jjs [<options>] <files> [-- <arguments>]
-D (-Dname=value. Set a system property. This option can be repeated.)
--add-modules (--add-modules modules. Specify the root user java modules.)
-cp, -classpath (-cp path. Specify where to find user class files.)
-doe, -dump-on-error (Dump a stack trace on errors.)
param: [true|false] default: false
-fv, -fullversion (Print full version info of Nashorn.)
param: [true|false] default: false
-fx (Launch script as an fx application.)
param: [true|false] default: false
-h, --help (Print this help message.)
param: [true|false] default: false
--language (Specify ECMAScript language version.)
param: [es5|es6] default: es5
--module-path (--module-path path. Specify where to find user java modules.)
--no-deprecation-warning (Do not show nashorn deprecation warning.)
param: [true|false] default: false
-ot, --optimistic-types (Use optimistic type assumptions with deoptimizing recompilation.
This makes the compiler try, for any program symbol whose type cannot
be proven at compile time, to type it as narrow and primitive as
possible. If the runtime encounters an error because symbol type
is too narrow, a wider method will be generated until steady stage
is reached. While this produces as optimal Java Bytecode as possible,
erroneous type guesses will lead to longer warmup. Optimistic typing
is currently enabled by default, but can be disabled for faster
startup performance.)
param: [true|false] default: true
-scripting (Enable scripting features.)
param: [true|false] default: false
-strict (Run scripts in strict mode.)
param: [true|false] default: false
-t, -timezone (Set timezone for script execution.)
param: <timezone> default: America/New_York
-v, -version (Print version info of Nashorn.)
param: [true|false] default: false