
  • File Path: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\icuin.dll
  • Description: ICU I18N Forwarder DLL


Type Hash
MD5 FB475B41189AACF1C607C1E9DC0EBB0B
SHA1 822AC3B64FF9C5A95AA13E8C9022C45D629BD3D4
SHA256 B0EBC9AA38B12138FD4D54DDF65F8BA7AF9D71D24B8BD1F37ED198790F4E19CC
SHA384 40F76EC8B1DE7F38AB5B19009811DF9FF505B107F24151368FD4523A9CF5255D960BD048ACA10326C4DAAEEDA8A507DF
SHA512 F8C571B69BB495A49CB1CB70B36542AEA94BC7A18AC5F3EC0F41D9A57663BF786B225BF16252BE181FCAFEAC129541DEC35951B32E9E0091502BE24C05FF0FD4
SSDEEP 384:lHBTJylPhhzEfNBgZhaXnGsSu+Fwh8eJVrEGkntlG3aK63iFgzC:lHBTJghhzEfNBgZhaXhpEo
PE256 6C40B428FDE146D77D05E156F8ED37C4815560A2FE591A19316A81AFEF9F1C7B

DLL Exports:

Function Name Ordinal Type
uregex_getMatchCallback 277 Exported Function
uregex_getStackLimit 278 Exported Function
uregex_getText 279 Exported Function
uregex_findNext 274 Exported Function
uregex_flags 275 Exported Function
uregex_getFindProgressCallback 276 Exported Function
uregex_getTimeLimit 280 Exported Function
uregex_groupNumberFromCName 284 Exported Function
uregex_groupNumberFromName 285 Exported Function
uregex_groupUText 286 Exported Function
uregex_getUText 281 Exported Function
uregex_group 282 Exported Function
uregex_groupCount 283 Exported Function
uregex_appendReplacement 264 Exported Function
uregex_appendReplacementUText 265 Exported Function
uregex_appendTail 266 Exported Function
uplrules_open 261 Exported Function
uplrules_openForType 262 Exported Function
uplrules_select 263 Exported Function
uregex_appendTailUText 267 Exported Function
uregex_end64 271 Exported Function
uregex_find 272 Exported Function
uregex_find64 273 Exported Function
uregex_clone 268 Exported Function
uregex_close 269 Exported Function
uregex_end 270 Exported Function
uregex_regionStart64 303 Exported Function
uregex_replaceAll 304 Exported Function
uregex_replaceAllUText 305 Exported Function
uregex_regionEnd 300 Exported Function
uregex_regionEnd64 301 Exported Function
uregex_regionStart 302 Exported Function
uregex_replaceFirst 306 Exported Function
uregex_reset64 310 Exported Function
uregex_setFindProgressCallback 311 Exported Function
uregex_setMatchCallback 312 Exported Function
uregex_replaceFirstUText 307 Exported Function
uregex_requireEnd 308 Exported Function
uregex_reset 309 Exported Function
uregex_lookingAt 290 Exported Function
uregex_lookingAt64 291 Exported Function
uregex_matches 292 Exported Function
uregex_hasAnchoringBounds 287 Exported Function
uregex_hasTransparentBounds 288 Exported Function
uregex_hitEnd 289 Exported Function
uregex_matches64 293 Exported Function
uregex_pattern 297 Exported Function
uregex_patternUText 298 Exported Function
uregex_refreshUText 299 Exported Function
uregex_open 294 Exported Function
uregex_openC 295 Exported Function
uregex_openUText 296 Exported Function
unum_formatDecimal 225 Exported Function
unum_formatDouble 226 Exported Function
unum_formatDoubleCurrency 227 Exported Function
unum_close 222 Exported Function
unum_countAvailable 223 Exported Function
unum_format 224 Exported Function
unum_formatDoubleForFields 228 Exported Function
unum_getAvailable 232 Exported Function
unum_getContext 233 Exported Function
unum_getDoubleAttribute 234 Exported Function
unum_formatInt64 229 Exported Function
unum_formatUFormattable 230 Exported Function
unum_getAttribute 231 Exported Function
umsg_format 212 Exported Function
umsg_getLocale 213 Exported Function
umsg_open 214 Exported Function
umsg_autoQuoteApostrophe 209 Exported Function
umsg_clone 210 Exported Function
umsg_close 211 Exported Function
umsg_parse 215 Exported Function
umsg_vparse 219 Exported Function
unum_applyPattern 220 Exported Function
unum_clone 221 Exported Function
