symchk [/r] [/q] [Input options] <Filename> [/s <SymbolPath>] [options]
<Filename> Name of the file or directory that contains the executables
to perform symbol checking on.
/s <SymbolPath> Semi-colon separated list of symbol paths. Symbol server
paths are allowed. To retrieve symbols to a downstream
store, use "SRV*<downstream store>*<symbol server>" for
the symbol path. See the debugger documentation for more
/r Perform recursive operations on the <Filename> specified. The
wildcard * can be used in filenames.
/q Turn off all output options by default. Only output turned on
with a output flag (see below) will be printed
* Input options (choose only one):
/if <Filename> Input is a file name. Wildcards can be used to specify
the file name. Default if nothing is specified.
/id <DumpFile> Input is a dump file.
/ih <HotFix> Input is a self-extracting Hotfix cab.
/ie <ExeName> Input is an application name that is currently running.
If the provided ExeName is '*', all currently running
processes will be checked.
/im <ManifestList> Input is a manifest previously created using the /om <file>
/ip <ProcessId> Input is a process id. If the provided ProcessID is '*',
all currently running processes will be checked.
/it <TextFileList> Input is a list of files, one per line, inside of a text
* Action options (choose only one):
/av For each binary, Verify symbols exist and match. Default.
* Symbol checking options:
/cc when symbol checking a hotfix cab, don't look for symbols inside the cab.
By default, symchk will look for symbols in the cab as well as in the
provided symbol path.
/cn When symbol checking a running process, don't suspend that process. User
must ensure the process doesn't exit before symbol checking finishes.
/cs Skip verifying that there is CodeView data. Symchk will verify that there
IS codeview data by default.
- Symbol checking options for DBG information (choose one):
/ds If image was built so that there is information that belongs in a DBG
file, then this option verifies that the DBG information is stripped
from the image and that the image points to a DBG file. Default.
/de If image was built so that there is information that belongs in a DBG
file, then this option verifies that the DBG information is STILL in the
image and that the image does not point to a DBG file.
/dn Verify that the image does not point to a DBG file and that DBG
information is not in the image.
- Symbol checking options for PDB files:
/pa Allow both public and private PDBs. Default.
/pf Verify that PDB files contain full source information.
/ps Verify that PDB files are stripped and do not contain full source
(private) information.
/pt Verify that PDB files are stripped, but do have type information. Some
PDB files may be stripped but have type information added back in.
* Symbol checking exclude options:
/ea <Filename> Don't perform symbol checking for the binaries listed in the
file specified. <Filename> is a text file that contains the
name of each binary, one per line.
/ee <Filename> Perform symbol checking and report files that pass or are
ignored, but don't report errors for binaries listed in the
file specified. <Filename> is a text file that contains the
name of each binary, one per line.
* Symbol path options:
/s[eprsu] <SymbolPath> Use <SymbolPath> as the search path.
NOTE: If the '/s' option is not used, SymChk defaults to using the value
in %_NT_SYMBOL_PATH%. If %_NT_SYMBOL_PATH% is not defined, then SymChk
will default to:
* Modifiers (choose all that apply):
e - check each path individually instead of checking all paths at once.
p - force checking for private symbols. Public symbols will be treated as
not matching. (Implies the 'e' and 'u' modifiers.)
r - Expand all non-symbol server elements in the specified path in order to do
a deep search of the path. NOTE: This option may produce matches that will
not occur inside the debugger since it modifies the symbol path specified.
s - force checking for public (split) symbols. Private symbols will be
treated as not matching. (Implies the 'e' and 'u' modifiers.)
u - force updating of downstream stores. If the symbol path includes a
downstream store, always re-check the server for the symbol. Only
stores that are checked against will be updated.
NOTE: The 's' and 'p' options are mutually exclusive. Only the last one
present will be used.
* Output options (choose all that apply):
/ob Give the full path for binaries in the output messages for symbol
/oc[x[a]] <Directory> Create a flat symbols tree in <Directory> which
contains all matching symbols. If 'x' is also used, copy the matching
binaries into <Directory> as well. If 'a' is also present, the binary
will always be copied to the flat symbol tree even if symbol checking
/od List all details. Same as /oe /op /oi
/oe List individual errors. Errors will be sent to the output by default.
This option is only needed when using /q
/oi List each file that is ignored.
/op List each file that passes.
/os Give the full path for symbols in the output messages for symbol
/ot Send totals to the output. Totals are sent to the output by default.
This option is only needed when using /q
/ov Print version information for checked binaries as well.
- Extended output options:
/ol <File> In addition to the messages sent to standard out, write a
file that contains a comma separated list of all the
binaries and their symbols that pass symbol checking.
/om <Manifest> Print out a manifest file for later use with the '/im' option.
/v Turn on verbose output mode.
* Module filtering options when checking processes or dump files (choose one):
/fm <Module> Filter results to only include the named module.
* Misc options
/port Old usage to new usage quick porting table