
  • File Path: C:\SysinternalsSuite\procdump64.exe
  • Description: Sysinternals process dump utility


Type Hash
MD5 F13DAB7D9CE88DDC0C80C2B9C5F422B5
SHA1 F02DF19B44E880B9810D226B743B1A4B93E49A16
SHA256 E2A7A9A803C6A4D2D503BB78A73CD9951E901BEB5FB450A2821EAF740FC48496
SHA384 B076B210F1C748D399AA364DD6A286FC8FEBC3C91920BD2845ECF8299F64B6B6E846278CB72F45D0A0A4585B6B17D7B6
SHA512 73015D73EF35A020C846A09AF56AC01F0BAAC6626A0BB590D38F7FD7461194D935A7BC8CD92BA0D2B6B9842BF8075D21F2B333279A73CF37FBE9A486CE9487EB
IMP E6F7F291413118F49398761021BAFCF2
PESHA1 538F4E6A02ABF77D24044E8741D1FEBFCE3B2A2A
PE256 E5529B0F5ABA7981F2470EF7DF11C9A956BAFFFABF20D894AB0430C9855FFE99

Runtime Data

Usage (stdout):

ProcDump v10.0 - Sysinternals process dump utility
Copyright (C) 2009-2020 Mark Russinovich and Andrew Richards
Sysinternals -

Monitors a process and writes a dump file when the process exceeds the
specified criteria or has an exception.

Capture Usage: 
   procdump.exe [-mm] [-ma] [-mp] [-mc Mask] [-md Callback_DLL] [-mk]
                [-n Count]
                [-s Seconds]
                [-c|-cl CPU_Usage [-u]]
                [-m|-ml Commit_Usage]
                [-p|-pl Counter_Threshold]
                [-e [1 [-g] [-b]]]
                [-f  Include_Filter, ...]
                [-fx Exclude_Filter, ...]
                [-r [1..5] [-a]]
                [-at Timeout]
                 { {[-w] Process_Name | Service_Name | PID} [Dump_File | Dump_Folder]}
                 {-x Dump_Folder Image_File [Argument, ...]}
Install Usage: 
   procdump.exe -i [Dump_Folder]
                [-mm] [-ma] [-mp] [-mc Mask] [-md Callback_DLL] [-mk]
                [-at Timeout]
Uninstall Usage: 
   procdump.exe -u

   -mm     Write a 'Mini' dump file. (default)
           Includes the Process, Thread, Module, Handle and Address Space info.
   -ma     Write a 'Full' dump file.
           Includes All the Image, Mapped and Private memory.
   -mp     Write a 'MiniPlus' dump file.
           Includes all Private memory and all Read/Write Image or Mapped memory.
           To minimize size, the largest Private memory area over 512MB is excluded.
           A memory area is defined as the sum of same-sized memory allocations.
           The dump is as detailed as a Full dump but 10%-75% the size.
           Note: CLR processes are dumped as Full (-ma) due to debugging limitations.
   -mc     Write a 'Custom' dump file.
           Include memory defined by the specified MINIDUMP_TYPE mask (Hex).
   -md     Write a 'Callback' dump file.
           Include memory defined by the MiniDumpWriteDump callback routine
           named MiniDumpCallbackRoutine of the specified DLL.
   -mk     Also write a 'Kernel' dump file.
           Includes the kernel stacks of the threads in the process.
           OS doesn't support a kernel dump (-mk) when using a clone (-r).
           When using multiple dump sizes, a kernel dump is taken for each dump size.

