
  • File Path: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\relog.exe
  • Description: Performance Relogging Utility


Type Hash
MD5 83A6C3AB58208C8B047E0C20261DBC77
SHA1 96B737FE413FCF6880AD03C5E8E10B4FF262E137
SHA256 FA6B86965E740987905EECFC510922C2F1335AFE06148B660A31EDB4B67F477A
SHA384 2ACD63F48C5F1578581C17DFADE396ECB78EC3D2CB045A4B573E27251D2878C121ADF355A9143BFF5E084FDB78F40EDA
SHA512 9579C0EDD452AFF96205B360094F42A8824B3868EAE7F9ED559CB0A5DA95A5A819AE5A512A32D30A328060E883068BF139369D6D2B20C6505E8492989422A25A
SSDEEP 768:KzsVR22awTzqvJneZ/HI7vUjO9ZNvv/2rEaQLo6Ec22C2ieEMi:KzsVFdYJIQDv9raEqc2AieEMi
IMP 6224A72BD9E47088A3D467560173CDC1
PESHA1 94A7A4BFBD9EA185906C22C39802337A162BB72A
PE256 CDAED9B26E133DD5145F23D9C1B856AC083794CFFF0353BDA2D6A329842C1AC8

Runtime Data

Usage (stdout):

Microsoft r Relog.exe (10.0.19041.1)

Relog creates new
performance logs from data
in existing performance logs
by changing the sampling
rate and/or converting the
file format. Supports all
performance log formats,
including Windows NT 4.0
compressed logs.

C:\Windows\SysWOW64\relog.exe <filename [filename ...]> 

  <filename [filename ...]>     Performance file to relog.

  -?                            Displays context sensitive help.
  -a                            Append output to the existing binary file.
  -c <path [path ...]>          Counters to filter from the input log.
  -cf <filename>                File listing performance counters to filter
                                from the input log. Default is all counters
                                in the original log file.
  -f <CSV|TSV|BIN|SQL>          Output file format.
  -t <value>                    Only write every nth record into the output
                                file. Default is to write every record.
  -o                            Output file path or SQL database.
  -b <M/d/yyyy h:mm:ss[AM|PM]>  Begin time for the first record to write into
                                the output file.
  -e <M/d/yyyy h:mm:ss[AM|PM]>  End time for the last record to write into
                                the output file.
  -config <filename>            Settings file containing command options.
  -q                            List performance counters in the input file.
  -y                            Answer yes to all questions without prompting.

  relog logfile.csv -c "\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time" -o logfile.blg
  relog logfile.blg -cf counters.txt -f bin
  relog logfile.blg -f csv -o logfile.csv -t 2
  relog logfile.blg -q -o counters.txt

Loaded Modules:



  • Status: Signature verified.
  • Serial: 3300000266BD1580EFA75CD6D3000000000266
  • Thumbprint: A4341B9FD50FB9964283220A36A1EF6F6FAA7840
  • Issuer: CN=Microsoft Windows Production PCA 2011, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US
  • Subject: CN=Microsoft Windows, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US

File Metadata

  • Original Filename: Relog.exe
  • Product Name: Microsoft Windows Operating System
  • Company Name: Microsoft Corporation
  • File Version: 10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
  • Product Version: 10.0.19041.1
  • Language: English (United States)
  • Legal Copyright: Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
  • Machine Type: 32-bit

File Scan

  • VirusTotal Detections: 0/72
  • VirusTotal Link:

File Similarity (ssdeep match)

File Score
C:\Windows\SysWOW64\relog.exe 96

Additional Info*

*The information below is copied from MicrosoftDocs, which is maintained by Microsoft. Available under CC BY 4.0 license.


Applies to: Windows Server 2022, Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2012

Extracts performance counters from performance counter logs into other formats, such as text-TSV (for tab-delimited text), text-CSV (for comma-delimited text), binary-BIN, or SQL.

