
  • File Path: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\winrs.exe
  • Description: winrs


Type Hash
MD5 E6C1CE56E6729A0B077C0F2384726B30
SHA1 77BE0E1E44A6BCF15DA641C804E8A572BFD67107
SHA256 C0DD2782705893496765CD83BA9BE23C8C1B279F5B943756C380219A5BE15A6E
SHA384 A28333AE75AD05309FE2964C5062F357FD3A140A9D185460F637F528B400B02893F0430313C94AC701C43160218F8B46
SHA512 E92B72EA80BC9E6F30E793DBEB9E8E4150296E6FA028776D07C9F1924B558EB551CAB9AC189793754C7B3BF964A4A1972555E3B66AD6905CB1B7A3A6A62C1745
SSDEEP 768:eD1or/ZFDGspNEkXRs8pxXfA1q9EXEMLkwsrNxOh:eDC/bjoMfsYqLkwsrNxQ
IMP F0EE307FE96339D2235693E095EC19FE
PESHA1 6A872FD9CA76752DCA996F4E2AE86B7A1ADE7088
PE256 DAAFA9E563BE143DFF5DC8086FE498B3741687E82EDC4EB92698222640124F61

Runtime Data

Usage (stdout):

(ALL UPPER-CASE = value that must be supplied by user.)


COMMAND - Any string that can be executed as a command in the cmd.exe shell.

(All switches accept both short form or long form. For example both -r and 
-remote are valid.)

-r[emote]:ENDPOINT      - The target endpoint using a NetBIOS name or the standard connection URL: [TRANSPORT://]TARGET[:PORT]. If not specified 
-r:localhost is used.

-un[encrypted]          - Specify that the messages to the remote shell will not be encrypted. This is useful for troubleshooting, or when the network traffic is already encrypted using ipsec, or when physical security is enforced. By default the messages are encrypted using Kerberos or NTLM keys. This switch is ignored when HTTPS transport is selected. 

-u[sername]:USERNAME    - Specify username on command line. If not specified the tool will use Negotiate authentication or prompt for the name. 
If -username is specified, -password must be as well.

-p[assword]:PASSWORD    - Specify password on command line. If -password is not specified but -username is the tool will prompt for the password. If -password is specified, -user must be specified as well.

-t[imeout]:SECONDS      - This option is deprecated. 

-d[irectory]:PATH       - Specifies starting directory for remote shell. If not specified the remote shell will start in the user's home directory defined by the environment variable %USERPROFILE%.

-env[ironment]:STRING=VALUE   - Specifies a single environment variable to be set when shell starts, which allows changing default environment for shell. Multiple occurrences of this switch must be used to specify multiple environment variables.

-noe[cho]               - Specifies that echo should be disabled. This may be necessary to ensure that user's answers to remote prompts are not displayed locally. By default echo is "on".

-nop[rofile]            - Specifies that the user's profile should not be loaded. By default the server will attempt to load the user profile. If the remote user is not a local administrator on the target system then this option will be required (the default will result in error).

-a[llow]d[elegate]      - Specifies that the user's credentials can be used to access a remote share, for example, found on a different machine than the target endpoint.

-comp[ression]          - Turn on compression.  Older installations on remote machines may not support compression so it is off by default.

-[use]ssl               - Use an SSL connection when using a remote endpoint.  Specifying this instead of the transport "https:" will use the default WinRM default port. 

-?                      - Help

To terminate the remote command the user can type Ctrl-C or Ctrl-Break, which will be sent to the remote shell. The second Ctrl-C will force termination of winrs.exe.

To manage active remote shells or WinRS configuration, use the WinRM tool.  The URI alias to manage active shells is shell/cmd.  The URI alias for WinRS configuration is winrm/config/winrs.  Example usage can be found in the WinRM tool by typing "WinRM -?".

winrs -r: command
winrs -usessl command
winrs -r:myserver command
winrs -r: command
winrs -r: -unencrypted command
winrs -r:https://[::FFFF:] command
winrs -r:http://[1080:0:0:0:8:800:200C:417A]:80 command
winrs -r: -t:600 -u:administrator -p:$%fgh7 ipconfig
winrs -r:myserver -env:PATH=^%PATH^%;c:\tools -env:TEMP=d:\temp config.cmd
winrs -r:myserver netdom join myserver /domain:testdomain /userd:johns /passwordd:$%fgh789
winrs -r:myserver -ad -u:administrator -p:$%fgh7 dir \\anotherserver\share

Usage (stderr):

Winrs.exe: Unrecognized switch "--help"
Use "winrs -?" to obtain the usage information

Child Processes:


Open Handles:

