VFP control and diagnostics utility
/port "[port name]" - specify the target port.
/switch "[switch name]" - specify the target switch.
/layer [layer_id] - specify the target layer.
/group [group_id] - specify the target group.
/rule [rule_id] - specify the target rule.
/nat-pool [nat_pool_id] - specify the target NAT pool.
/nat-range [nat_range_id] - specify the target NAT range.
/space [space_id] - specify the map space.
/mapping [mapping_id] - specify the mapping id.
/queue [queue_id] - specify the QoS queue id.
/tag [tag_id] - specify the target tag.
/rulecounter [rulecounter_id] - specify the rule counter id.
/list-vmswitch-port - list the active ports and NICs on all vmswitches in the system.
/get-vmswitch-port-counter - get vmswitch counters for the given port.
/get-binding - get the binding type of VFP currently loaded.
/get-aperture-state - queries if Hyper-V aperture is supported on the node.
/get-version - get the version of VFP currently loaded.
======================== Port Commands ========================
/enable-port - enable VFP on the given port.
/disable-port - disable VFP on the given port.
/block-port - block traffic on the given enabled port.
/block-port-on-restore - block traffic on restore on the given enabled port.
/unblock-port - unblock traffic on the given enabled port.
/unblock-port-on-restore - unblock traffic on restore on the given enabled port.
/inject - inject a packet to a port.
/intercept - test intercept event.
/injectex - inject a packet with metadata to a port.
/interceptex - test intercept event with packet metadata.
/interceptex2 "[queue type]"/- test intercept event with specific queues and packet metadata. queue type - 1:default; 2:dhcpv6; 3:dhcpv4; 4:arp; 5:ndp
/get-port-state - get the port state.
/get-port-counter - get the performance counter of the port.
/get-tcp-log - get the address log of the port.
/set-address-info "[ca ipv4] [pa ipv4] [mac] [fake mac] [flags] [ca ipv6] [pa ipv6] " - set the port's address information.
flags - 16:virtualized; 32:intercept, 64:mac virtualized, 128:process non-ip, 256:process client DHCP, 512:DHCPV6 intercept, 1024:DHCPV4 intercept, 2048:ARP intercept, 4096:NDP intercept, 8192:RDP intercept
/get-address-info - get the port's address information.
/set-guard-config [flags] - set the VFP guard configurations.
1:arp guard; 2:arp limiter; 4:dhcp guard; 8:dhcp limiter
16:block bcast; 32:block non-ip; 64:arp filter
128:ipv4 guard; 256:ipv6 guard; 2048: icmpv6 limiter; 4096: NDP guard; 8192:timestamp rx guard
16384:mac guard 32768: broadcast limiter
dscp tx flags:
default: bypass dscp flags
512: set dscp flags to all zeros
dscp rx flags:
default: bypass dscp flags
1024: set dscp flags to all zeros
/get-guard-config - get the VFP guard configurations.
/set-arp-limiter-config "[timespan] [threshold] [penalty]" - set the ARP limiter configurations.
/get-arp-limiter-config - get the ARP limiter configurations.
/set-dhcp-limiter-config "[timespan] [threshold] [penalty]" - set the DHCP limiter configurations.
/get-dhcp-limiter-config - get the DHCP limiter configurations.
/set-icmpv6-limiter-config "[timespan] [threshold] [penalty]" - set the Icmpv6 limiter configurations.
/get-icmpv6-limiter-config - get the icmpv6 limiter configurations.
/set-broadcast-limiter-config "[timespan] [threshold] [penalty]" - set the Broadcast limiter configurations.
/get-broadcast-limiter-config - get the Broadcast limiter configurations.
/set-arp-filter "[addr]{0,1024}" - set the allowed list of target IPv4 addresses in arp packets.
/get-arp-filter - get the allowed list of target IPv4 addresses in arp packets.
/get-frag-cache-stats - get the fragmentation cache stats of the port.
