFirstFileExW 388 Exported Function
FindFirstFileNameTransactedW 389 Exported Function
FindFirstChangeNotificationA 384 Exported Function
FindFirstChangeNotificationW 385 Exported Function
FindFirstFileA 386 Exported Function
FindFirstFileW 393 Exported Function
FindFirstStreamTransactedW 394 Exported Function
FindFirstStreamW 395 Exported Function
FindFirstFileNameW 390 Exported Function
FindFirstFileTransactedA 391 Exported Function
FindFirstFileTransactedW 392 Exported Function
FindCloseChangeNotification 383 Exported Function
FillConsoleOutputCharacterW 374 Exported Function
FindActCtxSectionGuid 375 Exported Function
FindActCtxSectionGuidWorker 376 Exported Function
FileTimeToSystemTime 371 Exported Function
FillConsoleOutputAttribute 372 Exported Function
FillConsoleOutputCharacterA 373 Exported Function
FindAtomA 380 Exported Function
FindAtomW 381 Exported Function
FindClose 382 Exported Function
FindActCtxSectionStringA 377 Exported Function
FindActCtxSectionStringW 378 Exported Function
FindActCtxSectionStringWWorker 379 Exported Function
EnumSystemGeoNames 343 Exported Function
EndUpdateResourceW 311 Exported Function
EnterCriticalSection 312 Exported Function
EnterSynchronizationBarrier 313 Exported Function
EncodePointer 308 Exported Function
EncodeSystemPointer 309 Exported Function
EndUpdateResourceA 310 Exported Function
EnumCalendarInfoExEx 317 Exported Function
EnumCalendarInfoExW 318 Exported Function
EnumCalendarInfoW 319 Exported Function
EnterUmsSchedulingMode 314 Exported Function
EnumCalendarInfoA 315 Exported Function
EnumCalendarInfoExA 316 Exported Function
EnableThreadProfiling 307 Exported Function
DnsHostnameToComputerNameA 298 Exported Function
DnsHostnameToComputerNameExW 299 Exported Function
DnsHostnameToComputerNameW 300 Exported Function
DisassociateCurrentThreadFromCallback 295 Exported Function
DiscardVirtualMemory 296 Exported Function
DisconnectNamedPipe 297 Exported Function
DuplicateConsoleHandle 304 Exported Function
DuplicateEncryptionInfoFileExt 305 Exported Function
DuplicateHandle 306 Exported Function
DosDateTimeToFileTime 301 Exported Function
DosPathToSessionPathA 302 Exported Function
DosPathToSessionPathW 303 Exported Function
EnumResourceNamesW 334 Exported Function
EnumResourceTypesA 335 Exported Function
EnumResourceTypesExA 336 Exported Function
EnumResourceNamesA 331 Exported Function
EnumResourceNamesExA 332 Exported Function
EnumResourceNamesExW 333 Exported Function
EnumSystemCodePagesW 340 Exported Function
EnumSystemFirmwareTables 341 Exported Function
EnumSystemGeoID 342 Exported Function
EnumResourceTypesExW 337 Exported Function
EnumResourceTypesW 338 Exported Function
EnumSystemCodePagesA 339 Exported Function
EnumResourceLanguagesW 330 Exported Function
EnumDateFormatsExW 323 Exported Function
EnumDateFormatsW 324 Exported Function
EnumerateLocalComputerNamesA 354 Exported Function
EnumDateFormatsA 320 Exported Function
EnumDateFormatsExA 321 Exported Function
EnumDateFormatsExEx 322 Exported Function
EnumResourceLanguagesA 327 Exported Function
EnumResourceLanguagesExA 328 Exported Function
EnumResourceLanguagesExW 329 Exported Function
EnumerateLocalComputerNamesW 355 Exported Function
EnumLanguageGroupLocalesA 325 Exported Function
EnumLanguageGroupLocalesW 326 Exported Function
CreateEventExA 192 Exported Function
BaseFormatObjectAttributes 56 Exported Function
BaseFormatTimeOut 57 Exported Function
BaseFreeAppCompatDataForProcessWorker 58 Exported Function
BaseElevationPostProcessing 53 Exported Function
BaseFlushAppcompatCache 54 Exported Function
BaseFlushAppcompatCacheWorker 55 Exported Function
BaseInitAppcompatCacheSupportWorker 62 Exported Function
BaseIsAppcompatInfrastructureDisabled 63 Exported Function
BaseIsAppcompatInfrastructureDisabledWorker 64 Exported Function
BaseGenerateAppCompatData 59 Exported Function
BaseGetNamedObjectDirectory 60 Exported Function
BaseInitAppcompatCacheSupport 61 Exported Function
BaseDumpAppcompatCacheWorker 52 Exported Function
BaseCheckAppcompatCacheEx 43 Exported Function
BaseCheckAppcompatCacheExWorker 44 Exported Function
BaseCheckAppcompatCacheWorker 45 Exported Function
BackupSeek 40 Exported Function
BackupWrite 41 Exported Function
BaseCheckAppcompatCache 42 Exported Function
BaseDestroyVDMEnvironment 49 Exported Function
BaseDllReadWriteIniFile 50 Exported Function
BaseDumpAppcompatCache 51 Exported Function
BaseCheckElevation 46 Exported Function
BaseCleanupAppcompatCacheSupport 47 Exported Function
BaseCleanupAppcompatCacheSupportWorker 48 Exported Function
BasepGetExeArchType 90 Exported Function
BasepGetPackageActivationTokenForSxS 91 Exported Function
BasepInitAppCompatData 92 Exported Function
BasepFreeAppCompatData 87 Exported Function
BasepGetAppCompatData 88 Exported Function
BasepGetComputerNameFromNtPath 89 Exported Function
BasepPostSuccessAppXExtension 96 Exported Function
BasepProcessInvalidImage 97 Exported Function
BasepQueryAppCompat 98 Exported Function
BasepIsProcessAllowed 93 Exported Function