[!NOTE] For more information about incorporating relog into your Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) scripts, see the Scripting blog.


relog [<filename> [<filename> ...]] [/a] [/c <path> [<path> ...]] [/cf <filename>] [/f  {bin|csv|tsv|SQL}] [/t <value>] [/o {outputfile|DSN!CounterLog}] [/b <M/D/YYYY> [[<HH>:] <MM>:] <SS>] [/e <M/D/YYYY> [[<HH>:] <MM>:] <SS>] [/config {<filename>|i}] [/q]


Parameter Description
filename [filename ...] Specifies the pathname of an existing performance counter log. You can specify multiple input files.
-a Appends output file instead of overwriting. This option does not apply to SQL format where the default is always to append.
-c path [path ...] Specifies the performance counter path to log. To specify multiple counter paths, separate them with a space and enclose the counter paths in quotation marks (for example, "path1 path2").
-cf filename Specifies the pathname of the text file that lists the performance counters to be included in a relog file. Use this option to list counter paths in an input file, one per line. Default setting is all counters in the original log file are relogged.
-f {bin | csv | tsv | SQL} Specifies the pathname of the output file format. The default format is bin. For a SQL database, the output file specifies the DSN!CounterLog. You can specify the database location by using the ODBC manager to configure the DSN (Database System Name).
-t value Specifies sample intervals in n records. Includes every nth data point in the relog file. Default is every data point.
-o {Outputfile | SQL:DSN!Counter_Log} Specifies the pathname of the output file or SQL database where the counters will be written. <P>Note: For the 64-bit and 32-bit versions of relog.exe, you must define a DSN in the ODBC Data Source (64-bit and 32-bit respectively) on the system. Use the “SQL Server” ODBC driver to define a DSN.
-b <M/D/YYYY> [[<HH>:]<MM>:]<SS>] Specifies the beginning time to copy the first record from the input file. Date and time must be in this exact format M/D/YYYYHH:MM:SS.
-e <M/D/YYYY> [[<HH>:]<MM>:]<SS>] Specifies the end time to copy the last record from the input file. Date and time must be in this exact format M/D/YYYYHH:MM:SS.
-config {filename | i} Specifies the pathname of the settings file that contains command-line parameters. If you’re using a configuration file, you can use -i as a placeholder for a list of input files that can be placed on the command line. If you’re using the command line, don’t use -i. You can also use wildcards, such as *.blg to specify several input file names at once.
-q Displays the performance counters and time ranges of log files specified in the input file.
-y Bypasses prompting by answering “yes” to all questions.
/? Displays help at the command prompt.
  • The general format for counter paths is as follows: [\<computer>] \<object>[<parent>\<instance#index>] \<counter>] where the parent, instance, index, and counter components of the format may contain either a valid name or a wildcard character. The computer, parent, instance, and index components aren’t necessary for all counters.

  • You determine the counter paths to use based on the counter itself. For example, the LogicalDisk object has an instance <index>, so you must provide the <#index> or a wildcard. Therefore, you could use the following format: \LogicalDisk(*/*#*)\\*.

  • In comparison, the Process object doesn’t require an instance <index>. Therefore, you can use the following format: \Process(*)\ID Process.

  • If a wildcard character is specified in the Parent name, all instances of the specified object that match the specified instance and counter fields will be returned.

  • If a wildcard character is specified in the Instance name, all instances of the specified object and parent object will be returned if all instance names corresponding to the specified index match the wildcard character.

  • If a wildcard character is specified in the Counter name, all counters of the specified object are returned.

  • Partial counter path string matches (for example, pro*) aren’t supported.

  • Counter files are text files that list one or more of the performance counters in the existing log. Copy the full counter name from the log or the /q output in <computer>\<object>\<instance>\<counter> format. List one counter path on each line.

  • When run, the relog command copies specified counters from every record in the input file, converting the format if necessary. Wildcard paths are allowed in the counter file.

  • Use the /t parameter to specify that input files are inserted into output files at intervals of every nth record. By default, data is relogged from every record.

  • You can specify that your output logs include records from before the beginning time (that is, /b) to provide data for counters that require computation values of the formatted value. The output file will have the last records from input files with timestamps less than the /e (that is, end time) parameter.

  • The contents of the setting file used with the /config option should have the following format: <commandoption>\<value>, where <commandoption> is a command line option and <value> specifies its value.

###Q# Examples

To resample existing trace logs at fixed intervals of 30, list counter paths, output files, and formats, type:

relog c:\perflogs\daily_trace_log.blg /cf counter_file.txt /o c:\perflogs\reduced_log.csv /t 30 /f csv

To resample existing trace logs at fixed intervals of 30, list counter paths, and output file, type:

relog c:\perflogs\daily_trace_log.blg /cf counter_file.txt /o c:\perflogs\reduced_log.blg /t 30

To resample existing trace logs into a database, type:

relog "c:\perflogs\daily_trace_log.blg" -f sql -o "SQL:sql2016x64odbc!counter_log"

Additional References

MIT License. Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Strontic.