
  • File Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Debuggers\x64\kd.exe
  • Description: Windows Kernel Debugger


Type Hash
MD5 041F14351DD7DEC476C2F2462F941712
SHA1 0115B3FD2472187137C91176CC6EE62B8B8D9E5F
SHA256 09314C1C537D8A31458AA08CC308449EB10C0FEC5AF3F9022419C4816F822EF2
SHA384 551FA70E4A5320313EC12399E32BBB8A258B42DAE7BA9872B9677DB6ACDD913762B07D892AA036520DF74FBFB15539A6
SHA512 74E36920069238DA5A766D9EF62401765C5FB3372BEBA87F69CC0ED21280AF165A3C0E6321288C1AFDC86E9AF0FD986B7C7FC61295FF31C3EB24FECA84C15DE0
IMP A02C20CEEB14CDC45B9CB6B449313073
PESHA1 ABD9F5AFFF4A20388A840383532F31929BD86256
PE256 C2E061962B4065B3ECCECB4A91435284ECC88F3DB190C50797D1A366942EB632

Runtime Data

Usage (stdout):

kd: Invalid switch 'h'
kd version 10.0.19041.1
usage: kd [options]


  -? displays command line help text
  -a<DllName> adds a default extension DLL
  -b break into kernel when connection is established
  -bonc request break in after session started
  -c "<command>" executes the given debugger command at the first debugger
  -cf <file> specifies a script file to be processed at the first debugger
  -cfr <file> specifies a script file to be processed at the beginning of a
              session (including after .restart)
  -clines <#> number of lines of output history retrieved by a remote client
  -d breaks into kernel on first module load
  -ee <name> set default expression evaluator
             <name> can be MASM or C++
  -failinc causes incomplete symbol and module loads to fail
  -i <ImagePath> specifies the location of the executables that generated the
                 fault (see _NT_EXECUTABLE_IMAGE_PATH)
  -iu install dbgeng URL protocols
  -k <options> tells the debugger how to connect to the target
               net:port=n,key=w.x.y.z[,target=name] connects over the network
                    n: network port number, must match port assigned to target
                    w.x.y.z: key assigned to target machine
                    name: optional VM host machine name, used if debugging VMs
               usb:targetname=name connects over USB
                    name: USB target name assigned to target machine
               1394:channel=chan connects over 1394
                    chan: 1394 channel number, must match channel used at boot
               com:modem connects through a modem
               com:port=id,baud=rate connects through a COM port
                   id: com port name, of the form com2 or \\.\com12
                   rate: valid baudrate value, such as 57600
  -kl tells the debugger to connect to the local machine
  -kqm turns on kd quiet mode (equivalent to KDQUIET)
  -kx <options> tells the debugger to connect to an eXDI driver
  -lines requests that line number information be used if present
  -loga <logfile> appends to a log file
  -logau <logfile> appends to an Unicode log file
  -logo <logfile> opens a new log file
  -logou <logfile> opens a new Unicode log file
  -m serial port is a modem, watch for carrier detect
  -myob ignores version mismatches in DBGHELP.DLL
  -n enables verbose output from symbol handler
  -noio disables all I/O
  -noshell disables the .shell (!!) command
  -nosqm disables SQM data collection/upload.
  -QR \\<machine> queries for remote servers
  -r display registers
  -remote <transport>:server=<name>,<params> 
    lets you connect to a debugger session started with -server
    must be the first argument if present
      transport: tcp | npipe | ssl | spipe | 1394 | com
      name: machine name on which the debug server was created
      params: parameters the debugger server was created with
        for tcp use:  port=<socket port #>
        for npipe use:  pipe=<name of pipe>
        for 1394 use:  channel=<channel #>
        for com use:  port=<COM port>,baud=<baud rate>,
                      channel=<channel #>
        for ssl and spipe see the documentation
      example: ... -remote npipe:server=yourmachine,pipe=foobar
  -s disables lazy symbol loading
  -sdce pops up dialogs for critical errors
  -secure disallows operations dangerous for the host
  -server <transport>:<params> 
    creates a debugger session other people can connect to
    must be the first argument if present
      transport: tcp | npipe | ssl | spipe | 1394 | com
      params: connection parameterization
        for tcp use:  port=<socket port #>
        for npipe use:  pipe=<name of pipe>
        for 1394 use:  channel=<channel #>
        for com use:  port=<COM port>,baud=<baud rate>,
                      channel=<channel #>
        for ssl and spipe see the documentation
      example: ... -server npipe:pipe=foobar
  -ses enables strict symbol loading
  -sflags <flags> sets symbol flags from a numeric argument
  -sicv ignores the CV record when symbol loading
  -sins ignores the symbol path environment variables
  -snc converts :: to __ in symbol names
  -snul disables automatic symbol loading for unqualified names
  -srcpath <SourcePath> specifies the source search path
  -sup enables full public symbol searches
  -t Enable KD transport related output (CTRL+D output) by default.
  -v enables verbose output from debugger
  -version shows the build version
  -wake <pid> wakes up a sleeping debugger and exits
  -x same as -b, except uses an initial command of eb NtGlobalFlag 9;g
  -y <SymbolsPath> specifies the symbol search path (see _NT_SYMBOL_PATH)
  -z <CrashDmpFile> specifies the name of a crash dump file to debug
  -zd <CrashDmpFile> specifies the name of a crash dump file to debugand
                     deletes that crash dump after the debugger has finished
                     using it
  -zp <CrashPageFile> specifies the name of a page.dmp file to use with a
                      crash dump