BasepMapModuleHandle 94 Exported Function
BasepNotifyLoadStringResource 95 Exported Function
BasepFreeActivationContextActivationBlock 86 Exported Function
BasepAnsiStringToDynamicUnicodeString 77 Exported Function
BasepAppContainerEnvironmentExtension 78 Exported Function
BasepAppXExtension 79 Exported Function
BaseIsDosApplication 65 Exported Function
Basep8BitStringToDynamicUnicodeString 75 Exported Function
BasepAllocateActivationContextActivationBlock 76 Exported Function
BasepConstructSxsCreateProcessMessage 83 Exported Function
BasepCopyEncryption 84 Exported Function
BasepFinishPackageActivationForSxS 85 Exported Function
BasepCheckAppCompat 80 Exported Function
BasepCheckWebBladeHashes 81 Exported Function
BasepCheckWinSaferRestrictions 82 Exported Function
BackupRead 39 Exported Function
AddAtomA 5 Exported Function
AddAtomW 6 Exported Function
AddConsoleAliasA 7 Exported Function
AcquireSRWLockShared 2 Exported Function
ActivateActCtx 3 Exported Function
ActivateActCtxWorker 4 Exported Function
AddLocalAlternateComputerNameA 11 Exported Function
AddLocalAlternateComputerNameW 12 Exported Function
AddRefActCtx 13 Exported Function
AddConsoleAliasW 8 Exported Function
AddDllDirectory 9 Exported Function
AddIntegrityLabelToBoundaryDescriptor 10 Exported Function
AcquireSRWLockExclusive 1 Exported Function
_hread 1592 Exported Function
_hwrite 1593 Exported Function
_lclose 1594 Exported Function
__C_specific_handler 1589 Exported Function
__chkstk 1590 Exported Function
__misaligned_access 1591 Exported Function
_lopen 1598 Exported Function
_lread 1599 Exported Function
_lwrite 1600 Exported Function
_lcreat 1595 Exported Function
_llseek 1596 Exported Function
_local_unwind 1597 Exported Function
AppPolicyGetMediaFoundationCodecLoading 28 Exported Function
AppPolicyGetProcessTerminationMethod 29 Exported Function
AppPolicyGetShowDeveloperDiagnostic 30 Exported Function
AppPolicyGetClrCompat 25 Exported Function
AppPolicyGetCreateFileAccess 26 Exported Function
AppPolicyGetLifecycleManagement 27 Exported Function
AreFileApisANSI 36 Exported Function
AssignProcessToJobObject 37 Exported Function
AttachConsole 38 Exported Function
AppPolicyGetThreadInitializationType 31 Exported Function
AppPolicyGetWindowingModel 32 Exported Function
AppXGetOSMaxVersionTested 33 Exported Function
ApplicationRecoveryInProgress 35 Exported Function
AddSecureMemoryCacheCallback 18 Exported Function
AddSIDToBoundaryDescriptor 16 Exported Function
AddVectoredContinueHandler 19 Exported Function
AddRefActCtxWorker 14 Exported Function
AddResourceAttributeAce 15 Exported Function
AddScopedPolicyIDAce 17 Exported Function
AllocateUserPhysicalPagesNuma 24 Exported Function
AllocConsole 22 Exported Function
ApplicationRecoveryFinished 34 Exported Function
AddVectoredExceptionHandler 20 Exported Function
AdjustCalendarDate 21 Exported Function
AllocateUserPhysicalPages 23 Exported Function
BasepQueryModuleChpeSettings 99 Exported Function
CompareStringW 158 Exported Function
ConnectNamedPipe 159 Exported Function
ConsoleMenuControl 160 Exported Function
CompareStringA 155 Exported Function
CompareStringEx 156 Exported Function
CompareStringOrdinal 157 Exported Function
ConvertFiberToThread 164 Exported Function
ConvertNLSDayOfWeekToWin32DayOfWeek 165 Exported Function
ConvertSystemTimeToCalDateTime 166 Exported Function
ContinueDebugEvent 161 Exported Function
ConvertCalDateTimeToSystemTime 162 Exported Function
ConvertDefaultLocale 163 Exported Function
CompareFileTime 154 Exported Function
CloseThreadpoolCleanupGroupMembers 145 Exported Function
CloseThreadpoolIo 146 Exported Function
CloseThreadpoolTimer 147 Exported Function
CloseState 142 Exported Function
CloseThreadpool 143 Exported Function
CloseThreadpoolCleanupGroup 144 Exported Function
CommConfigDialogA 151 Exported Function
CommConfigDialogW 152 Exported Function
CompareCalendarDates 153 Exported Function
CloseThreadpoolWait 148 Exported Function
CloseThreadpoolWork 149 Exported Function
CmdBatNotification 150 Exported Function
CreateConsoleScreenBuffer 183 Exported Function
CreateDirectoryA 184 Exported Function
CreateDirectoryExA 185 Exported Function
CreateActCtxWWorker 180 Exported Function
CreateBoundaryDescriptorA 181 Exported Function
CreateBoundaryDescriptorW 182 Exported Function
CreateDirectoryW 189 Exported Function
CreateEnclave 190 Exported Function
CreateEventA 191 Exported Function
CreateDirectoryExW 186 Exported Function
CreateDirectoryTransactedA 187 Exported Function
CreateDirectoryTransactedW 188 Exported Function
CreateActCtxW 179 Exported Function
CopyFile2 170 Exported Function
CopyFileA 171 Exported Function
CopyFileExA 172 Exported Function
ConvertThreadToFiber 167 Exported Function
ConvertThreadToFiberEx 168 Exported Function
CopyContext 169 Exported Function
CopyFileW 176 Exported Function
CopyLZFile 177 Exported Function
CreateActCtxA 178 Exported Function
CopyFileExW 173 Exported Function
CopyFileTransactedA 174 Exported Function
CopyFileTransactedW 175 Exported Function
ClosePseudoConsole 141 Exported Function
