
  • File Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v10.0A\bin\NETFX 4.8 Tools\x64\sn.exe
  • Description: Microsoft .NET Strong Name Utility
  • Comments: Flavor=Retail


Type Hash
SHA1 E08E276311CA6FC3E1D694E64860998D8E2A57AC
SHA256 6ADC7DA3C691C8834A68BBF03EB06D15B586997BBCE3C83B5AA4BDF063BC1F37
SHA384 440ECC37EA2B581DEF4843511365D7B1BD6B103E1970D4EA97D5B8C0BE62B3F60B1C0357B6083BAB4530315D320626BA
SHA512 F78E50F70D433DD8FCC9D6361E2CD02DD18D6B9E155A4BB43466BAA9F5A0215FF4C72BAB08122ED6E7B445CF579109796680F9889F2F928544C377C21D6A9892
SSDEEP 6144:mHmQxK0/49qukbQNbW6rGXqqocVdmw1a9/x7fHh0ek3c:mG70/4Y7bQNbW6qXWTt5tks
IMP 4D928D7489AFD656BEE49BE7D560585F
PESHA1 C545E03E8D3D4E771C3CFAD84CB290A691449F45
PE256 CB7B580FF6DBA89A9FEB31CE08886702B51120948956A00318C046A67F540328

Runtime Data

Usage (stdout):

Microsoft (R) .NET Framework Strong Name Utility  Version 4.0.30319.0
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Usage: sn [-q|-quiet] <option> [<parameters>]
  -a identityPublicKeyFile identityKeyPairFile signaturePublicKeyFile
    Generate AssemblySignatureKeyAttribute data to migrate the identity key to the signature key from a file.
  -ac identityPublicKeyFile identityKeyPairContainer signaturePublicKeyFile
    Generate AssemblySignatureKeyAttribute data to migrate the identity key to the signature key from a key container.
  -c [<csp> [<provtype>] ] 
    Set/reset the name of the CSP to use for MSCORSN operations.
  -d <container>
    Delete key container named <container>.
  -dg <assembly> <digest file> [-rehash]
    Compute the digest of an assembly, generating a digest file for signing by
    the -ds or -dsc commands.
    If -rehash is specified, modules are re-hashed before digest calulation
  -ds <digest file> <keyfile> [-ecma]
    Sign a digest file generated by the -dg command using the full key pair
    from the given key file.
    If -ecma is used, keyfile is treated as the real key for ECMA signing.
  -dsc <digest file> <container> [-ecma]
    Sign a digest filegenerated by the -dg command using the key in the
    specified key container.
    If -ecma is used, container is treated as the real key for ECMA signing.
  -di <digest file> <assembly>
    Insert the signature from the digest file signed by the -ds or -dsc
    commands into the assembly.
  -dh <digest file> <hash file>
    Extract the base64 encoded hash value from the digest file
  -du <signature file> <digest file>
    Update the signature in the digest file with a base64 encoded signature
    in a signature file. WARNING: using this operation may result in a digest
    file that contains an invalid signature for its corresponding assembly.
  -dd <digest file>
    Dump the digest file to the console
  -D <assembly1> <assembly2>
    Verify <assembly1> and <assembly2> differ only by signature.
  -e <assembly> <outfile>
    Extract public key from <assembly> into <outfile>.
  -i <infile> <container>
    Install key pair from <infile> into a key container named <container>.
  -k [<keysize>] <outfile>
    Generate a new key pair of the specified size and write it into <outfile>.
  -m [y|n]
    Enable (y), disable (n) or check (no parameter) whether key containers
    are machine specific (rather than user specific).
  -o <infile> [<outfile>]
    Convert public key in <infile> to text file <outfile> with comma separated
    list of decimal byte values.
    If <outfile> is omitted, text is copied to clipboard instead.
  -p <infile> <outfile> [<hashalg>]
    Extract public key from key pair in <infile> and export to <outfile>,
    embedding the specified hash algorithm (sha1|sha256|sha384|sha512).
  -pc <container> <outfile> [<hashalg>]
    Extract public key from key pair in <container> and export to <outfile>,
    embedding the specified hash algorithm (sha1|sha256|sha384|sha512).
  -Pb [y|n]
    Enable (y), disable (n) or check (no parameters) the CLR policy allowing
    trusted applications to bypass strong name signature verification on their
    Quiet mode. This option must be first on the command line and will suppress
    any output other than error messages.
  -R[a] <assembly> <infile> [-ecma]
    Re-sign signed or partially signed assembly with the key pair in <infile>.
    If -Ra is used, hashes are recomputed for all files in the assembly.
    If -ecma is used, infile is treated as the real key for ECMA signing.
  -Rc[a] <assembly> <container> [-ecma]
    Re-sign signed or partially signed assembly with the key pair in the key
    container named <container>.
    If -Rca is used, hashes are recomputed for all files in the assembly.
    If -ecma is used, container is treated as the real key for ECMA signing.
  -Rh <assembly>
    Re-compute hashes for all files in the assembly.
  -t[p] <infile>
    Display token for public key in <infile> (together with the public key
    itself if -tp is used).
  -T[p] <assembly>
    Display token for public key of <assembly> (together with the public key
    itself if -Tp is used).
  -TS <assembly> <infile>
    Test-sign signed or partially signed assembly with the key pair in 
  -TSc <assembly> <container>
    Test-sign signed or partially signed assembly with the key pair in the key
    container named <container>.
  -v[f] <assembly> [{-ecmakey <keyfile> | -ecmacontainer <container>}]
    Verify <assembly> for strong name signature self consistency. If -vf is
    specified, force verification even if disabled in the registry.
    If -ecmakey is specified, keyfile is treated as the real ECMA key.
    If -ecmacontainer is specified, container is treated as the real ECMA key.
  -Vk <regfile> <assembly> [<userlist>] [<testkey>]
    Generate a registry script in <regfile> to register <assembly> for
    verification skipping (with an optional, comma separated list of usernames
    for which this will take effect and an optional test public key in
    <testkey>). <assembly> can be specified as * to indicate all assemblies or
    *,<public key token> to indicate that all assemblies with the given public
    key token. Public key tokens should be specified as a string of hex digits.
    List current settings for strong name verification on this machine.
  -Vr <assembly> [<userlist>] [<infile>]
    Register <assembly> for verification skipping (with an optional, comma
    separated list of usernames for which this will take effect and an
 optional test public key in <infile>).
 <assembly>    can be specified as * to indicate all assemblies or *,<public key token> to
    indicate that all assemblies with the given public key token. Public key
    tokens should be specified as a string of hex digits.
  -Vu <assembly>
    Unregister <assembly> for verification skipping. The same rules for
    <assembly> naming are followed as for -Vr.
    Remove all verification skipping entries.
    Displays this help text.

Loaded Modules:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v10.0A\bin\NETFX 4.8 Tools\x64\sn.exe


  • Status: Signature verified.
  • Serial: 33000001519E8D8F4071A30E41000000000151
  • Thumbprint: 62009AAABDAE749FD47D19150958329BF6FF4B34
  • Issuer: CN=Microsoft Code Signing PCA 2011, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US
  • Subject: CN=Microsoft Corporation, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US

File Metadata

  • Original Filename: sn.exe
  • Product Name: Microsoft .NET Framework
  • Company Name: Microsoft Corporation
  • File Version: 4.8.4084.0 built by: NET48REL1
  • Product Version: 4.8.4084.0
  • Language: English (United States)
  • Legal Copyright: Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
  • Machine Type: 64-bit

File Scan

  • VirusTotal Detections: 0/73
  • VirusTotal Link:

MIT License. Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Strontic.