
  • File Path: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\icuuc.dll
  • Description: ICU Common Forwarder DLL


Type Hash
MD5 B17445D0DF2C22C924899B5DF8E84475
SHA256 B07282879EF715CA63199339CFC1C349F53998A1D67297A5DF76870BFFCA3F6A
SHA384 BA0A0A253814DA4A696C29C3D52DA70A8EF59BA383290530F7657E06B7D45E6883AFBDE4DE3BD0C19905F4241E8E9175
SHA512 72218D79920994CAFD742E9F1802BD7C0C7C5DDFF1AC426ED0C5A09D8A0896F43BDD81E553D2C4593CCBC539026047E77A79CCDEB8E758A383E20A5CE7239C06
SSDEEP 768:XPmuB1HyCpCB+GgU77TuVnsDh7tm8T9T0qjT6IAqla1c3pmYj96m6:P7prGPh7tm8T9c
PESHA1 BEF026DB3043642885D154651FD297F20D086806
PE256 716489673EE2F4AF4951C988E98E355B3F5EC8C313AF03290234C931346E1173

DLL Exports:

Function Name Ordinal Type
uloc_getDisplayLanguage 362 Exported Function
uloc_getDisplayKeywordValue 361 Exported Function
uloc_getDisplayScript 364 Exported Function
uloc_getDisplayName 363 Exported Function
uloc_getDefault 358 Exported Function
uloc_getCountry 357 Exported Function
uloc_getDisplayKeyword 360 Exported Function
uloc_getDisplayCountry 359 Exported Function
uloc_getKeywordValue 370 Exported Function
uloc_getISOLanguages 369 Exported Function
uloc_getLCID 371 Exported Function
uloc_getLanguage 372 Exported Function
uloc_getISO3Country 366 Exported Function
uloc_getDisplayVariant 365 Exported Function
uloc_getISOCountries 368 Exported Function
uloc_getISO3Language 367 Exported Function
uloc_getCharacterOrientation 356 Exported Function
ulistfmt_close 345 Exported Function
uldn_variantDisplayName 344 Exported Function
ulistfmt_open 347 Exported Function
ulistfmt_format 346 Exported Function
uldn_regionDisplayName 341 Exported Function
uldn_openForContext 340 Exported Function
uldn_scriptDisplayName 343 Exported Function
uldn_scriptCodeDisplayName 342 Exported Function
uloc_forLanguageTag 353 Exported Function
uloc_countAvailable 352 Exported Function
uloc_getBaseName 355 Exported Function
uloc_getAvailable 354 Exported Function
uloc_acceptLanguageFromHTTP 349 Exported Function
uloc_acceptLanguage 348 Exported Function
uloc_canonicalize 351 Exported Function
uloc_addLikelySubtags 350 Exported Function
uloc_getLineOrientation 373 Exported Function
unorm2_getNFDInstance 396 Exported Function
unorm2_getNFCInstance 395 Exported Function
unorm2_getNFKCInstance 398 Exported Function
unorm2_getNFKCCasefoldInstance 397 Exported Function
unorm2_getCombiningClass 392 Exported Function
unorm2_composePair 391 Exported Function
unorm2_getInstance 394 Exported Function
unorm2_getDecomposition 393 Exported Function
unorm2_isNormalized 404 Exported Function
unorm2_isInert 403 Exported Function
unorm2_normalizeSecondAndAppend 406 Exported Function
unorm2_normalize 405 Exported Function
unorm2_getRawDecomposition 400 Exported Function
unorm2_getNFKDInstance 399 Exported Function
unorm2_hasBoundaryBefore 402 Exported Function
unorm2_hasBoundaryAfter 401 Exported Function
unorm2_close 390 Exported Function
uloc_isRightToLeft 379 Exported Function
uloc_getVariant 378 Exported Function
uloc_openKeywords 381 Exported Function
uloc_minimizeSubtags 380 Exported Function
uloc_getName 375 Exported Function
uloc_getLocaleForLCID 374 Exported Function
uloc_getScript 377 Exported Function
uloc_getParent 376 Exported Function
uloc_toUnicodeLocaleKey 387 Exported Function
uloc_toLegacyType 386 Exported Function
unorm2_append 389 Exported Function
uloc_toUnicodeLocaleType 388 Exported Function
uloc_setKeywordValue 383 Exported Function
uloc_setDefault 382 Exported Function
uloc_toLegacyKey 385 Exported Function
uloc_toLanguageTag 384 Exported Function
uldn_open 339 Exported Function
ucurr_getDefaultFractionDigits 294 Exported Function
ucurr_forLocaleAndDate 293 Exported Function
ucurr_getKeywordValuesForLocale 296 Exported Function
ucurr_getDefaultFractionDigitsForUsage 295 Exported Function