BindIoCompletionCallback 107 Exported Function
BuildCommDCBA 108 Exported Function
BuildCommDCBAndTimeoutsA 109 Exported Function
Beep 104 Exported Function
BeginUpdateResourceA 105 Exported Function
BeginUpdateResourceW 106 Exported Function
CallNamedPipeA 112 Exported Function
CallNamedPipeW 113 Exported Function
CancelDeviceWakeupRequest 115 Exported Function
BuildCommDCBAndTimeoutsW 110 Exported Function
BuildCommDCBW 111 Exported Function
CallbackMayRunLong 114 Exported Function
BaseWriteErrorElevationRequiredEvent 74 Exported Function
BasepSetFileEncryptionCompression 103 Exported Function
BaseQueryModuleData 66 Exported Function
BaseReadAppCompatDataForProcessWorker 67 Exported Function
BasepReleaseAppXContext 100 Exported Function
BasepReleaseSxsCreateProcessUtilityStruct 101 Exported Function
BasepReportFault 102 Exported Function
BaseUpdateAppcompatCacheWorker 71 Exported Function
BaseUpdateVDMEntry 72 Exported Function
BaseVerifyUnicodeString 73 Exported Function
BaseSetLastNTError 68 Exported Function
BaseThreadInitThunk 69 Exported Function
BaseUpdateAppcompatCache 70 Exported Function
CheckTokenCapability 132 Exported Function
CheckTokenMembershipEx 133 Exported Function
ClearCommBreak 134 Exported Function
CheckNameLegalDOS8Dot3A 129 Exported Function
CheckNameLegalDOS8Dot3W 130 Exported Function
CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent 131 Exported Function
ClosePackageInfo 138 Exported Function
ClosePrivateNamespace 139 Exported Function
CloseProfileUserMapping 140 Exported Function
ClearCommError 135 Exported Function
CloseConsoleHandle 136 Exported Function
CloseHandle 137 Exported Function
CheckForReadOnlyResourceFilter 128 Exported Function
CancelThreadpoolIo 119 Exported Function
CancelTimerQueueTimer 120 Exported Function
CancelWaitableTimer 121 Exported Function
CancelIo 116 Exported Function
CancelIoEx 117 Exported Function
CancelSynchronousIo 118 Exported Function
CheckElevation 125 Exported Function
CheckElevationEnabled 126 Exported Function
CheckForReadOnlyResource 127 Exported Function
CeipIsOptedIn 122 Exported Function
ChangeTimerQueueTimer 123 Exported Function
CheckAllowDecryptedRemoteDestinationPolicy 124 Exported Function
FindFirstVolumeA 396 Exported Function
GetNumberFormatEx 668 Exported Function
GetNumberFormatW 669 Exported Function
GetNumberOfConsoleFonts 670 Exported Function
GetNumaProximityNode 665 Exported Function
GetNumaProximityNodeEx 666 Exported Function
GetNumberFormatA 667 Exported Function
GetOverlappedResult 674 Exported Function
GetOverlappedResultEx 675 Exported Function
GetPackageApplicationIds 676 Exported Function
GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents 671 Exported Function
GetNumberOfConsoleMouseButtons 672 Exported Function
GetOEMCP 673 Exported Function
GetNumaProcessorNodeEx 664 Exported Function
GetNLSVersion 642 Exported Function
GetNLSVersionEx 643 Exported Function
GetNumaAvailableMemoryNode 657 Exported Function
GetNativeSystemInfo 654 Exported Function
GetNextUmsListItem 655 Exported Function
GetNextVDMCommand 656 Exported Function
GetNumaNodeProcessorMask 661 Exported Function
GetNumaNodeProcessorMaskEx 662 Exported Function
GetNumaProcessorNode 663 Exported Function
GetNumaAvailableMemoryNodeEx 658 Exported Function
GetNumaHighestNodeNumber 659 Exported Function
GetNumaNodeNumberFromHandle 660 Exported Function
GetPrivateProfileStringW 693 Exported Function
GetPrivateProfileStructA 694 Exported Function
GetPrivateProfileStructW 695 Exported Function
GetPrivateProfileSectionNamesW 690 Exported Function
GetPrivateProfileSectionW 691 Exported Function
GetPrivateProfileStringA 692 Exported Function
GetProcessDEPPolicy 698 Exported Function
GetProcessGroupAffinity 700 Exported Function
GetProcessHandleCount 701 Exported Function
GetProcAddress 696 Exported Function
GetProcessAffinityMask 697 Exported Function
GetProcessDefaultCpuSets 699 Exported Function
GetPrivateProfileSectionNamesA 689 Exported Function
GetPackageInfo 680 Exported Function
GetPackagePath 681 Exported Function
GetPackagePathByFullName 682 Exported Function
GetPackageFamilyName 677 Exported Function
GetPackageFullName 678 Exported Function
GetPackageId 679 Exported Function
GetPrivateProfileIntA 686 Exported Function
GetPrivateProfileIntW 687 Exported Function
GetPrivateProfileSectionA 688 Exported Function
GetPackagesByPackageFamily 683 Exported Function
GetPhysicallyInstalledSystemMemory 684 Exported Function
GetPriorityClass 685 Exported Function
GetNamedPipeServerSessionId 653 Exported Function
GetLargestConsoleWindowSize 617 Exported Function
GetLastError 618 Exported Function
GetLocaleInfoA 620 Exported Function
GetGeoInfoW 614 Exported Function
GetHandleInformation 615 Exported Function
GetLargePageMinimum 616 Exported Function
GetLogicalDrives 625 Exported Function
GetLogicalDriveStringsA 623 Exported Function
GetLogicalDriveStringsW 624 Exported Function
GetLocaleInfoEx 621 Exported Function
GetLocaleInfoW 622 Exported Function
GetLocalTime 619 Exported Function