umsg_setLocale 216 Exported Function
umsg_toPattern 217 Exported Function
umsg_vformat 218 Exported Function
unumsys_close 251 Exported Function
unumsys_getDescription 252 Exported Function
unumsys_getName 253 Exported Function
unum_setSymbol 248 Exported Function
unum_setTextAttribute 249 Exported Function
unum_toPattern 250 Exported Function
unumsys_getRadix 254 Exported Function
unumsys_openByName 258 Exported Function
uplrules_close 259 Exported Function
uplrules_getKeywords 260 Exported Function
unumsys_isAlgorithmic 255 Exported Function
unumsys_open 256 Exported Function
unumsys_openAvailableNames 257 Exported Function
unum_open 238 Exported Function
unum_parse 239 Exported Function
unum_parseDecimal 240 Exported Function
unum_getLocaleByType 235 Exported Function
unum_getSymbol 236 Exported Function
unum_getTextAttribute 237 Exported Function
unum_parseDouble 241 Exported Function
unum_setAttribute 245 Exported Function
unum_setContext 246 Exported Function
unum_setDoubleAttribute 247 Exported Function
unum_parseDoubleCurrency 242 Exported Function
unum_parseInt64 243 Exported Function
unum_parseToUFormattable 244 Exported Function
uspoof_getCheckResultNumerics 381 Exported Function
uspoof_getCheckResultRestrictionLevel 382 Exported Function
uspoof_getChecks 383 Exported Function
uspoof_getAllowedChars 378 Exported Function
uspoof_getAllowedLocales 379 Exported Function
uspoof_getCheckResultChecks 380 Exported Function
uspoof_getInclusionSet 384 Exported Function
uspoof_getSkeletonUTF8 388 Exported Function
uspoof_open 389 Exported Function
uspoof_openCheckResult 390 Exported Function
uspoof_getRecommendedSet 385 Exported Function
uspoof_getRestrictionLevel 386 Exported Function
uspoof_getSkeleton 387 Exported Function
usearch_setText 368 Exported Function
uspoof_areConfusable 369 Exported Function
uspoof_areConfusableUTF8 370 Exported Function
usearch_setCollator 365 Exported Function
usearch_setOffset 366 Exported Function
usearch_setPattern 367 Exported Function
uspoof_check 371 Exported Function
uspoof_clone 375 Exported Function
uspoof_close 376 Exported Function
uspoof_closeCheckResult 377 Exported Function
uspoof_check2 372 Exported Function
uspoof_check2UTF8 373 Exported Function
uspoof_checkUTF8 374 Exported Function
utrans_openInverse 407 Exported Function
utrans_openU 408 Exported Function
utrans_register 409 Exported Function
utrans_getSourceSet 404 Exported Function
utrans_getUnicodeID 405 Exported Function
utrans_openIDs 406 Exported Function
utrans_setFilter 410 Exported Function
utrans_transIncrementalUChars 414 Exported Function
utrans_transUChars 415 Exported Function
utrans_unregisterID 416 Exported Function
utrans_toRules 411 Exported Function
utrans_trans 412 Exported Function
utrans_transIncremental 413 Exported Function
uspoof_setAllowedChars 394 Exported Function
uspoof_setAllowedLocales 395 Exported Function
uspoof_setChecks 396 Exported Function
uspoof_openFromSerialized 391 Exported Function
uspoof_openFromSource 392 Exported Function
uspoof_serialize 393 Exported Function
uspoof_setRestrictionLevel 397 Exported Function
utrans_clone 401 Exported Function
utrans_close 402 Exported Function
utrans_countAvailableIDs 403 Exported Function
utmscale_fromInt64 398 Exported Function
utmscale_getTimeScaleValue 399 Exported Function
utmscale_toInt64 400 Exported Function
uregion_getContainedRegions 329 Exported Function
uregion_getContainedRegionsOfType 330 Exported Function
uregion_getContainingRegion 331 Exported Function
uregion_areEqual 326 Exported Function
uregion_contains 327 Exported Function
uregion_getAvailable 328 Exported Function
uregion_getContainingRegionOfType 332 Exported Function
uregion_getRegionFromCode 336 Exported Function
uregion_getRegionFromNumericCode 337 Exported Function