ucnvsel_serialize 290 Exported Function
ucnvsel_selectForUTF8 289 Exported Function
ucurr_forLocale 292 Exported Function
ucurr_countCurrencies 291 Exported Function
ucurr_isAvailable 302 Exported Function
ucurr_getRoundingIncrementForUsage 301 Exported Function
ucurr_register 304 Exported Function
ucurr_openISOCurrencies 303 Exported Function
ucurr_getNumericCode 298 Exported Function
ucurr_getName 297 Exported Function
ucurr_getRoundingIncrement 300 Exported Function
ucurr_getPluralName 299 Exported Function
ucnvsel_selectForString 288 Exported Function
UCNV_TO_U_CALLBACK_SKIP 6 Exported Function
UCNV_TO_U_CALLBACK_STOP 7 Exported Function
ucnv_setSubstChars 277 Exported Function
ucnv_setFromUCallBack 276 Exported Function
ucnv_setToUCallBack 279 Exported Function
ucnv_setSubstString 278 Exported Function
ucnvsel_close 285 Exported Function
ucnv_usesFallback 284 Exported Function
ucnvsel_openFromSerialized 287 Exported Function
ucnvsel_open 286 Exported Function
ucnv_toUChars 281 Exported Function
ucnv_toAlgorithmic 280 Exported Function
ucnv_toUnicode 283 Exported Function
ucnv_toUCountPending 282 Exported Function
ucurr_unregister 305 Exported Function
uiter_setString 328 Exported Function
uiter_setState 327 Exported Function
uiter_setUTF8 330 Exported Function
uiter_setUTF16BE 329 Exported Function
uiter_getState 324 Exported Function
uiter_current32 323 Exported Function
uiter_previous32 326 Exported Function
uiter_next32 325 Exported Function
uldn_keyValueDisplayName 336 Exported Function
uldn_keyDisplayName 335 Exported Function
uldn_localeDisplayName 338 Exported Function
uldn_languageDisplayName 337 Exported Function
uldn_getContext 332 Exported Function
uldn_close 331 Exported Function
uldn_getLocale 334 Exported Function
uldn_getDialectHandling 333 Exported Function
uidna_openUTS46 322 Exported Function
uenum_reset 311 Exported Function
uenum_openUCharStringsEnumeration 310 Exported Function
uidna_close 313 Exported Function
uenum_unext 312 Exported Function
uenum_count 307 Exported Function
uenum_close 306 Exported Function
uenum_openCharStringsEnumeration 309 Exported Function
uenum_next 308 Exported Function
uidna_nameToASCII_UTF8 319 Exported Function
uidna_nameToASCII 318 Exported Function
uidna_nameToUnicodeUTF8 321 Exported Function
uidna_nameToUnicode 320 Exported Function
uidna_labelToASCII_UTF8 315 Exported Function
uidna_labelToASCII 314 Exported Function
uidna_labelToUnicodeUTF8 317 Exported Function
uidna_labelToUnicode 316 Exported Function
unorm2_openFiltered 407 Exported Function
uset_size 498 Exported Function
uset_setSerializedToOne 497 Exported Function
uset_spanBack 500 Exported Function
uset_span 499 Exported Function
uset_serialize 494 Exported Function
uset_retainAll 493 Exported Function
uset_set 496 Exported Function
uset_serializedContains 495 Exported Function
usprep_openByType 506 Exported Function
usprep_open 505 Exported Function
utext_char32At 508 Exported Function
usprep_prepare 507 Exported Function
uset_spanUTF8 502 Exported Function
uset_spanBackUTF8 501 Exported Function
usprep_close 504 Exported Function
uset_toPattern 503 Exported Function
uset_retain 492 Exported Function
uset_isFrozen 481 Exported Function
uset_isEmpty 480 Exported Function
uset_openEmpty 483 Exported Function
uset_open 482 Exported Function
uset_getSerializedRangeCount 477 Exported Function
uset_getSerializedRange 476 Exported Function
uset_indexOf 479 Exported Function
uset_getSerializedSet 478 Exported Function
uset_removeRange 489 Exported Function
uset_removeAllStrings 488 Exported Function
uset_resemblesPattern 491 Exported Function
uset_removeString 490 Exported Function
uset_openPatternOptions 485 Exported Function
uset_openPattern 484 Exported Function
uset_removeAll 487 Exported Function