GetGeoInfoEx 613 Exported Function
GetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableExA 604 Exported Function
GetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableExW 605 Exported Function
GetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableW 606 Exported Function
GetFinalPathNameByHandleA 601 Exported Function
GetFinalPathNameByHandleW 602 Exported Function
GetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableA 603 Exported Function
GetFullPathNameTransactedW 610 Exported Function
GetFullPathNameW 611 Exported Function
GetGeoInfoA 612 Exported Function
GetFirmwareType 607 Exported Function
GetFullPathNameA 608 Exported Function
GetFullPathNameTransactedA 609 Exported Function
GetNamedPipeAttribute 644 Exported Function
GetNamedPipeClientComputerNameA 645 Exported Function
GetNamedPipeClientComputerNameW 646 Exported Function
GetModuleHandleExA 639 Exported Function
GetModuleHandleExW 640 Exported Function
GetModuleHandleW 641 Exported Function
GetNamedPipeHandleStateW 650 Exported Function
GetNamedPipeInfo 651 Exported Function
GetNamedPipeServerProcessId 652 Exported Function
GetNamedPipeClientProcessId 647 Exported Function
GetNamedPipeClientSessionId 648 Exported Function
GetNamedPipeHandleStateA 649 Exported Function
GetModuleHandleA 638 Exported Function
GetLongPathNameTransactedA 629 Exported Function
GetLongPathNameTransactedW 630 Exported Function
GetLongPathNameW 631 Exported Function
GetLogicalProcessorInformation 626 Exported Function
GetLogicalProcessorInformationEx 627 Exported Function
GetLongPathNameA 628 Exported Function
GetMemoryErrorHandlingCapabilities 635 Exported Function
GetModuleFileNameA 636 Exported Function
GetModuleFileNameW 637 Exported Function
GetMailslotInfo 632 Exported Function
GetMaximumProcessorCount 633 Exported Function
GetMaximumProcessorGroupCount 634 Exported Function
GetProcessHeap 702 Exported Function
GetThreadDescription 770 Exported Function
GetThreadErrorMode 771 Exported Function
GetThreadGroupAffinity 772 Exported Function
GetTempPathA 767 Exported Function
GetTempPathW 768 Exported Function
GetThreadContext 769 Exported Function
GetThreadIOPendingFlag 773 Exported Function
GetThreadLocale 777 Exported Function
GetThreadPreferredUILanguages 778 Exported Function
GetThreadId 774 Exported Function
GetThreadIdealProcessorEx 775 Exported Function
GetThreadInformation 776 Exported Function
GetTempFileNameW 766 Exported Function
GetSystemTimes 757 Exported Function
GetSystemWindowsDirectoryA 758 Exported Function
GetSystemWindowsDirectoryW 759 Exported Function
GetSystemTimeAdjustment 754 Exported Function
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime 755 Exported Function
GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime 756 Exported Function
GetTapePosition 763 Exported Function
GetTapeStatus 764 Exported Function
GetTempFileNameA 765 Exported Function
GetSystemWow64DirectoryA 760 Exported Function
GetSystemWow64DirectoryW 761 Exported Function
GetTapeParameters 762 Exported Function
GetUmsCompletionListEvent 795 Exported Function
GetUmsSystemThreadInformation 796 Exported Function
GetUserDefaultGeoName 797 Exported Function
GetTimeZoneInformation 792 Exported Function
GetTimeZoneInformationForYear 793 Exported Function
GetUILanguageInfo 794 Exported Function
GetUserDefaultUILanguage 801 Exported Function
GetUserGeoID 802 Exported Function
GetUserPreferredUILanguages 803 Exported Function
GetUserDefaultLangID 799 Exported Function
GetUserDefaultLCID 798 Exported Function
GetUserDefaultLocaleName 800 Exported Function
GetTimeFormatWWorker 791 Exported Function
GetThreadSelectorEntry 782 Exported Function
GetThreadTimes 783 Exported Function
GetThreadUILanguage 784 Exported Function
GetThreadPriority 779 Exported Function
GetThreadPriorityBoost 780 Exported Function
GetThreadSelectedCpuSets 781 Exported Function
GetTimeFormatAWorker 788 Exported Function
GetTimeFormatEx 789 Exported Function
GetTimeFormatW 790 Exported Function
GetTickCount 785 Exported Function
GetTickCount64 786 Exported Function
GetTimeFormatA 787 Exported Function
GetSystemTime 753 Exported Function
GetProfileIntW 719 Exported Function
GetProfileSectionA 720 Exported Function
GetProfileSectionW 721 Exported Function
GetProcessWorkingSetSizeEx 715 Exported Function
GetProductInfo 717 Exported Function
GetProfileIntA 718 Exported Function
GetQueuedCompletionStatusEx 725 Exported Function
GetShortPathNameA 726 Exported Function
GetShortPathNameW 727 Exported Function
GetProfileStringA 722 Exported Function
GetProfileStringW 723 Exported Function
GetQueuedCompletionStatus 724 Exported Function
GetProcessWorkingSetSize 714 Exported Function
GetProcessInformation 706 Exported Function
GetProcessIoCounters 707 Exported Function
GetProcessMitigationPolicy 708 Exported Function
GetProcessHeaps 703 Exported Function
GetProcessId 704 Exported Function
GetProcessIdOfThread 705 Exported Function
GetProcessShutdownParameters 711 Exported Function
GetProcessTimes 712 Exported Function