uregion_getType 338 Exported Function
uregion_getNumericCode 333 Exported Function
uregion_getPreferredValues 334 Exported Function
uregion_getRegionCode 335 Exported Function
uregex_setStackLimit 316 Exported Function
uregex_setText 317 Exported Function
uregex_setTimeLimit 318 Exported Function
uregex_setRegion 313 Exported Function
uregex_setRegion64 314 Exported Function
uregex_setRegionAndStart 315 Exported Function
uregex_setUText 319 Exported Function
uregex_start64 323 Exported Function
uregex_useAnchoringBounds 324 Exported Function
uregex_useTransparentBounds 325 Exported Function
uregex_split 320 Exported Function
uregex_splitUText 321 Exported Function
uregex_start 322 Exported Function
usearch_getText 355 Exported Function
usearch_last 356 Exported Function
usearch_next 357 Exported Function
usearch_getMatchedText 352 Exported Function
usearch_getOffset 353 Exported Function
usearch_getPattern 354 Exported Function
usearch_open 358 Exported Function
usearch_reset 362 Exported Function
usearch_setAttribute 363 Exported Function
usearch_setBreakIterator 364 Exported Function
usearch_openFromCollator 359 Exported Function
usearch_preceding 360 Exported Function
usearch_previous 361 Exported Function
ureldatefmt_formatNumeric 342 Exported Function
ureldatefmt_open 343 Exported Function
usearch_close 344 Exported Function
ureldatefmt_close 339 Exported Function
ureldatefmt_combineDateAndTime 340 Exported Function
ureldatefmt_format 341 Exported Function
usearch_first 345 Exported Function
usearch_getCollator 349 Exported Function
usearch_getMatchedLength 350 Exported Function
usearch_getMatchedStart 351 Exported Function
usearch_following 346 Exported Function
usearch_getAttribute 347 Exported Function
usearch_getBreakIterator 348 Exported Function
ucol_getLocaleByType 69 Exported Function
ucol_getMaxExpansion 70 Exported Function
ucol_getMaxVariable 71 Exported Function
ucol_getKeywords 68 Exported Function
ucol_getKeywordValues 66 Exported Function
ucol_getKeywordValuesForLocale 67 Exported Function
ucol_getOffset 72 Exported Function
ucol_getSortKey 76 Exported Function
ucol_getStrength 77 Exported Function
ucol_getTailoredSet 78 Exported Function
ucol_getReorderCodes 73 Exported Function
ucol_getRules 74 Exported Function
ucol_getRulesEx 75 Exported Function
ucol_closeElements 56 Exported Function
ucol_countAvailable 57 Exported Function
ucol_equal 58 Exported Function
ucal_setTimeZone 53 Exported Function
ucol_cloneBinary 54 Exported Function
ucol_close 55 Exported Function
ucol_getAttribute 59 Exported Function
ucol_getDisplayName 63 Exported Function
ucol_getEquivalentReorderCodes 64 Exported Function
ucol_getFunctionalEquivalent 65 Exported Function
ucol_getAvailable 60 Exported Function
ucol_getBound 61 Exported Function
ucol_getContractionsAndExpansions 62 Exported Function
ucol_reset 95 Exported Function
ucol_safeClone 96 Exported Function
ucol_secondaryOrder 97 Exported Function
ucol_openRules 92 Exported Function
ucol_previous 93 Exported Function
ucol_primaryOrder 94 Exported Function
ucol_setAttribute 98 Exported Function
ucol_setStrength 102 Exported Function
ucol_setText 103 Exported Function
ucol_strcoll 104 Exported Function
ucol_setMaxVariable 99 Exported Function
ucol_setOffset 100 Exported Function
ucol_setReorderCodes 101 Exported Function
ucol_greater 82 Exported Function
ucol_greaterOrEqual 83 Exported Function
ucol_keyHashCode 84 Exported Function
ucol_getUCAVersion 79 Exported Function
ucol_getVariableTop 80 Exported Function
ucol_getVersion 81 Exported Function
ucol_mergeSortkeys 85 Exported Function
ucol_openAvailableLocales 89 Exported Function
ucol_openBinary 90 Exported Function
ucol_openElements 91 Exported Function