uset_remove 486 Exported Function
utext_clone 509 Exported Function
utf8_appendCharSafeBody 532 Exported Function
utext_setup 531 Exported Function
utf8_nextCharSafeBody 534 Exported Function
utf8_back1SafeBody 533 Exported Function
utext_previous32From 528 Exported Function
utext_previous32 527 Exported Function
utext_setNativeIndex 530 Exported Function
utext_replace 529 Exported Function
utrace_setFunctions 540 Exported Function
utrace_getLevel 539 Exported Function
utrace_vformat 542 Exported Function
utrace_setLevel 541 Exported Function
utrace_format 536 Exported Function
utf8_prevCharSafeBody 535 Exported Function
utrace_getFunctions 538 Exported Function
utrace_functionName 537 Exported Function
utext_openUTF8 526 Exported Function
utext_freeze 515 Exported Function
utext_extract 514 Exported Function
utext_getPreviousNativeIndex 517 Exported Function
utext_getNativeIndex 516 Exported Function
utext_copy 511 Exported Function
utext_close 510 Exported Function
utext_equals 513 Exported Function
utext_current32 512 Exported Function
utext_next32 523 Exported Function
utext_nativeLength 522 Exported Function
utext_openUChars 525 Exported Function
utext_next32From 524 Exported Function
utext_isLengthExpensive 519 Exported Function
utext_hasMetaData 518 Exported Function
utext_moveIndex32 521 Exported Function
utext_isWritable 520 Exported Function
uset_getItemCount 475 Exported Function
ures_getVersion 430 Exported Function
ures_getUTF8StringByKey 429 Exported Function
ures_open 432 Exported Function
ures_hasNext 431 Exported Function
ures_getUInt 426 Exported Function
ures_getType 425 Exported Function
ures_getUTF8StringByIndex 428 Exported Function
ures_getUTF8String 427 Exported Function
uscript_getCode 438 Exported Function
uscript_breaksBetweenLetters 437 Exported Function
uscript_getSampleString 440 Exported Function
uscript_getName 439 Exported Function
ures_openDirect 434 Exported Function
ures_openAvailableLocales 433 Exported Function
ures_resetIterator 436 Exported Function
ures_openU 435 Exported Function
ures_getStringByKey 424 Exported Function
ures_getByIndex 413 Exported Function
ures_getBinary 412 Exported Function
ures_getInt 415 Exported Function
ures_getByKey 414 Exported Function
unorm2_spanQuickCheckYes 409 Exported Function
unorm2_quickCheck 408 Exported Function
ures_close 411 Exported Function
unorm_compare 410 Exported Function
ures_getSize 421 Exported Function
ures_getNextString 420 Exported Function
ures_getStringByIndex 423 Exported Function
ures_getString 422 Exported Function
ures_getKey 417 Exported Function
ures_getIntVector 416 Exported Function
ures_getNextResource 419 Exported Function
ures_getLocaleByType 418 Exported Function
uscript_getScript 441 Exported Function
uset_complementAll 464 Exported Function
uset_complement 463 Exported Function
uset_containsAll 466 Exported Function
uset_contains 465 Exported Function
uset_close 460 Exported Function
uset_cloneAsThawed 459 Exported Function
uset_compact 462 Exported Function
uset_closeOver 461 Exported Function
uset_equals 472 Exported Function
uset_containsString 471 Exported Function
uset_getItem 474 Exported Function
uset_freeze 473 Exported Function
uset_containsNone 468 Exported Function
uset_containsAllCodePoints 467 Exported Function
uset_containsSome 470 Exported Function
uset_containsRange 469 Exported Function
uset_clone 458 Exported Function
uscript_isRightToLeft 447 Exported Function
uscript_isCased 446 Exported Function
uset_addAll 449 Exported Function
uset_add 448 Exported Function
uscript_getShortName 443 Exported Function
uscript_getScriptExtensions 442 Exported Function
uscript_hasScript 445 Exported Function
uscript_getUsage 444 Exported Function
uset_applyPropertyAlias 455 Exported Function
