
  • File Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.19041.0\x86\WinAppDeployCmd.exe
  • Description:


Type Hash
MD5 14C06D1D7800B6C28FC3AA8EB56DED99
SHA1 1442B3002DAF5675D72041A2FB1303DBD9E136EE
SHA256 F9CE7F1128015060E41C73BD78EBCB07161F069934D98E0D2743C8018CE8C9B8
SHA384 77EA1CE1A9ECFF8E4BB4D609E5DE20BB2F1F3A94D178FA4E6D4F7BF43C8209CE2DBD04C4932B6E540F20792423740831
SHA512 4B072E387FA7D615AFFF9857DB55F38A6DBF1BC474CA539ACD3200D8CD37BFE858FC04AB1E831D8FCBE1CD3DA16D0C11ADACDE32BD87A0509974E9ACE4B090AD
SSDEEP 768:afYY+d53psClc4iggeXM4wseoxRm5+XRuvjggKR1:ot+d5SClc4iggh4wsXxRm5+ovsgq1
IMP F34D5F2D4577ED6D9CEEC516C1F5A744
PESHA1 6F39CDF55A0C3C86619887C3E1102CB851C1970B
PE256 FE0B13F5DFB42326DE70306B4FC2A0F8B748D4CBD9492BB8E6B5A87DB6BD2199

Runtime Data

Usage (stdout):

Windows App Deployment Tool
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Utility for deploying applications to remote Windows devices.

WinAppDeployCmd [command] [-ip address|-guid address] [-pin pin]
  [-option <argument>] ...


    devices         Show the list of available network devices.
      WinAppDeployCmd devices [timeoutSecs]

Loose file applications:
    deployfiles     Deploy/Copy loose package files.
        Required Options: 
                    -file  Full path to the appx manifest .xml file for the app to be installed, updated, or
                    -remotedeploydir Relative directory path/name to copy files over on remote device;
                    This will be relative to a well-known, automatically determined remote deployment folder.
                    -deleteextrafiles Causes the tool to delete extra files from 
                    the remote target path if they are not found in the source layout
                    -pin The paired pin generated as a result of Developer Unlocking 
                    and enabling Device Discovery on the remote device.
                    -preserveAppData Preserves app data when uninstalling an app.
        WinAppDeployCmd deployfiles -file localmanifestpath -remotedeploydir remoterelativepath 
        -ip TargetIPAddress [-deleteextrafiles]
    registerfiles   Register loose package files from local app layout folder.
        Required Options:
                    -remotedeploydir Relative directory path/name specified in the previous corresponding
                    deployfiles command.
        WinAppDeployCmd registerfiles -remotedeploydir RemoteRelativePath -ip TargetIPAddress
Packaged Appx applications:
    install         Install a Windows app to the target device.
        Required Options: 
                    -file  Full path to the .appx or .appx bundle for the app to be installed.
                    -dependency Optional path to appx dependency packages
                    -requiredContentGroupOnly Only install the required content groups
        WinAppDeployCmd install -file appxpath [-dependency dep1 [dep2] [dep3] ...]
    update          Update a Windows app installed on the target device.
        Required Options: 
                    -file  Full path to the .appx or .appx bundle for the app to be updated.
                     -requiredContentGroupOnly Only install the required content groups
        WinAppDeployCmd update -file appxpath
Other application utilities:
    list            Show the list of app packages installed on the target
                    device. Handy to retrieve package name assigned when registering loose files
                    to use in the subsequent uninstall command.
        WinAppDeployCmd list             
    uninstall       Uninstall the specified appx package from the target
        Required Options:
                    -package Name of the appx
                    -preserveAppData Preserves app data when uninstalling an app.
        WinAppDeployCmd uninstall -package pkgname [-preserveAppData]
Commands to help with deploying/registering applications from a remote network share:
    addcreds        Add network credentials for the target to use when running
                    an application from a network share.
        Required Options:
                    -credserver hostname of the remote share or server
                    -credusername username associated with the remote share/server
                    -credpassword password associated witht the remote share/server credentials
        WinAppDeployCmd addcreds -credserver server -credusername username -credpassword password            
    getcreds        Get network credentials for the target uses when running
                    an application from a network share.
        Required Options:
                    -credserver hostname of the remote share or server
        WinAppDeployCmd getcreds -credserver server
    deletecreds     Delete network credentials the target uses when running an
                    application from a network share.
        Required Options:
                    -credserver hostname of the remote share or server
       WinAppDeployCmd deletecreds -credserver server

Options: (Details)
    -h -help        Show this screen.
    -ip             IP address of the target device
    -g -guid        Unique identifier of the target device
    -d -dependency  Optional to specify the dependency path for each of the
                    package dependencies. If none are specified, by default,
                    this tool will search for dependencies in the app root and
                    SDK directories.
    -f -file        File path for the app package to be installed, updated, or
    -p -package     The Package Full Name for the app package to be
                    uninstalled. You can use the list command to find the
                    names for packages already installed on the device.
    -pin            A pin may be required to establish connection with the
                    target device. You will be prompted to retry with -pin
                    option if authentication is required.
    -credserver     The server name of the network credentials for use by the
    -credusername   The user name of the network credentials for use by the
    -credpassword   The password of the network credentials for use by the
    -connecttimeout The timeout in seconds that should be used for sync Connect() calls to 
                    the remote device.
    -remotedeploydir  Relative directory path/name to copy files over on remote device; This will be
                    relative to a well-known, automatically determined remote deployment folder.
    -deleteextrafile Switch to indicate whether existing files in the remote directory should be purged to match the source directory
    WinAppDeployCmd devices 10
    WinAppDeployCmd deployfiles -file c:\apps\App1\AppxManifest.xml -remotedeploydir app1_F5 -ip [-pin userpin]
    WinAppDeployCmd registerfiles -remotedeploydir app1_F5 -ip
    WinAppDeployCmd install -file "Downloads\SampleApp.appx" -ip [-dependency c:\temp\dep\x86\*.appx]
    WinAppDeployCmd update -file "Downloads\SampleApp.appx" -ip
    WinAppDeployCmd list -ip
    WinAppDeployCmd uninstall -package Company.SampleApp_1.0.0.1_x64__qwertyuiop -ip
    WinAppDeployCmd addcreds -credserver myserver -credusername myname -credpassword mypassword -ip
    WinAppDeployCmd getcreds -credserver myserver -ip
    WinAppDeployCmd deletecreds -credserver myserver -ip

Loaded Modules:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.19041.0\x86\WinAppDeployCmd.exe


  • Status: The file C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.19041.0\x86\WinAppDeployCmd.exe is not digitally signed. You cannot run this script on the current system. For more information about running scripts and setting execution policy, see about_Execution_Policies at https:/
  • Serial: ``
  • Thumbprint: ``
  • Issuer:
  • Subject:

File Metadata

  • Original Filename: WinAppDeployCmd.exe
  • Product Name: Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Operating System
  • Company Name: Microsoft Corporation
  • File Version: 10.0.19041.1
  • Product Version: 10.0.19041.1
  • Language: Language Neutral
  • Legal Copyright: Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
  • Machine Type: 32-bit

File Scan

  • VirusTotal Detections: Unknown

MIT License. Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Strontic.