
  • File Path: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Printing_Admin_Scripts\en-US\prnmngr.vbs


Type Hash
MD5 65FC1A4445EA44AA1DCA130BE37CEDD1
SHA1 C10B48120727BDC3B8155F21B5813E7EA0C6416E
SHA256 D6B5C6BEB1F0242D0A8E224D23ACADC56D503FC4B0552022856E77FF1E84C5D1
SHA384 46419EE6D4953B543660CE864EC64C36867FCC96812972849D98645108D488AB90022C8645560DA0A4A0EB9E8DAEBD73
SHA512 C0C0740A7B1DB9D795D5DF1E8C9EAC78DB2D20ECCFE679D113CD240A2A7F9E0535190C320CC28EFA461119DE8517DC2EB2F95BDC91F5CD0C6D118E6129457B06
PESHA1 C10B48120727BDC3B8155F21B5813E7EA0C6416E
PE256 D6B5C6BEB1F0242D0A8E224D23ACADC56D503FC4B0552022856E77FF1E84C5D1

Runtime Data

Usage (stdout):

Usage: prnmngr [-adxgtl?][c] [-s server][-p printer][-m driver model]
               [-r port][-u user name][-w password]
-a     - add local printer
-ac    - add printer connection
-d     - delete printer
-g     - get the default printer
-l     - list printers
-m     - driver model
-p     - printer name
-r     - port name
-s     - server name
-t     - set the default printer
-u     - user name
-w     - password
-x     - delete all printers
-xc    - delete all printer connections
-xo    - delete all local printers
-?     - display command usage

prnmngr -a -p "printer" -m "driver" -r "lpt1:"
prnmngr -d -p "printer" -s server
prnmngr -ac -p "\\server\printer"
prnmngr -d -p "\\server\printer"
prnmngr -x -s server
prnmngr -xo
prnmngr -l -s server
prnmngr -g
prnmngr -t -p "\\server\printer"

Loaded Modules:



  • Status: Signature verified.
  • Serial: 3300000266BD1580EFA75CD6D3000000000266
  • Thumbprint: A4341B9FD50FB9964283220A36A1EF6F6FAA7840
  • Issuer: CN=Microsoft Windows Production PCA 2011, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US
  • Subject: CN=Microsoft Windows, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US

File Metadata

  • Original Filename:
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  • File Version:
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File Scan

  • VirusTotal Detections: 0/74
  • VirusTotal Link:

File Similarity (ssdeep match)

File Score
C:\Windows\system32\Printing_Admin_Scripts\en-US\prncnfg.vbs 71
C:\Windows\system32\Printing_Admin_Scripts\en-US\prnmngr.vbs 99
C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Printing_Admin_Scripts\en-US\prncnfg.vbs 71

Additional Info*

*The information below is copied from MicrosoftDocs, which is maintained by Microsoft. Available under CC BY 4.0 license.


Applies to: Windows Server (Semi-Annual Channel), Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2012

Adds, deletes, and lists printers or printer connections, in addition to setting and displaying the default printer. This command is a Visual Basic script located in the %WINdir%\System32\printing_Admin_Scripts\<language> directory. To use this command at a command prompt, type cscript followed by the full path to the prnmngr file, or change directories to the appropriate folder. For example: cscript %WINdir%\System32\printing_Admin_Scripts\en-US\prnmngr.


cscript prnmngr {-a | -d | -x | -g | -t | -l | -?}[c] [-s <Servername>] [-p <Printername>] [-m <printermodel>] [-r <portname>] [-u <Username>]
[-w <password>]


Parameter Description
-a Adds a local printer connection.
-d Deletes a printer connection.
-x Deletes all printers from the server specified by the -s parameter. If you don’t specify a server, Windows deletes all printers on the local computer.
-g Displays the default printer.
-t Sets the default printer to the printer specified by the -p parameter.
-l Lists all printers installed on the server specified by the -s parameter. If you don’t specify a server, Windows lists the printers installed on the local computer.
c Specifies that the parameter applies to printer connections. Can be used with the -a and -x parameters.
-s <Servername> Specifies the name of the remote computer that hosts the printer that you want to manage. If you don’t specify a computer, the local computer is used.
-p <Printername> Specifies the name of the printer that you want to manage.
-m <Modelname> Specifies (by name) the driver you want to install. Drivers are often named for the model of printer they support. See the printer documentation for more information.
-r <portname> Specifies the port where the printer is connected. If this is a parallel or a serial port, use the ID of the port (for example, LPT1: or COM1:). If this is a TCP/IP port, use the port name that was specified when the port was added.
-u <Username> -w <password> Specifies an account with permissions to connect to the computer that hosts the printer that you want to manage. All members of the target computer’s local Administrators group have these permissions, but the permissions can also be granted to other users. If you don’t specify an account, you must be logged on under an account with these permissions for the command to work.
/? Displays help at the command prompt.
  • If the information that you supply contains spaces, use quotation marks around the text (for example, “Computer Name”).


To add a printer named colorprinter_2 that is connected to LPT1 on the local computer and requires a printer driver called color printer Driver1, type:

cscript prnmngr -a -p colorprinter_2 -m "color printer Driver1" -r lpt1:

To delete the printer named colorprinter_2 from the remote computer named HRServer, type:

cscript prnmngr -d -s HRServer -p colorprinter_2

Additional References

MIT License. Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Strontic.