/get-port-flow-stats - get the unified flow statistics of the port.
/get-port-flow-settings - get the unified flow settings of the port.
/set-port-flow-limit "[in|out] [flow class] [limit]" - set the unified flow limit of a port.
class [0] - total entry
class [1] - half open flow
class [2] - total flow
class [3] - tcp flow
class [4] - udp flow
class [5] - other flow
/set-port-flow-settings "[Half Ttl] [Pending Timeout] [TIME_WAIT Ttl] [Default Ttl] [Fragment Size] [Max Pending Entries] [Max Pending Packets] [TCP tracking] [Enable Unified Flows] [Support Reordered Fragments] [Enable Offloads] [Force Unified Flows] [Enable Fast UF Locking][Subsume Layer Flows] [Auto condition Enabled] [Monitoring Ping Enabled] [enable hyper-v aperture] [aperture batch size] [Enable ESP Unified Flows]"
- set the unified flow settings of the port.
/clear-port-flow-state - clear the unified flow state of a port as well as all layer flow states.
/clear-port-unified-flow-state - clear the unified flow state of a port.
/list-unified-flow - list all the unified flows of a port.
/sample-unified-flow "[sample size] [reset counters] [flags]"- sample the unified flows of a port.
flags - 1:Sample Flow Pairs 2:Sample Inbound Only 4:Sample Outbound Only
/add-local-ipv4-addr "[addr]{0,4}" - add a list of local IPv4 addresses.
/remove-local-ipv4-addr "[addr]{0,4}" - remove a list of local IPv4 addresses.
/get-local-ipv4-addr - get the list of local IPv4 addresses.
/add-local-ipv6-addr "[addr]{0,4}" - add a list of local IPv6 addresses.
/remove-local-ipv6-addr "[addr]{0,4}" - remove a list of local IPv6 addresses.
/get-local-ipv6-addr - get the list of local IPv6 addresses.
/set-next-hop-addr - set the next-hop MAC address.
/set-port-parser-settings "[enable vxlan] [enable encrypted vxlan] [parse inbound vxlan outside src port range] [src vxlan port base] [src vxlan port range] [src encrypted vxlan port base] [src encrypted vxlan port range] [ignore global settings] [parse rdma] [rdma dest port] " - set the port parser settings.
/get-port-parser-settings - get the port parser settings.
/get-next-hop-addr - get the next-hop MAC address.
/set-trace-filters "[in|out|both] [src_mac] [dst_mac] [TNI] [VlanId] [proto] [src_ip] [src_port] [dst_ip] [dest_port]"- configures trace filters on the given port.
/remove-trace-filters - removes trace filters configured on the given port.
======================== Rule Commands ========================
/add-layer "[id] [name] [stateful|stateless] [priority] [flags]" - add a new layer.
flags - 1:default allow; 2:hairpin; 4:clear TNI; 16:enable monitoring ping responder
/force-add-layer "same as add-layer" - forcibly add a new layer.
/remove-layer - remove a layer.
/list-layer - list all the layers.
/remove-all-layer - remove all the layers of a given port.
/get-layer-counter - get the performance counter of a layer.
/get-layer-ttl - get the ttl settings of a layer.
/get-layer-metadata-value "[key string] " - get the metadata value for a specific key in a layer.
/list-layer-metadata-keys - list all the metadata keys in a layer.
/list-layer-metadata-values - list all the metadata keys and values entry of a layer.
/get-flow-stats - get the flow stats of the layer.
/list-active-ping - list all the active pings flow Ids.
/clear-active-ping - clear all the active ping flows.
