
  • File Path: C:\Windows\system32\diskperf.exe
  • Description: Disk Performance Configuration Utility


Type Hash
MD5 62878AC98008FE21396427160C975295
SHA1 95CEEBCAA74ABEC902392261497C199DE87795C7
SHA256 3A6D5E97DC08B85EA6E0372791D4F68CB93DC0020D195823C0CE1AD8B891B3F5
SHA384 F245B0EDA2D8D186344C1EDF0795720B8DDC3F3B54E69436FFEEC6E268258A8416619564EC8CA4A18EA277CD38EAE648
SHA512 154C9CD4B6E75210F70AEF305C88236B814421D76B159C8199F7E82FD8CC76EC2D6E1B6F5D25B3967836CF6B4401E3424D7943F30684EC4E71DBA7AD8D1142A5
SSDEEP 384:zxEB938kEwctfXzJD1etM47N7WfUry8AihfgiOMyAsN7cK74Zv/FWoJW:zBkE9JD1epWEA2fgiOMy57cKkZ3x
IMP BE6FE1119CB4F6C79CE34221D93EACE6
PESHA1 7F7D1E9A6F5725528293EDE35F38781D840EE0ED
PE256 5420F757265CD540ED864A691627C7E436DBBA065B2020798B707E9384340F8F

Runtime DataPermalink

Usage (stdout):Permalink


Starts and stops system disk performance counters.

Used without the command switches, DISKPERF reports what disk
performance counters are enabled on the specified Windows 2000 computer.

Disk performance counters can be specified to report the
performance of the individual physical drives, or the individual
logical drives or storage volumes. Note that these two sets of
performance counters are measured independently. The user
has the option of enabling and disabling them independently
using the command line switches.
NOTE: This command can only be used to control remote
Windows 2000 systems. In newer systems, these performance counters
are automatically enabled.

DISKPERF [-Y[D|V] | -N[D|V]] [\\computername]

  -Y  Sets the system to start all disk performance counters
      when the system is restarted.

  -YD Enables the disk performance counters for physical drives.
      when the system is restarted.
  -YV Enables the disk performance counters for logical drives
      or storage volumes when the system is restarted.
  -N  Sets the system to disable all disk performance counters
      when the system is restarted.

  -ND Disables the disk performance counters for physical drives.
  -NV Disables the disk performance counters for logical drives.
  \\computername        Is the name of the computer you want to
                        see or set disk performance counter use.
                        The computer must be a Windows 2000 system.
  NOTE: Disk performance counters are permanently enabled on
        systems beyond Windows 2000.

Loaded Modules:Permalink



  • Status: Signature verified.
  • Serial: 3300000266BD1580EFA75CD6D3000000000266
  • Thumbprint: A4341B9FD50FB9964283220A36A1EF6F6FAA7840
  • Issuer: CN=Microsoft Windows Production PCA 2011, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US
  • Subject: CN=Microsoft Windows, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US

File MetadataPermalink

  • Original Filename: DISKPERF.EXE.MUI
  • Product Name: Microsoft Windows Operating System
  • Company Name: Microsoft Corporation
  • File Version: 10.0.17763.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
  • Product Version: 10.0.17763.1
  • Language: English (United States)
  • Legal Copyright: Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
  • Machine Type: 64-bit

File ScanPermalink

  • VirusTotal Detections: 0/71
  • VirusTotal Link: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/3a6d5e97dc08b85ea6e0372791d4f68cb93dc0020d195823c0ce1ad8b891b3f5/detection/

File Similarity (ssdeep match)Permalink

File Score
C:\WINDOWS\system32\diskperf.exe 74

Additional Info*Permalink

*The information below is copied from MicrosoftDocs, which is maintained by Microsoft. Available under CC BY 4.0 license.


The diskperf command remotely enables or disables physical or logical disk performance counters on computers running Windows.


diskperf [-y[d|v] | -n[d|v]] [\\computername]


Option Description
-y Starts all disk performance counters when the computer restarts.
-yd Enables disk performance counters for physical drives when the computer restarts.
-yv Enables disk performance counters for logical drives or storage volumes when the computer restarts.
-n Disables all disk performance counters when the computer restarts.
-nd Disable disk performance counters for physical drives when the computer restarts.
-nv Disable disk performance counters for logical drives or storage volumes when the computer restarts.
\\<computername> Specifies the name of the computer where you want to enable or disable disk performance counters.
-? Displays context sensitive help.

Additional ReferencesPermalink

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