GetProcessVersion 713 Exported Function
GetProcessorSystemCycleTime 716 Exported Function
GetProcessPreferredUILanguages 709 Exported Function
GetProcessPriorityBoost 710 Exported Function
GetSystemDEPPolicy 740 Exported Function
GetSystemDirectoryA 745 Exported Function
GetSystemDirectoryW 746 Exported Function
GetSystemDefaultLCID 741 Exported Function
GetSystemDefaultLocaleName 743 Exported Function
GetSystemDefaultUILanguage 744 Exported Function
GetSystemPowerStatus 750 Exported Function
GetSystemPreferredUILanguages 751 Exported Function
GetSystemRegistryQuota 752 Exported Function
GetSystemFileCacheSize 747 Exported Function
GetSystemFirmwareTable 748 Exported Function
GetSystemInfo 749 Exported Function
GetSystemDefaultLangID 742 Exported Function
GetStateFolder 731 Exported Function
GetStdHandle 732 Exported Function
GetStringScripts 733 Exported Function
GetStagedPackagePathByFullName 728 Exported Function
GetStartupInfoA 729 Exported Function
GetStartupInfoW 730 Exported Function
GetStringTypeW 737 Exported Function
GetSystemAppDataKey 738 Exported Function
GetSystemCpuSetInformation 739 Exported Function
GetStringTypeA 734 Exported Function
GetStringTypeExA 735 Exported Function
GetStringTypeExW 736 Exported Function
GetFileType 600 Exported Function
GetCalendarInfoEx 467 Exported Function
GetCalendarInfoW 468 Exported Function
GetCalendarMonthsInYear 469 Exported Function
GetCalendarDaysInMonth 464 Exported Function
GetCalendarDifferenceInDays 465 Exported Function
GetCalendarInfoA 466 Exported Function
GetCommandLineW 480 Exported Function
GetCommConfig 473 Exported Function
GetCommMask 474 Exported Function
GetCalendarSupportedDateRange 470 Exported Function
GetCalendarWeekNumber 471 Exported Function
GetCommandLineA 479 Exported Function
GetCalendarDateFormatEx 463 Exported Function
GetApplicationRestartSettingsWorker 451 Exported Function
GetApplicationUserModelId 452 Exported Function
GetAtomNameA 453 Exported Function
GetApplicationRecoveryCallback 448 Exported Function
GetApplicationRecoveryCallbackWorker 449 Exported Function
GetApplicationRestartSettings 450 Exported Function
GetBinaryTypeW 457 Exported Function
GetCachedSigningLevel 461 Exported Function
GetCalendarDateFormat 462 Exported Function
GetAtomNameW 454 Exported Function
GetBinaryType 455 Exported Function
GetBinaryTypeA 456 Exported Function
GetConsoleAliasesLengthW 497 Exported Function
GetConsoleAliasesW 498 Exported Function
GetConsoleAliasExesA 490 Exported Function
GetConsoleAliasA 489 Exported Function
GetConsoleAliasesA 495 Exported Function
GetConsoleAliasesLengthA 496 Exported Function
GetConsoleAliasW 494 Exported Function
GetConsoleCharType 500 Exported Function
GetConsoleCommandHistoryA 501 Exported Function
GetConsoleAliasExesLengthA 491 Exported Function
GetConsoleAliasExesLengthW 492 Exported Function
GetConsoleAliasExesW 493 Exported Function
GetComputerNameW 488 Exported Function
GetCommTimeouts 478 Exported Function
GetComPlusPackageInstallStatus 472 Exported Function
GetCompressedFileSizeA 481 Exported Function
GetCommModemStatus 475 Exported Function
GetCommProperties 476 Exported Function
GetCommState 477 Exported Function
GetComputerNameA 485 Exported Function
GetComputerNameExA 486 Exported Function
GetComputerNameExW 487 Exported Function
GetCompressedFileSizeTransactedA 482 Exported Function
GetCompressedFileSizeTransactedW 483 Exported Function
GetCompressedFileSizeW 484 Exported Function
GetAppContainerNamedObjectPath 447 Exported Function
FindResourceExA 413 Exported Function
FindResourceExW 414 Exported Function
FindResourceW 415 Exported Function
FindNLSStringEx 401 Exported Function
FindPackagesByPackageFamily 411 Exported Function
FindResourceA 412 Exported Function
FlsAlloc 419 Exported Function
FlsFree 420 Exported Function
FlsGetValue 421 Exported Function
FindStringOrdinal 416 Exported Function
FindVolumeClose 417 Exported Function
FindVolumeMountPointClose 418 Exported Function
FindNLSString 400 Exported Function
FindNextChangeNotification 402 Exported Function
FindNextFileA 403 Exported Function
FindNextFileNameW 404 Exported Function
FindFirstVolumeMountPointA 397 Exported Function
FindFirstVolumeMountPointW 398 Exported Function
FindFirstVolumeW 399 Exported Function
FindNextVolumeMountPointA 408 Exported Function
FindNextVolumeMountPointW 409 Exported Function
FindNextVolumeW 410 Exported Function
FindNextFileW 405 Exported Function
FindNextStreamW 406 Exported Function
FindNextVolumeA 407 Exported Function
FreeLibraryWhenCallbackReturns 438 Exported Function
FreeMemoryJobObject 439 Exported Function
FreeResource 440 Exported Function
FreeEnvironmentStringsW 435 Exported Function
FreeLibrary 436 Exported Function
FreeLibraryAndExitThread 437 Exported Function
GetActiveProcessorCount 444 Exported Function
GetActiveProcessorGroupCount 445 Exported Function
GetAppContainerAce 446 Exported Function
FreeUserPhysicalPages 441 Exported Function
GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent 442 Exported Function