/ping-endpoint "[proto] [ipv4|ipv6 flag] [src mac] [dest mac] [src ip] [dest ip] [src port] [dest port] [retrycount] [TNI] [with option] [diagnostic tunnel Id]" set the initiating ping info.
ipv6 flag- Ipv6:1; Ipv4: 0
protocol - ICMP:1; TCP:6; UDP:17
with option - 0: ping has no option, 1: ping has an option with the magic number stamp
diagnostic tunnel Id - 0: none, nonzero: tunnel Id (e.g., GRE key)
/enable ping responder on a layer
/disable ping responder on a layer
/set-flow-limit "[in|out] [flow class] [limit]" - set the flow limit.
class [0] - total entry
class [1] - half open flow
class [2] - total flow
class [3] - tcp flow
class [4] - udp flow
class [5] - other flow
/set-layer-ttl "[half-open ttl] [time_wait ttl]" - set the ttl settings of a layer.
/set-layer-metadata-value "[key string] [value string]" - set the metadata value for a specific key in a layer.
/delete-layer-metadata-key "[key string]" - delete the metadata entry of a layer.
/list-flow - list all the flows of a layer.
/sample-flow "[sample size] [flags]"- sample the flows of a layer.
flags - 1:Sample Flow Pairs 2:Sample Inbound Only 4:Sample Outbound Only
/clear-flow - clear all the flows of a layer.
/replace-layer-flow-address - replaces addresses in layer flows if it matches the provided address.
/match-tuple "[proto] [src_ip] [src_prt] [dest_ip] [dest_prt] [in|out] [flag]" - find the flow or rule entry matched by a 5-tuple at a given layer in the specified direction.
flags - 1:tcp syn 2: monitoring ping flag
/process-tuples "encap [encap_tuples]{0,2} [inner_tuples] [in|out] [flags]" - simulates packet processing through VFP layers for the given tuples in the specified direction.
encap_tuples - [encap_type] [[src_mac] [dst_mac]]{0,1} [src_ip] [dest_ip] [tenant_id|gre_key] - max currently supported encaps is 2, ensure encap_tuples supercede the inner_tuples
encap_type - 1:IP-in-GRE 2:IP-in-IP 3:MAC-in-GRE (NVGRE) 4:VXLAN
inner_tuples - [[src_mac] [dst_mac] [TNI] [VlanId]]{0,1} [proto] [src_ip] [src_prt] [dest_ip] [dest_prt]
flags - 1:tcp syn 2: monitoring ping flag
/add-group "[id] [name] [in|out|inv6|outv6] [priority] [[group_condition]] [[group_match_type]]" - add a new group.
group_condition: [proto] [src_ip] [src_prt] [dest_ip] [dest_prt]
group_match_type: [priority_based|priority_based_single_condition_opt|priority_based_multi_condition_opt|priority_based_all_condition_opt|priority_based_auto_condition_opt|lpm] [match_condition_type..*5]
match_condition_type for priority_based, priority_based_all_condition_opt, priority_based_auto_condition_opt : none
match_condition_type for priority_based_single_condition_opt, priority_based_multi_condition_opt, lpm :
match_condition_type for priority_based_single_condition_opt, priority_based_multi_condition_opt :
/force-add-group "same as add-group" - forcibly add a new group.
/remove-group - remove a group.
/set-group-condition "[proto] [src_ip] [src_prt] [dest_ip] [dest_prt]" - set a group condition.
/remove-group-condition - remove a group condition.
/set-group-option "[priority_based|priority_based_single_condition_opt|priority_based_multi_condition_opt|priority_based_all_condition_opt|priority_based_auto_condition_opt|lpm] [match_condition_type..*5]" - set group options.
match_condition_type for priority_based, priority_based_all_condition_opt, priority_based_auto_condition_opt : none
match_condition_type for priority_based_single_condition_opt, priority_based_multi_condition_opt, lpm :
match_condition_type for priority_based_single_condition_opt, priority_based_multi_condition_opt :
/list-group - list all the groups of a given layer.
/remove-all-group - remove all the groups of a given layer.