uset_applyPattern 454 Exported Function
uset_clear 457 Exported Function
uset_charAt 456 Exported Function
uset_addRange 451 Exported Function
uset_addAllCodePoints 450 Exported Function
uset_applyIntPropertyValue 453 Exported Function
uset_addString 452 Exported Function
u_strFoldCase 92 Exported Function
u_strFindLast 91 Exported Function
u_strFromUTF32 94 Exported Function
u_strFromJavaModifiedUTF8WithSub 93 Exported Function
u_strcpy 116 Exported Function
u_strCompareIter 89 Exported Function
u_strFindFirst 90 Exported Function
u_strcspn 117 Exported Function
u_strHasMoreChar32Than 100 Exported Function
u_strFromWCS 99 Exported Function
u_strncasecmp 119 Exported Function
u_strlen 118 Exported Function
u_strFromUTF8 96 Exported Function
u_strFromUTF32WithSub 95 Exported Function
u_strFromUTF8WithSub 98 Exported Function
u_strFromUTF8Lenient 97 Exported Function
u_strCompare 88 Exported Function
u_memrchr32 83 Exported Function
u_memrchr 82 Exported Function
u_setMemoryFunctions 85 Exported Function
u_memset 84 Exported Function
u_memcmpCodePointOrder 79 Exported Function
u_memcmp 78 Exported Function
u_memmove 81 Exported Function
u_memcpy 80 Exported Function
u_strchr32 113 Exported Function
u_strchr 112 Exported Function
u_strcmpCodePointOrder 115 Exported Function
u_strcmp 114 Exported Function
u_strcasecmp 110 Exported Function
u_shapeArabic 86 Exported Function
u_strcat 111 Exported Function
u_strCaseCompare 87 Exported Function
u_strncat 120 Exported Function
u_uastrcpy 134 Exported Function
u_toupper 133 Exported Function
u_UCharsToChars 9 Exported Function
u_uastrncpy 135 Exported Function
u_strToWCS 109 Exported Function
u_strToUTF8WithSub 107 Exported Function
u_totitle 132 Exported Function
u_tolower 131 Exported Function
ubidi_close 141 Exported Function
u_versionToString 140 Exported Function
ubidi_countRuns 143 Exported Function
ubidi_countParagraphs 142 Exported Function
u_unescapeAt 137 Exported Function
u_unescape 136 Exported Function
u_versionFromUString 139 Exported Function
u_versionFromString 138 Exported Function
u_strToUTF8 106 Exported Function
u_strrchr32 126 Exported Function
u_strrchr 125 Exported Function
u_strspn 128 Exported Function
u_strrstr 127 Exported Function
u_strncmpCodePointOrder 122 Exported Function
u_strncmp 121 Exported Function
u_strpbrk 124 Exported Function
u_strncpy 123 Exported Function
u_strToUpper 108 Exported Function
u_strToTitle 103 Exported Function
u_strToUTF32WithSub 105 Exported Function
u_strToUTF32 104 Exported Function
u_strToJavaModifiedUTF8 101 Exported Function
u_strstr 129 Exported Function
u_strToLower 102 Exported Function
u_strtok_r 130 Exported Function
u_memchr32 77 Exported Function
u_getCombiningClass 32 Exported Function
u_getBidiPairedBracket 31 Exported Function
u_getFC_NFKC_Closure 34 Exported Function
u_getDataVersion 33 Exported Function
u_errorName 28 Exported Function
u_enumCharTypes 27 Exported Function
u_forDigit 30 Exported Function
u_foldCase 29 Exported Function
u_getPropertyName 40 Exported Function
u_getPropertyEnum 39 Exported Function
u_getPropertyValueName 42 Exported Function
u_getPropertyValueEnum 41 Exported Function
u_getIntPropertyMinValue 36 Exported Function
u_getIntPropertyMaxValue 35 Exported Function
u_getNumericValue 38 Exported Function
u_getIntPropertyValue 37 Exported Function
u_enumCharNames 26 Exported Function
u_charAge 15 Exported Function
u_catopen 14 Exported Function
u_charDirection 17 Exported Function
u_charDigitValue 16 Exported Function
u_austrncpy 11 Exported Function
u_austrcpy 10 Exported Function
u_catgets 13 Exported Function
u_catclose 12 Exported Function
u_cleanup 23 Exported Function
u_charType 21 Exported Function
u_digit 25 Exported Function
u_countChar32 24 Exported Function
u_charMirror 19 Exported Function
