
  • File Path: C:\program files\Amazon Corretto\jdk11.0.8_10\bin\javac.exe
  • Description: OpenJDK Platform binary


Type Hash
MD5 C600CD49BD0682A3DBD8C8356D0799EA
SHA1 8F747D7D356CA3DC880078C89F15E6CDFE9D6146
SHA256 BD19F0CA698A3C2D88181B80F5563304E2AC0DEB631163A1EA65763A2FD1E10E
SHA384 8438862A6510BC441AF93AFBD67E90E7A4B13344F9FEE9FC71410818EB7EE50E285BE7DC92DA4B47F15EA0199EB8FB68
SHA512 F5066D745C8A13145EEE1C8EE42F285FE5DBD1A767CA4799D915D428E1FFA4D1509FD31F3F1CF16113D94C52FEDDCE5E0725F4D216190E63AE2813503509DBEE
SSDEEP 384:Rb9biPqfl3kBbFKk5A7cK6jSvU9Dgf2h0A:jOPfFKk51Kg4U9Uf2hF

Runtime Data

Usage (stdout):

Usage: javac <options> <source files>
where possible options include:
  @<filename>                  Read options and filenames from file
  -Akey[=value]                Options to pass to annotation processors
  --add-modules <module>(,<module>)*
        Root modules to resolve in addition to the initial modules, or all modules
        on the module path if <module> is ALL-MODULE-PATH.
  --boot-class-path <path>, -bootclasspath <path>
        Override location of bootstrap class files
  --class-path <path>, -classpath <path>, -cp <path>
        Specify where to find user class files and annotation processors
  -d <directory>               Specify where to place generated class files
        Output source locations where deprecated APIs are used
        Enable preview language features. To be used in conjunction with either -source or --release.
  -encoding <encoding>         Specify character encoding used by source files
  -endorseddirs <dirs>         Override location of endorsed standards path
  -extdirs <dirs>              Override location of installed extensions
  -g                           Generate all debugging info
  -g:{lines,vars,source}       Generate only some debugging info
  -g:none                      Generate no debugging info
  -h <directory>
        Specify where to place generated native header files
  --help, -help, -?            Print this help message
  --help-extra, -X             Print help on extra options
        Specify whether or not to generate class files for implicitly referenced files
  -J<flag>                     Pass <flag> directly to the runtime system
  --limit-modules <module>(,<module>)*
        Limit the universe of observable modules
  --module <module-name>, -m <module-name>
        Compile only the specified module, check timestamps
  --module-path <path>, -p <path>
        Specify where to find application modules
  --module-source-path <module-source-path>
        Specify where to find input source files for multiple modules
  --module-version <version>
        Specify version of modules that are being compiled
  -nowarn                      Generate no warnings
        Generate metadata for reflection on method parameters
        Control whether annotation processing and/or compilation is done.
  -processor <class1>[,<class2>,<class3>...]
        Names of the annotation processors to run; bypasses default discovery process
  --processor-module-path <path>
        Specify a module path where to find annotation processors
  --processor-path <path>, -processorpath <path>
        Specify where to find annotation processors
  -profile <profile>
        Check that API used is available in the specified profile
  --release <release>
        Compile for a specific VM version. Supported targets: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
  -s <directory>               Specify where to place generated source files
  -source <release>
        Provide source compatibility with specified release
  --source-path <path>, -sourcepath <path>
        Specify where to find input source files
  --system <jdk>|none          Override location of system modules
  -target <release>            Generate class files for specific VM version
  --upgrade-module-path <path>
        Override location of upgradeable modules
  -verbose                     Output messages about what the compiler is doing
  --version, -version          Version information
  -Werror                      Terminate compilation if warnings occur

Usage (stderr):

error: -h requires an argument
Usage: javac <options> <source files>
use --help for a list of possible options

Loaded Modules:

C:\program files\Amazon Corretto\jdk11.0.8_10\bin\javac.exe


  • Status: Signature verified.
  • Serial: 2F83C35B5136353D68CE9EB669FD1B0B
  • Thumbprint: 4BAD227329ADEF18F215B6475FB7948E1629B505
  • Issuer: CN=Symantec Class 3 SHA256 Code Signing CA, OU=Symantec Trust Network, O=Symantec Corporation, C=US
  • Subject: Services LLC, OU=Software Services, Services LLC, L=Seattle, S=Washington, C=US

File Metadata

  • Original Filename: javac.exe
  • Product Name: OpenJDK Platform 11
  • Company Name: Inc.
  • File Version: 11.0.8
  • Product Version: 11.0.8
  • Language: Language Neutral
  • Legal Copyright: Copyright 2020

File Similarity (ssdeep match)

File Score
C:\program files\AdoptOpenJDK\jdk-\bin\javac.exe 57
C:\program files\AdoptOpenJDK\jdk-\bin\jlink.exe 49
C:\program files\Amazon Corretto\jdk11.0.8_10\bin\jlink.exe 69

MIT License. Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Strontic.