
  • File Path: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\openfiles.exe
  • Description: Displays the current open files list


Type Hash
MD5 74D784D43723C2983D30053E696A9282
SHA1 1801A6761B929D918C9060AD3E1B97C9BA67577A
SHA256 5116A06F6ADA4D7BF44F545763C80F140EB1757869EE6DA6F94D96F49307963E
SHA384 90E2B002B83DC68FC3316F6218675C54AE4E2C93034C81D99AD9098B7120C696DE160EB366F642D452F46D51594FDA75
SHA512 691086B6E9F98ADCC6627A345325A2F9CA0B68DD201B4B71024BE61AD32A7EA2777AF65FE0114B649AD12DF2B10131B650E76114CD77BBF35E9E56A4A0F2AA32
SSDEEP 1536:rXORfzau9lUdy1E9GCUJnZHIjPvXvxcuG:ilUdmvCUJnZEXvxz

Runtime Data

Usage (stderr):

ERROR: The target system must be running a 32 bit OS.


  • Status: Signature verified.
  • Serial: 33000000BCE120FDD27CC8EE930000000000BC
  • Thumbprint: E85459B23C232DB3CB94C7A56D47678F58E8E51E
  • Issuer: CN=Microsoft Windows Production PCA 2011, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US
  • Subject: CN=Microsoft Windows, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US

File Metadata

  • Original Filename: opnfiles.exe.mui
  • Product Name: Microsoft Windows Operating System
  • Company Name: Microsoft Corporation
  • File Version: 10.0.14393.0 (rs1_release.160715-1616)
  • Product Version: 10.0.14393.0
  • Language: English (United States)
  • Legal Copyright: Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Additional Info*

*The information below is copied from MicrosoftDocs, which is maintained by Microsoft. Available under CC BY 4.0 license.


Enables an administrator to query, display, or disconnect files and directories that have been opened on a system. This command also enables or disables the system Maintain Objects List global flag.

openfiles /disconnect

Enables an administrator to disconnect files and folders that have been opened remotely through a shared folder.


openfiles /disconnect [/s <system> [/u [<domain>\]<username> [/p [<password>]]]] {[/id <openfileID>] | [/a <accessedby>] | [/o {read | write | read/write}]} [/op <openfile>]
Parameter Description
/s <system> Specifies the remote system to connect to (by name or IP address). Don’t use backslashes. If you don’t use the /s option, the command is run on the local computer by default. This parameter applies to all files and folders that are specified in the command.
/u [<domain>\]<username> Runs the command using the permissions of the specified user account. If you don’t use the /u option, system permissions are used by default.
/p [<password>] Specifies the password of the user account that is specified in the /u option. If you don’t use the /p option, a password prompt appears when the command is run.
/id <openfileID> Disconnects open files by the specified file ID. You can use the wildcard character (*) with this parameter.<p>Note: You can use the openfiles /query command to find the file ID.
/a <accessedby> Disconnects all open files associated with the user name specified in the accessedby parameter. You can use the wildcard character (*) with this parameter.
/o {read | write | read/write} Disconnects all open files with the specified open mode value. Valid values are Read, Write, or Read/Write. You can use the wildcard character (*) with this parameter.
/op <openfile> Disconnects all open file connections that are created by a specific open file name. You can use the wildcard character (*) with this parameter.
/? Displays help at the command prompt.


To disconnect all open files with the file ID 26843578, type:

openfiles /disconnect /id 26843578

To disconnect all open files and directories accessed by the user hiropln, type:

openfiles /disconnect /a hiropln

To disconnect all open files and directories with read/write mode, type:

openfiles /disconnect /o read/write

To disconnect the directory with the open file name *C:\testshare*, regardless of who is accessing it, type:

openfiles /disconnect /a * /op c:\testshare\

To disconnect all open files on the remote computer srvmain that are being accessed by the user hiropln, regardless of their ID, type:

openfiles /disconnect /s srvmain /u maindom\hiropln /id *

openfiles /query

Queries and displays all open files.


openfiles /query [/s <system> [/u [<domain>\]<username> [/p [<password>]]]] [/fo {TABLE | LIST | CSV}] [/nh] [/v]
Parameter Description
/s <system> Specifies the remote system to connect to (by name or IP address). Don’t use backslashes. If you don’t use the /s option, the command is run on the local computer by default. This parameter applies to all files and folders that are specified in the command.
/u [<domain>\]<username> Runs the command using the permissions of the specified user account. If you don’t use the /u option, system permissions are used by default.
/p [<password>] Specifies the password of the user account that is specified in the /u option. If you don’t use the /p option, a password prompt appears when the command is run.
[/fo {TABLE | LIST | CSV}] Displays the output in the specified format. Valid values include:<ul><li>TABLE - Displays output in a table.</li><li>LIST - Displays output in a list.</li><li>CSV - Displays output in Comma Separated Values (CSV) format.</li></ul>
/nh Suppresses column headers in the output. Valid only when the /fo parameter is set to TABLE or CSV.
/v Specifies that detailed (verbose) information be displayed in the output.
/? Displays help at the command prompt.


To query and display all open files, type:

openfiles /query

To query and display all open files in table format without headers, type:

openfiles /query /fo table /nh

To query and display all open files in list format with detailed information, type:

openfiles /query /fo list /v

To query and display all open files on the remote system srvmain by using the credentials for the user hiropln on the maindom domain, type:

openfiles /query /s srvmain /u maindom\hiropln /p p@ssW23

[!NOTE] In this example, the password is supplied on the command line. To prevent displaying the password, leave out the /p option. You’ll be prompted for the password, which won’t be echoed to the screen.

openfiles /local

Enables or disables the system Maintain Objects List global flag. If used without parameters, openfiles /local displays the current status of the Maintain Objects List global flag.

[!NOTE] Changes made by using the on or off option don’t take effect until you restart the system. Enabling the Maintain Objects List global flag might slow down your system.


openfiles /local [on | off]
Parameter Description
[on | off] Enables or disables the system Maintain Objects List global flag, which tracks local file handles.
/? Displays help at the command prompt.


To check the current status of the Maintain Objects List global flag, type:

openfiles /local

By default, the Maintain Objects List global flag is disabled, and the following message appears, INFO: The system global flag 'maintain objects list' is currently disabled.

To enable the Maintain Objects List global flag, type:

openfiles /local on

The following message appears when the global flag is enabled, SUCCESS: The system global flag 'maintain objects list' is enabled. This will take effect after the system is restarted.

To disable the Maintain Objects List global flag, type:

openfiles /local off

Additional References

MIT License. Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Strontic.