u_charFromName 18 Exported Function
u_charsToUChars 22 Exported Function
u_charName 20 Exported Function
u_getUnicodeVersion 43 Exported Function
u_isspace 71 Exported Function
u_ispunct 70 Exported Function
u_isUAlphabetic 55 Exported Function
u_istitle 72 Exported Function
u_islower 68 Exported Function
u_isJavaSpaceChar 53 Exported Function
u_isprint 69 Exported Function
u_isMirrored 54 Exported Function
u_isxdigit 74 Exported Function
u_isWhitespace 59 Exported Function
u_memchr 76 Exported Function
u_memcasecmp 75 Exported Function
u_isupper 73 Exported Function
u_isULowercase 56 Exported Function
u_isUWhiteSpace 58 Exported Function
u_isUUppercase 57 Exported Function
u_isJavaIDStart 52 Exported Function
u_isbase 62 Exported Function
u_isalpha 61 Exported Function
u_iscntrl 64 Exported Function
u_isblank 63 Exported Function
u_hasBinaryProperty 45 Exported Function
u_getVersion 44 Exported Function
u_isalnum 60 Exported Function
u_init 46 Exported Function
u_isIDStart 49 Exported Function
u_isIDPart 48 Exported Function
u_isJavaIDPart 51 Exported Function
u_isISOControl 50 Exported Function
u_isdigit 66 Exported Function
u_isdefined 65 Exported Function
u_isIDIgnorable 47 Exported Function
u_isgraph 67 Exported Function
ubidi_getBaseDirection 144 Exported Function
ucnv_flushCache 235 Exported Function
ucnv_fixFileSeparator 234 Exported Function
ucnv_countAvailable 231 Exported Function
ucnv_countAliases 230 Exported Function
ucnv_detectUnicodeSignature 233 Exported Function
ucnv_countStandards 232 Exported Function
ucnv_fromUnicode 239 Exported Function
ucnv_fromUCountPending 238 Exported Function
ucnv_getAliases 241 Exported Function
ucnv_getAlias 240 Exported Function
ucnv_fromUChars 237 Exported Function
ucnv_fromAlgorithmic 236 Exported Function
ucnv_convertEx 229 Exported Function
ucasemap_utf8ToLower 218 Exported Function
ucasemap_utf8FoldCase 217 Exported Function
ucasemap_utf8ToUpper 220 Exported Function
ucasemap_utf8ToTitle 219 Exported Function
ucasemap_setLocale 214 Exported Function
ucasemap_setBreakIterator 213 Exported Function
ucasemap_toTitle 216 Exported Function
ucasemap_setOptions 215 Exported Function
ucnv_close 226 Exported Function
ucnv_cbToUWriteUChars 225 Exported Function
ucnv_convert 228 Exported Function
ucnv_compareNames 227 Exported Function
ucnv_cbFromUWriteSub 222 Exported Function
ucnv_cbFromUWriteBytes 221 Exported Function
ucnv_cbToUWriteSub 224 Exported Function
ucnv_cbFromUWriteUChars 223 Exported Function
ucnv_getAvailableName 242 Exported Function
ucnv_openAllNames 265 Exported Function
ucnv_open 264 Exported Function
ucnv_openPackage 267 Exported Function
ucnv_openCCSID 266 Exported Function
ucnv_getUnicodeSet 261 Exported Function
ucnv_getType 260 Exported Function
ucnv_isFixedWidth 263 Exported Function
ucnv_isAmbiguous 262 Exported Function
ucnv_safeClone 273 Exported Function
ucnv_resetToUnicode 272 Exported Function
ucnv_setFallback 275 Exported Function
ucnv_setDefaultName 274 Exported Function
ucnv_openU 269 Exported Function
ucnv_openStandardNames 268 Exported Function
ucnv_resetFromUnicode 271 Exported Function
ucnv_reset 270 Exported Function
ucnv_getToUCallBack 259 Exported Function
ucnv_getInvalidChars 248 Exported Function
ucnv_getFromUCallBack 247 Exported Function
ucnv_getMaxCharSize 250 Exported Function
ucnv_getInvalidUChars 249 Exported Function
ucnv_getCCSID 243 Exported Function
ucnv_getCanonicalName 244 Exported Function
ucnv_getDisplayName 246 Exported Function
ucnv_getDefaultName 245 Exported Function
ucnv_getStandardName 256 Exported Function
ucnv_getStandard 255 Exported Function
ucnv_getSubstChars 258 Exported Function
ucnv_getStarters 257 Exported Function
ucnv_getName 252 Exported Function
ucnv_getMinCharSize 251 Exported Function
ucnv_getPlatform 254 Exported Function
