
  • File Path: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\ilasm.exe
  • Description: Microsoft .NET Framework IL assembler
  • Comments: Flavor=Retail


Type Hash
MD5 5C0E98A6D6B8B42B165C2F415837DE1E
SHA1 6B1E04703BAFC0DCE38231055217E9B936073B0C
SHA256 584DBDAA56A351BD6EC6E02165060BCFAB6E6B572FF8E3E694D4B3F90475AAC9
SHA384 8FDC5DDF2777C2B74B6D9C98DE74D376590835803892E549040E61CFBE7B8AD5BBA998F3379A7FBCD862522576FDA0A9
SHA512 652F77DA742F7A176BFA518C7087BD79F472804FCE203C510F9E27785AFC5ACF83F26C7DD79CFE2B224A37F5C7056343D0C3A3F3E95CE960E8A2EB5BB950DB68
SSDEEP 6144:VG/TojdEL0iXFsTK0Z1a2kO72qfux5B0cEsQEsY0c6utVkO98:VG/ToZbiXFsTTwfOq4Eu
IMP B5ACD3F4BA7467B8D6211B3A8B8E24E2
PESHA1 98F1D2AB20277D41D7A0B2327BA789F6358A6A2F
PE256 9076FB059989C803C391BF3F25697440846478A175994C4382111E4333028213

Runtime Data

Usage (stdout):

Microsoft (R) .NET Framework IL Assembler version 4.8.4084.0
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Usage: ilasm [Options] <sourcefile> [Options]

/NOLOGO         Don't type the logo
/QUIET          Don't report assembly progress
/NOAUTOINHERIT  Disable inheriting from System.Object by default
/DLL            Compile to .dll
/EXE            Compile to .exe (default)
/PDB            Create the PDB file without enabling debug info tracking
/APPCONTAINER   Create an AppContainer exe or dll
/DEBUG          Disable JIT optimization, create PDB file, use sequence points from PDB
/DEBUG=IMPL     Disable JIT optimization, create PDB file, use implicit sequence points
/DEBUG=OPT      Enable JIT optimization, create PDB file, use implicit sequence points
/OPTIMIZE       Optimize long instructions to short
/FOLD           Fold the identical method bodies into one
/CLOCK          Measure and report compilation times
/RESOURCE=<res_file>    Link the specified resource file (*.res) 
			into resulting .exe or .dll
/OUTPUT=<targetfile>    Compile to file with specified name 
			(user must provide extension, if any)
/KEY=<keyfile>      Compile with strong signature 
			(<keyfile> contains private key)
/KEY=@<keysource>   Compile with strong signature 
			(<keysource> is the private key source name)
/INCLUDE=<path>     Set path to search for #include'd files
/SUBSYSTEM=<int>    Set Subsystem value in the NT Optional header
/SSVER=<int>.<int>  Set Subsystem version number in the NT Optional header
/FLAGS=<int>        Set CLR ImageFlags value in the CLR header
/ALIGNMENT=<int>    Set FileAlignment value in the NT Optional header
/BASE=<int>     Set ImageBase value in the NT Optional header (max 2GB for 32-bit images)
/STACK=<int>    Set SizeOfStackReserve value in the NT Optional header
/MDV=<version_string>   Set Metadata version string
/MSV=<int>.<int>   Set Metadata stream version (<major>.<minor>)
/PE64           Create a 64bit image (PE32+)
/HIGHENTROPYVA  Set High Entropy Virtual Address capable PE32+ images (default for /APPCONTAINER)
/NOCORSTUB      Suppress generation of CORExeMain stub
/STRIPRELOC     Indicate that no base relocations are needed
/ITANIUM        Target processor: Intel Itanium
/X64            Target processor: 64bit AMD processor
/ARM            Target processor: ARM processor
/32BITPREFERRED Create a 32BitPreferred image (PE32)
/ENC=<file>     Create Edit-and-Continue deltas from specified source file

Key may be '-' or '/'
Options are recognized by first 3 characters
Default source file extension is .il

Target defaults:
/PE64      => /PE64 /ITANIUM
/X64       => /PE64 /X64

Usage (stderr):

Error : Invalid Option: --help

Loaded Modules:



  • Status: Signature verified.
  • Serial: 330000023241FB59996DCC4DFF000000000232
  • Thumbprint: FF82BC38E1DA5E596DF374C53E3617F7EDA36B06
  • Issuer: CN=Microsoft Windows Production PCA 2011, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US
  • Subject: CN=Microsoft Windows, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US

File Metadata

  • Original Filename: ilasm.exe
  • Product Name: Microsoft .NET Framework
  • Company Name: Microsoft Corporation
  • File Version: 4.8.4084.0 built by: NET48REL1
  • Product Version: 4.8.4084.0
  • Language: English (United States)
  • Legal Copyright: Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
  • Machine Type: 64-bit

File Scan

  • VirusTotal Detections: 0/75
  • VirusTotal Link:

File Similarity (ssdeep match)

File Score
C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\ilasm.exe 90

Possible Misuse

The following table contains possible examples of ilasm.exe being misused. While ilasm.exe is not inherently malicious, its legitimate functionality can be abused for malicious purposes.

Source Source File Example License
LOLBAS Ilasm.yml Name: Ilasm.exe  
LOLBAS Ilasm.yml - Command: ilasm.exe C:\public\test.txt /exe  
LOLBAS Ilasm.yml - Command: ilasm.exe C:\public\test.txt /dll  
LOLBAS Ilasm.yml - Path: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\ilasm.exe  
LOLBAS Ilasm.yml - Path: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\ilasm.exe  
LOLBAS Ilasm.yml - IOC: Ilasm may not be used often in production environments (such as on endpoints)  
LOLBAS Ilasm.yml - Link:  

MIT License. Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Strontic.