
  • File Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Windows Performance Toolkit\wpr.exe
  • Description: Microsoft Windows Performance Recorder


Type Hash
MD5 3836F328B1E6F7C642B35115D9A2E774
SHA1 E584719FE68C2482E2B0F4042148442F53BB5757
SHA256 A368454E020E720987DED3D604D654F6314803397153D64D0D2744401B3FF11F
SHA384 BA2F75DA6D628627B25BD29A8B8F77B9608116FDAE52DF630D3276E47612520EE86F3DBDAF8348C54B3C1F9755E23030
SHA512 E165855D0B56FE250C3D2FEC53C997D94B9A86B5F1A8D41E7218438EEF06A26B76866B0F447AB14AA995E8B7EC989605E37B8518CA25C6494CCBE98FFE935910
SSDEEP 6144:FgtvJfDldaBXZd0PaHw/kDeuiEKvK5cnbhbYk06S0Rj:2ZJfreXZd0pseuiISX/X1
PESHA1 C6A075712C6F0CF95E9919965A77B476EF335455
PE256 CC1558826C64A2A8C0C10BD9C9031A827DA7D9D781A1CDDA3302F3859A223B59

Runtime Data

Usage (stdout):

Microsoft Windows Performance Recorder Version 10.0.19041 (CoreSystem)
Copyright (c) 2019 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

	Usage: wpr options ...

	-help			 - Provide command line help information
	-profiles		 - Enumerates the profile names and descriptions from a profile file
	-purgecache		 - Purges the dynamic symbols cache
	-start			 - Starts one or more profiles
	-marker			 - Fires an event marker
	-markerflush		 - Fires an event marker and flushes the working set
	-status			 - Displays status on active recording (if any)
	-profiledetails		 - Displays the detailed information about a set of profiles
	-providers		 - Displays detailed information about providers
	-cancel			 - Cancels recording initiated via WPR (if any)
	-stop			 - Stops recording initiated via WPR (if any) and saves
	-flush			 - Flushes logging sessions initiated through WPR (if any)
	-log			 - Configure debug logging to the event log
	-disablepagingexecutive	 - Change the Disable Paging Executive settings
	-heaptracingconfig	 - Change heap tracing settings for a process
	-snapshotconfig		 - Change snapshot settings for a process
	-capturestateondemand	 - Capture states for the configured providers in the current recording
	-pmcsources		 - Query the list of hardware counters available on the system
	-setprofint		 - Set sampled profile interval
	-profint		 - Query the current profile interval
	-resetprofint		 - Restores the default profile interval values
	-boottrace		 - Configures the registry entries for autologger/globallogger sessions
	-enableperiodicsnapshot	 - Enable Periodic Snapshot for the specified interval and given process id
	-disableperiodicsnapshot - Disable Periodic Snapshot for all process
	-singlesnapshot		 - On demand Snapshot for the specified process
	-instancename		 - Specifies a name to uniquely identify the tracing instance. 
				   Useful when managing multiple concurrent wpr sessions. Must be last parameter.

Usage (stderr):

	Invalid command syntax.

	Error code: 0xc5600602
	Invalid option: --help

Loaded Modules:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Windows Performance Toolkit\wpr.exe


  • Status: Signature verified.
  • Serial: 33000002CF6D2CC57CAA65A6D80000000002CF
  • Thumbprint: 1A221B3B4FEF088B17BA6704FD088DF192D9E0EF
  • Issuer: CN=Microsoft Code Signing PCA 2010, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US
  • Subject: CN=Microsoft Corporation, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US

File Metadata

  • Original Filename: WPR.exe
  • Product Name: Microsoft Windows Performance Recorder
  • Company Name: Microsoft Corporation
  • File Version: 10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
  • Product Version: 10.0.19041.1
  • Language: English (United States)
  • Legal Copyright: 2019 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
  • Machine Type: 64-bit

File Scan

  • VirusTotal Detections: 0/76
  • VirusTotal Link: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/a368454e020e720987ded3d604d654f6314803397153d64d0d2744401b3ff11f/detection

File Similarity (ssdeep match)

File Score
C:\Windows\system32\wpr.exe 93

Possible Misuse

The following table contains possible examples of wpr.exe being misused. While wpr.exe is not inherently malicious, its legitimate functionality can be abused for malicious purposes.

Source Source File Example License
signature-base thor-hacktools.yar description = “Windows Password Recovery - file wpr.exe” CC BY-NC 4.0
signature-base thor-hacktools.yar $s1 = “WPR.exe” fullword wide CC BY-NC 4.0

MIT License. Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Strontic.