ucol_next 86 Exported Function
ucol_nextSortKeyPart 87 Exported Function
ucol_open 88 Exported Function
ucal_getAttribute 17 Exported Function
ucal_getAvailable 18 Exported Function
ucal_getCanonicalTimeZoneID 19 Exported Function
ucal_countAvailable 14 Exported Function
ucal_equivalentTo 15 Exported Function
ucal_get 16 Exported Function
ucal_getDayOfWeekType 21 Exported Function
ucal_getGregorianChange 24 Exported Function
ucal_getKeywordValuesForLocale 25 Exported Function
ucal_getLimit 26 Exported Function
ucal_getDefaultTimeZone 22 Exported Function
ucal_getDSTSavings 20 Exported Function
ucal_getFieldDifference 23 Exported Function
u_parseMessageWithError 4 Exported Function
u_vformatMessage 5 Exported Function
u_vformatMessageWithError 6 Exported Function
u_formatMessage 1 Exported Function
u_formatMessageWithError 2 Exported Function
u_parseMessage 3 Exported Function
u_vparseMessage 7 Exported Function
ucal_clearField 11 Exported Function
ucal_clone 12 Exported Function
ucal_close 13 Exported Function
u_vparseMessageWithError 8 Exported Function
ucal_add 9 Exported Function
ucal_clear 10 Exported Function
ucal_openTimeZoneIDEnumeration 43 Exported Function
ucal_openTimeZones 44 Exported Function
ucal_roll 45 Exported Function
ucal_isWeekend 40 Exported Function
ucal_open 41 Exported Function
ucal_openCountryTimeZones 42 Exported Function
ucal_set 46 Exported Function
ucal_setDefaultTimeZone 50 Exported Function
ucal_setGregorianChange 51 Exported Function
ucal_setMillis 52 Exported Function
ucal_setAttribute 47 Exported Function
ucal_setDate 48 Exported Function
ucal_setDateTime 49 Exported Function
ucal_getTimeZoneDisplayName 31 Exported Function
ucal_getTimeZoneID 32 Exported Function
ucal_getTimeZoneIDForWindowsID 33 Exported Function
ucal_getLocaleByType 27 Exported Function
ucal_getMillis 28 Exported Function
ucal_getNow 29 Exported Function
ucal_getTimeZoneTransitionDate 34 Exported Function
ucal_getWindowsTimeZoneID 37 Exported Function
ucal_inDaylightTime 38 Exported Function
ucal_isSet 39 Exported Function
ucal_getType 35 Exported Function
ucal_getTZDataVersion 30 Exported Function
ucal_getWeekendTransition 36 Exported Function
udatpg_setAppendItemName 173 Exported Function
udatpg_setDateTimeFormat 174 Exported Function
udatpg_setDecimal 175 Exported Function
udatpg_replaceFieldTypes 170 Exported Function
udatpg_replaceFieldTypesWithOptions 171 Exported Function
udatpg_setAppendItemFormat 172 Exported Function
udtitvfmt_close 176 Exported Function
ufieldpositer_next 180 Exported Function
ufieldpositer_open 181 Exported Function
ufmt_close 182 Exported Function
udtitvfmt_format 177 Exported Function
udtitvfmt_open 178 Exported Function
ufieldpositer_close 179 Exported Function
udatpg_getBestPattern 160 Exported Function
udatpg_getBestPatternWithOptions 161 Exported Function
udatpg_getDateTimeFormat 162 Exported Function
udatpg_getAppendItemFormat 157 Exported Function
udatpg_getAppendItemName 158 Exported Function
udatpg_getBaseSkeleton 159 Exported Function
udatpg_getDecimal 163 Exported Function
udatpg_openBaseSkeletons 167 Exported Function
udatpg_openEmpty 168 Exported Function
udatpg_openSkeletons 169 Exported Function
udatpg_getPatternForSkeleton 164 Exported Function
udatpg_getSkeleton 165 Exported Function
udatpg_open 166 Exported Function
ulocdata_getDelimiter 199 Exported Function
ulocdata_getExemplarSet 200 Exported Function
ulocdata_getLocaleDisplayPattern 201 Exported Function
ugender_getListGender 196 Exported Function
ulocdata_close 197 Exported Function
ulocdata_getCLDRVersion 198 Exported Function
ulocdata_getLocaleSeparator 202 Exported Function
ulocdata_open 206 Exported Function
ulocdata_setNoSubstitute 207 Exported Function
umsg_applyPattern 208 Exported Function
