
  • File Path: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\crtdll.dll
  • Description: Microsoft C Runtime Library


Type Hash
MD5 D17A0D5E0B6F95BB133C6DD761EE78FD
SHA1 4C324FB8B01033B743A115C242A11E8C827522C4
SHA256 F6F4951F98185BA8DDCDAA43F13B8106B9B667BB7F5EE027DC51B4BCA4556ADC
SHA384 3C0605A84C732F2C615F9CE8FA158CF10B381EBAE6B5180D0DC6CEBE811F21773EF0E5AB851C0F0068A4A32DC0946083
SHA512 CE4619C6DA49B6F6C098346EFDFF6BB176CB07BA436591844ADE601E2D9F4DAE81EEC881992F0EB18816402A59F52A117CC37D41288825E371B9D6BF6DF56D13
SSDEEP 3072:10G/tFLKTkoRUcrDFGRheXGoG5ohUfzQn+B+kZ/ALzywU1OoOQob6e8NB18ams:CiFLKTkomcrDqnomoyfPB+kZ/ALzyXyy
IMP AC8A18458B5E230A01FE80EE9EBCB2C2
PESHA1 2A1DDDE8FBD3193332CA03264B1F3EB81510EBC2
PE256 0325F5C578560FE586EEA766FA7A2A78DD1C932891FA93C566432DF4ED8CCCAB

DLL Exports:

Function Name Ordinal Type
cos 354 Exported Function
clock 353 Exported Function
ctime 356 Exported Function
cosh 355 Exported Function
calloc 350 Exported Function
bsearch 349 Exported Function
clearerr 352 Exported Function
ceil 351 Exported Function
fclose 362 Exported Function
fabs 361 Exported Function
ferror 364 Exported Function
feof 363 Exported Function
div 358 Exported Function
difftime 357 Exported Function
exp 360 Exported Function
exit 359 Exported Function
abort 338 Exported Function
_yn 337 Exported Function
acos 340 Exported Function
abs 339 Exported Function
_XcptFilter 21 Exported Function
_wtol 334 Exported Function
_y1 336 Exported Function
_y0 335 Exported Function
atof 346 Exported Function
atexit 345 Exported Function
atol 348 Exported Function
atoi 347 Exported Function
asin 342 Exported Function
asctime 341 Exported Function
atan2 344 Exported Function
atan 343 Exported Function
fflush 365 Exported Function
fwscanf 387 Exported Function
fwrite 386 Exported Function
getchar 389 Exported Function
getc 388 Exported Function
fsetpos 383 Exported Function
fseek 382 Exported Function
fwprintf 385 Exported Function
ftell 384 Exported Function
isalnum 394 Exported Function
is_wctype 393 Exported Function
iscntrl 396 Exported Function
isalpha 395 Exported Function
gets 391 Exported Function
getenv 390 Exported Function
int (__cdecl*__cdecl _set_new_handler(int (__cdecl*)(unsigned int)))(unsigned int) 3 Exported Function
gmtime 392 Exported Function
fmod 371 Exported Function
floor 370 Exported Function
fprintf 373 Exported Function
fopen 372 Exported Function
fgetpos 367 Exported Function
fgetc 366 Exported Function
fgetwc 369 Exported Function
fgets 368 Exported Function
freopen 379 Exported Function
free 378 Exported Function
fscanf 381 Exported Function
frexp 380 Exported Function
fputs 375 Exported Function
fputc 374 Exported Function
fread 377 Exported Function
fputwc 376 Exported Function
_wtoi 333 Exported Function
_strinc 289 Exported Function
_stricoll 288 Exported Function
_strncnt 291 Exported Function
_strlwr 290 Exported Function
_strdup 285 Exported Function
_strdec 284 Exported Function
_stricmp 287 Exported Function
_strerror 286 Exported Function
_strset 297 Exported Function
_strrev 296 Exported Function
_strtime 299 Exported Function
_strspnp 298 Exported Function
_strnicmp 293 Exported Function
_strnextc 292 Exported Function
_strnset 295 Exported Function
_strninc 294 Exported Function
_spawnlp 273 Exported Function
_spawnle 272 Exported Function
_spawnv 275 Exported Function
_spawnlpe 274 Exported Function
_snwprintf 269 Exported Function
_snprintf 268 Exported Function
_spawnl 271 Exported Function
_sopen 270 Exported Function
_statusfp 281 Exported Function
_stat 280 Exported Function
_strdate 283 Exported Function
_strcmpi 282 Exported Function
_spawnvp 277 Exported Function
_spawnve 276 Exported Function
_splitpath 279 Exported Function
_spawnvpe 278 Exported Function
_strupr 300 Exported Function
_wcsicoll 322 Exported Function
_wcsicmp 321 Exported Function
_wcsnicmp 324 Exported Function
_wcslwr 323 Exported Function
_vsnprintf 318 Exported Function
_utime 317 Exported Function
_wcsdup 320 Exported Function
_vsnwprintf 319 Exported Function
_winminor_dll 330 Exported Function
_winmajor_dll 329 Exported Function
_write 332 Exported Function
_winver_dll 331 Exported Function
_wcsrev 326 Exported Function
_wcsnset 325 Exported Function
_wcsupr 328 Exported Function
_wcsset 327 Exported Function
_timezone_dll 306 Exported Function
_tempnam 305 Exported Function
_toupper 308 Exported Function
_tolower 307 Exported Function
_sys_errlist 302 Exported Function
_swab 301 Exported Function
_tell 304 Exported Function
_sys_nerr_dll 303 Exported Function
_ungetch 314 Exported Function
_umask 313 Exported Function
_unloaddll 316 Exported Function
_unlink 315 Exported Function
_tzset 310 Exported Function
_tzname 309 Exported Function
_ultow 312 Exported Function
_ultoa 311 Exported Function
isdigit 397 Exported Function
system 485 Exported Function
swscanf 484 Exported Function
tanh 487 Exported Function
tan 486 Exported Function
strtoul 481 Exported Function
strtol 480 Exported Function
swprintf 483 Exported Function
strxfrm 482 Exported Function
towlower 493 Exported Function
toupper 492 Exported Function
ungetc 495 Exported Function
towupper 494 Exported Function
tmpfile 489 Exported Function
time 488 Exported Function
tolower 491 Exported Function
tmpnam 490 Exported Function
strftime 469 Exported Function
strerror 468 Exported Function
strncat 471 Exported Function
strlen 470 Exported Function
strcoll 465 Exported Function
strcmp 464 Exported Function
strcspn 467 Exported Function
strcpy 466 Exported Function
strstr 477 Exported Function
strspn 476 Exported Function
strtok 479 Exported Function
strtod 478 Exported Function
strncpy 473 Exported Function
strncmp 472 Exported Function
strrchr 475 Exported Function
strpbrk 474 Exported Function
ungetwc 496 Exported Function
wcsspn 516 Exported Function
wcsrchr 515 Exported Function
wcstod 518 Exported Function
wcsstr 517 Exported Function
wcsncmp 512 Exported Function
wcsncat 511 Exported Function
wcspbrk 514 Exported Function
wcsncpy 513 Exported Function
wctomb 524 Exported Function
wcsxfrm 523 Exported Function
wscanf 526 Exported Function
wprintf 525 Exported Function
wcstol 520 Exported Function
