
  • File Path: C:\windows\system32\regini.exe
  • Description: Registry Initializer


Type Hash
MD5 395075C20E663FC622981C9EE3DD5AC4
SHA1 10CECDFC4159487546BC64CED37BAA84E653B482
SHA256 A5D8218A742A01F72799F89D12A7CDD55FECA4C01853CA4EF0B55D5C2DBB569F
SHA384 A2B90427F932BF1FB7D7DC78D4EB6A62743D09E77EAF049BE8446DB144764FB80EB98718A13B98FF158562F6D388B943
SHA512 49FA77E0547B028A0F27F4B4AEDC97E1732B4E2CBA66199D793D2968E5464948E2902BF1FB2791E7591AAFA070A3617D41553C724F27D724D20EFCFEFE234F22
SSDEEP 768:SPGlVogExyylLJs04JcSfnWB3I6I/4cMo2dJ3gf1HmSjNJTHLPT4unrunr7FSjTm:SpUl0JkWl6/4tdKDLTFUHI3m


  • Status: The file C:\windows\system32\regini.exe is not digitally signed. You cannot run this script on the current system. For more information about running scripts and setting execution policy, see about_Execution_Policies at
  • Serial: ``
  • Thumbprint: ``
  • Issuer:
  • Subject:

File Metadata

  • Original Filename: REGINI.EXE
  • Product Name: Microsoft Windows Operating System
  • Company Name: Microsoft Corporation
  • File Version: 6.3.9600.17415 (winblue_r4.141028-1500)
  • Product Version: 6.3.9600.17415
  • Language: English (United States)
  • Legal Copyright: Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

File Similarity (ssdeep match)

File Score
C:\Windows\system32\regini.exe 25
C:\Windows\system32\regini.exe 24
C:\WINDOWS\system32\regini.exe 25
C:\Windows\system32\regini.exe 21

Possible Misuse

The following table contains possible examples of regini.exe being misused. While regini.exe is not inherently malicious, its legitimate functionality can be abused for malicious purposes.

Source Source File Example License
sigma proc_creation_win_regini.yml description: Detects the execution of regini.exe which can be used to modify registry keys, the changes are imported from one or more text files. DRL 1.0
sigma proc_creation_win_regini.yml - DRL 1.0
sigma proc_creation_win_regini.yml - DRL 1.0
sigma proc_creation_win_regini.yml Image\|endswith: '\regini.exe' DRL 1.0
sigma proc_creation_win_regini_ads.yml description: Detects the import of an alternate data stream with regini.exe, regini.exe can be used to modify registry keys. DRL 1.0
sigma proc_creation_win_regini_ads.yml - DRL 1.0
sigma proc_creation_win_regini_ads.yml - DRL 1.0
sigma proc_creation_win_regini_ads.yml Image\|endswith: '\regini.exe' DRL 1.0
LOLBAS Regini.yml Name: Regini.exe  
LOLBAS Regini.yml - Command: regini.exe newfile.txt:hidden.ini  
LOLBAS Regini.yml - Path: C:\Windows\System32\regini.exe  
LOLBAS Regini.yml - Path: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\regini.exe  
LOLBAS Regini.yml - IOC: regini.exe reading from ADS  

Additional Info*

*The information below is copied from MicrosoftDocs, which is maintained by Microsoft. Available under CC BY 4.0 license.


Modifies the registry from the command line or a script, and applies changes that were preset in one or more text files. You can create, modify, or delete registry keys, in addition to modifying the permissions on the registry keys.

For details on the format and content of the text script file that regini.exe uses to make changes to the registry, see How to change registry values or permissions from a command line or a script.


regini [-m \\machinename | -h hivefile hiveroot][-i n] [-o outputwidth][-b] textfiles...


Parameter Description
-m <\\computername> Specifies the remote computer name with a registry that is to be modified. Use the format \ComputerName.
-h <hivefile hiveroot> Specifies the local registry hive to modify. You must specify the name of the hive file and the root of the hive in the format hivefile hiveroot.
-i <n> Specifies the level of indentation to use to indicate the tree structure of registry keys in the command output. The regdmp.exe tool (which gets a registry key’s current permissions in binary format) uses indentation in multiples of four, so the default value is 4.
-o <outputwidth> Specifies the width of the command output, in characters. If the output will appear in the command window, the default value is the width of the window. If the output is directed to a file, the default value is 240 characters.
-b Specifies that regini.exe output is backward compatible with previous versions of regini.exe.
textfiles Specifies the name of one or more text files that contain registry data. Any number of ANSI or Unicode text files can be listed.

The following guidelines apply primarily to the content of the text files that contain registry data that you apply by using regini.exe.

  • Use the semicolon as an end-of-line comment character. It must be the first non-blank character in a line.

  • Use the backslash to indicate continuation of a line. The command will ignore all characters from the backslash up to (but not including) the first non-blank character of the next line. If you include more than one space before the backslash, it is replaced by a single space.

  • Use hard-tab characters to control indentation. This indentation indicates the tree structure of the registry keys; however, these characters are converted to a single space regardless of their position.

Additional References

MIT License. Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Strontic.