
  • File Path: C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\ClickToRun\appvcleaner.exe
  • Description: AppVCleaner


Type Hash
MD5 B8D69FA2755C3AB1F12F8866A8E2A4F7
SHA1 8E3CDFB20E158C2906323BA0094A18C7DD2AAF2D
SHA256 7E0976036431640AE1D9F1C0B52BCEA5DD37EF86CD3F5304DC8A96459D9483CD
SHA384 6645EC6C7EB6C0AABC0029373195D53E85F713C6E859631399A5AF8D7117E5EE8DBC8930E1B2A00F39B334EB91AEF960
SHA512 5ACAC46068B331216978500F67A7FA5257BC5B05133FAB6D88280B670AE4885EF2D5D1F531169B66BF1952E082F56B1AD2BC3901479B740F96C53EA405ADDA18
SSDEEP 24576:GCbRquA/m2z+L5WqJdrHCYRFiV+XenmE3Pnzc344:GCbRquA/m2yL5zbfFiV+XenmE3/z
IMP 754A865A9EEBB214E7A6F31DBFFC6594
PE256 9FB39D207B897ECE6E3115D1AC628E545E97B67484AF3586265C526FA0316BCD

Runtime Data

Usage (stdout):

AppVCleaner.exe [/?] [/help] [/M:mode] [/PID:package ID] [/RSP:registy path] [/DD:directory] [/x86MP:file] [/x86DDC:file] [/x64MP:file] [/x64DDC:file] [/ABD:directory] [/PD:directory]

Use this tool to clean up extension points locally.

? or help: This information
M: Mode (optional). - store: Store based clean up - In this mode, the cleanup will use registry data of App-V.
           This mode requires registry store location (RSP) and file store location (DD).
           It also requires the package ID (PID), which can be explicitly provided, or can be extracted from a manifest if a 
           manifest location is provided.
  - manifest: Manifest-based clean up - In this mode, the cleanup uses package manifest to perform the cleanup.
              This mode requires at least one manifest location to be provided. On a 32-bit system,
              the x86 manifest location (x86MP), on a 64-bit system, either the x86 manifest location (x86MP)
              or the x64ManifestLocation (x64MP) must be provided. If both are provided, then cleanup will use both manifests,
              to ensure clean up succeeds regardless of the bitness of the package that was published.
              Following parameters are mandatory for this mode: x86MP and/or x64MP, ABD, PD
              Following parameters are optional for this mode: x86DDC, x64DDC
  - best (default): Best effort. If a mode (M) is not specified or this mode is specified explictly, this tool will attempt the store-based cleanup
                    if enough arguments are provided to perform the cleanup and the store locations provided do exist on the machine. 
                    If store-based cleanup cannot be accomplished, then manifest-based cleanup is attempted
PID: The GUID of the package to be cleaned up (optional). Registry style GUIDs with or without '{', '}' are accepted
RSP: Registry store path. The stingified key in the registry under which the AppV stores reside (optional). 
     This location can only be be under HKLM and HKLM prefix should not be provided
DD: Data directory. The directory on disk where backup shortcuts reside (optional). Environment variables are supported (e.g. %APPDATA%)
x86MP: The path of the 32-bit package manifest (optional)
x86DDC: The path of the 32-bit dynamic deployment configuration (optional)
x64MP: The path of the 64-bit package manifest (optional). This parameter can only be defined if 64-bit manifest is defined
x64DDC: The path of the 64-bit dynamic deployment configuration (optional). This parameter can only be defined if 64-bit manifest is defined
ABD: AppV Binary directory. The directory on disk where AppV Binaries reside (optional). Environment variables are supported (e.g. %APPDATA%)

Usage (stderr):

Error: One or more of the command line arguments not understood. Please correct and try again. Error code: A9201401-10000003

Loaded Modules:

C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\ClickToRun\appvcleaner.exe


  • Status: Signature verified.
  • Serial: 33000001519E8D8F4071A30E41000000000151
  • Thumbprint: 62009AAABDAE749FD47D19150958329BF6FF4B34
  • Issuer: CN=Microsoft Code Signing PCA 2011, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US
  • Subject: CN=Microsoft Corporation, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US

File Metadata

  • Original Filename: AppVCleaner.exe
  • Product Name: Microsoft Application Virtualization (App-V)
  • Company Name: Microsoft Corporation
  • File Version:
  • Product Version:
  • Language: English (United States)
  • Legal Copyright: 2015 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
  • Machine Type: 64-bit

File Scan

  • VirusTotal Detections: 0/73
  • VirusTotal Link:

MIT License. Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Strontic.