wcstok 519 Exported Function
wcstoul 522 Exported Function
wcstombs 521 Exported Function
vsprintf 500 Exported Function
vprintf 499 Exported Function
vwprintf 502 Exported Function
vswprintf 501 Exported Function
vfwprintf 498 Exported Function
vfprintf 497 Exported Function
void __cdecl operator delete(void *) 2 Exported Function
void * __cdecl operator new(unsigned int) 1 Exported Function
wcscspn 508 Exported Function
wcscpy 507 Exported Function
wcslen 510 Exported Function
wcsftime 509 Exported Function
wcschr 504 Exported Function
wcscat 503 Exported Function
wcscoll 506 Exported Function
wcscmp 505 Exported Function
strchr 463 Exported Function
labs 419 Exported Function
isxdigit 418 Exported Function
ldiv 421 Exported Function
ldexp 420 Exported Function
iswspace 415 Exported Function
iswpunct 414 Exported Function
iswxdigit 417 Exported Function
iswupper 416 Exported Function
malloc 427 Exported Function
longjmp 426 Exported Function
mbstowcs 429 Exported Function
mblen 428 Exported Function
localtime 423 Exported Function
localeconv 422 Exported Function
log10 425 Exported Function
log 424 Exported Function
isspace 403 Exported Function
ispunct 402 Exported Function
iswalnum 405 Exported Function
isupper 404 Exported Function
isleadbyte 399 Exported Function
isgraph 398 Exported Function
isprint 401 Exported Function
islower 400 Exported Function
iswgraph 411 Exported Function
iswdigit 410 Exported Function
iswprint 413 Exported Function
iswlower 412 Exported Function
iswascii 407 Exported Function
iswalpha 406 Exported Function
iswctype 409 Exported Function
iswcntrl 408 Exported Function
mbtowc 430 Exported Function
setbuf 452 Exported Function
scanf 451 Exported Function
setvbuf 454 Exported Function
setlocale 453 Exported Function
remove 448 Exported Function
realloc 447 Exported Function
rewind 450 Exported Function
rename 449 Exported Function
srand 460 Exported Function
sqrt 459 Exported Function
strcat 462 Exported Function
sscanf 461 Exported Function
sin 456 Exported Function
signal 455 Exported Function
sprintf 458 Exported Function
sinh 457 Exported Function
mktime 436 Exported Function
memset 435 Exported Function
perror 438 Exported Function
modf 437 Exported Function
memcmp 432 Exported Function
memchr 431 Exported Function
memmove 434 Exported Function
memcpy 433 Exported Function
qsort 444 Exported Function
puts 443 Exported Function
rand 446 Exported Function
raise 445 Exported Function
printf 440 Exported Function
pow 439 Exported Function
putchar 442 Exported Function
putc 441 Exported Function
_fgetwchar 93 Exported Function
_fgetchar 92 Exported Function
_fileinfo_dll 95 Exported Function
_filbuf 94 Exported Function
_fcloseall 89 Exported Function
_expand 88 Exported Function
_fdopen 91 Exported Function
_fcvt 90 Exported Function
_finite 101 Exported Function
_findnext 100 Exported Function
_flushall 103 Exported Function
_flsbuf 102 Exported Function
_fileno 97 Exported Function
_filelength 96 Exported Function
_findfirst 99 Exported Function
_findclose 98 Exported Function
_errno 77 Exported Function
_eof 76 Exported Function
_execl 79 Exported Function
_except_handler2 78 Exported Function
_ecvt 73 Exported Function
_dup2 72 Exported Function
_environ_dll 75 Exported Function
_endthread 74 Exported Function
_execvp 85 Exported Function
_execve 84 Exported Function
_exit 87 Exported Function
_execvpe 86 Exported Function
_execlp 81 Exported Function
_execle 80 Exported Function
_execv 83 Exported Function
_execlpe 82 Exported Function
_fmode_dll 104 Exported Function
_getpid 126 Exported Function
_getdrives 125 Exported Function
_getw 128 Exported Function
_getsystime 127 Exported Function
_getdiskfree 122 Exported Function
_getdcwd 121 Exported Function
_getdrive 124 Exported Function
_getdllprocaddr 123 Exported Function
_HUGE_dll 20 Exported Function
_heapwalk 133 Exported Function
_initterm 135 Exported Function
_hypot 134 Exported Function
_heapchk 130 Exported Function
_global_unwind2 129 Exported Function
_heapset 132 Exported Function
_heapmin 131 Exported Function
_fsopen 110 Exported Function
_fputwchar 109 Exported Function
_ftime 112 Exported Function
_fstat 111 Exported Function
_fpieee_flt 106 Exported Function
_fpclass 105 Exported Function
_fputchar 108 Exported Function
_fpreset 107 Exported Function
_getch 118 Exported Function
_get_osfhandle 117 Exported Function
_getcwd 120 Exported Function
_getche 119 Exported Function
_fullpath 114 Exported Function
_ftol 113 Exported Function
_gcvt 116 Exported Function
_futime 115 Exported Function
_dup 71 Exported Function
_baseminor_dll 43 Exported Function
_basemajor_dll 42 Exported Function
_beep 45 Exported Function
_baseversion_dll 44 Exported Function
_aexit_rtn_dll 39 Exported Function
_acmdln_dll 38 Exported Function
_assert 41 Exported Function
_amsg_exit 40 Exported Function
_chdir 51 Exported Function
_cgets 50 Exported Function
_chgsign 53 Exported Function
_chdrive 52 Exported Function
_c_exit 47 Exported Function
_beginthread 46 Exported Function
_cexit 49 Exported Function
_cabs 48 Exported Function
__GetMainArgs 22 Exported Function
__fpecode 27 Exported Function
__iscsym 29 Exported Function
__isascii 28 Exported Function
__argv_dll 24 Exported Function
__argc_dll 23 Exported Function
__doserrno 26 Exported Function
__dllonexit 25 Exported Function
__toascii 35 Exported Function
__threadid 34 Exported Function
_access 37 Exported Function
