- File Path:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\App Certification Kit\zh-hans\Microsoft.Windows.SoftwareLogo.Binscope.resources.dll
- Description:
Type | Hash |
MD5 | FC3777CD61A5370510D5D673F0ABC3B2 |
SHA1 | 3E1BCD30B22C3B531D6058725B430B569D0E644F |
SHA256 | DAA9EA9E3DC9F39512EE3993B6BACD22E5CA6F6ED6A031C121FAB0FDB6F30D65 |
SHA384 | E0B63B40CF8CC891DB86C608CA3711DF152426EE0E2ED7A1321EE52A049D72EADBD7426594ECA909680B1C669EFD54F2 |
SHA512 | EF65C28AEE1AD6557EC1ADFD6607FD94DE06B3036175C54312C49760F05F5531A60344B8959ED3B2868DCC84CFA20D7167F03E636FDB89AD0D25517926F68964 |
SSDEEP | 48:6ho1HR5s56rrPJypbWpb1/1s8ZWSVI0f+5Wwg:V1vs5hpSB/1lWs2W |
IMP | DAE02F32A21E03CE65412F6E56942DAA |
PESHA1 | 83D55635BAB8C0D370A164E98B5AFE7E5938D463 |
PE256 | 730E3F7DF8F0806DC93B2EFE0A8FB4C34697E94A91016FC0999FDCDC2E3776DF |
- Status: The file C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\App Certification Kit\zh-hans\Microsoft.Windows.SoftwareLogo.Binscope.resources.dll is not digitally signed. You cannot run this script on the current system. For more information about running scripts and setting execution policy, see about_Execution_Policies at https:/
- Serial: ``
- Thumbprint: ``
- Issuer:
- Subject:
File Metadata
- Original Filename: Microsoft.Windows.SoftwareLogo.Binscope.resources.dll
- Product Name: Microsoft (R) Windows (R)
- Company Name: Microsoft Corporation
- File Version: 10.0.19041.1
- Product Version: 10.0.19041.1
- Language: Chinese (Simplified, China)
- Legal Copyright: (c) Microsoft Corporation
- Machine Type: 32-bit
File Scan
- VirusTotal Detections: 0/75
- VirusTotal Link:
MIT License. Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Strontic.