/add-rule "[proto] [src_ip] [src_prt] [dest_ip] [dest_prt] [flag] [ttl] [pri] [type] [data]" - add a rule.
flags - 1:terminating; 2:stateful; 4:non-syn only; 8:track tcp state; 16:syn-only; 32: skip hairpinning; 128:opt-condition; 4096:audit matches; mirror:16384; monitoring ping: 32768
protos - 6:TCP; 17:UDP; 47:GRE; 4:IP-in-IP; 1:ICMP; 41:IPv6-in-IP; 58:ICMPv6; 252:VXLAN; 251:Encrypted VXLAN (available only to mapdecap rules)
allow, block, mapipin, mapipout, mapmacin, mapmacout, pingresponse, caredirect:
mapencap: [space] [mss_del]/[rev_mss_del] [src_pa] [key] [flags] [local_cert_thumbprint] [remote_cert_subject_name]
mapencap flags - 4096:MAC lookup; 8192:CA route; 16384:Use Mapping TNI; 32768:CA route with CA MAC
routeencap: [mss_del]/[rev_mss_del] [flags] [[space]] [[src_pa1] [dest_pa1] [mac1] [key1] [local_cert_thumbprint1] [remote_cert_subject_name1] ..8*]]
routeencap flags - 512:Use Mapping 1024:L3 Discovery (GW behind LB) 2048:L4 Discovery 4 (ILB behind LB) 4096: Fix Inner Mac 8192: Use PA MAC 16384: Decrement TTL 32768: Fix Inner MAC use CA source MAC
rule flags - 256:vnetfpredirect; 512:source preserved redirect
encap flags - 1:NVGRE format (MAC-in-GRE); 2:IP-in-GRE (default); 4:IP-in-IP; 8: VXLAN; 16: Encrypted VXLAN (available only to mapencap, routeencap, and lbnat rules)
mapdecap: [space] [mss_del]/[rev_mss_del] [local_cert_thumbprint] [remote_cert_subject_name] [metadata type]
mapdecap flags - 256:Preserve Inner MAC; 512:Push VSID; 1024:Push TNI as metadata;
mapin/mapout: [space] [mss_del]/[rev_mss_del] [[rewrite address]]
mapnat: [space] [mss_del]/[rev_mss_del] [[rewrite address]]
nat flags - 256:Source NAT (default is Dest NAT)
nat: [ip] [port] [mss_del]/[rev_mss_del]
nat flags - 256:Source NAT; 512:Dest NAT (default); 1024:IP-only NAT
dynnat: [nat_id] [mss_del]/[rev_mss_del]
dynnat flags - 256:Source NAT (default); 512:Dest NAT; 2048:Enable TIME_WAIT Assassination; 4096:Use existing UDP port binding
decap: [metadata type] [mss_del]/[rev_mss_del]
decap flags - 256:Preserve Inner MAC; 512:Push VSID; 1024:Push TNI as metadata;
tunnelednat: [mss_del]/[rev_mss_del] l4nat [baseport] [numports] [src_mac] [dest_mac] [flags] [snatip1..64*]
tunnelednat: [mss_del]/[rev_mss_del] mappedl4nat [baseport] [numports] [src_mac] [dest_mac] [flags] [snatiprange]
tunnelednat: [mss_del]/[rev_mss_del] [l3nat|nonat] [src_mac] [dest_mac] [flags] [snatiprange1..64*]
tunneled nat flags - 1:Block RFC1918; 2:NAT only RFC1918
qos: [rate in Mbps] [queue depth] [queue burst size]
transpose: [mss_del]/[rev_mss_del] [[hairpin_switch] [hairpin_port]] [[Metadata Type]:[Value]] [[TNI] [VlanId]] modify [src_mac] [dst_mac] [src_ip] [dst_ip] [src_port] [dst_port] [ttl_dec] [[partial rewrite type] [input byte start] [input byte end] [rewrite byte position] ..4*]]
transpose: [mss_del]/[rev_mss_del] [[hairpin_switch] [hairpin_port]] [[Metadata Type]:[Value]] [[TNI] [VlanId]] encap [src_mac] [dst_mac] [src_ip] [dst_ip] [encap_type] [key] [[partial rewrite type] [input byte start] [input byte end] [rewrite byte position] ..4*]]
