
  • File Path: C:\WINDOWS\system32\verifiergui.exe
  • Description: Driver Verifier Manager


Type Hash
MD5 32E1983BBAA4034642E57110756DAC30
SHA1 866944B428E37A134F58FD86BECD0368C4BD2C46
SHA256 68163C185AF6475690F10D84727AB9232878706034AC3F0D67233D04DB8D7585
SHA384 E04F0744A56D3087BCA649BABD561DC712B63AC5C614203897A4409DB394A691B6C550F79A420F2E178A0D841E05845F
SHA512 641AE94233BBC8919D04EFC736E399058AB190FD1DBD70690F791C1B10AFDCF0624FD3C9A5425A12D0C1F01A8464460D9DC4ED76D17E79AD251359CEDD059B39
SSDEEP 3072:tuSduxSKLbavOcdtiZArgNEiXqIQk1XpKkVNZnq37SQ1c80DwKRN/b1AW4jGbQ7R:sPxLY9knZnq37l1UscNBb41Qbuc
IMP 74A726A6315874FA656DDC816B4AE01C
PESHA1 AF161082EDF1B23AF6F66C4904E0266A0720301D
PE256 49E0FB2269AD9D9CF1B6EEF4C85F612E4C322F4B58854BF8BFC83693BE40432C

Runtime Data

Usage (stdout):

Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
  verifier /?
  verifier /standard /all
  verifier /standard /driver NAME [NAME ...]
  verifier /flags FLAGS /all
  verifier /flags FLAGS /driver NAME [NAME ...]
  verifier /rules [OPTION ...]
  verifier /query
  verifier /querysettings
  verifier /bootmode [persistent|resetonbootfail|oneboot]
  verifier /reset
  verifier /faults [PROB [TAGS [APPS [MINS]]]]
  verifier /faultssystematic [OPTION ...]
  verifier /log LOG_FILE_NAME [/interval SECONDS]
  verifier /volatile /flags FLAGS
  verifier /volatile /adddriver NAME [NAME ...]
  verifier /volatile /removedriver NAME [NAME ...]
  verifier /volatile /faults [PROB [TAGS [APPS [MINS]]]]
  This help.
  Enable the Driver Verifier standard flags. 
  This is functionally equivalent to '/flags 0x209BB'
  Enable Driver Verifier on all drivers in a system.
/driver NAME [NAME ...]
  Specify the driver or list of drivers that should be verified.
  NAME is the name and extension of the file to verify (example: driver.sys).
  To enable Driver Verifier on more than one driver, list all drivers using a
  space separated list.  Wildcard values (such as n*.sys) are not supported.
/flags FLAGS 
  Specify which options are enabled for verification. 
  FLAGS value must be a number in decimal or hex (with 0x prefix).
  Note: Flags are applied to all drivers being checked by Driver Verifier. 
  These flags are considered standard options for Driver Verifier and can be 
  set using '/standard' or by the combination of the options: '/flags 0x209BB'
    bit  0 (0x00000001) - Special pool
    bit  1 (0x00000002) - Force IRQL checking
    bit  3 (0x00000008) - Pool tracking
    bit  4 (0x00000010) - I/O verification
    bit  5 (0x00000020) - Deadlock detection
    bit  7 (0x00000080) - DMA checking
    bit  8 (0x00000100) - Security checks
    bit 11 (0x00000800) - Miscellaneous checks
    bit 17 (0x00020000) - DDI compliance checking
  These flags are designed for specific scenario testing.
  Flags marked with a (*) require I/O Verification (bit 4) also be enabled.
  Flags marked with a (**) support disabling of individual rules.
    bit  2 (0x00000004) - Randomized low resources simulation
    bit  9 (0x00000200) - Force pending I/O requests (*)
    bit 10 (0x00000400) - IRP logging (*)
    bit 13 (0x00002000) - Invariant MDL checking for stack (*)
    bit 14 (0x00004000) - Invariant MDL checking for driver (*)
    bit 15 (0x00008000) - Power framework delay fuzzing
    bit 16 (0x00010000) - Port/miniport interface checking
    bit 18 (0x00040000) - Systematic low resources simulation
    bit 19 (0x00080000) - DDI compliance checking (additional)
    bit 21 (0x00200000) - NDIS/WIFI verification (**)
    bit 23 (0x00800000) - Kernel synchronization delay fuzzing
    bit 24 (0x01000000) - VM switch verification
    bit 25 (0x02000000) - Code integrity checks
/rules [OPTION ...]
  Options for rules that can be disabled (advanced). 
  query:      shows current status of controllable rules.
  reset:      resets all rules to their default state.
  default ID: sets rule ID to its default state.
  disable ID: disables specified rule ID.
  Display a summary of Driver Verifier's current activity.
  Display a summary of the options and drivers that are currently enabled, 
  or options and drivers that will be verified after the next boot.  The 
  display does not include drivers and options added using /volatile.
  Sets the verifier boot mode.  Requires reboot to take effect.
  persistent:      Ensures that DV settings are persistent over many reboots.
                   This is default.
  resetonbootfail: If OS fails to boot, reset verifier for subsequent boots.
  oneboot:         Only enable verifier for next boot.
  Clear Driver Verifier flag and driver settings. Does not clear bootmode.
  Requires reboot to take effect.
/faults [PROB [TAGS [APPS [MINS]]]]
  Enable the Randomized low resources simulation bit and optionally control
  parameters for the Randomized low resources simulation.
  PROB: A number between 1 and 10000 specifying the fault injection 
        probability. If this parameter is not specified, then the default 
        value of 600 (6%) will be used.
  TAGS: A space separated list of the pool tags to be injected with faults.
        If this parameter is not specified, then any pool allocation can be
        injected with faults.
  APPS: A space separated list of the image filename of the applications that
        will be injected with faults. If this parameter is not specified then
        the Randomized low resources simulation can take place in any
  MINS: A positive number indicating the of minutes after rebooting during 
        which no fault injection will occur. If this parameter is not 
        specified, then the default length of 8 minutes will be used.
/faultssystematic [OPTION ...]
  Options for controlling the Systematic low resources simulation.
  enableboottime:       enables fault injections across reboots.
  disableboottime:      disables fault injections across reboots (default).
  recordboottime:       enables fault injections in 'what if' mode across
  resetboottime:        disables fault injections across reboots and clears
                        the stack exclusion list.
  enableruntime:        dynamically enables fault injections.
  disableruntime:       dynamically disables fault injections.
  recordruntime:        dynamically enables fault injections in 'what if'
  resetruntime:         dynamically disables fault injections and clears the
                        previosly faulted stack list.
  querystatistics:      shows the current fault injection statistics.
  incrementcounter:     increments the test pass counter used to identify
                        when a fault was injected.
  getstackid COUNTER:   retrieves the indicated injected stack id.
  excludestack STACKID: excludes the stack from fault injection.
/log LOG_FILE_NAME [/interval SECONDS]
  Create a log file with the name LOG_FILE_NAME. 
  If '/interval' option is not specified, the default 30 seconds is used. 
  Note: If a 'verifier /log' command is typed at the command line, the command
  prompt does not return. Use CTRL+C to close the log and return.
  Change the verifier settings dynamically without rebooting the system.
  Volatile settings are in effect until the next system reboot. 
/volatile /adddriver NAME [NAME ...]
  Add the specified driver or drivers to the list of drivers that will be 
  checked with volatile settings. 
/volatile /removedriver NAME [NAME ...]
  Remove the specified driver or drivers from the list of drivers that are
  being checked with volatile settings. 

Loaded Modules:



  • Status: Signature verified.
  • Serial: 33000002ED2C45E4C145CF48440000000002ED
  • Thumbprint: 312860D2047EB81F8F58C29FF19ECDB4C634CF6A
  • Issuer: CN=Microsoft Windows Production PCA 2011, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US
  • Subject: CN=Microsoft Windows, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US

File Metadata

  • Original Filename: verifiergui.exe.mui
  • Product Name: Microsoft Windows Operating System
  • Company Name: Microsoft Corporation
  • File Version: 10.0.22000.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
  • Product Version: 10.0.22000.1
  • Language: English (United States)
  • Legal Copyright: Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
  • Machine Type: 64-bit

File Scan

  • VirusTotal Detections: 0/74
  • VirusTotal Link:

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