
  • File Path: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\clip.exe
  • Description: Clip - copies the data into clipboard


Type Hash
MD5 2027FBB56BED959CD8E66C38866BE43D
SHA1 36F83DEFA499360A440F8379885B3A572416E505
SHA256 32F91B0CE7278E96F19B134722AB5260990D59D1B3381116BC5078B860AE57A8
SHA384 AD555738A50AA9D75F2C0FD6A3CFBA095B21F782857D4E5C4E3D70CA77CB837B51ABC37764BEF81CAFF0CFE9E6B3E7BA
SHA512 E1AD8B831762C6BBA90F1B5475CDA4817258B8E5341E05078DC48BE5C18C041F8DBC7E578C8D3BEBB8170E74B2094B404EC4D1C1B75BE3B9BB7D783717554B9F
SSDEEP 384:aOPcSYBilVtzqcbZPjAgt6XLyN0xNdGnlIG6wSYHFJMr6wFojNe0x+gnL3NQWPTa:aOPllVlqc17AgL0xTGlIG69YE+wFq3xt
IMP 2E4F8B6217B6FC3E22F837FF8337F26B
PESHA1 C4DCD4058AE6A55A400699583960BEBDE743D92D
PE256 0C098042DD3A13A13BD394F16E265BA109BA50B31602C48FD023000B09CE663B

Runtime Data

Usage (stdout):


    Redirects output of command line tools to the Windows clipboard.
    This text output can then be pasted into other programs.

Parameter List:
    /?                  Displays this help message.

    DIR | CLIP          Places a copy of the current directory
                        listing into the Windows clipboard.

    CLIP < README.TXT   Places a copy of the text from readme.txt
                        on to the Windows clipboard.

Usage (stderr):

ERROR: Invalid argument/option - '--help'.
Type "CLIP /?" for usage.


  • Status: Signature verified.
  • Serial: 33000001C422B2F79B793DACB20000000001C4
  • Thumbprint: AE9C1AE54763822EEC42474983D8B635116C8452
  • Issuer: CN=Microsoft Windows Production PCA 2011, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US
  • Subject: CN=Microsoft Windows, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US

File Metadata

  • Original Filename: clip.exe
  • Product Name: Microsoft Windows Operating System
  • Company Name: Microsoft Corporation
  • File Version: 10.0.17763.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
  • Product Version: 10.0.17763.1
  • Language: English (United States)
  • Legal Copyright: Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
  • Machine Type: 32-bit

File Scan

  • VirusTotal Detections: 0/72
  • VirusTotal Link:

Possible Misuse

The following table contains possible examples of clip.exe being misused. While clip.exe is not inherently malicious, its legitimate functionality can be abused for malicious purposes.

Source Source File Example License
sigma win_invoke_obfuscation_clip_services_security.yml description: Detects Obfuscated use of Clip.exe to execute PowerShell DRL 1.0
sigma win_invoke_obfuscation_via_use_clip_services_security.yml description: Detects Obfuscated Powershell via use Clip.exe in Scripts DRL 1.0
sigma win_invoke_obfuscation_clip_services.yml description: Detects Obfuscated use of Clip.exe to execute PowerShell DRL 1.0
sigma win_invoke_obfuscation_via_use_clip_services.yml description: Detects Obfuscated Powershell via use Clip.exe in Scripts DRL 1.0
sigma posh_pm_invoke_obfuscation_clip.yml description: Detects Obfuscated use of Clip.exe to execute PowerShell DRL 1.0
sigma posh_pm_invoke_obfuscation_via_use_clip.yml description: Detects Obfuscated Powershell via use Clip.exe in Scripts DRL 1.0
sigma posh_ps_invoke_obfuscation_clip.yml description: Detects Obfuscated use of Clip.exe to execute PowerShell DRL 1.0
sigma posh_ps_invoke_obfuscation_via_use_clip.yml description: Detects Obfuscated Powershell via use Clip.exe in Scripts DRL 1.0
sigma proc_creation_win_clip.yml OriginalFileName: clip.exe DRL 1.0
sigma proc_creation_win_invoke_obfuscation_clip.yml description: Detects Obfuscated use of Clip.exe to execute PowerShell DRL 1.0
sigma proc_creation_win_invoke_obfuscation_via_use_clip.yml description: Detects Obfuscated Powershell via use Clip.exe in Scripts DRL 1.0
sigma driver_load_invoke_obfuscation_clip+_services.yml description: Detects Obfuscated use of Clip.exe to execute PowerShell DRL 1.0
sigma driver_load_invoke_obfuscation_via_use_clip_services.yml description: Detects Obfuscated Powershell via use Clip.exe in Scripts DRL 1.0

Additional Info*

*The information below is copied from MicrosoftDocs, which is maintained by Microsoft. Available under CC BY 4.0 license.


Redirects the command output from the command line to the Windows clipboard. You can use this command to copy data directly into any application that can receive text from the Clipboard. You can also paste this text output into other programs.


<command> | clip
clip < <filename>


Parameter Description
<command> Specifies a command whose output you want to send to the Windows clipboard.
<filename> Specifies a file whose contents you want to send to the Windows clipboard.
/? Displays help at the command prompt.


To copy the current directory listing to the Windows clipboard, type:

dir | clip

To copy the output of a program called generic.awk to the Windows clipboard, type:

awk -f generic.awk input.txt | clip

To copy the contents of a file called readme.txt to the Windows clipboard, type:

clip < readme.txt

Additional References

MIT License. Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Strontic.