ulocdata_getMeasurementSystem 203 Exported Function
ulocdata_getNoSubstitute 204 Exported Function
ulocdata_getPaperSize 205 Exported Function
ufmt_getDecNumChars 186 Exported Function
ufmt_getDouble 187 Exported Function
ufmt_getInt64 188 Exported Function
ufmt_getArrayItemByIndex 183 Exported Function
ufmt_getArrayLength 184 Exported Function
ufmt_getDate 185 Exported Function
ufmt_getLong 189 Exported Function
ufmt_isNumeric 193 Exported Function
ufmt_open 194 Exported Function
ugender_getInstance 195 Exported Function
ufmt_getObject 190 Exported Function
ufmt_getType 191 Exported Function
ufmt_getUChars 192 Exported Function
udat_adoptNumberFormat 121 Exported Function
udat_adoptNumberFormatForFields 122 Exported Function
udat_applyPattern 123 Exported Function
ucsdet_open 118 Exported Function
ucsdet_setDeclaredEncoding 119 Exported Function
ucsdet_setText 120 Exported Function
udat_clone 124 Exported Function
udat_format 128 Exported Function
udat_formatCalendar 129 Exported Function
udat_formatCalendarForFields 130 Exported Function
udat_close 125 Exported Function
udat_countAvailable 126 Exported Function
udat_countSymbols 127 Exported Function
ucsdet_close 108 Exported Function
ucsdet_detect 109 Exported Function
ucsdet_detectAll 110 Exported Function
ucol_strcollIter 105 Exported Function
ucol_strcollUTF8 106 Exported Function
ucol_tertiaryOrder 107 Exported Function
ucsdet_enableInputFilter 111 Exported Function
ucsdet_getName 115 Exported Function
ucsdet_getUChars 116 Exported Function
ucsdet_isInputFilterEnabled 117 Exported Function
ucsdet_getAllDetectableCharsets 112 Exported Function
ucsdet_getConfidence 113 Exported Function
ucsdet_getLanguage 114 Exported Function
udat_setCalendar 147 Exported Function
udat_setContext 148 Exported Function
udat_setLenient 149 Exported Function
udat_parseCalendar 144 Exported Function
udat_set2DigitYearStart 145 Exported Function
udat_setBooleanAttribute 146 Exported Function
udat_setNumberFormat 150 Exported Function
udatpg_addPattern 154 Exported Function
udatpg_clone 155 Exported Function
udatpg_close 156 Exported Function
udat_setSymbols 151 Exported Function
udat_toCalendarDateField 152 Exported Function
udat_toPattern 153 Exported Function
udat_getBooleanAttribute 134 Exported Function
udat_getCalendar 135 Exported Function
udat_getContext 136 Exported Function
udat_formatForFields 131 Exported Function
udat_get2DigitYearStart 132 Exported Function
udat_getAvailable 133 Exported Function
udat_getLocaleByType 137 Exported Function
udat_isLenient 141 Exported Function
udat_open 142 Exported Function
udat_parse 143 Exported Function
udat_getNumberFormat 138 Exported Function
udat_getNumberFormatForField 139 Exported Function
udat_getSymbols 140 Exported Function


  • Status: Signature verified.
  • Serial: 330000026551AE1BBD005CBFBD000000000265
  • Thumbprint: E168609353F30FF2373157B4EB8CD519D07A2BFF
  • Issuer: CN=Microsoft Windows Production PCA 2011, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US
  • Subject: CN=Microsoft Windows, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US

File Metadata

  • Original Filename: icuin.dll
  • Product Name: International Components for Unicode
  • Company Name: The ICU Project
  • File Version: 64, 2, 0, 0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
  • Product Version: 64, 2, 0, 0
  • Language: Language Neutral
  • Legal Copyright: Copyright (C) 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others. License & terms of use:
  • Machine Type: 32-bit

File Scan

  • VirusTotal Detections: 0/69
  • VirusTotal Link:

File Similarity (ssdeep match)

File Score
C:\Windows\system32\icuin.dll 96

MIT License. Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Strontic.