transpose: [mss_del]/[rev_mss_del] [[hairpin_switch] [hairpin_port]] [[Metadata Type]:[Value]] [[TNI] [VlanId]] decap
paroute: [compartment_id] [vlan_id | *] [[cache_limit] [cache_entry_timeout] [ifindex] [flags]]
paroute flags - 4096:Force cache pruning;
mark: [DSCP class]
lbnat: [[space]] [mss_del]/[rev_mss_del] [flags] [[diprange1] [[port1]] ..64*]
lbnat flags - 4096: MAC fixup 8192: Use PA MAC in case of encap 16384: Decrement TTL 32768: MAC fixup use CA source MAC 65536: Modify destination IP 131072: Modify destination port 262144: Encap 524288: Create flow;
/add-rule-ex "[id] [name] [proto] [src_ip] [src_prt] [dest_ip] [dest_prt] [flag] [ttl] [pri] [type] [data]" - add a rule with ID and name.
/add-rule-ex2 "[id] [name] [proto] [src_ip] [src_prt] [dest_ip] [dest_prt] [flag] [ttl] [pri] [ruleflags] [rulecounterid] [type] [data]" - add a rule with extended flags and counters on port.
/add-mac-rule "[id] [name] [src_mac] [dest_mac] [TNI] [VlanId] [proto] [src_ip] [src_prt] [dest_ip] [dest_prt] [flag] [ttl] [pri] [type] [data]" - add a rule with MAC conditions
/add-metadata-rule "[id] [name] [metadata type:value] [src_mac] [dest_mac] [TNI] [VlanId] [proto] [src_ip] [src_prt] [dest_ip] [dest_prt] [flag] [ttl] [pri] [type] [data]" - add a rule with MAC conditions
/add-tag-rule "[id] [name] [src_tag] [dest_tag] [proto] [src_ip] [src_prt] [dest_ip] [dest_prt] [flag] [ttl] [pri] [type] [data]" - add a rule with TAG conditions
/force-add-rule "same as add-rule-ex" - add a rule and remove exsiting one with same ID.
/remove-rule - remove a rule.
/list-rule - list all the rules of a group.
/remove-all-rule - remove all the rules of a given group.
/add-rule-set "[rule description file name]" - add rules described in the file
/replace-rule-set "[rule description file name]" - replace rules described in the file
/get-rule-counter - get the performance counter of a rule.
/get-rule-info - get extended information of a rule.
======================== NAT Commands ========================
/get-rule-classifier-info - get the classifier info for a rule.
/add-nat-pool "[id] [name] [flag]" - add a NAT pool.
flags - 1:reuse udp port binding
/list-nat-pool - list all the NAT pools.
/remove-nat-pool - remove a NAT pool.
/remove-all-nat-pool - remove all NAT pools.
/get-nat-pool-counter - get NAT pool performance counters.
/reset-nat-pool-counter - reset NAT pool performance counters.
/deposit-nat-range "[ip] [prt_start] [prt_end] [reuse_cnt]" - deposit a NAT range.
/withdraw-nat-range [idle_timeout] - withdraw an idle NAT range.
/remove-nat-range "[ip] [port_start] [end_start]" - remove a NAT range.
/list-nat-range - list the NAT ranges.
/test-nat-event "[ip] [prt_start] [prt_end] [reuse_cnt]" - test the NAT event.
/list-nat-port-binding - list all the nat port bindings of a nat pool.
/test-nat-event-async "[ip] [prt_start] [prt_end] [reuse_cnt]" - test the NAT event.
======================== Mapping Commands ========================
/add-space "[id] [name]" - add a map space.
/list-space - list all the map spaces.