GetACP 443 Exported Function
FreeEnvironmentStringsA 434 Exported Function
FlushInstructionCache 425 Exported Function
FlushProcessWriteBuffers 426 Exported Function
FlushViewOfFile 427 Exported Function
FlsSetValue 422 Exported Function
FlushConsoleInputBuffer 423 Exported Function
FlushFileBuffers 424 Exported Function
FormatMessageA 431 Exported Function
FormatMessageW 432 Exported Function
FreeConsole 433 Exported Function
FoldStringA 428 Exported Function
FoldStringW 429 Exported Function
FormatApplicationUserModelId 430 Exported Function
GetConsoleCommandHistoryLengthA 502 Exported Function
GetDllDirectoryA 566 Exported Function
GetDllDirectoryW 567 Exported Function
GetDriveTypeA 568 Exported Function
GetDiskFreeSpaceW 563 Exported Function
GetDiskSpaceInformationA 564 Exported Function
GetDiskSpaceInformationW 565 Exported Function
GetDynamicTimeZoneInformation 572 Exported Function
GetEnabledXStateFeatures 573 Exported Function
GetEncryptedFileVersionExt 574 Exported Function
GetDriveTypeW 569 Exported Function
GetDurationFormat 570 Exported Function
GetDurationFormatEx 571 Exported Function
GetDiskFreeSpaceExW 562 Exported Function
GetDateFormatAWorker 553 Exported Function
GetDateFormatEx 554 Exported Function
GetDateFormatW 555 Exported Function
GetCurrentThreadStackLimits 550 Exported Function
GetCurrentUmsThread 551 Exported Function
GetDateFormatA 552 Exported Function
GetDevicePowerState 559 Exported Function
GetDiskFreeSpaceA 560 Exported Function
GetDiskFreeSpaceExA 561 Exported Function
GetDateFormatWWorker 556 Exported Function
GetDefaultCommConfigA 557 Exported Function
GetDefaultCommConfigW 558 Exported Function
GetFileAttributesW 591 Exported Function
GetFileBandwidthReservation 592 Exported Function
GetFileInformationByHandle 593 Exported Function
GetFileAttributesExW 588 Exported Function
GetFileAttributesTransactedA 589 Exported Function
GetFileAttributesTransactedW 590 Exported Function
GetFileSize 597 Exported Function
GetFileSizeEx 598 Exported Function
GetFileTime 599 Exported Function
GetFileInformationByHandleEx 594 Exported Function
GetFileMUIInfo 595 Exported Function
GetFileMUIPath 596 Exported Function
GetFileAttributesExA 587 Exported Function
GetEnvironmentVariableA 578 Exported Function
GetEnvironmentVariableW 579 Exported Function
GetEraNameCountedString 580 Exported Function
GetEnvironmentStrings 575 Exported Function
GetEnvironmentStringsA 576 Exported Function
GetEnvironmentStringsW 577 Exported Function
GetExpandedNameA 584 Exported Function
GetExpandedNameW 585 Exported Function
GetFileAttributesA 586 Exported Function
GetErrorMode 581 Exported Function
GetExitCodeProcess 582 Exported Function
GetExitCodeThread 583 Exported Function
GetCurrentThreadId 549 Exported Function
GetConsoleNlsMode 518 Exported Function
GetConsoleOriginalTitleA 519 Exported Function
GetConsoleOriginalTitleW 520 Exported Function
GetConsoleKeyboardLayoutNameA 515 Exported Function
GetConsoleKeyboardLayoutNameW 516 Exported Function
GetConsoleMode 517 Exported Function
GetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx 524 Exported Function
GetConsoleSelectionInfo 525 Exported Function
GetConsoleTitleA 526 Exported Function
GetConsoleOutputCP 521 Exported Function
GetConsoleProcessList 522 Exported Function
GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo 523 Exported Function
GetConsoleInputWaitHandle 514 Exported Function
GetConsoleCursorInfo 505 Exported Function
GetConsoleCursorMode 506 Exported Function
GetConsoleDisplayMode 507 Exported Function
GetConsoleCommandHistoryLengthW 503 Exported Function
GetConsoleCommandHistoryW 504 Exported Function
GetConsoleCP 499 Exported Function
GetConsoleHistoryInfo 511 Exported Function
GetConsoleInputExeNameA 512 Exported Function
GetConsoleInputExeNameW 513 Exported Function
GetConsoleFontInfo 508 Exported Function
GetConsoleFontSize 509 Exported Function
GetConsoleHardwareState 510 Exported Function
GetCurrentPackageFullName 540 Exported Function
GetCurrentPackageId 541 Exported Function
GetCurrentPackageInfo 542 Exported Function
GetCurrentDirectoryA 537 Exported Function
GetCurrentDirectoryW 538 Exported Function
GetCurrentPackageFamilyName 539 Exported Function
GetCurrentProcessorNumber 546 Exported Function
GetCurrentProcessorNumberEx 547 Exported Function
GetCurrentThread 548 Exported Function
GetCurrentPackagePath 543 Exported Function
GetCurrentProcess 544 Exported Function
GetCurrentProcessId 545 Exported Function
GetCurrentConsoleFontEx 536 Exported Function
GetCPInfoExA 459 Exported Function
GetCPInfoExW 460 Exported Function
GetCurrencyFormatA 529 Exported Function
GetConsoleTitleW 527 Exported Function
GetConsoleWindow 528 Exported Function
GetCPInfo 458 Exported Function
GetCurrentActCtxWorker 533 Exported Function
GetCurrentApplicationUserModelId 534 Exported Function
GetCurrentConsoleFont 535 Exported Function
GetCurrencyFormatEx 530 Exported Function
GetCurrencyFormatW 531 Exported Function
GetCurrentActCtx 532 Exported Function


  • Status: Signature verified.