_abnormal_termination 36 Exported Function
__mb_cur_max_dll 31 Exported Function
__iscsymf 30 Exported Function
__threadhandle 33 Exported Function
__pxcptinfoptrs 32 Exported Function
_chmod 54 Exported Function
_control87 60 Exported Function
_commode_dll 59 Exported Function
_copysign 62 Exported Function
_controlfp 61 Exported Function
_clearfp 56 Exported Function
_CItanh 19 Exported Function
_commit 58 Exported Function
_close 57 Exported Function
_ctype 68 Exported Function
_cscanf 67 Exported Function
_daylight_dll 70 Exported Function
_cwait 69 Exported Function
_cpumode_dll 64 Exported Function
_cprintf 63 Exported Function
_creat 66 Exported Function
_cputs 65 Exported Function
_CIcos 8 Exported Function
_CIatan2 7 Exported Function
_CIexp 10 Exported Function
_CIcosh 9 Exported Function
_CIacos 4 Exported Function
_chsize 55 Exported Function
_CIatan 6 Exported Function
_CIasin 5 Exported Function
_CIsinh 16 Exported Function
_CIsin 15 Exported Function
_CItan 18 Exported Function
_CIsqrt 17 Exported Function
_CIlog 12 Exported Function
_CIfmod 11 Exported Function
_CIpow 14 Exported Function
_CIlog10 13 Exported Function
_iob 136 Exported Function
_mbsrev 224 Exported Function
_mbsrchr 223 Exported Function
_mbsspn 226 Exported Function
_mbsset 225 Exported Function
_mbsninc 220 Exported Function
_mbsnicmp 219 Exported Function
_mbspbrk 222 Exported Function
_mbsnset 221 Exported Function
_memccpy 232 Exported Function
_mbsupr 231 Exported Function
_mkdir 234 Exported Function
_memicmp 233 Exported Function
_mbsstr 228 Exported Function
_mbsspnp 227 Exported Function
_mbstrlen 230 Exported Function
_mbstok 229 Exported Function
_mbsnbcat 208 Exported Function
_mbslwr 207 Exported Function
_mbsnbcnt 210 Exported Function
_mbsnbcmp 209 Exported Function
_mbsicmp 204 Exported Function
_mbsdup 203 Exported Function
_mbslen 206 Exported Function
_mbsinc 205 Exported Function
_mbsncmp 216 Exported Function
_mbsnccnt 215 Exported Function
_mbsnextc 218 Exported Function
_mbsncpy 217 Exported Function
_mbsnbicmp 212 Exported Function
_mbsnbcpy 211 Exported Function
_mbsncat 214 Exported Function
_mbsnbset 213 Exported Function
_mktemp 235 Exported Function
_rmdir 257 Exported Function
_read 256 Exported Function
_rotl 259 Exported Function
_rmtmp 258 Exported Function
_putenv 253 Exported Function
_putch 252 Exported Function
_pwctype_dll 255 Exported Function
_putw 254 Exported Function
_setmode 265 Exported Function
_setjmp 264 Exported Function
_sleep 267 Exported Function
_setsystime 266 Exported Function
_scalb 261 Exported Function
_rotr 260 Exported Function
_seterrormode 263 Exported Function
_searchenv 262 Exported Function
_osmajor_dll 241 Exported Function
_open_osfhandle 240 Exported Function
_osmode_dll 243 Exported Function
_osminor_dll 242 Exported Function
_nextafter 237 Exported Function
_msize 236 Exported Function
_open 239 Exported Function
_onexit 238 Exported Function
_pipe 249 Exported Function
_pgmptr_dll 248 Exported Function
_purecall 251 Exported Function
_popen 250 Exported Function
_osversion_dll 245 Exported Function
_osver_dll 244 Exported Function
_pctype_dll 247 Exported Function
_pclose 246 Exported Function
_mbsdec 202 Exported Function
_ismbcprint 158 Exported Function
_ismbclower 157 Exported Function
_ismbcsymbol 160 Exported Function
_ismbcspace 159 Exported Function
_ismbcl1 154 Exported Function
_ismbcl0 153 Exported Function
_ismbclegal 156 Exported Function
_ismbcl2 155 Exported Function
_itow 166 Exported Function
_itoa 165 Exported Function
_j1 168 Exported Function
_j0 167 Exported Function
_ismbslead 162 Exported Function
_ismbcupper 161 Exported Function
_isnan 164 Exported Function
_ismbstrail 163 Exported Function
_ismbbkalnum 142 Exported Function
_ismbbgraph 141 Exported Function
_ismbbkpunct 144 Exported Function
_ismbbkana 143 Exported Function
_isctype 138 Exported Function
_isatty 137 Exported Function
_ismbbalpha 140 Exported Function
_ismbbalnum 139 Exported Function
_ismbcdigit 150 Exported Function
_ismbcalpha 149 Exported Function
_ismbckata 152 Exported Function
_ismbchira 151 Exported Function
_ismbbprint 146 Exported Function
_ismbblead 145 Exported Function
_ismbbtrail 148 Exported Function
_ismbbpunct 147 Exported Function
_jn 169 Exported Function
_mbctokata 191 Exported Function
_mbctohira 190 Exported Function
_mbctombb 193 Exported Function
_mbctolower 192 Exported Function
_mbcjistojms 187 Exported Function
_mbccpy 186 Exported Function
_mbclen 189 Exported Function
_mbcjmstojis 188 Exported Function
_mbscmp 199 Exported Function
_mbschr 198 Exported Function
_mbscspn 201 Exported Function
_mbscpy 200 Exported Function
_mbctype 195 Exported Function
_mbctoupper 194 Exported Function
_mbscat 197 Exported Function
_mbsbtype 196 Exported Function
_logb 175 Exported Function
_locking 174 Exported Function
_lrotr 177 Exported Function
_lrotl 176 Exported Function
_lfind 171 Exported Function
_kbhit 170 Exported Function
_local_unwind2 173 Exported Function
_loaddll 172 Exported Function
_matherr 183 Exported Function
_makepath 182 Exported Function
_mbbtype 185 Exported Function
_mbbtombc 184 Exported Function
_lseek 179 Exported Function
_lsearch 178 Exported Function
_ltow 181 Exported Function
_ltoa 180 Exported Function