/remove-space - remove a mapping space.
/remove-all-space - remove all mapping spaces.
/test-mapping-event - test the mapping event.
/set-space-config "[timeout] [pending timeout] [frag size]" - set the map space configurations.
/get-space-config - get the map space configurations.
/get-space-packet-counter - get the map space packet counters.
/get-space-index-counter [pa|ca] - space index performance counters.
/add-mapping "[pa] [ca] [pamac] [flag] [[camac] [tni]]" - add a mapping.
flags - 1:permanent; 2:non unique pa, 4: mac mapping
/remove-mapping "[pa|ca|camac] [[ip] | [camac tni]]" - remove a mapping.
/list-mapping - list all the mapping.
/remove-all-mapping - remove all the mappings of a given space.
======================== QOS Commands ========================
/set-qos-config "[enable HW caps] [enable HW reservations] [enable SW reservations] [flags]" - configure QoS setting for a switch.
flags - 1:force_defer
/get-qos-config - retrieve QoS config of a switch.
/set-qos-line-config "[reservation mode] [default reservation] [link speed percentage] [default queue depth] [default queue burst size] [default queue under-utilized] [default queue over-utilized] [default queue headroom] [default queue rampup time] [default queue min rate]"- configure QoS setting for transmit reservation.
/get-qos-line-info - retrieve QoS information for egress reservation.
/get-qos-reservation-info - get rate calculation events
/add-queue "[id] [name] [EnforceIntraHostLimit] [tx limit] [tx reservation] [rx limit] [tx queue depth] [rx queue depth] [tx burst size] [rx burst size] [under-utilized] [over-utilized] [headroom] [rampup time] [min rate]" - add a user-configured QoS queue.
/remove-queue [queue_id] - remove a user-configured QoS queue.
/set-queue-config "[EnforceIntraHostLimit] [tx limit] [tx reservation] [rx limit] [tx queue depth] [rx queue depth] [tx burst size] [rx burst size] [under-utilized] [over-utilized] [headroom] [rampup time] [min rate]" - update a QoS queue.
/list-queue [queue_id] - shows user-configured QoS queues & their configs.
/get-queue-info [queue_id] "all" | "stats" | "packet_events" | "resume_events" - shows max queue counters for this QoS queue.
/set-port-queue "queue_id"- associate a port with a Qos queue.
/clear-port-queue - disassociate a port from a Qos queue.
/get-port-queue - list the queues that this port is associated with.
/set-port-allowed-tni-list "[TNI]{1,64}" - set a list of TNIs which will always be allowed during forwarding on a port.
/clear-matching-flows "[Post Flow Match] [Protocol] [Source IP] [Source Port] [Destination IP] [Destination Port] [Match TNI] [TNI] [Destination Mac] [Source Mac]" - delete flows matching specified conditions. Specify [0|1] for [Post Flow Match] to determine if match should be determined specifically by the flow type
/clear-port-allowed-tni-list - clears the list of allowed TNIs for the port.
/get-port-allowed-tni-list - get the list of allowed TNIs for the port.
/get-dhcp-log - get the dhcp protocol log of the port.
/set-dscp-config - "[use mapping] [rx guard] [tx guard]".
/add-dscp-mapping - "[dscp class] [tc] [allow]".
/set-dscp-mapping - "[dscp class] [tc] [allow]".
/clear-dscp-mapping - clear all dscp class mappings
/get-port-tx-dscp-counter - get packet and byte counters for each DSCP class on transmit for the port.
/set-port-dtls-settings "[Larval Lifetime Sec] [Lifetime Min] [Lifetime KBytes] [Recv Keepalive Timeout Sec] [Send Keepalive Interval Sec] [Max Session Count] [Offloads Enabled] [NumClientAlgos] [ClientAlgo1 ClientAlgo2 ...] [NumServerAlgos] [ServerAlgo1 ServerAlgo2 ...]
/get-port-dtls-settings - get the DTLS settings of the port.