Environment Variables:

        Specify symbol image path.

        Specify an alternate symbol image path.

        Specify a path which should be searched first for extensions dlls

        Specify executable image path.

        Specify source file path.

        If specified, all output will be written to this file from offset 0.

        If specified, all output will be APPENDed to this file.

        Specifies the size of a server's output history in kilobytes
        Specifies the type of BUS the kernel debugger will use to communicate with the target

        Specifies the channel to be used over the 1394 bus

        Specify which com port to use. (Default = com1)

    _NT_DEBUG_BAUD_RATE=baud rate
        Specify the baud rate used by debugging serial port. (Default = 19200)

        If specified, gives the number of bytes cached on debugger side
        of kernel debugger serial connection (default is 102400).

        If defined, disables obnoxious warning message displayed when user
        presses Ctrl-C

Control Keys:

     <Ctrl-A><Enter> Toggle BaudRate
     <Ctrl-B><Enter> Quit debugger
     <Ctrl-C>        Break into Target
     <Ctrl-D><Enter> Display debugger debugging information
     <Ctrl-F><Enter> Force a break into the kernel (same as Ctrl-C)
     <Ctrl-K><Enter> Toggle Initial Breakpoint
     <Ctrl-\><Enter> Debug Current debugger
     <Ctrl-R><Enter> Resynchronize target and host
     <Ctrl-V><Enter> Toggle Verbose mode
     <Ctrl-W><Enter> Print version information

Loaded Modules:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Debuggers\x64\kd.exe


  • Status: Signature verified.
  • Serial: 33000002CF6D2CC57CAA65A6D80000000002CF
  • Thumbprint: 1A221B3B4FEF088B17BA6704FD088DF192D9E0EF
  • Issuer: CN=Microsoft Code Signing PCA 2010, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US
  • Subject: CN=Microsoft Corporation, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US

File Metadata

  • Original Filename: kd.exe
  • Product Name: Microsoft Windows Operating System
  • Company Name: Microsoft Corporation
  • File Version: 10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
  • Product Version: 10.0.19041.1
  • Language: English (United States)
  • Legal Copyright: Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
  • Machine Type: 64-bit

File Scan

  • VirusTotal Detections: 0/73
  • VirusTotal Link: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/09314c1c537d8a31458aa08cc308449eb10c0fec5af3f9022419c4816f822ef2/detection

MIT License. Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Strontic.