Path Type
(R-D) C:\Windows\System32\en-US\mswsock.dll.mui File
(R-D) C:\Windows\System32\en-US\winnlsres.dll.mui File
(RW-) C:\Users\user File
(RW-) C:\Windows File
\BaseNamedObjects\C:*ProgramData*Microsoft*Windows*Caches*{6AF0698E-D558-4F6E-9B3C-3716689AF493}.2.ver0x0000000000000002.db Section
\BaseNamedObjects\C:*ProgramData*Microsoft*Windows*Caches*{DDF571F2-BE98-426D-8288-1A9A39C3FDA2}.2.ver0x0000000000000002.db Section
\BaseNamedObjects\C:*ProgramData*Microsoft*Windows*Caches*cversions.2 Section
\BaseNamedObjects\F932B6C7-3A20-46A0-B8A0-8894AA421973 Section
\BaseNamedObjects\NLS_CodePage_1252_3_2_0_0 Section
\BaseNamedObjects\NLS_CodePage_437_3_2_0_0 Section

Loaded Modules:



  • Status: Signature verified.
  • Serial: 3300000266BD1580EFA75CD6D3000000000266
  • Thumbprint: A4341B9FD50FB9964283220A36A1EF6F6FAA7840
  • Issuer: CN=Microsoft Windows Production PCA 2011, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US
  • Subject: CN=Microsoft Windows, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US

File Metadata

  • Original Filename: winrs.exe.mui
  • Product Name: Microsoft Windows Operating System
  • Company Name: Microsoft Corporation
  • File Version: 10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
  • Product Version: 10.0.19041.1
  • Language: English (United States)
  • Legal Copyright: Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
  • Machine Type: 32-bit

File Scan

  • VirusTotal Detections: 0/74
  • VirusTotal Link:

Possible Misuse

The following table contains possible examples of winrs.exe being misused. While winrs.exe is not inherently malicious, its legitimate functionality can be abused for malicious purposes.

Source Source File Example License
sigma win_susp_logon_explicit_credentials.yml - '\winrs.exe' DRL 1.0

Additional Info*

*The information below is copied from MicrosoftDocs, which is maintained by Microsoft. Available under CC BY 4.0 license.


Applies to: Windows Server 2022, Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2012

Windows remote Management allows you to manage and execute programs remotely.


winrs [/<parameter>[:<value>]] <command>
Parameter Description
/remote:<endpoint> Specifies the target endpoint using a NetBIOS name or the standard connection:<p>- <url>: [<transport>://]<target>[:<port>]<p>if not specified, /r:localhost is used.
/unencrypted Specifies that the messages to the remote shell will not be encrypted. This is useful for troubleshooting or when the network traffic is already encrypted using ipsec, or when physical security is enforced.<p>By default, the messages are encrypted using Kerberos or NTLM keys.<p>This command-line option is ignored when HTTPS transport is selected.
/username:<username> Specifies username on command line.<p>if not specified, the tool will use Negotiate authentication or prompt for the name.<p>if /username is specified, /password must also be specified.
/password:<password> Specifies password on command line.<p>if /password is not specified but /username is, the tool will prompt for the password.<p>if /password is specified, /username must also be specified.
/timeout:<seconds> This option is deprecated.
/directory:<path> Specifies starting directory for remote shell.<p>if not specified, the remote shell will start in the user’s home directory defined by the environment variable %USERPROFILE%.
/environment:<string>=<value> Specifies a single environment variable to be set when shell starts, which allows changing default environment for shell.<p>Multiple occurrences of this switch must be used to specify multiple environment variables.
/noecho Specifies that echo should be disabled. This may be necessary to ensure that user’s answers to remote prompts are not displayed locally.<p>By default echo is on.
/noprofile Specifies that the user’s profile should not be loaded.<p>By default, the server will attempt to load the user profile.<p>if the remote user is not a local administrator on the target system, then this option will be required (the default will result in error).
/allowdelegate Specifies that the user’s credentials can be used to access a remote share, for example, found on a different machine than the target endpoint.
/compression Turn on compression. Older installations on remote machines may not support compression so it is off by default.<p>Default setting is off, since older installations on remote machines may not support compression.
/usessl Use an SSL connection when using a remote endpoint. Specifying this instead of the transport https: will use the default WinRM default port.
/? Displays help at the command prompt.


  • All command-line options accept either short form or long form. For example both /r and /remote are valid.
  • To terminate the /remote command, the user can type Ctrl-C or Ctrl-break, which will be sent to the remote shell. The second Ctrl-C will force termination of winrs.exe.
  • To manage active remote shells or winrs configuration, use the WinRM tool. The URI alias to manage active shells is shell/cmd. The URI alias for winrs configuration is winrm/config/winrs.


winrs /r: command
winrs / /usessl command
winrs /r:myserver command
winrs /r: command
winrs /r: /unencrypted command
winrs /r:https://[::FFFF:] command
winrs /r:http://[1080:0:0:0:8:800:200C:417A]:80 command
winrs /r: /t:600 /u:administrator /p:$%fgh7 ipconfig
winrs /r:myserver /env:path=^%path^%;c:\tools /env:TEMP=d:\temp config.cmd
winrs /r:myserver netdom join myserver /domain:testdomain /userd:johns /passwordd:$%fgh789
winrs /r:myserver /ad /u:administrator /p:$%fgh7 dir \\anotherserver\share

Additional References

MIT License. Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Strontic.