Usage: opusenc [options] input_file output_file.opus
Encode audio using Opus.
The input format can be Wave, AIFF, FLAC, Ogg/FLAC, or raw PCM.
input_file can be:
filename.wav file
- stdin
output_file can be:
filename.opus compressed file
- stdout
General options:
-h, --help Show this help
-V, --version Show version information
--help-picture Show help on attaching album art
--quiet Enable quiet mode
Encoding options:
--bitrate n.nnn Set target bitrate in kbit/s (6-256/channel)
--vbr Use variable bitrate encoding (default)
--cvbr Use constrained variable bitrate encoding
--hard-cbr Use hard constant bitrate encoding
--music Tune low bitrates for music (override automatic detection)
--speech Tune low bitrates for speech (override automatic detection)
--comp n Set encoding complexity (0-10, default: 10 (slowest))
--framesize n Set maximum frame size in milliseconds
(2.5, 5, 10, 20, 40, 60, default: 20)
--expect-loss n Set expected packet loss in percent (default: 0)
--downmix-mono Downmix to mono
--downmix-stereo Downmix to stereo (if >2 channels)
--no-phase-inv Disable use of phase inversion for intensity stereo
--max-delay n Set maximum container delay in milliseconds
(0-1000, default: 1000)
Metadata options:
--title title Set track title
--artist artist Set artist or author, may be used multiple times
--album album Set album or collection
--tracknumber n Set track number
--genre genre Set genre, may be used multiple times
--date YYYY-MM-DD Set date of track (YYYY, YYYY-MM, or YYYY-MM-DD)
--comment tag=val Add the given string as an extra comment
This may be used multiple times
--picture file Attach album art (see --help-picture)
This may be used multiple times
--padding n Reserve n extra bytes for metadata (default: 512)
--discard-comments Don't keep metadata when transcoding
--discard-pictures Don't keep pictures when transcoding
Input options:
--raw Interpret input as raw PCM data without headers
--raw-bits n Set bits/sample for raw input (default: 16)
--raw-rate n Set sampling rate for raw input (default: 48000)
--raw-chan n Set number of channels for raw input (default: 2)
--raw-endianness n 1 for big endian, 0 for little (default: 0)
--ignorelength Ignore the data length in Wave headers
Diagnostic options:
--serial n Force use of a specific stream serial number
--save-range file Save check values for every frame to a file
--set-ctl-int x=y Pass the encoder control x with value y (advanced)
Preface with s: to direct the ctl to multistream s
This may be used multiple times