   -a      Avoid outage. Requires -r. If the trigger will cause the target
           to suspend for a prolonged time due to an exceeded concurrent
           dump limit, the trigger will be skipped.
   -at     Avoid outage at Timeout. Cancel the trigger's collection at N seconds.
   -b      Treat debug breakpoints as exceptions (otherwise ignore them).
   -c      CPU threshold above which to create a dump of the process.
   -cl     CPU threshold below which to create a dump of the process.
   -e      Write a dump when the process encounters an unhandled exception.
           Include the 1 to create dump on first chance exceptions.
   -f      Filter (include) on the content of exceptions and debug logging.
           Wildcards (*) are supported.
   -fx     Filter (exclude) on the content of exceptions and debug logging.
           Wildcards (*) are supported.
   -g      Run as a native debugger in a managed process (no interop).
   -h      Write dump if process has a hung window (does not respond to
           window messages for at least 5 seconds).
   -i      Install ProcDump as the AeDebug postmortem debugger.
           Only -mm, -ma, -mp, -mc, -md and -r are supported as additional options.
           Uninstall (-u only) restores the previous configuration.
   -k      Kill the process after cloning (-r), or at end of dump collection.
   -l      Display the debug logging of the process.
   -m      Memory commit threshold in MB at which to create a dump.
   -ml     Trigger when memory commit drops below specified MB value.
   -n      Number of dumps to write before exiting.
   -o      Overwrite an existing dump file.
   -p      Trigger on the specified performance counter when the threshold
           is exceeded. Note: to specify a process counter when there are
           multiple instances of the process running, use the process ID
           with the following syntax: "\Process(<name>_<pid>)\counter"
   -pl     Trigger when performance counter falls below the specified value.
   -r      Dump using a clone. Concurrent limit is optional (default 1, max 5).
           OS doesn't support a kernel dump (-mk) when using a clone (-r).
           CAUTION: a high concurrency value may impact system performance.
           - Windows 7   : Uses Reflection. OS doesn't support -e.
           - Windows 8.0 : Uses Reflection. OS doesn't support -e.
           - Windows 8.1+: Uses PSS. All trigger types are supported.
   -s      Consecutive seconds before dump is written (default is 10).
   -t      Write a dump when the process terminates.
   -u      Treat CPU usage relative to a single core (used with -c).
           As the only option, Uninstalls ProcDump as the postmortem debugger.
   -w      Wait for the specified process to launch if it's not running.
   -wer    Queue the (largest) dump to Windows Error Reporting.
   -x      Launch the specified image with optional arguments. 
           If it is a Store Application or Package, ProcDump will start
           on the next activation (only).
   -64     By default ProcDump will capture a 32-bit dump of a 32-bit process
           when running on 64-bit Windows. This option overrides to create a
           64-bit dump. Only use for WOW64 subsystem debugging.

License Agreement:
   Use the -accepteula command line option to automatically accept the
   Sysinternals license agreement.

Automated Termination:
   -cancel <Target Process PID>
           Using this option or setting an event with the name "ProcDump-<PID>"
           is the same as typing Ctrl+C to gracefully terminate ProcDump.
           Graceful termination ensures the process is resumed if a capture is active.
           The cancellation applies to ALL ProcDump instances monitoring the process.

   Default dump filename: PROCESSNAME_YYMMDD_HHMMSS.dmp
   The following substitutions are supported:
           PROCESSNAME   Process Name
           PID           Process ID
           EXCEPTIONCODE Exception Code
           YYMMDD        Year/Month/Day
           HHMMSS        Hour/Minute/Second

   Use -? -e to see example command lines.

Loaded Modules:



  • Status: Signature verified.
  • Serial: 3300000187721772155940C709000000000187
  • Thumbprint: 2485A7AFA98E178CB8F30C9838346B514AEA4769
  • Issuer: CN=Microsoft Code Signing PCA 2011, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US
  • Subject: CN=Microsoft Corporation, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US

File Metadata

  • Original Filename: procdump
  • Product Name: ProcDump
  • Company Name: Sysinternals -
  • File Version: 10.0
  • Product Version: 10.0
  • Language: English (United States)
  • Legal Copyright: Copyright (C) 2009-2020 Mark Russinovich and Andrew Richards
  • Machine Type: 64-bit

File Scan

  • VirusTotal Detections: 0/67
  • VirusTotal Link:

File Similarity (ssdeep match)

File Score
C:\SysinternalsSuite\procdump.exe 57

Possible Misuse

The following table contains possible examples of procdump64.exe being misused. While procdump64.exe is not inherently malicious, its legitimate functionality can be abused for malicious purposes.

Source Source File Example License
sigma file_event_win_cred_dump_tools_dropped_files.yml - '\procdump64.exe' DRL 1.0
sigma proc_creation_win_apt_judgement_panda_gtr19.yml - '\aaaa\procdump64.exe' DRL 1.0
sigma proc_creation_win_false_sysinternalsuite.yml - '\procdump64.exe' DRL 1.0
sigma proc_creation_win_procdump.yml - '\procdump64.exe' DRL 1.0
sigma proc_creation_win_renamed_procdump.yml - '\procdump64.exe' DRL 1.0
LOLBAS Procdump.yml - IOC: Unsigned DLL load via procdump.exe or procdump64.exe  
stockpile 0ef4cc7b-611c-4237-b20b-db36b6906554.yml iex $staging_folder"\procdump64.exe -accepteula -ma lsass.exe" > $env:APPDATA\error.dmp 2>&1; Apache-2.0
stockpile 7a6ba833-de40-466a-8969-5c37b13603e0.yml "procdump64", Apache-2.0

MIT License. Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Strontic.