/list-dtls-sessions - list all the DTLS sessions of a port.
/list-pa-discovery-route - list all the PA discovery route of a port.
/enable-port-pcw-counters - enable PCW counters for the given port.
/disable-port-pcw-counters - disable PCW counters for the given port.
/enable-qos-queue-pcw-counters - enable PCW counters for the given QoS Queue.
/disable-qos-queue-pcw-counters - disable PCW counters for the given QoS queue.
/get-dscp-mapping - list dscp to tc mappings
======================== Switch Commands ========================
/test-serialization "[blockPort]"- verify serialization of VFP objects on a port.
/save-serialization "filename"- writes serialized config for port to specified file.
/set-serialization "filename"- applies serialized config from file to port.
/deregister-event - deregister an event from a mapping space, or a nat pool - if neither is specified, deregister the intercept event.
/deregister-eventex "[event type] [[queue type]]" - deregister the intercept irp from a specific interception queue type default, dhcpv6, mapping space, or a nat pool queue. event type - 1:intercept; 2:nat pool; 3:mapping space queue type - 1:default; 2:dhcpv6; 3:dhcpv4; 4:arp; 5:ndp;
/get-switch-forwarding-settings - get forwarding settings for a switch.
/get-switch-info - get information about a switch.
/set-switch-allowed-tni-list "[TNI]{1,64}" - set a list of TNIs which will always be allowed during forwarding on a switch.
/clear-switch-allowed-tni-list - clears the list of allowed TNIs for the switch.
/get-switch-allowed-tni-list - gets the list of allowed TNIs for the switch.
/set-switch-forwarding-settings "[innerMacFwd] [reducePortMtuForEncap] [innerMacVmq] [forwardAllTrafficToExternalNetwork] [usePacketTNI] [skipTNIValidationForInnerMacForwarding] [dropLoopbackHairpin]" - set forwarding settings for a switch.
======================== Global Commands ========================
/set-protocol-settings "[dest vxlan port] [enable vxlan] [enable nvgre flowid] [enable ICMP errors] [enable encrypted vxlan] [parse inbound vxlan outside src port range] [src vxlan port base] [src vxlan port range] [src encrypted vxlan port base] [src encrypted vxlan port range] [enable rdma] [dest rdma port]" - set the encapsulation protocol settings.
/get-protocol-settings - get the encapsulation protocol settings.
/set-saverestore-settings "[block on restore] [disable switch save restore] [suppress switch restore failures]" - set the save/restore settings.
/get-saverestore-settings - get the save/restore settings.
/prepare-for-uninstall- Rundown state dependent on connectivity - service about to be uninstalled.
/persist-host-state - Persist host state through vhdcache
/get-gft-port-state - get the port's GFT state.
/set-processor-dpctimeout"[single dpc timeout] [queued dpc timeout] " - supported only on Azure and WIN2K12R2
/get-processor-dpctimeout - get processor dpctimeout- supported only on Azure and WIN2K12R2
/enable-trace-filtering - Enable filtering for per-packet traces.
/disable-trace-filtering - Disable filtering for per-packet traces.
/get-trace-filtering-state - get the state of per-packet trace filtering.
/add-tag "[id] [name] [ipv4/ipv6] [ips]" - add a new tag.
/list-tag - list all the tags of a port.
/replace-tag "[id] [name] [ipv4/ipv6] [ips]" - replace ips of a tag
/force-add-tag "[id] [name] [ipv4/ipv6] [ips]" - forcibly add a new tag.
/remove-tag - remove a tag.
/remove-all-tag - remove all the tag of a given port.
/add-rule-counter - add an extended rule counter on the port.
/remove-rule-counter - remove an extended rule counter on the port.
/list-port-rule-counter - list all extended rule counters of a port.
/get-stack-expansion-state - get the state of stack expansion state.
/set-stack-expansion-state - set the state of stack expansion state.