  • Status: Signature verified.
  • Serial: 3300000266BD1580EFA75CD6D3000000000266
  • Thumbprint: A4341B9FD50FB9964283220A36A1EF6F6FAA7840
  • Issuer: CN=Microsoft Windows Production PCA 2011, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US
  • Subject: CN=Microsoft Windows, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US

File Metadata

  • Original Filename: CRTDLL.DLL
  • Product Name: Microsoft Windows NT(TM) Operating System
  • Company Name: Microsoft Corporation
  • File Version: 4.00
  • Product Version: 4.00
  • Language: English (United States)
  • Legal Copyright: Copyright Microsoft Corp. 1981-1995
  • Machine Type: 32-bit

File Scan

  • VirusTotal Detections: 0/70
  • VirusTotal Link:

Possible Misuse

The following table contains possible examples of crtdll.dll being misused. While crtdll.dll is not inherently malicious, its legitimate functionality can be abused for malicious purposes.

Source Source File Example License
signature-base apt_hackingteam_rules.yar $s6 = “CRTDLL.DLL” fullword ascii CC BY-NC 4.0
signature-base apt_hackingteam_rules.yar $x1 = “CRTDLL.DLL” fullword ascii CC BY-NC 4.0
signature-base exploit_cve_2015_2426.yar $s4 = “CRTDLL.DLL” fullword ascii CC BY-NC 4.0
signature-base gen_cn_hacktools.yar $s2 = “CRTDLL.DLL” fullword ascii CC BY-NC 4.0
signature-base thor-hacktools.yar $s2 = “CRTDLL.DLL” fullword ascii CC BY-NC 4.0
signature-base thor-hacktools.yar $s1 = “CRTDLL.DLL” fullword ascii CC BY-NC 4.0
signature-base thor-hacktools.yar $s3 = “CRTDLL.DLL” ascii fullword CC BY-NC 4.0
signature-base thor-hacktools.yar $s5 = “CRTDLL.dll” fullword ascii CC BY-NC 4.0

MIT License. Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Strontic.