  • Serial: 3300000266BD1580EFA75CD6D3000000000266
  • Thumbprint: A4341B9FD50FB9964283220A36A1EF6F6FAA7840
  • Issuer: CN=Microsoft Windows Production PCA 2011, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US
  • Subject: CN=Microsoft Windows, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US

File Metadata

  • Original Filename: kernel32
  • Product Name: Microsoft Windows Operating System
  • Company Name: Microsoft Corporation
  • File Version: 10.0.19041.329 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
  • Product Version: 10.0.19041.329
  • Language: English (United States)
  • Legal Copyright: Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
  • Machine Type: 64-bit

File Scan

  • VirusTotal Detections: 0/69
  • VirusTotal Link:

Possible Misuse

The following table contains possible examples of kernel32.dll being misused. While kernel32.dll is not inherently malicious, its legitimate functionality can be abused for malicious purposes.

Source Source File Example License
sigma sysmon_createremotethread_loadlibrary.yml StartModule\|endswith: '\kernel32.dll' DRL 1.0
sigma proc_creation_win_susp_shimcache_flush.yml - 'kernel32.dll' DRL 1.0
malware-ioc rtm kernel32.dll © ESET 2014-2018
signature-base apt_apt28.yar $s8 = “KERNEL32.dll” fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings / / score: ‘5’ / / Goodware String - occured 14405 times */ CC BY-NC 4.0
signature-base apt_babyshark.yar 2E 44 4C 4C 00 00 00 00 } /* WinExec kernel32.DLL */ CC BY-NC 4.0
signature-base apt_eqgrp.yar $x1 = “Injection Lib - GetProcAddress failed on Kernel32.DLL function” fullword wide CC BY-NC 4.0
signature-base apt_fakem_backdoor.yar $a1 = “\system32\kernel32.dll” fullword ascii CC BY-NC 4.0
signature-base apt_fakem_backdoor.yar $c1 = “\system32\kernel32.dll” fullword ascii CC BY-NC 4.0
signature-base apt_hkdoor.yar pe.imports(“KERNEL32.dll”, “FindResourceW”) and CC BY-NC 4.0
signature-base apt_hkdoor.yar pe.imports(“KERNEL32.dll”, “LoadResource”) CC BY-NC 4.0
signature-base apt_unc2447_sombrat.yar $s1 = “[DllImport("kernel32.dll")]public static extern IntPtr VirtualAlloc(IntPtr “ ascii wide CC BY-NC 4.0
signature-base apt_wildneutron.yar $s6 = “%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\kernel32.dll” fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings / / score: ‘36.00’ */ CC BY-NC 4.0
signature-base apt_woolengoldfish.yar $s0 = “kernel32.dll GetProcAddressLoadLibraryAws2_32.dll” fullword ascii CC BY-NC 4.0
signature-base apt_woolengoldfish.yar $s4 = “unable to load kernel32.dll” fullword ascii CC BY-NC 4.0
signature-base crime_malware_generic.yar $s28 = “KERNEL32.dll” fullword ascii CC BY-NC 4.0
signature-base crime_ransom_darkside.yar $CommonDLLs1 = “KERNEL32.dll” fullword CC BY-NC 4.0
signature-base crime_rombertik_carbongrabber.yar $s7 = “@KERNEL32.DLL” fullword wide CC BY-NC 4.0
signature-base exploit_cve_2015_1674.yar $s4 = “KERNEL32.dll” fullword ascii CC BY-NC 4.0
signature-base exploit_uac_elevators.yar $s4 = “Couldn’t load kernel32.dll” wide CC BY-NC 4.0
signature-base gen_cn_hacktools.yar $s0 = “kernel32.dll^G” fullword ascii CC BY-NC 4.0
signature-base gen_cn_hacktools.yar $s0 = “kernel32.dll” ascii CC BY-NC 4.0
signature-base gen_cn_hacktools.yar $s2 = “kernel32.dll” fullword ascii CC BY-NC 4.0
signature-base gen_cn_hacktools.yar $s2 = “KERNEL32.DLL” fullword ascii CC BY-NC 4.0
signature-base gen_cn_hacktools.yar $s1 = “KERNEL32.dll” fullword ascii CC BY-NC 4.0
signature-base gen_cn_hacktools.yar $s4 = “kernel32.dll” fullword ascii CC BY-NC 4.0
signature-base gen_cn_hacktools.yar $s11 = “kernel32.dll” fullword ascii CC BY-NC 4.0
signature-base gen_excel_xll_addin_suspicious.yar ((pe.imports(“KERNEL32.dll”, “LookupPrivilegeValueW”) or pe.imports(“KERNEL32.dll”, “LookupPrivilegeValueA”)) CC BY-NC 4.0