ucnv_getNextUChar 253 Exported Function
ucasemap_open 212 Exported Function
ubidi_isOrderParagraphsLTR 167 Exported Function
ubidi_isInverse 166 Exported Function
ubidi_openSized 169 Exported Function
ubidi_open 168 Exported Function
ubidi_getVisualMap 163 Exported Function
ubidi_getVisualIndex 162 Exported Function
ubidi_invertMap 165 Exported Function
ubidi_getVisualRun 164 Exported Function
ubidi_setInverse 175 Exported Function
ubidi_setContext 174 Exported Function
ubidi_setPara 177 Exported Function
ubidi_setLine 176 Exported Function
ubidi_reorderLogical 171 Exported Function
ubidi_orderParagraphsLTR 170 Exported Function
ubidi_setClassCallback 173 Exported Function
ubidi_reorderVisual 172 Exported Function
ubidi_getText 161 Exported Function
ubidi_getLevels 150 Exported Function
ubidi_getLevelAt 149 Exported Function
ubidi_getLogicalMap 152 Exported Function
ubidi_getLogicalIndex 151 Exported Function
ubidi_getCustomizedClass 146 Exported Function
ubidi_getClassCallback 145 Exported Function
ubidi_getLength 148 Exported Function
ubidi_getDirection 147 Exported Function
ubidi_getReorderingMode 158 Exported Function
ubidi_getProcessedLength 157 Exported Function
ubidi_getResultLength 160 Exported Function
ubidi_getReorderingOptions 159 Exported Function
ubidi_getParagraph 155 Exported Function
ubidi_getLogicalRun 153 Exported Function
ubidi_getParaLevel 154 Exported Function
ubidi_getParagraphByIndex 156 Exported Function
ubidi_setReorderingMode 178 Exported Function
ubrk_openRules 201 Exported Function
ubrk_openBinaryRules 200 Exported Function
ubrk_previous 203 Exported Function
ubrk_preceding 202 Exported Function
ubrk_last 197 Exported Function
ubrk_isBoundary 196 Exported Function
ubrk_open 199 Exported Function
ubrk_next 198 Exported Function
ucasemap_getBreakIterator 209 Exported Function
ucasemap_close 208 Exported Function
ucasemap_getOptions 211 Exported Function
ucasemap_getLocale 210 Exported Function
ubrk_safeClone 205 Exported Function
ubrk_refreshUText 204 Exported Function
ubrk_setUText 207 Exported Function
ubrk_setText 206 Exported Function
ubrk_getRuleStatusVec 195 Exported Function
ubiditransform_transform 184 Exported Function
ubiditransform_open 183 Exported Function
ubrk_close 186 Exported Function
ublock_getCode 185 Exported Function
ubidi_writeReordered 180 Exported Function
ubidi_setReorderingOptions 179 Exported Function
ubiditransform_close 182 Exported Function
ubidi_writeReverse 181 Exported Function
ubrk_getBinaryRules 192 Exported Function
ubrk_getAvailable 191 Exported Function
ubrk_getRuleStatus 194 Exported Function
ubrk_getLocaleByType 193 Exported Function
ubrk_current 188 Exported Function
ubrk_countAvailable 187 Exported Function
ubrk_following 190 Exported Function
ubrk_first 189 Exported Function


  • Status: Signature verified.
  • Serial: 330000026551AE1BBD005CBFBD000000000265
  • Thumbprint: E168609353F30FF2373157B4EB8CD519D07A2BFF
  • Issuer: CN=Microsoft Windows Production PCA 2011, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US
  • Subject: CN=Microsoft Windows, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US

File Metadata

  • Original Filename: icuuc.dll
  • Product Name: International Components for Unicode
  • Company Name: The ICU Project
  • File Version: 64, 2, 0, 0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
  • Product Version: 64, 2, 0, 0
  • Language: Language Neutral
  • Legal Copyright: Copyright (C) 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others. License & terms of use:
  • Machine Type: 32-bit

File Scan

  • VirusTotal Detections: 0/68
  • VirusTotal Link:

File Similarity (ssdeep match)

File Score
C:\Windows\system32\icuuc.dll 97

MIT License. Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Strontic.