signature-base gen_excel_xll_addin_suspicious.yar and pe.imports(“KERNEL32.dll”, “AdjustTokenPrivileges”) CC BY-NC 4.0
signature-base gen_excel_xll_addin_suspicious.yar and pe.imports(“KERNEL32.dll”, “OpenProcess”) CC BY-NC 4.0
signature-base gen_excel_xll_addin_suspicious.yar or ((pe.imports(“KERNEL32.dll”, “FindResourceA”) or pe.imports(“KERNEL32.dll”, “FindResourceW”)) CC BY-NC 4.0
signature-base gen_excel_xll_addin_suspicious.yar and pe.imports(“KERNEL32.dll”, “LoadResource”) CC BY-NC 4.0
signature-base gen_excel_xll_addin_suspicious.yar and pe.imports(“KERNEL32.dll”, “LockResource”) CC BY-NC 4.0
signature-base gen_excel_xll_addin_suspicious.yar and (pe.imports(“KERNEL32.dll”, “VirtualAlloc”) or pe.imports(“KERNEL32.dll”, “VirtualAllocEx”)) CC BY-NC 4.0
signature-base gen_excel_xll_addin_suspicious.yar and pe.imports(“KERNEL32.dll”, “WriteProcessMemory”) CC BY-NC 4.0
signature-base gen_excel_xll_addin_suspicious.yar and pe.imports(“KERNEL32.dll”, “SetThreadContext”)) CC BY-NC 4.0
signature-base gen_excel_xll_addin_suspicious.yar or (pe.imports(“KERNEL32.dll”, “GetThreadContext”) CC BY-NC 4.0
signature-base gen_excel_xll_addin_suspicious.yar and pe.imports(“KERNEL32.dll”, “VirtualAllocEx”) CC BY-NC 4.0
signature-base gen_excel_xll_addin_suspicious.yar and pe.imports(“KERNEL32.dll”, “ResumeThread”) CC BY-NC 4.0
signature-base gen_excel_xll_addin_suspicious.yar or (pe.imports(“KERNEL32.dll”, “WinExec”)) CC BY-NC 4.0
signature-base gen_excel_xll_addin_suspicious.yar or (all of ($cs*) and pe.imports(“KERNEL32.dll”, “VirtualAllocEx”) CC BY-NC 4.0
signature-base gen_excel_xll_addin_suspicious.yar and pe.imports(“KERNEL32.dll”, “TerminateProcess”) CC BY-NC 4.0
signature-base gen_excel_xll_addin_suspicious.yar and pe.imports(“KERNEL32.dll”, “Sleep”)) CC BY-NC 4.0
signature-base gen_metasploit_payloads.yar $s1 = “[DllImport("kernel32.dll")] public static extern int WaitForSingleObject(“ ascii CC BY-NC 4.0
signature-base gen_metasploit_payloads.yar $s1 = “[DllImport("kernel32.dll")]” fullword ascii CC BY-NC 4.0
signature-base gen_metasploit_payloads.yar $s1 = “kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObject),” ascii CC BY-NC 4.0
signature-base gen_mimikittenz.yar $s4 = “[DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]” fullword ascii CC BY-NC 4.0
signature-base gen_powershell_empire.yar $s1 = “$WriteProcessMemoryAddr = Get-ProcAddress kernel32.dll WriteProcessMemory” fullword ascii CC BY-NC 4.0
signature-base gen_powershell_susp.yar $x2 = “$Kernel32Handle = $Win32Functions.GetModuleHandle.Invoke("kernel32.dll")” fullword ascii CC BY-NC 4.0
signature-base gen_powershell_toolkit.yar $s1 = “Get-ProcAddress kernel32.dll WriteProcessMemory” fullword ascii CC BY-NC 4.0
signature-base gen_powershell_toolkit.yar $s2 = “Get-ProcAddress kernel32.dll OpenProcess” fullword ascii CC BY-NC 4.0
signature-base gen_redmimicry.yar $sym1 = “kernel32.dll” wide fullword CC BY-NC 4.0
signature-base gen_susp_hacktool.yar $s4 = “Kernel32.dll” fullword ascii CC BY-NC 4.0
signature-base gen_susp_strings_in_ole.yar /* KERNEL32.dll */ CC BY-NC 4.0
signature-base spy_equation_fiveeyes.yar $x1 = “c:\windows\system32\kernel32.dll” fullword ascii CC BY-NC 4.0
signature-base thor-hacktools.yar $s1 = “kernel32.dll” fullword ascii CC BY-NC 4.0
signature-base thor-hacktools.yar $s0 = “KERNEL32.DLL” fullword ascii CC BY-NC 4.0
signature-base thor-hacktools.yar $s2 = “KERNEL32.DLL” ascii fullword CC BY-NC 4.0
signature-base thor-webshells.yar $s5 = “[DllImport("kernel32.dll",EntryPoint="GetDriveTypeA")]” fullword ascii CC BY-NC 4.0

MIT License. Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Strontic.